What’s A “Boo Basket”? Everything To Know About This Halloween Trend - SmartParentingSkills.com (2024)

If you’ve been on the parenting side of TikTok or Instagram lately, you’ve probably heard reference to “boo baskets.” In which case you may be wondering, uh, what are they? Is this another one of those holiday things you’ll start and immediately regret? (Looking at you, Elf on the Shelf.) These are valid questions — and I fell down the rabbit hole to find the answers so you wouldn’t have to.

So, what is a boo basket? The idea is pretty straightforward: a fall or Halloween-themed Easter basket. Yes, really. And yes, for many parents, this concept will seem excessive. Wasn’t your kid’s birthday just last week? Haven’t we reached that special time of year where every “I want” is met with “Ask Santa”?

As it turns out, these things are not mutually exclusive. Both can be true. For many kiddos, Christmas feels so far away, and their birthdays are even farther away. Plus, as any parent now knows, Halloween is no longer entirely about candy and costumes. There are themed books, stuffies, cups, and even fall or Halloween-themed outfits. Getting those at Christmas or for a June birthday would render them practically useless.

Enter: boo baskets. When do you give them, though, and what, exactly, do you put in boo baskets? The decision is open to personal preference, which makes it all the more fun. Boo baskets aren’t mandatory — they’re not even the “norm.” But if you’re thinking of giving them a try, here’s what you need to know.

When do you give boo baskets?

The timing for boo baskets is entirely subjective. It’s not exactly logical to gift a bunch of Halloween treats on the day of Halloween. Beyond that, anything goes. Some moms have a tradition of gifting boo baskets the week before Halloween or during the first of October. That way, your little goblin has plenty of time to enjoy their spooky spoils. Other moms hand over their boo basket at random. It’s a great way to perk up a sick or sad kid or turn around a bad day.

Unlike Elf on the Shelf, where rules run the show, the land of boo baskets is lawless. You do you, moms. If you’re giving boo baskets, give them at a time that makes the most sense for your family.

What do you put in a boo basket?

The sky is the limit! The general idea is to go with special fall or Halloween gifts you can’t find all year. However, not everything needs to be witchy. An overarching fall-color scheme can also help pull a boo basket together. Need more specific inspo? Keep reading.

For Little Kids

Let’s be real: Little kids love and want ~everything.~ One lap around Target, and they’ll give you hundreds of ideas. If you’re adding-to-cart from home, try:

  • Halloween cups
  • Halloween books
  • Kid-friendly, slightly spooky movie
  • A fall or Halloween-themed shirt or PJs
  • Limited edition Halloween-themed stuffies, like Slumberkins or Squishmallows
  • Fidgets
  • Grow your own mummy
  • Fall-flavored snacks
  • Fuzzy slippers
  • Glow-in-the-dark anything
  • Sticky spider webs

For Big Kids and Teens

Older kids and teens can often feel hard to buy for. One minute, they love something; the next, they’re “too old” for it. Your tween or teen may not want a boo basket at all… or they might sulk if you devote boo baskets to just the littles in your life. There are always ways to make them happy, though. Especially when you load up a boo basket with these.

  • Fuzzy warm boots, booties, or slippers
  • Cabin or Halloween-themed socks
  • Bath & Body Works Halloween or fall-scented candles
  • A scary movie
  • A creepy mask
  • Halloween makeup
  • Nail polish
  • Starbucks gift card for a PSL
  • Fall snacks
  • Chapsticks in fall flavors
  • Scarf
  • “Hot hands”
  • Water bottle stickers

Your Partner

Some couples don’t do gifts, some prefer to downright spoil each other, and many are somewhere in the middle. If you want to put together a grown-up boo basket, try these:

  • DIY PSL kit (coffee, pumpkin spice creamer, whipped cream, and a new mug)
  • That new pair of warm clogs or boots they’ve been coveting
  • Friday night lights tickets
  • Movie theater tickets
  • A fall or Halloween movie you both love
  • A cozy new blanket
  • Merch for your favorite football team
  • A spooky new book
  • A new, fall-colored tumbler
  • Starbucks or Dunkin gift card
  • Crystals if your partner considers this “kitchen witch” season

You get the gist. And, remember, if you don’t want to fuss over a boo basket, don’t. Not everyone has the time, energy, or budget to add yet another seasonal gimmick to their agenda. If you do, that’s cool, too. We’re all grownups here —we do what we want.

What’s A “Boo Basket”? Everything To Know About This Halloween Trend - SmartParentingSkills.com (2024)


What is the history of the boo basket? ›

It's basically a Halloween hamper packed with goodies for the spookiest night of the year. Originally, it was a fun way to give gifts to friends and family. Once they'd been 'boo'd', they then passed on the tradition, making a boo basket for someone else.

What are the rules for the boo basket? ›

Really, there are no rules. A Boo Basket is simply just an act of kindness meant to bring a smile to someone's face.

How do boo baskets work? ›

The idea behind “booing” is that one person leaves a basket or bag of treats on someone's doorstep with a note and a “boo” sign. The recipient then refills the basket with treats. They then include a similar or the same sign and secretly deliver it to another neighbor who hasn't been “booed” yet.

Why do people say boo on Halloween? ›

“Sort of fitting for Halloween,” Stamper noted. Boo is a word used in the North of Scotland to frighten crying children. Harsh. At some point along the way, “boo” ― or, more accurately, “bo” and boh” ― became attached to ghosts.

What is getting booed Halloween? ›

What does that mean, and what happens next? A Halloween BOO is a gift or treat left anonymously by a friend, family member, or neighbor at your front door. Once you've been BOO'd, hang the “We've been BOOd!” sign on your front door to let everyone know you've already received your Halloween surprise.

Do you have to ask for Boo bucket? ›

You can get a Boo Bucket by placing a Happy Meal order either in the restaurant or through the app.

Is the Boo basket a Happy Meal? ›

Boo Buckets were introduced to hungry Happy Meal customers in 1986. There were three designs: McPunk'n, McBoo, and McGoblin, styled after traditional jack-o'-lanterns and available only in the color orange.

What is a boo box on TikTok? ›

Think of it like an Easter hamper or a Christmas Eve box – it's filled with treats to help you celebrate the season.

How long do Boo buckets last? ›

How long is McDonald's selling Boo Buckets? McDonald's locations around the country will sell Boo Buckets for two weeks, the company said, from Oct. 17 until around Oct. 31, while supplies last.

How do you make a you've been booed basket? ›

It's simple! You choose two neighbors, leave a basket of Halloween goodies on their doorstep, ring the doorbell and RUN! Inside the baskets are treats, little Halloween gifts and You've Been Booed instructions for the neighbors to keep the "boo" going.

What is in a Halloween Boo bucket? ›

How do you get the McDonald's Halloween box? You can get a Boo Bucket by placing a Happy Meal order either in the restaurant or through the app. There are three different options to choose from for entrees including Chicken McNuggets, a hamburger or cheeseburger with a side of fries or apple slices and a drink.

What's in a boo basket for wife? ›

What to put in a boo basket?
  • Basket. You'll need a large enough basket (or container) to hold all of your goodies. ...
  • Cozy item. It's not fall if it's not cozy! ...
  • Mug. Fall is all about the hot drinks and you can't have hot drinks without a mug. ...
  • Drinks. A drink mix for the mug. ...
  • Treats. ...
  • Plushie.
Oct 20, 2023

What to put in a burr basket? ›

Q: What should I put in a burr basket? A: You can put in anything you'd like! Some popular items include cozy socks, hot cocoa mix, scented candles, plush blankets, and tasty treats. Get creative and personalize it for the recipient's tastes.

What is in a boo bag? ›

Here are the essentials of the Boo bag: treats (of course), the poem/instructions, and a ghost (because ghosts say “boo”, clever, I know). Pretty simple, right? So there is lots of room for creativity! If you search around online you will find a bunch of versions of the rhyme, instructions and door sign.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.