How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (2024)

Learn how to crochet the V stitch in this easy tutorial for beginners!

This fun stitch uses double crochet stitches and is a perfect for beginners or anyone who is looking for a relaxing and mindless crochet stitch pattern.

Want to remember this?Post this crochet V Stitch tutorial to your favorite DIY Pinterest board!

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (1)

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In your search for a free pattern for crochet baby blankets and other projects, you’ve probably seen the V stitch used quite a bit. It’s a popular stitch because it’s easy to make and it has a really nice texture.

There are a few different versions of the V stitch, but for this stitch pattern tutorial we’ll be doing the classic double crochet v-stitch.

What is the V Stitch

The V stitch is a single row repeat, which means each row you just repeat the same process over and over.

Patterns like that are awesome because you can get into mindless crochet mode and not have to worry about counting or remembering what row your on.

It’s similar to the Spider stitch and can be used for the same types of projects.

Instead of working into a chain space, we’ll be working right in the space between the 2 double crochet stitches from the last row.

This makes the V shape this stitch is known for.

It also makes it super easy to do without much brain power, which is great if you want a relaxing crochet project.

How to Crochet the V Stitch for Beginners

To make the v stitch, you’ll need to know the following crochet skills:

  • chain
  • double crochet

Pretty easy, right? It’s a great stitch for beginners!

Projects You Can Make with the V Stitch

This stitch is great for projects that can have a lacy texture.

Crocheted baby blankets, throws, scarves, sweaters, or throw pillows definitely work well with the v stitch, and you could also use it for lots of other projects.

I wouldn’t recommend it for something like a trivet or hot pad because of the open stitch pattern.

It’s a versatile stitch and since it’s so easy to make you can test it out with lots of different projects!

Supplies You’ll Need

In this sample, I’m using Bernat Home Dec yarn and a size 8.0 mm hook (Clover Amour).

You can use any yarn for this pattern with the appropriate hook size for that yarn.

A yarn with lots of definition will show off the pretty texture the best.

V Stitch Crochet Tutorial

Check out the video tutorial for this stitch over on my YouTube channel Yarn Stash with Marching North, and don’t forget to subscribe!


  • Ch = chain
  • Dc = double crochet
  • St = stitch

Pattern is in US terms.

Skill level = beginner

Foundation Chain (or Starting Chain)

To start, you’re going to make a slip knot and attach the yarn to your crochet hook.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (2)

Then make a chain that is a multiple of 2 plus 2. So an even number of stitches, and then just add two more.

For this example, I chained 16 times.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (3)

Row 1

Work two double crochet stitches into the 4th chain from your hook.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (4)

To do a double crochet (dc), yarn over, insert your hook into the 4th chain and pull up a loop. You’ll have three loops on your hook.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (5)
How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (6)
How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (7)

Yarn over, you’re going to bring it through two of those loops.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (8)

Yarn over one more time and bring it through both loops on the hook.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (9)

Repeat that process to make another dc in the same chain.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (10)

That’s your first V-stitch. It’s just a cluster of two double crochets in the same stitch.

Skip the next chain and make a V stitch in the next chain.

Continue making v stitches all the way down the row until you have two chains left.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (12)

Once you only have two chains left, skip the first one, and then make one dc in the last ch.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (13)

Turn your work.

Row 2

Chain 3.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (14)

Double crochet right in between the two dc stitches of the first v stitch we made in the previous row.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (15)

So you’re not working into in the top of the stitch, you’re working in between the first dc and next dc stitches.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (16)

Continue making v stitches in the middle of each v stitch from the previous row.

Once you make a v stitch in the last v stitch of the row, make one dc in the top of the turning chain at the end of the row.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (17)

This is the final stitch of the row. Turn.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (18)

Repeat row 2 for the next row and all the rest.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (19)

In Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for the crochet V stitch!

This stitch makes a lacy fabric that’s a little bit open, so keep that in mind when you’re choosing which projects to use it on.

How to Crochet the V Stitch (Step By Step) (20)

It works great for blankets and it can also be used for sweaters, scarves, pillows, hats, and lots of other items.

Happy crocheting!

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.