Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A New Journey, in a New City! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: A Mysterious Disappearance at the Floccesy Ranch! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Nate's Pummeling Fumble! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Roxie's Toxic Strategies! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: A Battle Straight Out of the Movies! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Skirmishes in the Sewers! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: New Friends, in Unexpected Places! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: The Absent-Minded Artist's Folly! Chapter Text Chapter 9: The Raid of Relic Castle! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Training in the Avenue of Artists! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: An Electrifying Gym Battle! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: The Frigid Future of Unova! Chapter Text Chapter 13: Iris to the Rescue! Chapter Text Chapter 14: The Monumental Melting of Team Plasma! Chapter Text Chapter 15: The Former Champion's Return! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Kyurem's Full Power - Revealed! Chapter Text Chapter 17: Of Stones and Souls Chapter Text Chapter 18: The Birth of the New Fusion Technique! Behold, the Powers of the DNA Splicers!! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Benga's Return! Drayden vs. Benga - Who will Reign Supreme, in the Draconic Struggle? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: A Clash of Fusions! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Bringing the Movies to Life - Colress' Experiment! Chapter Text Chapter 22: A Trainer's best weapon... Chapter Text Chapter 23: Revelations at the Ravaged Lab Chapter Text Chapter 24: A Duel for the Sages Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: A Collision of Ambitions Chapter Text Chapter 26: Ceecee's Return Chapter Text Chapter 27: An Old Man's Peace Chapter Text Chapter 28: A Tyrant's End Chapter Text Chapter 29: A Gym Battle of the Generations! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: The Beast, vs. The Machine! Chapter Text Chapter 31: The Underwater Atrocities of Team Plasma! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: The Re-Unification of the Remaining Sages Chapter Text Chapter 33: Hugh's Tenuous Temper Chapter Text Chapter 34: Hilbert's Folly Chapter Text Chapter 35: White Kyurem No More - The Battle of Fate! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Hilbert the Hostage! Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: The Triad's Trap Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: The Absolute Expirations Chapter Text Chapter 39: A New Future, and a New Fate Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: A Triad No More? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: The End of an Era...and the Beginning of Another Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: A New Journey, in a New City!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Nate watches the streets of Unova pass by him, for hours, as his father, Driftveil City’s Gym Leader, Clay, drives him in his trusty ol’ pickup truck over to Aspertia City. Clay, himself, grapples with the fact that he’d finally be letting his son go out on the adventure he’d been hoping to make for well over two years at this point, as he stays silent for the entire truck ride…until now.*

Nate, finally breaking his silence: Come on, dad…I know you’ve been avoiding the subject for two years now, ever since I got my first two Pokemon from Hilbert, all that time ago. The reason you never let me go on my own journey until now…was because of Team Plasma, right?

Clay, hesitating for a moment: Mhm. Ya see…when ya told me that Hilbert told ya to talk to that Cheren kid after ‘is own house went up in flames, I did jus’ that. And ya know what he told me?

Nate, shaking his head: No…what?

Clay, hesitating for another moment: He told me…he didn’t think it was safe for a rookie Trainer like you to be startin’ on adventure, with Team Plasma still at large.

Nate, sounding outraged: What?! He knows just like everyone else that Team Plasma’s barely shown their face in what…two years now? Does he know something about them that the rest of Unova doesn’t or what?!

Clay, sighing: Knowing that kid, probably, but that ain’t the point. The real point was…I didn’t think you were ready. And if I’m bein’ honest…I still don’t think you’re entirely ready.

Nate, shaking his head: Why not?! You’ve seen me keep both Snivy and Purrloin happy for two years straight now, right? They’ve been wanting to battle for ages, but you never let us! What gives?!

Clay, shaking his head: It’s called hero-worship, son. You idolize that boy, Hilbert…but if ya ask me, you really should be tryin’ to find your own style, ‘stead of tryin’ to copy someone else’s. Still…he did become Champion, so I reckon there are worse people out there to try and copy…Arceus knows there’s plenty of them out there, these days.

Nate, shrugging: Well…can you blame me? It’s thanks to him that we haven’t needed to worry about Team Plasma for two years now!

Clay, sighing: Kid…you really think N was the only mastermind behind that Plasma lot? He ain’t the one you should be worried about. It’s his old man that he battled after him, that you should be frettin’ over.

Nate, crossing his arms: Well, if he’s such a treat, why hasn’t he made his presence known, in these past two years, then?

Clay, shaking his head: Waitin’ until the time is right to strike, I reckon. It’s always the quiet ones you gotta worry about. Jus’ like your mother. …Anyway, looks like we’re here. Give my regards to Bianca when you meet her then, alright?

Nate, looking surprised: Wait…don’t you want to go meet her for yourself? You’re the Champion of Unova after all, since N went and disappeared, so I doubt she’d mind getting to see you again.

Clay, hiding his face behind his hat: My…uh…allergies are actin’ up today. Probably best for you to go in for yourself…before I change my mind on the whole thing altogether.

Nate, hopping out of the truck, confusedly: Uh…okay. See you later then, dad…

Clay, letting his tears run, now that he’d seen Nate enter the Trainer Registration building: Seeya later…son.

*Inside the building, Nate sees a long line of kids, most of them looking about a couple years younger than him, all lining up to get their Trainer IDs. That was, except one girl standing off to the side, scrolling through what looked to be Unova’s version of the Pokedex device, as her Snivy watched.*

Nate, thinking to himself: Wow…she’s really cute…and unlike most of the kids here, she almost looks closer to my age than them! This line’s really long, too…maybe I should just…go and talk to her! Yeah, I’ll-

*As Nate begins walking towards her, he ends up not paying much attention to his surroundings, as he runs into another boy, almost looking older than either of them, wth spiky blue hair, wearing a red jumpsuit.*

Boy that Nate ran into: Hey, watch it, kid! Do you not have eyes, or what?

Nate, trying to regain his composure, from being distracted by the girl he’d secretly been focused on: Oh, uh…sorry about that.

Boy, spitting to the ground: Well, here’s some unsolicited advice from me - if you seriously plan on becoming a Pokemon Trainer…keep your damn eyes open, huh? You never know just when Team Plasma will come back, and they’ll make sure you regret being weak!

Nate, sounding flabbergasted: Weak?! I don’t even have my Trainer ID yet, so how could you-

Boy, looking at him in disgust: -Exactly! You’re just some noob, who those people would just LOVE taking advantage of. I should know, because I used to be one too! But not anymore…never again…because I’m going to show everyone just how powerful I can be! I swear…everyone in Unova will know my name…the name of Hugh…someday soon!!

Nate, chuckling: …Hugh?! Seriously? As in…Hugh Neutron?

Hugh, scowling, as a group of other kids around them start laughing: S-shut up!! Trust me kid, if we run into each other again, once you have some proper Pokemon…I’ll make you regret those words!! Ugh…

*Once he’d gone off, Nate properly takes his place in line, until he manages to make it to where Bianca was sitting, with Unova’s three starter Pokemon sitting on the table with her.*

Bianca, beaming: Oh, hey, I think I’ve met you before! Your Clay’s kid, aren’t you?

Nate, chuckling with nervousness: Y-yeah, actually! How did you know…?

Bianca with a grin on her face: Well, let’s just say I’ve been all around Unova once or twice. Besides, Hilbert’s talked about you too, you know?

Nate, as his eyes widen: Wait…he has?! W-what’d he say about me?

Bianca, shrugging: Well…I don’t want it going to your head or anything, so…maybe I‘ll save it for another time. Regardless…you already have a Snivy thanks to him, don’t you? Something tells me I can probably guess which of these three you’ll pick as your starter. Tepig, am I right?

Nate, nodding: Yeah! Hilbert has one of them, too! And if I wanna be an awesome Champion like him, I may as well pick one of the best, right?

Bianca, nodding: Tepig can certainly be powerful when they evolve, that’s for sure! Well, enjoy your new friend, ate! Oh, and don’t forget to pick up your Trainer ID, too!

*Nate nods, and takes one, before saying goodbye to Bianca.*

Nate, thinking to himself: Well, I have three Pokemon now, which probably puts me way ahead of anyone else in here! Maybe I can show them off to that girl from before, and- oh no…she’s gone!!

*Nate runs outside in hopes of catching up to his new-found crush, only to be crushed by disappointment, upon not seeing her around anywhere.*

Nate, thinking to himself: Well…this sucks. Maybe she’s challenging the Gym out here? I guess I could check in there, and see if she’s inside…

*Going inside, he asks the first Trainer he finds inside if he’d seen any girl wearing the outfit that he’d seen before.*

Youngster trainer, shaking his head: Haven’t seen any girls in here today yet. Other than you, maybe.

Nate, rolling his eyes: Haha, real funny. I think I’ll just go and check out Route 19, and see if she headed off to Floccesy Town, and-

Youngster trainer holding up his palm: W-wait a sec! You can’t just leave now!

Nate, sounding confused: Huh?! And why’s that?

Youngster trainer, grinning: Well, our eyes met, didn’t they? That means we’ve gotta have ourselves a Pokemon battle now!

Nate, shaking his head: Seriously?! I don’t have time for that! I have a girl to find!

Youngster trainer, refusing to be reasoned with: It’s too late to back out now! Rattata, unleash your Hyper Fang attack on this hopeless romantic!

Nate, looking annoyed: Hopeless?! I’ll show you hopeless! Snivy, hit it with your Vine Whips!

*As Snivy tries in vain to hit Rattata with his whips, but the wily rat only manages to bite away his Vines each time they neared him.*

Nate, shaking his head: Alright, new strategy - Tackle it instead, Snivy!

Youngster, grinning: You’re making it too easy, now! Hyper Fang, again!!

*Snivy goes in for an attempt at smothering the little Rattata, only to get viciously bitten instead, and fainting for his efforts.*

Nate, frowning: Okay…Tepig, you’re turn to shine. Unleash an Ember, to burn that rat up!

Youngster, pointing towards the Fire-type: Rattata, dash past it, with Pursuit, then hit it with a Hyper Fang, before they can respond!

*Tepig fires out a small Ember from his nose, which Rattata easily dashes past, while in hot Pursuit of Tepig. Once he manages to get in close, he goes in for a nasty Hyper Fang, taking Tepig out embarrassingly quickly.*

Nate, frowning: Well…Purrloins like eating rodents, right? Scratch it up, Purrloin!

Youngster, chuckling: Unreal…be honest, this has to be your first real battle, right? Use Hyper Fang on it’s paws, as it goes in for the swipes!

*Purrloin goes into a number of attempts at scratching the rodent…only to be met with a Hyper Fang each time. Eventually, Purrloin ends up fainting from exhaustion, netting the Youngster his victory.*

Youngster, looking quite conceited over himself: Alright, Rattata! That’s another one for the books! Cheren’s gonna love to hear about this one!

Nate, sounding surprised: Wait…you know Cheren too?!

Youngster, mocking him: Um, duh?! He’s only the Gym Leader of this Gym here! Can’t you read, idiot?

Nate, shaking his head: Ugh, I don’t have time for this. I need to heal up my Pokemon right now, before I end up never seeing that girl again!

Youngster, bending his arms in an attempt to look like a flapping Vullaby: Aw, is the little baby never gonna find his girlfriend? Vul vul VUL!!!

Nate, shaking his head: You know…you really are annoying, huh? Do you even have any friends?

Youngster, looking offended: O-of course I do…! Ask around time, and people will be like, “Oh, that Joey guy? He’s the coolest guy in town!”

Nate, rolling his eyes: Yeah…somehow, I think I doubt that.


Nate's Current Team:
Snivy (Vine Whip, Tackle)
Purrloin (Scratch)
Tepig (Ember)

Chapter 2: A Mysterious Disappearance at the Floccesy Ranch!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*After getting his Pokemon healed up at the Pokemon Center, Nate looks down at the Town Map his father had given him, before he left, as he carefully observes which trees to pass, to end up at Floccesy Town quickest, in hopes of seeing the girl from before again. However, while focusing so hard on the map, he realized he’d managed to run straight into someone else again, embarrassingly enough.*

Nate, shaking his head from the impact: Oww…sorry, sir, that was my fault-

*Nate’s mouth suddenly stops moving, upon noticing that he’d manage to run into none other than Alder - Unova’s longest-reigning Champion!*

Alder, chuckling, upon noticing who had run into him: Well, Clay’s son, eh? Long time no see, lad! I take it your father finally decided to let you loose on a real Pokemon journey?

Nate, having trouble finding words to speak: U-uh…yeah…

Alder, chuckling: Well, how about that! I’d offer to let you train in a few practice battles with me, but…alas, I already gave the offer to this other freshly-certified Trainer girl…around your age, actually!

Nate, coming back to his senses: Wait…you saw a girl about my age?! I…I was looking for her! If…you know, she’s the same girl, and everything…

Alder, grinning: Well, lucky for you, I actually sent her off to go check on a problem that some friends of mine were having up north in Floccesy Ranch. It’s probably nothing important, but, if you manage to catch up to her…could you tell her I may have to postpone her training for another day? Something came up that I must attend to, I’m afraid.

Nate, nodding eagerly: Uh…yeah, sure! That’s great…I’ll let her know for you!

Alder, nodding: Fantastic! Well, until we meet again, Nate, best wishes!


*Nate travels up north a few miles, until he reaches the Ranch that Alder had mentioned. Once he arrives, he doesn’t end up meeting the girl he’d seen earlier, but the boy he probably wanted to run into less than anyone…well, maybe aside from Joey.*

Hugh, rolling his eyes: So you’ve shown up here too, huh?

Nate, shrugging: Well, yeah…Alder said the people here had some sort of problem here, so I figured I’d come up here to help out, so…

Hugh, scoffing: Hmmph. So Alder really didn’t think I’d be able to handle the problem alone then, huh?

Nate, giving him a weird look: Huh? No, he just figured having two trainers on the case would be better than just one, so-

Hugh, turning around: Look kid. I can handle this issue just fine on my own, so run along and go catch some Bugs or something. You aren’t needed here.

Nate, looking a bit peeved: Oh yeah? Then put your money where your mouth is, and battle me!

Hugh, chuckling: Heh. You don’t know when to quit, do you? Tepig, get out here and blow out some Smog!!

Nate: Snivy, get out here, and make a Twister! Use it to absorb the Smog, and direct it back at Tepig!!

*Snivy twirls his body around rapidly, forming a small Twister that ends up absorbing the cloud of Smog that Tepig sneezes up, and, and upon using his tail leaf to direct some wind at said Twister, it ends up traveling right into Tepig, knocking it out.*

Hugh, scoffing: As if that bothers me. Pansage, get out here and use your Fury Swipes!!

Nate: Snivy, grab his wrists with your Vine Whips, and slam him into a tree somewhere nearby!

*As Pansage rushes in, claws ready to strike, Snivy jumps back, and extends his vines forth to ensnare Pansage’s wrists, as Snivy throws him into a tree a few hundred feet away, easily knocking him out.*

Hugh, looking annoyed: Yeah?! Well guess what, my hardest counter to your stupid snake is a Flying-type!! Get out here, Taillow, and use Aerial Ace!!

Nate: Grab his wings with your Vine Whips Snivy, and slam him down to the ground! Or actually…see that rock over there? Slam it into that, instead!!

*As Taillow dives at Snivy, Snivy wraps his vines around Taillow’s wings, and redirects his momentum into said nearby rock, being easily able to KO it as well.*

Hugh, looking in disbelief at his fainted Taillow: Your…Snivy…HOW DID IT TAKE OUT MY ENTIRE TEAM??! DIDN’T YOU JUST RECIEVE THE THING EARLIER TODAY?!

Nate, grinning: Nah. I’ve had him for like two years now. My dad just never let me battle with him, is all.

*As Hugh struggles to comprehend what Nate had just told him, Nate is stunned to see none other than the attractive girl he’d been searching for!*

Unknown cheerful looking girl, who was watching the battle from afar: Oh, wow!! Looks like your Snivy is super strong too, huh?

Nate, shrugging, as he tries to sound cool in front of her: I guess…I mean, we only really used two moves out of Snivy’s entire repertoire, so I wouldn’t say it was that hard…who are you, by the way?

The girl, putting up a peace sign with her right hand: Rosa’s the name, and fashion’s my game! But…I’m also a Pokemon Trainer too, as of today! Snivy and I just set off on our journey just a few hours ago, but he’s already gotten me Cheren’s Badge all on his own! …Well, mostly, anyway. The point is, I’m now on a quest to earn all the other Gym Badges too!

Nate, looking impressed: No kidding? I guess that’s why Cheren wasn’t taking any more new challengers earlier - you two must have been having a pretty intense battle!

Rosa, nodding: You know it! Snivy here did most of the work, though the rest of my team helped a little too.

Hugh, looking absolutely deflated: I…really should have chosen that stupid Snivy Egg in that Egg Giveaway last week…

Nate: Hey, if our Snivy’s are both so powerful, how’s about we have a battle to see whose is stronger?

Floccesy Ranch Ranger girl, walking up to the group: Hey, Alder sent you too here, right?

Rosa: Oh, yeah, haha! I guess Alder did tell me to see what was going on up here…

Hugh, looking annoyed at the whole situation: What the hell IS going on down here, anyway? By the tone of your voice, something tells me it doesn’t necessitate three Trainers going on the hunt…

A young man close to their age, dressed in green, shrugging: You’re right, it probably doesn’t but…your Pokemon just fainted, right? Heck, if we didn’t arrive here before now, only one of you would have had a team of un-fainted Pokemon around, right? You Pokemon Trainers…always so willing to let your Pokemon get hurt, all in the name of competition…times like this make me wonder if Team Plasma was right all along, two years ago…

Hugh, glaring at him: What…did you say…?

Ranch girl, pushing the two Trainers away from each other: HEY! No fighting! At least, not until you guys help me find Herdier!

Nate, tilting his head: Huh? What happened to Herdier?

Ranch girl, shrugging: I don’t know. He usually hangs out near here at all times, patrolling our little house out here, but since I’ve woken up today, he hasn’t been anywhere to be seen! I don’t want to fear for the worst, but I did see Alder walking by a few hours back, and although he was too busy to help, he did say that he’d wrangle up a couple Trainers to help us find her…and I would assume you three would be those Trainers, right? After all, there isn’t really much of any other reason to travel up here you know…well, aside from the Riolu that make their homes around these mountains…

Rosa, as her face lights up: Woah, Riolu can be found around here?! I want one!!

Nate, looking pumped too: Yeah, me too!! Riolu can evolve into Lucario, right? One of those would be so cool to have on my team…

Rosa, looking surprised: Wait…you want to evolve yours? Riolu are so much cuter!

Nate, giving her a weird look: You DID say you wanted to win some Gym Badges, right?

Rosa, twiddling her thumbs: Well, yeah…but I DID already beat one Gym Leader with just Snivy, for the most part!

Hugh, scoffing: Hmmph. If you refuse to have your Pokemon evolve just based on looks, you’re never going to get anywhere as a Trainer, making you look even worse than the clown next to you. Anyway, my Pokemon are fainted, so I guess I’ll be headed back to Floccesy Town to get them patched up. In the meantime, you two be on guard - that Herdier could be in serious trouble, after all!

Rosa, looking around: But…where should we look?

Hugh, looking annoyed: Do I have to do everything around here?! Clown boy, you take the west side. Stupid girl, you check the east. Now if you excuse me, my team needs medical attention, thanks to that dolt. …SO GET MOVING ALREADY!!

*Nate and Rosa sprint off in the opposite directions to which Hugh directed them to go, as he sighs, and slams his hand into his face, loudly groaning. Nate, upon traveling deeper into the mountains, follows the noise of what sounds like barking, from afar. Along the way, he reaches a point where he swears the barking was coming from…only to find a Riolu crying out, instead! Being stuck on top of a tree, Nate figured he must be too scared to try and climb down.*

Nate, looking up at the crying Pokemon: What’s wrong, Riolu? Why are you trying to climb a tree like this? It doesn’t look too sturdy. If you want down, then that shouldn’t be much of a problem! Go, Poke Ball!

*Throwing the Poke Ball up the tree, Riolu ends up being absorbed by it, before the Ball lands back onto the ground. Under a lot of stress right now, the Riolu easily breaks out of the Ball.*

Riolu, pointing at Nate, upon busting out: Riolu Riolu! Rio Rio!

Nate, looking annoyed: What? You’re out of the tree now, right? What gives?

*Just then a Lillipup scampers up to Nate too, and starts barking at him too.*

Nate: Woah, a Lillipup! Wait…you don’t happen to know the Herdier that’s missing, do you?

*Riolu, putting his paw on Lillipup’s head, starts to translate Lillipup’s barks into English, for Nate to understand, thanks to his Telepathy.*

Riolu, eyes closed, with his hand on Lillipup’s head: Yes…Herdier is my mother! Riolu was in the tree to try and search from above, as he was the best climber of my friends. However, he was too scared to climb down, so I was getting really worried! Anyway, Riolu can sense that Herdier’s in serious trouble, thanks to his aura powers! Please…don’t catch us! We HAVE to find them!!

Nate, scratching his head: Oh, sorry…well, Snivy and I are pretty strong…if you lead us to Herdier, I’m sure we can rescue her!

Riolu, taking his paw off Lillipup, and putting them together on his chest, instead: Thank you, kind Trainer. I will use my aura to try and find her. Please, try to keep up with us!

*As Lillipup and the two Riolu dart up the mountain, Nate awkwardly tries to keep pace with them. After eventually reaching a pretty high alcove, the group is shocked to see Herdier caged up, with a man dressed in black sitting next to it, as if waiting for someone to arrive and find him.*

Nate, looking quite bothered: Hey, what are you doing with that Herdier?!

Black-clad man: Ugh, you aren’t that Ranch-owning girl! You’re just some random kid! Look, what I’m doing isn’t important, so get lost! …And maybe tell that Ranch girl I’m up here too. I’ve been waiting for hours for someone to find me…

Nate: As if! She won’t have to deal with you, because I’ll save her the trouble! Get out here, Snivy! Use your Vine Whips to unlock that cage!!

Black-clad man: Growlithe, get out here, and Incinerate those Vines!!

*Growlithe appears, and shoots out a burst of flame from his mouth that lights Snivy’s Vines on fire, as he starts whipping them around in pain.*

Nate: Snivy, I know it hurts, but maybe your Vines can still make some sort of burning Twister of some kind! Give it a shot, Snivy!!

Black-clad man, chuckling: Kid, don’t delay the inevitable. Incinerate again, Growlithe!!

*The Incinerating fireball gets absorbed by the burning Twister too, and upon traveling into Growlithe, is able to KO him, due to absorbing so much power from the flames contained within.*

Black-clad man: Growlithe, return! Mienfoo, get out here, and use Fire Punch!!

Nate: Snivy, pick him up by the arms with your Vine Whips! Then toss him into the air, and barrage him with some Viney strikes!!

*Snivy easily does so, and with Mienfoo being unable to maneuver his arm at all, he’s unable to get close to him at all, and ends up KOed.*

Black-clad man: Unlike last time, us grunts came prepared for any situation this time around! Axew, get out here, and use an Aerial Ace! Slice any Whips that thing sends your way!

Nate, smirking: Who said Snivy only attacks with Whips? Snivy, breathe out some of your Dragon Breath at it!!

*Hitting Axew by sheer surprise, the Breath blows Axew back towards the rocks of the mountain, taking it out in one hit, before it could even get close enough to Snivy to attack.*

Black-clad man: One left, it seems. Joltik, ensnare that thing in your Electro Web!!

Nate, pointing towards the advancing, glowing webbing: Blow it back with your Dragon Breath, Snivy!!

*The blowback of Snivy’s attack causes Joltik’s attack to end up ensnaring itself, leaving it open to being hit by Snivy’s Dragon Breath next, KOing Joltik, and taking out all of the odd man’s Pokemon.*

Black-clad man, opening Herdier’s cage: Ergh…fine, you win this time. But just know that we won’t back off, just because you beat one of us in a Pokemon battle. You..and the rest of Unova…will see that soon enough…everyone will be bowing to us. Until then…

*The odd man throws down a Smoke Bomb, as Nate, and the Pokemon all start coughing. As the smoke dissipates, the Riolu guides Nate, Herdier, and Lillipup down the mountain, back to the Ranch girl’s home.*

Ranch girl: Oh my…you found my Herdier! Thank you, kind Trainer! Though I guess it might not have been too hard, considering the Pokemon I see that you managed to find along the way…

Rosa, upon walking back to the area just now: Wait…oh, no fair!! I was looking around the mountain all this time for Herdier, and you managed to find not just her, but a Lillipup AND a Riolu too?!

Nate, blushing: Well, if we’re being honest, I haven’t actually caught either of those two yet, so-

Rosa, as her face lights up, taking out an empty Poke Ball: So you’re saying I still have a chance?! Alright Poke Ball, don’t fail me now!

*The Riolu, looking quite surprised before being absorbed, apparently doesn’t mind being caught, as the Poke Ball stops shaking.*

Rosa, picking up the Ball with glee: EEEE!!! Alright!! I…I actually found one!!

Nate, scratching the back of his head: Well…I HAD been planning on capturing that Riolu, since he helped me find Herdier, but…I guess I’m not too upset about you getting him either…

*Meanwhile, Lillipup starts pawing at Nate’s leg, and begins to whine.*

Nate, looking down, surprised: Wait…you want to be captured too? But…didn’t Riolu say that Herdier is your mom? Don’t you want to stay with her?

*Lillipup continues to whine, as the Ranch girl giggles.*

Ranch girl: Well, it seems to me that Lillipup is ready to go on some real adventures - adventures that I sadly can’t give him, while working at this ranch.

Nate, looking down at the excited Lillipup: Well, is that the truth, Lillipup? You want to be my Pokemon?

*Lillipup excitedly whelps, as Nate takes out another empty Poke Ball, and captures Lillipup as well, adding him to the team as well.*

Rosa, giggling: Awww, how cute! Say, as someone else who chose a Snivy to start her journey with…I kinda want to see how our teams match up with each other right now, you know? How about it?

Nate: Hey, if you’re ready, Snivy and I are always up for a battle! Right, Snivy?

Snivy, bursting out of the Poke Ball, nodding in agreement: Snivy Sni!

Rosa, grinning: Alright then, you’re up first, Smoochum! Blow out some Powder Snow!!

Nate: Snivy, return! Lillipup, come on out, and use Rock Smash!!

*Lillipup charges through Smoochum’s belligerent blowing, and slams his head into her’s, sending her flying into a nearby Rock, smashing both Smoochum and the boulder up, as Rosa calls her back.*

Rosa: Riolu, you’re next! Fire a Vacuum Wave at Lillipup!

Nate: Oh yeah? Lillipup, use your Rock Smashing move to charge forward, in spite of the shockwaves, and hit Riolu hard!

*Regardless of how ingenious the plan seemed in Nate’s head, running straight towards a Fighting-type attack didn’t pan out well for Lillipup, as he gets sent flying away, and KOed.*

Nate: Snivy, looks like this is a job for you, actually! Use Vine Whip to grab Riolu by the arms, and slam him to the ground!

Rosa, shaking her head: Oh no you don’t! Riolu, fire a Vacuum Wave at Snivy’s Vines to stop the assault, then fire another one with your other paw to take out Snivy with!

*Riolu manages to slice both of Snivy’s Vines up with his first Vacuum Wave, before firing another at Snivy, which catches him by surprise, and critically injures him, causing him to faint from said injuries.*

Nate: Looks like it’s up to you now, Tepig. Retaliate!!

Rosa, looking surprised: Wait…how did you get a second starter Pokemon?! Wait, that’s not important right now! Riolu, Vacuum Wave, again!!

*Tepig charges straight at Riolu at a blinding speed, but the momentum of Tepig’s charging body only serves to amplify the power of the Vacuum Wave that ends up landing into Tepig, KOing him.*

Nate, frowning: Well, I don’t know how much Purrloin can accomplish against that Fighting-type of yours…but we’ll give it a shot regardless! Captivate him, Purrloin!

Rosa, grinning: You know what to do by now, right Riolu? Vacuum Wave!!

*Purrloin winks at Riolu cutely, but the Vacuum Wave Riolu fires off hits its target all the same, knocking out all of Nate’s Pokemon, and handing the victory to Rosa.*

Rosa, picking up Riolu: Wow, you’re really strong, Riolu! You might even become my new ace Pokemon, from the sounds of it!

Nate, scratching his head: Haha, yep. To think that he alone could take out my entire team…sounds like we really need to keep training, huh?

Rosa, shrugging: Well, if you and your team need some training, might I suggest heading to Cheren’s Gym? He’s been the most talented Trainer I’ve met so far!

Nate: Well, if I want my first Gym Badge, I’ll have to anyway, so I guess it’s back to Aspertia City for me regardless, haha!


Nate's Current Team:
Snivy (Vine Whip, Tackle, Twister, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate)
Tepig (Ember, Retaliate)
Lillipup (Rock Smash)

Hugh's Current Team:
Tepig (Smog)
Pansage (Fury Swipes)
Taillow (Aerial Ace)

Rosa's Current Team:
Smoochum (Powder Snow)
Riolu (Telepathy) (Vacuum Wave)

Chapter 3: Nate's Pummeling Fumble!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Heading back to Cheren’s Gym, thanks to his battles against the black-clad man and Rosa, Nate easily battles his way past Joey’s team this time, to his disbelief.*

Joey, looking distraught: What?! How’d your Pokemon get so much stronger? We just battled this morning…

Nate, shrugging: Helps when you’re battling against strong opponents left and right! What can I say?

Joey, leering at Nate: If that’s the case, wouldn’t that make you be the reason that my team’s still weak?

Nate, rolling his eyes: Oh, get a life. Hey, Cheren! I beat the kid you told me to beat. Can we battle yet?

Cheren, nodding: Your Pokemon definitely seem stronger than last time, so…sure. Lillipup, you’re up…so use Work Up.

Nate, watching confusedly, as Cheren’s Lillipup starts jumping up and down in place: …What…is he doing right now? Lillipup, try and copy what he’s doing, I guess?

*Nate’s own Lillipup starts jumping around too, leading to a pretty adorable display of cuteness.*

Cheren, nodding approvingly: I see…you must have already found a way to teach your Lillipup Mimic, huh?

Nate, looking confused: Huh?! Oh…sure, yeah…probably. Use Mimic again, Lillipup!

Cheren, shaking his head: Trying to trick me, are you? Everyone knows a Pokemon can only know one Mimicked move at a time! Lillipup, Tackle this faker out of here!

Nate, grinning: Hey, you know that move too, don’t you? Tackle him back, Lillipup!

*Cheren’s Lillipup, having Worked Up beforehand, delivers a much stronger Tackle towards Nate’s own, as his Lillipup ends up fainting from the exchange.*

Nate, grinning: Well, you know what they say about Purrloins and Lillipups, right? Show him just why those two are always rivals! Captivate Lillipup, with your Charms!

Purrloin, looking back to Nate, confusedly: Purrrrrrloin?

Cheren, looking slightly disappointed: Nate, your Pokemon aren’t going to understand you, if you tell them to do two moves at once. Lillipup, charge forward towards Purrloin, with your Rock Smashing speeds!

*Nate watches in embarrassment, as Lillipup is able to land an easy hit, straight into his befuddled Purrloin, as she, too, ends up fainting.*

Nate, trying to save face: Well…Snivy’s my strongest Pokemon anyway! Blow away Lillipup, with your Dragon Breath!!

Cheren: Lillipup, Work Up some more, while you absorb some residual damage.

*Snivy blows out some dark-blue flames towards Lillipup, who merely keeps jumping in place, in spite of the ravaging, draconic flames being blown his way. When the flames had dissipated, it was shown that Lillipup seemed to merely be standing in one place now.*

Nate, nodding with glee: Alright, looks like we paralyzed it! Finish the job with a Twister now, Snivy!

Cheren, grinning: Not so fast! Lillipup, Tackle it!

*Snivy uses his tail leaf to whip up a Twister, which Lillipup easily avoids, as he goes in for a Tackle, KOing Snivy.*

Nate, looking annoyed: Seriously?! I thought for sure I managed to paralyze Lillipup!

Cheren, smiling: You thought wrong. Although Dragon Breath can indeed paralyze an opponent in their tracks, Lillipup was limiting his movements just to conserve his strength before rushing in for the attack just now. After all, he’s taken some heavy damage at this point, hence why conserving our strength for that perfect opportunity would be wise.

Nate, frowning: Alright, you faked me out, I get it. Tepig, you’re the last one I’ve got. Retaliate, for Snivy’s honor!

Cheren, chuckling: Retaliate’s a strong attack! To master it in such a short time is…suspicious. Lillipup, end this with one more Tackle.

*Both Pokemon charge towards each other in a hurry, only for both to go down from the simultaneous headbutt they inflict on each other. Cheren wins, nonetheless, having a 5-0 Pokemon lead to Nate.*

Cheren, closing his eyes: A noble attempt, but you still have much to learn. I’d be happy to challenge you again tomorrow, but for now…I need to grab a latte. Joey, look after the Gym for a minute, okay? I’m just going next door to grab something to drink.

Joey, nodding: You got it, boss!

*After Cheren leaves the Gym, and Nate sprays down his Poke Balls with healing items, he starts walking towards the exit of the Gym…only to be tripped.*

Nate, sounding annoyed: Hey man, watch it!

Joey, chuckling: Whoops, sorry, you were so weak, I guess I couldn’t even see you, huh?

Nate, trying to brush away the comment: That…doesn’t even make sense.

Joey, shrugging: Doesn’t have to. It’s just the truth! Cheren can be a tough opponent for many starting Trainers…but I’ve never seen someone have their entire team absolutely destroyed by his Lillipup. AKA, literally the weakest of his six Pokemon.

Nate, walking away: Well…I’m still learning! Bet you’ve never beaten him either!

Joey, chuckling: Beaten him? Heck, Cheren’s said he’d consider having me fill in for the position, if he ever had to take some days off sometime!

Nate, shrugging: Well, aren’t you special?

Joey, crossing his arms: I like to think so. My Rattata IS in the top percentage, after all.

Nate, looking confused: Top percentage…of what, exactly?

Joey, grinning: Doesn’t matter! Because, in terms of awesome, he puts all your Pokemon to shame!

Nate, getting in his face: Then why did my Pokemon make such quick work of him this time?

Joey, shrugging: Because you got lucky, that’s why! Rattata’s given Cheren’s Lillipup trouble more often than not, after all! And, by association, that just makes your Pokemon look all the weaker!

Nate, finally looking ready to knock some sense into Joey: You want to know what being weaker is like! I oughta show you just what it’s like! Take thi-

*Cheren walks back into the Gym, latte in hand, before nearly dropping it, upon seeing what appeared to have been Nate punching Joey in the face. Joey briefly looks at Cheren, before tumbling to the floor.*

Joey, howling: OWWWW!! Cheren, you came too late!! Nate went and beat me up while you were gone! Owww….

Nate, looking enraged at the accusation: Beat you up?! I barely punched you once…!

Joey, tumbling around: Then why do I hurt all over?! Owww…

Cheren, as his eyes narrow at Nate: Nate…physically assaulting someone is never okay. You realize I’ll have to tell your father about this, right?

Nate, looking mortified: W-wait! I did punch him, but-

Cheren, shaking his head: Letting your anger get the better of you will never accomplish anything. All wonder your Pokemon seemed ill-prepared to fight me, if this is how you approach all your problems. Please, stay in Aspertia City tonight. I assume your father will want to have a stern talking to with you.

Nate, shaking his head: M-my father will just take me back to Driftveil City, if he finds out I was misbehaving! I…I can’t let him find me!

Cheren, shaking his head: I think you underestimate the lengths your father will go to, in order to achieve something. Heck, that man’s been training day and night just to defend his Champion title, you know?

Nate: Well duh, I know that better than anyone! But…that doesn’t mean I approve of him just…cutting off my adventure like this! If he wants to take me back to Driftveil…he’ll need to find me, first!

Cheren, watching as Nate runs off, out the doors of his Gym in a hurry: Yeesh…wouldn’t wanna be the parent of that kid. Joey, keep watching the Gym. I’ve gotta go outside to make an Xtransiever call.

Joey, with a convincing sniffle: Y-yes boss…I-I’ll try, at least…but he got me right in the eye!!

*Nate runs straight out of Aspertia City once more, as he runs through the expanse of Route 19, hoping to get as far away from the city as possible. Lillipup, sensing some form of exhilarating speed coming from just outside his Poke Ball, decides to eject himself from it, as he begins to run next to his Trainer.*

Nate, frowning: Lillipup, now’s probably not the best time. I’m trying to get away from my dad, and…well, let’s just say, he has a way of finding and accomplishing anything he wants to. And as such, I can’t have you out here running with me, considering that he may hear you from your barks, or you jumping through the snow.

*Lillipup whines, as Nate calls him back to the Poke Ball…only to then look up, and see something quite scary. It wasn’t his father, but something several times worse. A medium-sized Hurricane-like windstorm was headed right for him! Knowing any of his little Pokemon would just get swept away by the phenomenon, Nate dives behind a nearby tree, to take cover.*

Nate, thinking to himself: A Hurricane, at the end of winter? I know weather can be extreme these days, but this is ridiculous! Wait…is that…a Pokemon?

*Nate spots a large, green, genie-like Pokemon flying just a few feet ahead of him, looking on guard over something. Hoping it didn’t see him, Nate scans it with his Pokedex.*

Nate’s Pokedex: Tornadus, the Cyclone Pokemon. The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph.

*Nate then watches as about five purple, disc-like objects appear to be pelting the creature with Beams of Ice. Having been discovered, Tornadus quickly zooms off, to the east, as the weird, purple, mini-UFO-looking things take chase as well, as Nate rubs his eyes, to try and figure out what he’d just seen…before then realizing it shouldn’t concern him at the moment.*

Nate, as he begins running once more: That was weird…were those purple things after the Tornadus? But…why? Is it maybe headed towards Virbank? Regardless…I’d imagine Virbank is a pretty nice place to hide, if you’re a wanted man, right? Might be best to lay low, even if I don’t get to see that Tornadus thing again…


Nate's Current Team:
Snivy (Vine Whip, Tackle, Twister, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Charm)
Tepig (Ember, Retaliate)
Lillipup (Rock Smash, Tackle)

Cheren's Gym Team:
Lillipup (Work Up, Tackle)

Chapter 4: Roxie's Toxic Strategies!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Heading to the next Gym on her journey, Rosa makes her way to Virbank City late that night. As Rosa makes her way through the streets, however, she notices that the city didn’t seem as…populated, as she’d always assumed.*

Rosa, looking around at all the large complex buildings all around her: What the heck’s going on here? Why does no one have any lights on at this time of night? This place is giving me the creeps, Snivy…

Snivy, nodding: Sni, sni!!

*Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, a sudden Ice Beam is fired straight at Rosa, as she stares in horror at the oncoming blast. Snivy, who had been walking next to her, instantly jumps in front of her, to shield his Trainer from the blast.*

Rosa, gasping, as she picks up her tiny serpentine friend: Snivy!! Are you okay? Should we go to the Pokemon Center, or- Eeep!!

*Rosa gets startled as a purple armored insect-like Pokemon drops down from out of the air, and stares down Rosa, as if poised to attack. However, from just behind her, she feels a pair of arms grab her from behind, as she gets pulled behind a nearby apartment complex.*

Rosa, gasping: Aaahh, watch it, I- wait a minute…you’re not some weirdo…you’re adorable! I love your boots!!

The girl, looking offended, in spite of Rosa’s compliments: Adorable?! Is that really what you call someone who just saved your life?! Maybe I should have just let you get incinerated back there after all!

Rosa, frowning: Yeesh, can’t you take a compliment? What’s with you?

The girl, crossing her arms: Well, since you’re obviously new here, I’ll fill you in on some things around here. The name’s Roxie, and I’m anything but adorable! Me and my band, the Toxic Spikes, are some of the baddest people in all of Unova, and guess what? I have the title of Gym Leader to prove it, too! But…as you can see, someone else is trying to upstage us right now, in being the baddest that this city’s seen! The guy’s name is Colress, a weird scientist freak. Apparently a Tornadus was causing a ruckus in the nearby seafront, and he came in with those Genesect things, hoping to neutralize it. Problem is, he went and lost control of the things, and now they’re causing mayhem everywhere!!

Rosa, looking worried: So that thing back there…was one of those Genesects, I take it?

Roxie, nodding: Yeah. They’re deadly…but they’re also pretty dumb. If their sensors can’t find you, they won’t attack you. Hence, why they haven’t attempted to track you down, after I saved your butt just now.

Rosa, pointing worryingly behind Roxie: You mean…unlike the one just behind you…?

Roxie, looking behind her, and looking annoyed by the development: Seriously?! I don’t even have time to catch someone up to speed? Gastly, get out here, and slow it down with some Icy Winds!!

*As Roxie and Rosa run off to another nearby building, Roxie’s Gastly stays behind to blow a chilling gust of wind at the Genesect. The Genesect tries to then fire its cannon at Gastly, but finds itself unable to do so, as the cannon on Genesect’s back had been frozen up, and merely makes a dulled buzzing noise.*

Roxie, grinning, as she peaks out from behind the building: Yes, we managed to freeze up the cannon! That means the thing is defenseless now, which also means…we can kill it with fire! Koffing, get out here, and unleash a Fiery Blast to it!!

*Roxie’s Koffing appears, and belches out a large Blast of Fire, causing the Genesect to explode right where it stood…as they hear a man’s scream, coming from nearby.*

Rosa, sounding worried: Oh no…did someone get hurt in that blast?! You know…other than the Genesect…

Roxie, shaking her head, looking annoyed: Nah. I wouldn’t worry about him, because, if I had to guess, that voice sounded like it belonged to-

Colress, looking quite distressed, as he walks out of the cover of smoke made by the combustion of Genesect: My, how violent our youth have become, as of late! What have you done to my specimen?!

Roxie, rolling her eyes: You have a lot of nerve, expecting me to show mercy to one of those monsters! Because of these things roaming the streets, people are scared to death of walking in the Virbank City streets…even more so than usual!

Colress, frowning: Well, while they’re no doubt monsters to you, I can assure you, my Genesect creations are not dangerous, when they’re under my control. However, until I can find a way to re-sync them to my server, I’m afraid they essentially are…well, monsters, for a lack of a better term. Hacking into their mainframe would be quite simple, if they were Electric-types, but, alas, they’re all Steel and Bug-typed.

Rosa, sounding surprised: Wait…so those things are Steel-typed, then? Well…when the power went out for Nimbasa City a few months back, some of the people in the roller coaster arcade got trapped in there vehicles! We were worried those people would be stuck in there for hours, until the repair people arrived, but Miss Elesa had the great idea of having her Emolga use Charge Beam to charge up a Klinklang, who then allowed the roller coasters to go where they needed to, and we were able to get them out in a really timely manner!

Roxie, looking dumbfounded: How the heck…is any of that relevant to the situation at hand?

Rosa, chuckling: Don’t you get it? The point is, every Steel-type has an electrical charge to them, even if it doesn’t manifest itself in battles! And maybe, just maybe, if we were able to load up your Genesects with enough of an electrical charge, maybe we can short out their circuits for long enough for you to be able to sync them back into your server, or whatever!

Colress, nodding: Well, perhaps I need to give some members of our youth more credit - that idea may actually be just the opening I need, in order to get them under control! However…I’m unsure that any of my Pokemon have the power to create such a strong, electrical charge. Might I ask for cooperation from you two, perhaps?

Rosa, nodding optimistically: Of course! Shinx’s been wanting to try out her new move on something anyway!

Colress, pulling a small pad-shaped device out of his coat’s pocket: Excellent! Well then, it seems the next closest Genesect should be…oh…oh dear…it seems that one of them has tracked us down! Brace for impact, you two!

Rosa, looking prepared, shaking her head: You mean, that thing should be prepared, right?! Shinx, give Colress the opening he needs, by biting it with your Thunder Fangs!!

*Shinx electrifies her Fangs, and bites right into the Genesect’s armor, stunning it from the impact.*

Rosa, turning to Colress: There, got it! That should give you enough time to regain control of it, right?

Colress, quickly pressing buttons on the pad: Well, that one appears to be stunned at least, but…it appears that another is headed right towards our way!

Roxie, shaking her head: Koffing and I will handle that one. Koffing, use your Fire Blast, and-

Colress, looking quite irritated: -Foolish girl, do you not wish for me to be able to neutralize the Tornadus that’s been threatening the coastline?!

Roxie, sighing: Ugh, fine…Koffing does know an Electric-type move too. Blast it with a Thunderbolt, I guess…

*Koffing complies, and the Thunderbolt seemingly paralyzes Genesect right in place.*

Roxie, turning to Colress: There, that one’s been paralyzed too. Any more of these Genesect things out here?

Colress, looking worriedly at his pad: W-well, there is one more, but…it’s homing in on us quickly, right as we speak! I can try and break into it’s mainframe to slow it down, but-


*The group look to the skies, as they see that Tornadus himself had been chasing one of the Genesects by his lonesome. Upon seeing the others, however, he launches a massive Hurricane-like windstorm at the group, probably to deal with the other Genesects amongst them.*

Colress, suddenly looking relieved: And…done! It seems I’ve managed to regain control of all four of them! With their combined power, they should be able to take out Tornadus, if I can have them all fire off an Ice Beam towards it at the same time!

Roxie, looking distraught: Four of them?! Where the hell was the last one?!

*Rosa and Roxie watch, as a forth Genesect appears from nearby, and fires out an Ice Beam, along with the other units. Unable to withstand the intense potency of the Beams being fired at him, Tornadus quickly faints, as Colress takes out a Poke Ball, and captures him with ease.*

Colress, smiling: Well, citizens of Virbank? The cruel Genie of Storms has been felled. As such, I must return to my lab. Until next time, young ones…Metang, come and Teleport me back to the lab! I have a good many experiments I wish to carry out on this miscreant.

*Metang nods, and aims his arms towards Colress, and fires a beam that causes them both to warp away.*

Roxie, looking disgusted by what she’d just seen: What a creep. And not the good kind, either. I’m not getting any good vibes from him at all.

Rosa, looking surprised: Really? W-why-

Roxie, giving Rosa a dumbfounded look: What, couldn’t you see his eyes, under those glasses of his?! I would bet cold, hard money that everything that just happened…was all some sort of act.

Rosa, looking confused: His…eyes? I mean…they didn’t look too special to me…

Roxie, shaking her head: Girl…are you serious about going on a Pokemon journey right now?

Rosa, beaming: Well…of course! I’m young and spry, and Miss Elesa said if I want to establish my own brand, I should do so while I’m still young and cute! And, going on a Pokemon journey means I’ll meet new people, right? With those connections, I’m sure I’ll be able to find a way to make my fashion label a success!

Roxie, shaking her head: You’re so…naive, kid. I mean…think about it. We literally just encountered some sort of scientist freak, who seemed to control an army of battle-ready Bugs. Going on a journey like this is way more risky than you think. Team Plasma may be gone, but if you ask me…I don’t think N had as much power in that organization as people think. I’m almost certain they’ll make their return again…with vengeance.

Rosa, giggling: Team Plasma? If they’re still around like you claim they are, then why haven’t we heard from them for two years now?

Roxie, looking disgusted: Um, did you see all the hate that Team Plasma was getting, after Ghetsis was caught publicly disowning his son?! People largely hate the group, but guess what? None of their leaders ever ended up in jail! They’re ALL still out there, probably planning for something big as we speak!

Rosa, shrugging: You do have a point about that…but it’s been two years! Why haven’t we seen them anywhere? Surely they’d have done…something by now, if they were still active!

Roxie, turning away from her: I don’t know…but the point still stands. If you’re serious about seeing this journey of yours through…you’ll need to get stronger. Way stronger. As such, you’ll obviously need my Badge, so…meet me in the Gym if-

Rosa, smiling: -Hey, we’re already together now, aren’t we? Why can’t we just battle here?

Roxie, sounding confused: G-gym battles happen in the Gym, stupid! Now, follow me to there, and-

Rosa, winking: -Are you just trying to get a home-field advantage, or something? I’m not going to fall for it, you know! I’ve worked with Miss Elesa long enough to know that you can challenge a Gym Leader anywhere you like, just like any other Trainer, if you catch them out and about!

Roxie, shoving her own palm into her face: Ugh, fine! You’re so annoying, you know? Trubbish, belch out some Toxic Spikes!

Rosa, grinning: Too scared to get an actual attack off? Smoochum, fill up Trubbish’s bag and implode it, with Confusion energy!

Roxie, grinning: You’re gonna regret that, you know!

Rosa, looking confused: Huh? But why…?

*Trubbish’s baggy body gets all bulgy before it explodes, and unleashes a small Aftermath of stinky clouds from its body, before fainting. Once the smoke had cleared up, Rosa saw that Smoochum had fainted from said Aftermath.*

Rosa, coughing from the gassy haze: Oh no…Smoochum!! Well, Shinx can handle this situation, too! Stay on guard for whatever trick she tries next!

Roxie, grinning: You think that thing can stop me? Just look at her, she’s already poisoned, even! Ivysaur, get out here and Venoshock her!

Rosa, grinning: You think Shinx is useless now that she’s poisoned? Well, thanks to her Guts ability, she’s only gotten stronger, thanks to it! Now, hit Ivysaur with your Fire Fang!!

*Shinx goes in for a large, Fiery chomp of Ivysaur, but Ivysaur responds by opening the bulb on her back, and secreting an especially-potent compound that nails Shinx’s already-poisoned body hard, as she jumps away to avoid feeling any more of the compound’s lethal effects.*

Roxie, looking at Ivysaur’s singed body: One more solid attack should take her out, Ivysaur! Giga Drain!

*Ivysaur, however, merely collapses, instead, due to the burns that the Fire Fangs of Shinx had left on her.*

Roxie, rolling her eyes: Alright, you beat Ivysaur, big deal. Qwilfish, you know that Venoshock move too, right? Use it, and get Shinx out of there!

Rosa, trying to encourage Shinx, who sort of flinched upon hearing Roxie call out the attack again: Oh, come on, Shinx! I know you have at least one more good attack left in you! Thunder Fangs! Show those beauties off to Roxie, okay?

*Shinx nods, albeit with hesitation, and charges towards Qwilfish, before digging her Fangs into the Water-type. Although taking lots of damage, the situation allowed Qwilfish to fire her Venoshock right into Shinx’s mouth, causing her to vomit out the sludge…before then properly fainting.*

Rosa: Panpour, you’re up next! Blast that plump puffer with Scalding water to take her out!

Roxie, grinning: Oh no you don’t! We’re goin’ out on my terms, baby! Qwilfish…EXPLODE!!!

*Qwilfish begins expanding, in spite of Panpour’s boiling burn-hazard stream. The resulting force proves more than capable of taking Panpour out, albeit, at the cost of Qwilfish herself.*

Roxie, shrugging: Whirlipede, speed towards Rosa, and take out her next Pokemon, with your Steamroller attack!

Rosa, watching as the speedy Bug rolls hastily towards her: Hmm, I wonder…Snivy, make a little ramp with your Vine Whips, and make sure Whirlipede ends up in the air!

*Snivy, initially looking confused, ultimately complies, and folds his Vines in the shape of an upwards-pointing bowling ramp, as Whirlipede ends up getting flung into the air, carried by its own momentum.*

Rosa, looking excited about her plan having worked: Great! Now, Snivy, nail it with your Dragon Breath!

Rosa, looking surprised: No way…she tricked us!! Ugh, Whirlipede…at least rain down some Toxic Spikes before you go down, at least…

*Snivy blows upwards, as the blast of Dragon Breath snipes Whirlipede out of the skies, as it falls to the ground…along with another layer of Toxic Spikes, as well.*

Roxie, looking annoyed: Koffing, make sure this girl knows her place! Unleash a Fire Blast towards that thing!!

Rosa, looking concerned: Oh no…Snivy, keep using your Dragon Breath, no matter how much power it takes to overpower her own flames! Only Riolu is left, and…well, I’m not sure how much punishment he can take, with all these Toxic Spikes on the field…

*Snivy tries his hardest to match Koffing’s own large flames…but he knew what he had to do, to comply with Rosa’s orders. Snivy gathers up all the energy in her body, and evolves into Servine, for a much needed power boost, as the flames from both sides get wild. Eventually, an explosion of energy combusts between both of them. When the dust was settled, it was revealed that both Pokemon had gone down.*

Roxie, grinning: One Pokemon each, huh? Not half bad, for what I was expecting from you! But you’ll be sorely mistaken, if you think that I’ll be losing to your newbie ass! Gastly, Venoshock her last Pokemon, when it switches in!

Rosa, calling out Riolu, as he looks around, alarmed by seeing a street covered in Toxic Spikes all around him: Now, look…I know things look bad, but…if you can manage to Bite that Ghost, victory will be ours! Think you can do that, Riolu?

*Riolu nods, before trying his best to avoid each and every Toxic Spike on the battlefield, as Gastly menacingly hovers all around the battlefield, before hurling up a sludgeball of Venoshocking toxins. Seeing no other option to avoid it, Riolu elects to step onto the Toxic Spikes to get closer to Gastly, and Bites him, causing the Ghost-type to seemingly vanish away. The spirit then re-appears next to Roxie…only to faint, earning Rosa her victory.*

Rosa, celebrating, after Roxie begrudgingly tossed her a Toxic Badge: Alright, Riolu, we did it!! High-five?

*Instead of leaping into the air to strike her hand, Riolu merely keels over from the severe poison, and faints too.*

Rosa, looking kind of embarrassed: Well…at least we just-barely outlasted her team, right? Hahaha…

Roxie, crossing her arms: Well, you’ve shown me your Pokemon are stronger than mine…albeit, just barely. I still don’t think you’d make it all on your own though, so…let me take you as far as Castelia City, at least. Your Panpour’s obviously in no condition to swim you anywhere, even if it knows how to Surf, so…we can take a ride on my little raft I’ve cobbled up.

Rosa, sounding amazed: Woah…you own your own boat?!

Roxie, shrugging: Yeah, but don’t expect anything too impressive. It’s just for making trips from and back to Castelia, on the mainland of Unova. If you’re ready, I can get you over there in like five minutes, if you’re ready.

Rosa, frowning a bit: That’d be great, but…my team is kind of…out of commission, so I should probably get them healed up first…

Roxie, sighing: Just do that at Castelia. I hate to admit it, but their Pokemon Centers can get your Pokemon healed up way faster than the ones in Virbank. Blame the lack of funding our city gets.

Rosa, looking surprised: Oh…okay. Well, onwards to the city, then!

*Rosa and Roxie both enter her motorized raft, which, indeed, was only built for a maximum of two people to be seated at any time. Roxie pilots the raft towards Castelia…as the skies quickly begin to fade to an eerie shade of black.*

Rosa, looking confused: That’s weird…the weather was fine when we first boarded…I know weather can be extreme these days, but this is just ridiculous!

Roxie, rolling her eyes: Climate change is a construct, just like global warming. If it’s so hot, then how come it still snows so damn much?! Those ‘scientists’ just-

*Suddenly, the sky flashes white a few times, as Thunder strikes all around them suddenly, as Roxie struggles to keep the boat afloat.*

Roxie, trying to catch her breath: Okay…maybe there’s some truth to it…

Rosa, pointing to the sky: Wait, Roxie, look! Isn’t that…the same Pokemon that Colress just captured?!

Roxie, squinting, as the rain begins to pour down in spades: M-maybe?! No…this one’s way more blue. It has to be Thundurus.

Rosa, looking worried, as she tries to shield her face from the pounding rain: Okay?! But…why is it here, in the middle of the sea, of all places?!

Roxie, shaking her head: Beats me…but we’re almost to Castelia, and I’m not letting this thing be the death of me! I’m flooring this thing, ‘til we reach the port!!

*Rosa cries out in terror, as Roxie narrows her eyes towards Castelia’s coastline, as the pair rapidly accelerate…only to seemingly end up colliding with one of Thundurus’ blasts of Thunder.*


Rosa's Current Team:
Servine (Vine Whip, Dragon Breath)
Smoochum (Powder Snow, Confusion)
Riolu (Telepathy) (Vacuum Wave, Bite)
Panpour (Scald)
Shinx (Guts) (Thunder Fang, Fire Fang)

Roxie's Current Team:
Gastly (Icy Wind, Venoshock)
Koffing (Fire Blast, Thunderbolt)
Trubbish (Aftermath) (Toxic Spikes)
Ivysaur (Venoshock, Giga Drain)
Qwilfish (Venoshock, Explosion)
Whirlipede (Steamroller, Toxic Spikes)

Chapter 5: A Battle Straight Out of the Movies!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Nate, having made his way to Virbank City, ducks under the cover of a nearby building’s awning, as a thunderstorm begins.*

Nate, talking to Lillipup, who’d been following him: Great, where are we going to go with all this rain pouring? Wait a minute…I’m in Virbank now, so…isn’t Poke Star Studios just a few blocks from here? I bet if we duck into one of the theaters there, even my dad wouldn’t be able to find us in a dark place like that! And heck, maybe we’ll be able to wait out this storm with a movie!

???: Running from your problems is never the solution to anything, kid.

*Nate looks behind him, only to be stunned, in seeing none other than Brycen himself!*

Nate, looking stunned: Brycen?! What are you doing out here in this rain?

Brycen, pointing to the coastline: I’ve received word that the Gym Leader of this town, and another girl, were involved in some sort of accident in the Castelia Sea about an hour ago. I may play a villain in my movies, but in real-life, my Pokemon and I served as Unova’s Ice-type Gym Leader for many years. We can’t just let a fellow Gym Leader be lost at sea, so I offered to help find them.

Nate, looking surprised: Wait…the Gym Leader of this town is missing? Is there any way I can help too? I mean, my dad’s a Gym Leader too, and if he was in danger, I’d put my all into saving him too!

Brycen, looking down at Nate: Do you have good Pokemon, kid?

Nate, shrugging: Well, I… I think so at least, but…we haven’t really…taken on anyone too crazy, so…

Brycen, frowning: Kid, it was reported there was a Thundurus involved with their disappearance. Answer me cleanly - do you think your team can manage to handle a Legendary Pokemon, if things came to that?

Nate, shrugging: Well, I…we…might be able to take it down, on a good day? Maybe…?

Brycen, shaking his head: Allow me to judge your abilities, then. Cryogonal, show him your Frost Breath.

Nate, looking surprised: Hold up, I’m battling a Gym Leader, just like that?! Tepig, Flame Charge right into Cryogonal!!

*Cryogonal tries to blow back Tepig with his Frosty Breath, but Tepig perseveres, and lands a Flaming headbutt right towards Cryogonal, knocking it out.*

Brycen, nodding: It seems you can get past Cryogonal’s Frost Breath…but what about winds from an even stronger Pokemon? Vanilluxe, unleash a Blizzard of resistance!

Nate, looking undeterred: Tepig can handle that one too, right? Flame Charge, again!!

*Tepig tries to approach the weird, floating ice-cream Pokemon, but to no avail, as the winds prove too strong for Tepig.*

Nate, shaking his head: Well, let’s try to use a ranged move, then! Fire out your Embers, Tepig!

Brycen, chuckling: Embers? You’ll need more than those to melt Vailluxe. Spray a Pulse of Water at Tepig, Vanilluxe!

*The Embers prove no match against the Water Pulse that Vanilluxe fires, KOing Tepig.*

Nate, tilting his head: No problem…Lillipup has coverage against Ice-types too! Land a Rock Smash into Vanilluxe, little guy!

Brycen, shaking his head: The short fur on that little one won’t protect him from the cold. Blizzard, again, Vanilluxe!!

*Vanilluxe blows a Blizzard towards Lillipup as well, as he, too, struggles to get anywhere close to Vanilluxe. Lillipup, knowing that he needed more strength to get anywhere near Vanilluxe’s icy body, evolves into a Herdier, who grows the fur needed to keep himself shielded against Vanilluxe’s mighty, Blizzard-y assault. He then charges forward, at a speed that could Smash Rocks, and manages to knock Vanilluxe into the wall of a nearby building, causing it to faint.*

Brycen, nodding: Your Pokemon can adapt to many challenges. That’s good…but can you stand up against a physical behemoth too? Beartic, sweep Herdier’s legs with your Low Kick!

Nate, looking alarmed: Well…maybe this might be a better job for Snivy. Switch out with Herdier, Snivy, then use your Vine Whips to Wrap up Beartic’s leg!

*Beartic goes in for a Low sweep to the ground with his leg, only for it to get tangled up in Snivy’s vines.*

Brycen, shaking his head: You realize that Beartic has way more strength than a little Snivy does, right? Beartic, kick your foot up, and get Snivy in the air…then Crash an Icicle spear into it!

Nate, looking alarmed: Snivy, keep your Vines Wrapped up tight around his leg, and don’t let go! When he fires that Icicle at you, send it right back towards him with a Reversal!!

*Beartic lifts his foot into the air, in an attempt to get the cling-y Snivy off of him, to no avail. While Snivy is airborne though, Beartic forms an Icicle-Crashing stalactite in his right paw, and tosses it at Snivy. The spear hits Snivy hard, as he realizes there was only one way he could manage to endure the icy pain. Mustering up latent strength in his body, just like Lillipup had just before, he evolves into a Servine, before their eyes, and manages to ricochet the spear straight back towards Beartic, in a brilliant Reversal of momentum, which ends up toppling the mighty Beartic, and handing Nate the victory.*

Brycen, closing his eyes, in defeat: Well…it seems your Pokemon have more potential than I gave them credit for. Although I’m no longer an active Gym Leader…here. You still deserve my Badge, regardless of if the Pokemon League counts it, or not.

Nate, admiring the Freeze Badge that Brycen hands him: No way…my first Gym Badge…? Thank you, Brycen!!

Brycen, as his eyes widen: Hold on…your first Gym Badge? Did you not beat Cheren-

*The pair are interrupted by a loud strike of lightning, as it echoes throughout the city.*

Brycen, shaking his head: Forgive me, such matters aren’t important. We must act quickly, to find those two seabound girls. We must head for the docks at once.

Nate, looking surprised: Wait, so you’re okay with me…joining you, then?

Brycen, as he motions for Nate to follow him: Well, of the two of us, you’re the only one left with unfainted Pokemon, right? Come on, then.

Nate, nodding: Well, I suppose you have a point. Right behind ya, Brycen!

*The pair dash through the downpour, and make their way to the same port that Roxie and Rosa had left from. Grabbing a motorized, double-seater raft from the port, the pair head to the area where Rosa or Roxie were last seen, and started riding off, despite the dangerous conditions.*

Brycen, as he shields his eyes from the pouring precipitation: Nate, the reports were true…a Thundurus is what’s causing the trouble in these seas! Might I be so bold as to ask what Pokemon was in the Poke Ball you didn’t use in our battle?

Nate, sounding quite embarrassed, as he keeps his eye on the motor in the back of the raft: It was…a Purrloin, sir!

Brycen, sounding mortified: A mere…Purrloin?! Nate, this is no laughing matter…truly, do you at least have a plan on how we’ll survive against this rogue, Legendary being?!

Nate, lowering his head: Uh…nope. Not one clue. Sorry, Brycen…

Brycen, shaking his head: …I’m turning this ship around then. I was a fool, to test my team against you, at such a time when lives could be at stake! If we can’t save them, I at least want to leave with our own lives, still in-tact.

Nate, gasping, as he points to the sky: Wait…what’s that, Brycen?!

*The pair look into the skies, and see a small object, cloaked in what appeared to be fiery energy, slamming right into Thundurus in the skies, as it appeared to take a serious blow from said object’s force.*

Brycen, shaking his head: No, it couldn’t be…Victini, could it?!

Nate, looking surprised: Victini? What kind of Pokemon is that, Brycen?

Brycen, looking to the sky, as they watch the two Legendary Pokemon clash: They say that Victini has the power to overcome the odds in just about any battle, thanks to its boundless energy! But…

*Thundurus extends out his tail, to strike Victini down with, as Thunder strikes the tip of the tail, just as it hits the Victory Pokemon. Quickly, it begins plummeting head-first towards the sea, apparently having run out of power.*

Nate, shaking Brycen’s shoulders: Speed up the boat, Brycen! If that Pokemon is so powerful, we need to save it before it hits the bottom of the seafloor!

Brycen, looking somewhat annoyed: I’ve been having it go as fast as the motor allows, but-

*As Brycen tries in vain to accelerate the boat, a large tidal wave begins heading right for their position, to Nate’s dismay.*

Nate, looking terrified: Um…Brycen?! What are we going to do about that ?

Brycen, shaking his head: It’s…too late to outrun it, I’m afraid. At this point, I fear we may be bound for the same fate those poor girls likely met…

*The monstrous wave ends up capsizing both Brycen and Nate out of the raft, as they both begin sinking into the sea, neither one knowing how to swim. Fortunately for them…they weren’t alone in the sea. Victini, having cloaked herself in pink energy, glides to both Nate and Brycen, picks them both up by their hands, and starts zooming out of the sea in a hurry. Despite carrying two humans in her hands now, Victini gathers every bit of remaining energy she had, and delivers a massive Zen Headbutt into Thundurus, knocking it out of the sky, and onto a nearby pier in Castelia City. Victini, having exhausted herself from being submerged underwater, even for just a short moment, also ends up collapsing on the same pier, as she ends up dropping both Nate and Brycen on the ground with her - both of whom had gone unconscious while underwater, with not a soul among them that seemed to be stirring.*


Rosa’s voice: Hey, are you guys alright?!

Roxie’s voice: Brycen?! What the hell is he doing just lying out here?! Rosa, go call an ambulance! I think they both may be really hurt!!

Brycen, picking himself up off the ground, and shaking his head: No…no, I do my own stunts. Wait…where am I again?

Roxie, looking relieved: Wait…Brycen, you’re okay?!

Brycen, closing his eyes, as he moves his arms around, in a bid to wake them up: Yeah…I think, at least. But…why am I…in Castelia? Wait…that kid! I remember now…we were swept overboard…by that Thundurus!!

Roxie, nodding: Yeah, and probably the same one that stranded us on Liberty Island.

Brycen, looking alarmed, as Nate, too, begins to wake up: Hold up…are you two…the girls that were reported to have gone missing in the Castelia Sea?!

Rosa, nodding: Yeah, that was probably us. Once the ship that comes to and from Liberty Island each day arrived, though, we managed to get back just fine!

Bryce, nodding solemnly: I see. Well, at least you two must have had a less bumpy ride here than we did in getting here…

Roxie, shrugging: I wouldn’t say that. Apparently we washed up unconscious onto Liberty Island.

Rosa, nodding: Yeah. We’re not sure how long we were there, but when we woke up…we saw this really cute Pokemon that made us feel a lot better!

Brycen, nodding: It was likely Victini; the very same Pokemon that helped us, when our boat capsized. Tell me, were you able to capture Victini, by chance?

Rosa, shaking her head: Unfortunately not. She was adorable, but she kinda flew off before I could get my bearings.

Roxie, sighing: Yeah…Rosa came to her senses before me, but apparently Victini went and flew off the island entirely, right after helping us, as if she had somewhere else to be immediately.

Nate, finally feeling well enough to speak: Yeah…probably got busy saving our hides…I think.

Roxie, sounding confused: Wait, so…did Victini save both of you, too?

Brycen, shrugging: Could have. Nate was urging me to speed up, the moment we saw Thundurus strike down Victini. After all of that, though…I think that’s about when we went unconscious.

Roxie, frowning: Damn…so you two don’t know where Victini and Thundurus ended up either, huh?

Nate, sounding surprised: Wait…so they’re gone, but…you two didn’t capture them?

Rosa, shaking her head: Nope. I’d love to have done so, but…

Roxie: …we figured you two must have, seeing as how no one else is even around right now.

Brycen, finally standing back up: Well, if everyone here is fine, then I think I should be heading back to Virbank City, to get some sleep before filming starts on my new movie tomorrow. Though, with how sore my body is, it may be better to take a week off, or something.

Roxie, shaking her head: Don’t push yourself, Brycen! My dad…and many other people in Unova, for that matter…would be heartbroken, if you ended up permanently injuring yourself for the sake of a damn movie! Let’s just head for the Pokemon Center in Castelia City, to get you all rested up, and-

???: HEY!! You guys there…have you seen anyone suspicious entering those sewers nearby?!

Nate, looking shocked: Hugh?! What are you doing up at this time of night?!

Hugh, putting his hands on his hips: You realize I could ask all of you the same question, right?

Brycen, turning to Nate: You know that boy there, kid?

Nate, shrugging: Yeah, unfortunately. His name’s Hugh, and he’s just all sorts of angry all the time, for no reason.

Hugh, looking furious: You shut your face! I have a good reason to be angry this time, and it’s because I just battled a guy who claims to know about Team Plasma, and he said they were doing something in the sewers tonight!!

Rosa, giggling, as the others remain silent: S-seriously?! Team Plasma’s making their grand return…in the sewers of Castelia City of all places?! I’m sorry…I know I shouldn’t be laughing…but it’s just too funny to think about!! Hehehe!!

Hugh, fuming, as he points to her: Team Plasma is no laughing matter, stupid! You know damn well what they did two years ago, and I’m gonna make them pay for it!!

Nate, shrugging: I mean…I think I’m with Rosa on this one. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be messing around in the sewers, right?

Roxie, frowning: Actually, as someone who’s spent more than her fair share of time in the sewers…if Team Plasma’s goal is to cause as much destruction as possible…the sewers WOULD be a quick way of of causing a lot of chaos in a short amount of time. I don’t think we should overlook these rumors.

Brycen, nodding: Agreed. That’s why…I’ll head in there and scope out the scene with Roxie, and- ow…

*Roxie hurries over to Brycen’s side, before he tumbles to the pavement.*

Roxie, shaking her head: He’s too hurt to walk by himself right now. Seeing as how I’m a little older than you two, I think I should stay behind, and get Brycen to a hospital. I want you two to both accompany Hugh, and see if there’s any truth to the rumors about Team Plasma being in there.

Rosa, gasping: Wait, so you want me…to go into the sewers?! Ew…but why?! Team Plasma probably isn’t even in there, right?

Roxie, glaring at Rosa: Because if you don’t, I’ll take that Badge of yours right back from you! Now go in there with those two, and make sure the place is free of criminal activity!

Rosa, sighing, as she walks over to Nate and Hugh’s side: …Fine. Let’s just…get this over with quickly, alright guys?

Hugh, nodding: Well, with the two of you helping me, it shouldn’t take too long to find them. Probably. Look, the point is, I don’t wanna go in there any more than you guys do…but if Team Plasma’s down there, we can’t allow them to just…poison the city, or whatever they’re planning! So follow me and shut up, and hopefully we can get this done quick.


Nate's Current Team:
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Twister, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Charm)
Tepig (Ember, Retaliate, Flame Charge)
Herdier (Rock Smash, Tackle)

Brycen's Team:
Cryogonal (Frost Breath)
Vanilluxe (Blizzard, Water Pulse)
Beartic (Low Sweep, Icicle Crash)

Chapter 6: Skirmishes in the Sewers!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*The trio enter the Castelia Sewers, and split up. As Rosa wanders down a narrow pathway in the dimly-lit, smelly path, her eyes notice an oddly-colored liquid, dripping down from the surface.*

Rosa, wondering aloud: That’s weird…since when is waste water…colored purple? Brown, yellow, or even black I can understand, but- EEP!! Something touched me!!

*Rosa looks down, and notices that a Grimer had grabbed onto her leg from behind her.*

Rosa, panicking: What the heck?! You weren’t there before, were you? Wait…all this purple sludge that’s dripping down…it’s not waste water…it’s a Pokemon!!

???: My, how observant you are!

???: First time encountering Grimer, girlie?

*Rosa gasps, as she sees two black-clad men approaching her, one from behind, and one right in front of her. As she tries to run, another Grimer forms right next to the other one, as that one ends up holding her other leg steady, allowing the pair of men to catch up, and surround her, to her embarrassment.*

Rosa, struggling to get her legs free of the Grimer’s hold on them: H-hey…you two aren’t…seriously from Team Plasma, are you? I mean, it’s probably a stupid question, I mean, why would they be in the sewers-

Man in black outfit, cackling: Of course not, lass! We serve the new Team Plasma!

Man in black behind her: Yeah. The Team Plasma of old was weak, and was led astray by our supposed king. But the Pokemon of the world must still be liberated from humans. So, do us a favor, and hand over yours, so we can leave you alone.

Rosa, pulling her shirt down over her belt, in an attempt to hide the Poke Balls on her belt: Pokemon…? You must be mistaken…I’m not a Trainer! …Hey, hands off, pervert!!

Black-clad man behind Rosa, as he places his hands on her thighs, as he slowly slides his hands up her legs: You’ve really got a nice figure, you know that? It’s just a real shame you’re such a bad liar, though.

*The man slaps Rosa’s bum hard, as she yelps in pain. Elsewhere in the sewers, Hugh hears Rosa from deeper inside the tunnels.*

Hugh, yelling further into the tunnel: HEY!! DID YOU FIND TEAM PLASMA, OR WHAT?!

*Over where Rosa was being held down by the Grunts’ pair of Grimer, the man in front of her grabs her spoinktails, and forces her to bend down, as the one behind her kicks her to the ground, though she does manage to catch her own landing, grasping the filthy ground, instead of landing on her face. Now on all fours, the man behind her quickly seizes her Poke Balls.*

Black-clad man in front of Rosa: sh*t, we’ve been found! What now?

Black-clad man behind her: Even at this time of night…I can’t believe there are Trainers here now, too! For the last two years or so, there’s been such an influx of Trainers arriving here from all around the globe…to the point where they even disrupt our midnight sewer operation?!

Hugh, finally reaching the group: You bet there are. As long as Pokemon thieves like you exist, I’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth!!

Black-clad man, shaking his head: We don’t have time for you, either. Grimer, leave the girl, and grab him instead!!

Hugh, shaking his head: Fat chance of that happening, losers! Pignite, Flame Charge into them, and Swellow, use Aerial Ace!!

Black-clad man, turning to his partner: Hey, want to try that one…Grimer technique?

Other Black-clad man, chuckling: Yeah…that might be fun.

Hugh, gritting his teeth: The hell are you two babbling on about?

Both black-clad men: Grimer, Swallow each other up!!

Hugh, shielding his eyes, as he watches the pair of Grimer picking up piles of each other, and eating them: Gross…I guess? But what are they trying- oh…

*The goop comprising both Grimers only seems to keep multiplying, as the gross display continues. Soon, it was clear that they had managed to evolve into a Muk, who takes the attacks of both Pignite and Swellow with little issue.*

Black-clad man, chuckling: How about that? I’d heard that trick could come in handy, but to see it in action? Unreal! Muk, blow all of them away, with your Sludge Wave!

*Muk belches out a Wave of Sludge that sweeps up Rosa, Hugh, and his Pokemon, as the pair of Plasma grunts watch them all get swept away into a separate tunnel from nearby.*

Hugh, trying to keep his and Rosa’s heads above the surface of the flowing Sludge Waves: Damn it…you guys won’t get away with this…!!

Black-clad man, watching the pair and the Pokemon struggle in vain to swim in the Sludge: It appears we already have. Bon voyage!!

*The pair soon get swept into a separate tunnel, as the Sludge deluge resides. One of the Grunts follows up by closing the grate to the tunnel, essentially locking them both from coming out from the way they came.*

Black-clad man: Well, that’s two less pests to deal with now. Great idea thinking to evolve our Grimer like that, by the way!

Other Grunt, shaking his head: The plan wasn’t without fault, you know. We liberated the girl’s Pokemon, but we were caught by surprise, when it came to the boy’s tenacity. We probably could have liberated his Pokemon too, if we would have just had a normal battle with him.

Black-clad man, shrugging: There’s no telling that we could have won, even with Muk here on our side. Besides, those two will probably be trapped in there until morning, when the workers open the tunnel back up. We’ll have more than enough time to make a getaway!

???: You’ll have WHAT?!

*The pair of Plasma grunts turn around, startled to notice a boy who’d managed to sneak up on them.*

Black-clad man, pointing at Nate: Hey…you’re the kid who battled against me in Floccesy Ranch!! Thanks to you, I didn’t manage to ransom that ranch owner’s Pokemon! A petty crime for sure…but it was my first assignment! Consider this payback, kid! Muk, hit him with your Poison Jabs!!

Nate: Servine, blast it with your Dragon Breath!!

*Muk manages to leap out of the way, as the pair of Grunts get splattered in sludge from the process. Muk then fires off lobs of Poison straight at Servine, as his Dragon Breath blasts a hole into a nearby wall. The Poison lobs, however, quickly take out Servine.*

One of the Grunts, looking at the hole that Servine’s attack had made with great interest: Hold on…is that the entrance to Relic Castle that the boss told us to find?!

Nate, sounding confused: Relic…what now?!

Other Plasma Grunt, after peering into the hole that had been made: Indeed…it truly does look to be Relic Passage alright! Kid, since we don’t intend on letting you leave here with your Pokemon, allow me to enlighten you on what we’re after. Apparently, the Sun Pokemon has returned to Relic Castle once more. The only problem is…well, not many people even know about the place’s existence, let alone how to get there. Apparently, there are two different ways of entering…and this…happens to be one of them, so thank you for that, kid!

Nate, shaking his head: You realize I can’t let you go in there, after hearing you say all that, right? Herdier, hit Muk with a Take Down!!

Black-clad man, shaking his head: Kid, face it, your Pokemon are just as outclassed as you are. Send the kid down the tunnels with another Sludge Wave, Muk!!

Other Plasma Grunt, looking into the hole to Relic Passage: Um…I know you’re busy right now, but…we should probably leave.

Black-clad man, pointing his friend to the action: Leave?! Why now? That kid and his Pokemon are just about to be swept away like his friends, right?

Other Plasma Grunt, pointing towards the hole: It’s just that…a huge Sandstorm is stirring in there…and I think it’s just about to blow in here, too!!

*The pair of Plasma Grunts turn to the hole, as they see a surge of sand spilling out from the hole, as the blistering winds make their way into the sewers, as well. This seemingly empowers Herdier to power through Muk’s slippery Sludge, as he nails him with a powerful headbutt strike.*

Plasma Grunt, shaking his head: What?! No Herdier should be able to outspeed Muk’s Sludge Waves! Muk, execute Plan B: EXPLODE!!

Nate, shaking his head: Herdier, show them your Strength with one more strike! Do it!!

*Muk starts exuding more and more goop from its body, as the goop turns much darker purple. However, before Muk can manage to combust, Herdier rushes in, and lands another headbutt strike towards its head, knocking it unconscious, and KOing it.*

Plasma Grunt, calling Muk back into the Poke Ball: Ugh…sand…I hate sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere!!

Other Plasma Grunt, rolling his eyes: Retreat if you must, but I’m going in there regardless, to find that Sun Pokemon the boss wanted- wait, what the hell?!

*From out of the sand, a small Larvitar approaches the pair, as it forms a giant Rock in front of its body, which it proceeds to headbutt right towards the pair of Grunts.*

Black-clad man, quickly tossing out another Poke Ball: Timburr, block and Counter those Rocks with your wood!!

Other Plasma Grunt, chuckling, as Timburr manages to deflect the boulders away: That…sounded so wrong, you know?

Black-clad man, sounding annoyed: Don’t just mock me; help me out here!!

Other Plasma Grunt, nodding: Right, right. Fraxure, get out here, and leave this thing with some scars, with your Dragon Claws!!

Nate, shaking his head: Hey, don’t just…ignore me to deal with some wild Pokemon! Herdier, bite Fraxure with your Ice Fangs!

*Herdier lands his Icy attack, as Fraxure turns his Dragon Claws to him, instead, as Timburr fences closer to Larvitar, using his block of wood as a spear of sorts. Larvitar, left solidly on defense, having to contend with Timburr’s pole, decides to Dig into the ground.*

Black-clad man, chuckling: An underground assault, is it? Fine, then. Timburr, be prepared to Counter it, when it comes back up.

*Unexpectedly, however, the Pokemon that ends up resurfacing wasn’t a Larvitar, but a Pupitar instead! Launching itself out of the hole with such force, it manages to take out both Timburr and Fraxure in the massive rend, with Herdier only just avoiding being caught in the ambush as well.*

Black-clad man: This is ridiculous! Why are we on the backfoot here, against this wild Pokemon, of all things?! Arcanine, get out here, and Crunch it up with force!!

Other Plasma Grunt: Galvantula, Bug Buzz!!

*Pupitar burrows its abdomen into the ground, and begins shaking, causing a massive Earthquake. Nate, understanding who’s side Pupitar must be on, calls back Herdier, and watches the Grunts Pokemon both faint away to the Ground-type attack.*

Plasma Grunt, turning to his partner: Damn, all my Pokemon fainted. What about you?

Plasma Grunt, shrugging: Same here, I’m afraid.

Plasma Grunt, sighing: Well, we can’t very well go venturing into this place unprepared against Pokemon like these, right? Besides…we still did get something from our little trip in here, right?

Black-clad man, winking, knowing his partner was talking about Rosa’s Pokemon: Yeah, sure did alright. Kid, I’ll leave you with another warning, just like before. Mess with us…and you’ll eventually end up in just as much trouble as those friends of yours stuck in there. With that…we’ll make our leave.

*The Plasma Grunt throws down a Smoke Bomb just like before, as Nate and Herdier cough, until the pair had gotten away. Once the smoke clears up, though, Nate approaches the Pupitar that had arrived to help him take on Team Plasma.*

Nate, bending down to speak to Pupitar at eye level: Well, I guess I should really thank you for helping me out against those guys back there! I’m guessing you overheard those guys from in there, and you could tell they were bad people?

Pupitar, nodding: Pupi! Pu Pi tar tar!!

Nate, chuckling: Yeah, that little Sandstorm you riled up really came in clutch! It sure was a good thing Herdier has the Sand Rush ability, eh?

Pupitar, looking hopeful: Pupi…tar pupi. Tar tar…pupi pup?

Nate, smiling: You want to join me, to make sure those guys don’t get into any more trouble? Well, sure, I don’t mind! Heck, having a Pokemon who can summon sand might prove really useful in battles, too! Welcome to the team, Pupitar!

*Nate taps a Poke Ball to Pupitar’s head, and he lets himself be absorbed, to Nate’s delight. Afterwards, however, he hears a banging sound coming from inside a nearby sewage pipe.*


Nate, chuckling, as he finds and unlocks the nearby grate: Wait, were you guys really trapped in there? How did that happen?

Hugh, sneering, as he crawls out of the pipe: This isn’t some sorta joke, kid!! We were locked from the inside!! But…more importantly…

*Hugh gestures to Rosa, as she meekly crawls out of the pipe after him, appearing to shiver while doing so.*

Nate, frowning: Woah…Rosa, was it? Is everything okay?

Rosa, shaking her head: No…no, everything is about as far from okay as can be! First those two Plasma freaks started touching me, then my Pokemon got stolen, and now…I’m all soaking wet in sludge!! I’ve literally NEVER had a worse night!!

*Rosa rushes off, as the pair of boys merely watch, unsure of how to help her.*

Nate, turning to Hugh: Do you think…she’ll be okay?

Hugh, shrugging: Girls are weird, kid. I’d give her some space. Just like I really need mine, too, so don’t get in my way!! But…I guess I do appreciate that you were able to save us both just now. Maybe…you’re not quite as weak as I thought after all.

Nate, smiling: Wow…that might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Don’t get used to it. Anyway, I need to train up my team before taking on the next Gym tomorrow, so…I think I’ll stay here for a bit, to get them tougher.

Nate, shrugging: Well, the Pokemon here are pretty tough, so I can’t blame you there! As for me…I think I could do with some major shut-eye. Later, Hugh.

*Hugh merely scoffs, as Nate walks off, as he makes his way out of the sewage chambers.*

Nate, thinking to himself: So, Team Plasma really is back, huh? Figures that I’d somehow manage to get myself involved in this mess, while still being on the run from my dad. But this worrying…is just making me even more tired. I really hope that the Pokemon Center is close by…


Nate's Current Team:
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Twister, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Charm)
Tepig (Ember, Retaliate, Flame Charge)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Smash, Tackle, Ice Fang, Take Down)
Pupitar (Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Dig, Earthquake)

Chapter 7: New Friends, in Unexpected Places!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*As Rosa makes her way through the dimly-lit streets of Castelia that night, looking quite on edge over everything that had happened in the sewers just thirty minutes before, Rosa takes a map out of her bag, trying to find a place to stay for the night.*

Rosa, thinking to herself: Ordinarily, I imagine I’d go and rest at the city’s Pokemon Center, like any other Trainer would, but without any Pokemon on me, they probably wouldn’t let me rent a room, right? I mean, if they just let anyone without Pokemon just waltz in and stay the night…there’d never be enough rooms for actual Trainers! But…this is Castelia, so I could probably just rent a hotel room for the night instead…but I can’t afford to be wasting money! I’m trying to make money by establishing my brand, after all! Maybe if I could get to Nimbasa, Miss Elesa could- no, no, it’d take all night to reach that place from here by foot. I guess renting a hotel room would be- EEP! Who…who’s touching me?!

A large, bald man, having grabbed Rosa from behind, as he tightens his grips around her arms: Hey there, cutie. What’s a little one like you doing out on your own, all the way out here? And with no Pokemon on you for protection? Don’t you know about the sort of things that can happen to girls like you during nights like these?

Rosa, panicking, as she thinks to herself: Damn it! Was it really that obvious that I didn’t have any Pokemon on me?!

Rosa, struggling to free her arms, as she politely answers: Oh, well…m-my boyfriend dropped me off here, but I forgot my Poke Balls in his car, so…

Man, pushing Rosa forward, while keeping a firm grasp on her arms: Your boyfriend? He dropped you off here, huh? In a commercial zone like this? In the middle of the night? Tell me, where do you live?

Rosa, still trying to be polite, as the man continues to guide her forwards: W-well, that’s…information I’d rather not tell to a guy who has my arms pinned up like this, hahaha…

Man: Well, that doesn’t mean anything to me anyway. The point is, your boyfriend must be a jerk, to drop you off in a place like this, in the middle of the night. I think you’ll like me far better than him, honestly.

Rosa, gulping, as the continues guiding her towards a nearby building: W-well, maybe, but, I think he’d be mad if you saw what you were doing to me right now…

Man, freeing up one of his arms to unlock a door to the building he’d just arrived at: Well, let’s make sure he won’t see us, then. Get inside.

*Rosa yelps, as he lets go of her arms, and kicks her into the building, which seemed to look like a small gas station. He closes the door, and looks down at her quivering body.*

Man, chuckling: Why so scared? Don’t you have Pokemon to protect you, like literally any other girl your age?

Rosa, shaking her head: M-my Pokemon were stolen, and- OWW!!

*The man kicks Rosa, who was picking herself up off the ground, straight back to the floor, as she sobs.*

Man, grinning: What, were you too weak to protect them from a petty theft? Little girls like you need to learn to be more careful of their property! On that note…show me what’s in that little bag of yours, would you? Spill it all out, let’s see what’s in there.

*Rosa, knowing she didn’t have the strength or speed to get away from him, does as he asks, as various items like TMs, empty Poke Balls, and various Pokemon tools fall out from within.*

Man, chuckling: Well, I certainly don’t think you’ll need any of that stuff anymore. Clean up after yourself, and toss that stuff into the dumpster out back, alright?

Rosa, sweating, as she notices how oddly the man was watching her put everything back into her bag: O-okay. Just a sec, then…

*Rosa goes out the back door of the gas station, and sees something move nearby. Rosa shrieks, before realizing it was merely a Trubbish, who had apparently been sleeping right by the dumpster.*

Trubbish, looking annoyed: Trubbish!! Trub trub…

Rosa, looking excited: A Trubbish?! Hey, I’m sorry about disturbing your sleep and everything, but there’s this guy in there who’s being really mean and scary…I was wondering if maybe-

*Suddenly, the man slams open the door that Rosa had just went through, as he gets in her face.*

Man: Have you thrown out that stuff in your bag yet?

Rosa, trying to hide her fright entirely: Oh, yeah, was just getting to that!

Man, rolling his eyes: Well, you’re taking forever. Honestly, I’m thinking maybe I should just toss you into the dumpster instead! I mean, look at you. Your clothes are so dirty already…

Rosa, trying to play cool, until he grabs her arms: W-well, I was in the sewers earlier, and- hey, put me down!!

Man, holding Rosa over his shoulders: Whatever you say!

*Rosa screams, as he proceeds to toss her into the dumpster, to her disgust, as he laughs. The man climbs his way into the large container too, to Rosa’s discontent. Right outside, Trubbish continues to try to go back to sleep, but between the man’s laughter, and Rosa’s screaming, he couldn’t manage it.*

Rosa, being pinned down in the trash by the man: Eeep, stop!! Don’t you dare put that in my hair- eugh!!

Man, laughing, as he keeps sticking gunk into Rosa’s hair: What’s wrong? Surely this should help complete that whole ‘garbage-rummager’ look you had going, right?! Hahahaha- WOAH!!

*Both Rosa and the man cry out in fear, as the dumpster gets tipped over entirely, by the Trubbish, who, apparently, upon being angered over the pair’s noise, had evolved into a Garbodor.*

Rosa, looking up at the Garbodor with appreciation: Are you…that Trubbish from before?! If so…if you want some peace and quiet…

*Rosa grabs one of the empty Poke Balls that had rolled out of the dumpster.*

Rosa, tossing the Ball at Garbodor: …let me capture you, and I guarantee, you’ll ONLY have peaceful nights, from now on!!

*The Ball shakes, but quickly clicks shut, as Rosa quickly runs to retrieve it. The man tries to grab her before she can, but ends up slipping on a can of lemonade that had fallen out of the dumpster too. Now, having owned a Pokemon again, Rosa books it to the Pokemon Center, before any more weirdos could get their hands on her.*


*As Nate leaves the Pokemon Center late that next morning, he’s surprised to see none other than Rosa there too, as she retrieves the Poke Ball containing her new Garbodor from the med station.*

Nate, waving to her: Hey! Rosa!! Did you manage to get a new Pokemon already?

Rosa, trying to make herself seem busy, to avoid having to show Nate her Garbodor: Oh, uh…yeah! I’d show him off to you, but we really have somewhere to be heading now, so, I’m afraid-

Nate, chuckling: Heading to the Gym too, I take it? Normally, that’d be my first stop at a place like this too, but, I overheard these kids last night mentioning that you could obtain one of the starter Pokemon from Johto here! Pretty crazy, right?

Rosa, sounding surprised: Y-yeah, honestly! I could obviously use some new Pokemon after…you know, what happened yesterday, but…

Nate, nodding: Great! I heard that this one gas station near the plaza gives them out, so-

Rosa, as her skin pales, upon hearing mention of such a place: A-actually, I really do have to be somewhere else right now, actually. Sorry…

Nate, smiling: That’s fine. Just let me know if you ever need anything, Rosa!

*Rosa nods, before leaving the Pokemon Center in a hurry, before Nate drags her into accompanying him.*

Rosa, frowning, as she thinks to herself, as she crosses a nearby sidewalk: Another Pokemon would obviously be great to have…but I really don’t want to take my chances around gas stations for a while. Still…I really should try and find a way to add another member to my team, right?

???: Please…can someone help us? My Eevee’s sister is in serious trouble, and we don’t know what to do! Someone? …Anyone?

*Rosa’s eyes pass to a young woman on the other side of the road, trying, along with her Eevee, to try and recruit someone to help them. Alas, she only seemed to be ignored by the people passing her on the street. Rosa, however, decides to approach her.*

Rosa, cheerfully: Hey! So…what’s wrong with your other Eevee?

Young woman, frowning: Well, it’s…pretty complicated. If you’re serious about helping, I can probably have Fennel explain everything to you inside. We can also probably give you the Eevee we’re trying to save too, if you manage to wake her up.

Rosa, lookicking excited: An Eevee?! You don’t see them very often in Unova, right? Well, count me in, then!

Young woman, smiling: Great! Well, I’ll lead you inside, so you can speak to Fennel.

*The pair of young women head inside one of the many tall buildings of Castelia City, as none other than Fennel is found inside, frowning at an Eevee, whose head was hooked up to some sort of machine.*

Young woman, who was escorting Rosa: Hey Fennel? This Trainer said she might be willing to help!

Rosa, nodding: Yeah, but…what’s wrong with that Eevee there?

Fennel, trying to make herself seem optimistic about the situation: Oh, hello Trainer! You see…this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but…in the process of trying to improve my machine I developed two years ago, that could visualize the dreams of Pokemon…I failed to take into account a…fatal flaw, in my new machine. See, in my last attempt at utilizing this technology, Pokemon’s dreams were able to be shaped and melded by outside forces. For example, Pokemon using the move Nightmare could…well, distort a Pokemon’s dreams quite severely. As such, I set about making a new machine that puts Pokemon into a deeper sleep, to avoid such cases of interference this time around. Well, I certainly managed to get it to work, but…Eevee here has been sleeping for over 24 hours now. If she doesn’t wake up soon, I fear she may end up starving from a lack of food.

Rosa, looking quite sad: Oh no!! Have you tried calling her back into her Poke Ball?

Fennel, shaking her head: Unfortunately, while a Pokemon is hooked up to my machine, the technology I use to interface with a Pokemon’s mind is quite similar to the technology contained inside Poke Balls, and as such, the signal becomes jammed, and it becomes impossible to absorb them.

Rosa, looking confused: This certainly seems like quite the predicament, but…how would I be able to help with things?

Fennel, frowning: Well, with the help of another one of my machines, you should theoretically be able to enter into a Pokemon’s dream directly. As such, we’re hoping that you could manage to wake her up that way.

Rosa, smiling: That sounds easy enough, right? How come no one wants to help you with that?

Fennel, blushing: Well, you see…it’s…technically, untested technology. From all the simulation’s I’ve run, it seems to work, but…it does rely on a lot of the same technology as the machine hooked up to Eevee does. Meaning…there’s a real chance that you, like Eevee, could fail to wake up, at any point.

Rosa, looking focused: Well…we can’t have Eevee starving to death, now can we? Hook me up to the machine, Fennel, and I’ll try my best to save Eevee!

Fennel, looking relieved: You’re willing to help? Well, that’s a relief! Please, hook yourself up to the machine placed on the other bed, then. Fenny, would you mind helping her?

Fenny, the young woman who led Rosa to the room: Sure!

*Fenny hooks up a device to Rosa that looks similar to the device on Eevee’s head, and Rosa soon finds herself in a deep, deep sleep, just like Eeve before her. Soon, Rosa’s consciousness ends up exploring a what seemed to be some sort of dank abyss, with nary a being in it. However, she can hear the cries of an Eevee coming from somewhere nearby.*

Rosa, yelling into the abyss: Eevee? Eevee, where are you? Eevee…?

*Rosa follows Eevee’s crying, until she finds the Pokemon lying under a solidly black-colored tree, attending to her wounds that somehow had been afflicted to her.*

Rosa, slowly approaching the creature, who was licking her wounds: Eevee…? What…happened to you?

Eevee, growling somewhat at Rosa: Eeee…Eevee evae eev eev!!

Rosa, frowning: You lost a battle…and you’re ashamed of your scars? Eevee…scars aren’t anything to be ashamed of. They’re part of what makes us human! Or, in your case, a Pokemon, but-

Eevee, interrupting her: -Eva eevoy eva! Eev eva ee! Eevee voy vae…

Rosa, kneeling down to Eevee’s level: Look, I know what it feels like to be embarrassed over something that was out of your control. Heck, just last night, I was…very nearly raped. But I learned when I was just a child, that, in order to not let the bad things in the world keep you down…you’ve gotta stay positive, and know that things will get better!

Eevee, sounding surprised: Eevee? Eva evoy eve eve?

Rosa, frowning: You really want to hear another example of what I mean? Well…a couple years back, I went and volunteered to become an intern at Miss Elesa’s fashion label. It’s true that I went there to get closer to achieving my dream of being a world-famous fashion designer…but I had a secondary motive, too. You see, my parents were both obsessed with how much money I made in my modeling endeavors, even back then. Once they realized how much money I was making them, they both quit their jobs, and just lived on the money I brought in. For a while, I didn’t mind, honestly. I mean, what use would a five-year-old have for money, anyway? Once I turned 10, however, I was getting tired of modeling, and I asked them both if I could become a Pokemon Trainer instead. Obviously, they said no, considering I was the sole moneymaker for the family now. So, I did what any self-respecting 10 year old would do, who wasn’t allowed to go out on a journey - I ran away from home.

Eevee, sounding surprised: Eva evoy?!

Rosa, blushing: Well, it didn’t take long for people to find me, and bring me back to my parents, since I wasn’t exactly a random kid by this point, and my parents probably offered up quite a large reward for my ‘rescue’. Heck, I wasn’t even gone long enough to catch a Pokemon of my own! But…maybe it was for the best, as that little act of mine helped my parents realize I’d probably act up on my own again, so…that’s why they kinda…more or less forced me into that internship, hahaha…

Eevee, looking somewhat saddened: Eevee…evoy va ee…

Rosa, shaking her head, with a smile: What? No, that was a great thing, Eevee! Miss Elesa is great! Far better than either of my parents were! I wouldn’t change a thing about the two years I spent under her mentorship! Besides…Pokemon Training wasn’t exactly held in the highest regard during that time, either.

Eevee, looking quite surprised: Eevoy...eevu?

Rosa, nodding excitedly: Yeah! Although it hurt to be denied the opportunity to be a Pokemon Trainer back then…I was able to get closer to achieving my dream of becoming a fashion designer in that time, instead! Just like you have to see past your bad days, with positivity, in order to see life for what it truly is!

Eevee, looking down at her scarred body: Eeva…Eevee evoy va vee vee…?

Rosa, smiling: Yeah! Even if you lost a really important battle or whatever…there’s always another day! And you have to be able to cherish the good in life, to be able to push past those bad days, right? I know you can do it too, Eevee!

Eevee, as her eyes sparkle, as she jumps into Rosa’s arms: Eevee…eeva eevoy eva vee vee vee!!!

*Suddenly, the abyss around them lightens, and disappears, as Rosa soon finds herself waking back up in the real world.*

Fenny, gasping: Woah, Fennel!! Check out what’s happening to Eevee!! Is she…

Fennel, as her eyes widen: …She’s evolving!! Rosa, what did you do with Eevee in her dream?

Rosa, still sounding quite groggy: I…did what…?

*Eevee, upon waking up, begins to glow and morph, as she suddenly evolves into an Espeon, before their eyes!*

Fennel, quickly typing into a nearby laptop: Fascinating…! Apparently, my device not only brings Pokemon into a deep sleep…but it might also accelerate their ability to evolve, too!!

Fenny, shrugging: But…you’re machine induced her into a sleep so deep, we weren’t even able to view what was going on!

Fennel, grinning: Perhaps so, but thanks to that Trainer there, we know it’s possible now to interact with a Pokemon from within their dreams! And, if such technology is able to link the thoughts of Pokemon and humans together like that…an experiment between a pair of humans…or a pair of Pokemon…doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea, right?!

Fenny, sounding a bit less convinced than Fennel: Well…maybe we should stick to ironing out the kinks in this machine before anything, right?

*The pair laugh, as Rosa picks up Espeon in her arms, and begins to pet her.*

Rosa, smiling: So…you two said I was allowed to keep Espeon here then if I saved her, right?

Fennel, grinning: Of course! Seeing that it was likely you who helped her evolve, it’d only be right, honestly!

Fenny, smiling, as her Eevee hops onto her shoulder: Yeah! Just be sure to get her fed pretty soon here, okay? I’m sure she’s starving, after all!

Rosa, grinning, as she notices her own stomach rumbling too: Well, that makes two of us, it sounds like! Well, Espeon, what do you say we go fill up our bodies at the cafe of the Pokemon Center?

Espeon, sounding overjoyed: Espee, Espeon!!


Rosa's Current Team:

Chapter 8: The Absent-Minded Artist's Folly!

Chapter Text

*Later that day, Nate arrives at a nearby gas station, to grab a Johto Pokemon like he’d heard about earlier. Walking up to the attendant booth, Nate taps on the glass to inquire about the promotion.*

Attendant: Oh…I’m sorry, Trainer! We’re only giving those Pokemon out to people who fill up their cars with gasoline here!

Nate, looking annoyed: What?! But…most Pokemon Trainers don’t even own cars, right? Why would you limit your giveaway like that, when so many of us can’t even drive?!

*Suddenly, a car drives in, and parks right behind Nate, as the driver pulls down the window.*

???: I take it that you, too, have been tricked by this station’s flyers around town, kid?

Nate, gasping, as he turns around to see who was in the driver’s seat: Woah…Burgh, it’s you!! What are you doing here?

Burgh, shrugging: Filling up the tank, of course. Just because I’m a Gym Leader doesn’t mean I’m bound to walking these streets on my own, after all! Castelia’s a nightmare to get around without a pair of wheels, after all.

Nate, smiling: Well, I guess Gym Leaders are usually old enough to drive, huh? Regardless…since we’re both here now…if you’re heading back to your Gym after this…maybe you could give me a ride there too? After all, I think my team and I are just about ready to take you on!

Burgh, shaking his head, as he steps out of the car, and begins filling his car with gas: If that was my plan, I’d be happy to give you a lift, but alas, I have an exhibit at the Castelia Museum I wish to observe! However…I do think I may have a way to make it up to you, though!

Nate, looking confused: Really?

Burgh, walking over to the attendant’s booth: Indeed. Tell me, my boy, which Johto starter Pokemon would you wish to have as your own?

Nate, looking surprised: Wait, you’re getting a promotion Pokemon…for me?!

Burgh, chuckling: Well, as a connoisseur of Bug-types, my interests don’t really lie in any of these Pokemon, and…well, the promotion is quite ageist in its qualifications, isn’t it?

Nate, looking ecstatic: Oh, well…than you, Burgh!! Well, if I had to pick one of Johto’s starters to have…Chikorita’s cute, but from what I’ve heard about the line from other Trainers, its attack output is…middling, at best. Cyndaquil and Totodile are both pretty cool, but…it just feels pretty wrong to be getting a Fire-type Pokemon from the Bug-type Gym Leader that I’ll need to face in battle pretty soon. So…I think I’ll go with Totodile. Having some Water-type coverage in my team would probably be pretty good to have anyway!

Burgh, nodding: An excellent choice! Miss attendant? One Totodile then, please!

*The gas station attendant pulls out a Poke Ball containing Totodile to Burgh, who then hands it to Nate.*

Nate, after calling out Totodile, excitedly: Wow…Totodile’s so cool, Burgh!! Thank you for-

Burgh, chuckling: -Please, it was all just a matter of me being in the right place, at the right time, is all. Now, if you excuse me, I simply must be getting to the exhibit soon, before it opens! It’ll be quite the artpiece, after all!

Nate, nodding: Okay! Do you think you’ll be back at the Gym by this evening, then?

Burgh, getting in his car: Almost certainly. The exhibit won’t be going on all day, after all.

Nate, looking eager: Great! I’ll try and get over there before you close up tonight, then!

*Burgh gives him a thumbs-up, before driving off, as Nate suddenly remembers something, moments later.*

Nate, thinking to himself: Wait…today’s a Sunday, right? Aren’t all Gyms usually closed today? But…he didn’t exactly tell me he’d be closed today, right? Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do than travel through half the city to get over there, so…eh, if he’s closed, I’ll just rent a hotel room somewhere nearby, or something, and battle him tomorrow.


*About an hour later, Rosa travels down a street a few miles away, with her Espeon walking next to her. That is, until she sees a man carrying what looked to be quite a large-looking golden Nugget into a nearby marble-covered building.*

Espeon, locking her eyes onto the shiny sphere: Espee…espee Espeon!!

Rosa, gasping, as Espeon suddenly begins running away from her: Espeon…?! Wait!! Where are you even…wait up!!

*Espeon runs inside of what looked to be some sort of fancy museum, where she gazes up at the large sphere, which had now gotten hoisted onto a pedestal, in the center of the floor. Espeon’s eyes then begin to glow, as the people that were gathered around stare at the Espeon in horror.*

Fancily-dressed woman: Oh no…who let that Pokemon in here?!

Extravagantly-suited man: Don’t tell me someone’s using it to steal that precious gem!!

Rosa, rushing in with a hurry, as she digs Espeon’s Poke Ball out of her bag: Espeon, that’s enough! Return, right now!!

*Espeon gets absorbed back into the ball, but Rosa quickly realizes that Espeon had already dislodged it slightly, by the time she called it back. Now unstable, the Big Nugget quickly topples to the ground, and shatters, as Rosa covers her mouth in horror, as everyone around her in the crowd gasps.*

Museum owner, quickly making his way to where he’d heard the crash: What in blazes…? Who…who broke such an artifact…?

Fancily-dressed woman, pointing to Rosa: It was her, sir!! Her rut of a Pokemon went and shattered it to pieces, before our very eyes!!

Museum owner, frowning: I see. Well then, girlie, I hope your parents are rich, because-

???: Halt! Do not pass blame on her, as I saw her running in, and trying to keep the piece safe, before she could catch up with her Espeon. If you would allow me a word in private with her, I will perhaps offer to cover the cost of the damages myself.

Museum owner, looking surprised at the man: Ah, our dear patron, Master Burgh! Please, take all the time you need, then!

Rosa, gasping, as she turns around: Burgh?! It’s been so long…I hardly recognized you!

Burgh, smiling: Same to you, my friend! I see you’ve grown to be quite the young lady, in just the two years since we last met! Tell me, are you still interning with Elesa?

Rosa, shaking her head: Nope, she finally let me lose on my own, a few days ago! Now, I’m working to establish my own fashion label, along with becoming a Pokemon Champion for the extra exposure! But…I won’t lie…not much has been going right for me, over these past few days so far…

Burgh, chuckling: Well, life goes that way for all of us sometimes, doesn’t it? Regardless, I’d be more than happy to cover the cost of replacing that Big Nugget your Espeon just broke, but alas…I’ve recently gone and revamped my Gym entirely, so…funds aren’t exactly flowing like they usually are, I’m afraid…

Rosa, frowning: …What…? But…you said you’d be able to pay for it, right?!

Burgh, nodding: Well, yes, but, as you know, being a Gym Leader is merely a side gig, to my true passion of being an artist! However, even after remodeling the Gym, I’ve found myself in…some sort of slump, I fear. Nothing really quite Bugs my senses in the same way like they used to, despite my new physics-defying Gym layout. That is…until I realized what my new calling in art truly is!

Rosa, looking intrigued: Really?! What genre is it, Burgh?

Burgh, frowning: Well…if I tell you…I want you to promise me that you won’t be…Bugged out by it. It’s not really for the faint of heart, after all!

Rosa, shrugging: Art can be all kinds of different things, Burgh! I’m sure I can handle it! Probably…!

Burgh, whispering into Rosa’s ear: My new calling…is nude art.

Rosa, looking quite startled: R-really?! But…I thought…you know…you liked painting your Bug-types…!

Burgh, shrugging: You can only paint the same Leavanny and Vespiquen so many times, before you end up getting artist’s block. I’ve tried to recruit volunteers for these new paintings of mine, but alas, they usually just bugger off. As such…if you were to help me…you know, by posing in the nude, and all…not only will I pay off the Nugget your Espeon just destroyed…but I’ll also help you in lending you some additional resources you may need for getting your label off the ground. I’m sure you don’t need me to remind you of how many raw materials you’ll need for your line, and…well, as an artist who’s collaborated with Elesa multiple times in the past, I’m sure my resources would be a big help to you, yes?

Rosa, after closing her eyes, and deliberating on his offer for a moment: …Fine. But just one session, okay? I…I’m hardly in the mood to go through with this, if I’m being honest, but…your offer is too good to pass up. Just promise me…it’ll only be us in the room together, okay?

Burgh, smiling, as he places his arm gently on Rosa’s shoulder: Rosa, you know I’m a solo artist! Trust me, the piece that I sketch will be something that only we will see! I just need inspiration is all, and seeing the young woman you’ve become…is sure to get my juices flowing, I believe!

Rosa, shivering a little: Please, just…never say that last sentence, okay? Just know…if I didn’t personally know you before now…I’d probably reject your offer out right, but…I know you’re a friend of Miss Elesa’s, so…I know your intentions are good. Just…try and sketch me quickly, okay?

Burgh, beaming: Of course! Well, if you’ll be willing to have me drive you over to the Gym after the exhibit, I’d be more than happy to get my sketch of you made! And, of course, I’ll get those damages to the museum paid off, then, as well…

Rosa, swallowing her pride: …Fine. As long as it’s quick…I accept.

Burgh, clapping his hands together: Excellent! Well then, shall we enjoy the rest of the exhibit together, then? I can tell you all about a lot of the pieces being displayed here today!

Rosa, sheepishly grabbing her arm with her opposite hand, behind her back: Actually…I think I’d rather just hang back and explore the place on my own, until you’re ready to leave then.

Burgh, nodding: Suit yourself; everyone has their own way of enjoying things, after all! I’ll come and find you when we’re ready to leave!


*After about an hour of perusing, Burgh finds Rosa, and the pair get in his car, as they leave for the Gym. Once they’d arrived about an hour later, Burgh leads Rosa up the webs of his Gym, to the upper level, as Rosa takes her clothes off for him.*

Rosa, frowning, as she begins to strip in front of him: Are you sure you really don’t have any…you know, bathrooms in this place? I mean…where do you go, when you’re having to wait for challengers to battle you?

Burgh, chuckling: My naive Rosa…why install bathrooms, when they’d clash with the vibes of this place? Besides, Leavanny webs are surprisingly strong and resilient! You wouldn’t believe how quickly they can break down and absorb excrement!

*Rosa resists the urge to puke at Burgh’s remark, as she finishes stripping.*

Rosa, shrugging: Well…I’m naked now, so…where do you want me to pose?

Burgh, pointing at her, nodding: That. That pose right there…it has a mark of innocence and beauty to it, in how…casual, the pose is! Don’t move a muscle!

Rosa, resisting the urge to nod: O-okay…if you say so.

*Minutes pass, as Burgh excitedly draws on his canvas, a picture of Rosa mid-shrug. The pair hardly spoke a word for ten whole minutes…until it sounded like someone was being sucked into the webbing leading to Burgh’s room.*

Rosa, sounding unnerved: Um…Burgh…? That sound isn’t what I think it is…is it…?

Burgh, shaking his head: It can’t be a challenger, surely. Everyone knows that Gyms are closed on Sundays, right? Still, I’ll go and check-

*The pair are extremely alarmed, as Nate happens to pop out of the tube of webbing that led to Burgh’s room, as Rosa screams, and tries to hide her body behind a strand of webbing.*

Nate, as his face turns red: …Rosa?!?

Rosa, shaking her own reddened head quite vicariously: Please…don’t look at me…!!!

Nate, looking towards Burgh next, as he tries in vain to only focus on him, and not his completely-naked crush: Burgh…I don’t get it…I thought Gym Leaders…weren’t supposed to have anyone else other than…another battler and their Pokemon in-

Burgh, looking quite distressed: -Look, clearly, this is all on me, for not locking the door behind us…but today’s a Sunday, my boy! Why would you even seek me out on a day like this?!

Nate, shrugging: I thought it was weird too…but I did say I’d try and make my way over here by this evening, and you never said you’d be closed, so…

Rosa, gasping: Burgh, you didn’t actually tell him you’d battle him tonight, did you?!

Burgh, sighing: I didn’t, dear Rosa, but…I also never said I wouldn’t. Clearly, the onus is on me to resolve this itchy situation, so…here. Both of you, take an Insect Badge, and get out. This has turned into quite the sticky situation, due to my own actions, so I feel it only fair.

Nate, slowly taking the Badge Burgh offered him from his hand: Well, uh…thanks? I was looking forward to battling you, but…well…I guess this works too.

Rosa, frowning: Hey, so then…what about our deal…?

Burgh, frowning: This was my own fault, so of course, I intend to pay for the damages, and allow you access to my design archives. …Not that I believe they’ll be as full as usual, once I set about selling a good portion of it to pay for the Nugget today…but alas, I’m nothing if not a man of my word. I will make good to our agreement, Rosa.

Nate, smiling naively: Well…I have no idea what’s going on here, but…that sounds pretty great, right Rosa?

Rosa, smiling, before her mood quickly changes: Yeah…but you’re still intruding on a girl’s body right now, you know?! Get out already!!

Nate, looking more than a little embarrassed: Oh, uh…right! Sorry Burgh, Rosa…but also thank you, Burgh…Rosa!!

Rosa, looking outraged: And just what are you thanking me for, exactly?!

*Nate jumps down the tube of webbing, before he could think of a reply…not that Rosa would have been pleased by any sort of answer to that question.*

Chapter 9: The Raid of Relic Castle!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Late that night, Colress finds himself in Nacrene City, as he calls out a Thundurus from a Poke Ball on his belt. With his orders, the Thundurus lands a massive Thunder strike into the Nacrene City Museum’s entrance. With the doors to the facility having now been burned down, a brigade of Team Plasma Grunts break in, and make off with a number of valuables. Colress, too, joins them, as he documents their success into the sleeve of his computerized jacket. While doing so, he gets a video call from Ghetsis, on his sleeve’s monitor, which he answers.*

Ghetsis: Colress, status report. How’s the robbery going?

Colress, smiling: Quite splendidly, if I do say so myself! In fact, we’ve encountered even less opposition than we expected! Not a trace of Lenora or her husband anywhere, in fact!

Ghetsis, nodding: Good. And the Stones?

Colress, watching as a Grunt bag up a number of Stones in a nearby display: Indeed, both the Smooth and Heat Rocks have been accounted for, sir!

Ghetsis, grinning: Good. The Sun Pokemon will soon be our’s, then. Well, be sure to report straight to the Desert Resort afterwards, Colress. That is all.

*Ghetsis ends the call, as the Grunts Fly off on their bird-like Pokemon, and Colress climbs onto Thundurus’ back for a hasty getaway, before the police even arrive on the scene. At Route 4, the group begins traveling west, as one of the Grunts turns to Colress.*

Plasma Grunt: Hey, boss? Remember the barrier that Lord Ghetsis wanted us to put up?

Colress, looking quite surprised: Oh, yes, of course! How could I forget, even after all the trouble I went through to catch them all yesterday? Crustle army, report to duty!!

*Colress tosses out a ton of Poke Balls from beneath his lab coat, as close to 20 Crustle end up in the area, looking around, quite confused on why they’d suddenly been summoned.*

Colress, grinning, as he takes out a remote-like device from a different pocket in his jacket: Now then, all of you…take a rest here, right on this road! We’ll need you all to be good little barriers while we capture the Sun Pokemon, alright?

*With the press of a button on the machine, all the Crustle go seemingly straight to sleep, right in the middle of the road, from one side of the road to the other, barring any passengers from passing into the area.*

Plasma Grunt, turning to his partner: Woah…that guy just commanded all those Pokemon to go and sleep right in the middle of the road…just like that!

Another Plasma Grunt next to him, nodding: Yeah…the guy’s a genius, but do we really need to go through so much effort just to prevent anyone from meddling?

Colress, smiling: Alright everyone, let’s get this over with quickly and sufficiently. We don’t want traffic to pile up too badly while we’re in Relic Castle, now do we? Now, who has the Smooth Rock?

*One of the Grunts raises his hand, as he pulls out a Rock that was covered in several large sand crystals. Colress relieves him of it, as he then holds it into the air. Quickly, the ever-present sandstorm that seemed to plague Route 4 suddenly subsides, to the amazement of all the Grunts.*

Colress, smiling: Working just as intended, it seems! Well then, onwards, shall we?

*As the group heads towards the Desert Resort, no longer being impeded by sand, back in Nacrene City, Lenora and herb husband, Hawes, stare in horror, at the state of their Museum. Having had the entrance completely blasted apart, with the shattered remains of the door still smoking from the blast, Lenora quickly takes out her phone, to take a few pictures.*

Hawes, sounding crushed: Oh no, not again!! We just got done installing all those new security upgrades, too!!

Lenora, sounding calm, yet also noticeably pissed off: And it’s those security tools that will help the police find the culprits. But before that, I’m gonna track down those thieves, and give them a taste of their own medicine personally!

Hawes, looking confused: But…how do you intend to do that, Lenora? They all left, didn’t they?

Lenora, pointing into the sky: Yeah, but it sure don’t look like they covered their tracks. Look, they have a whole cloud trail heading west, and everything! I’m bettin’ if I follow it, that trail will lead me straight to the thieves!

Hawes, sounding amazed: If they actually did leave that cloud trail behind, it could be possible, but…what makes you so sure that it’s not just some sort of coincidence?

Lenora, grinning: No natural cloud would ever just arc like that. In fact, from how thick their trail is, I would bet good money we may have just missed ‘em, too. But once I catch up to them, I’ll make sure to show them why you don’t mess with a woman’s antique collection!

Hawes, sounding worried: Well, while I love your vigor, as always…just promise me you’ll be safe, alright?

Lenora, shrugging: Please, Hawes. I don’t need you worryin’ over me, of all people! After all, you should know better than anyone just how much stronger my team’s gotten, ever since we stopped havin’ to worry about runnin’ a Gym! Come on then, Unfezant! Take me to wherever that cloud trail there leads to!

*Unfezant follows the faint trail of clouds left behind by Thundurus, all the way to the Desert Resort. When she notices Thundurus still floating along beside Colress, as he walked deeper into the Resort, Lenora, enraged by the man’s gull, jumps straight off of Unfezant, and lands on the ground, with her fist breaking her fall, and her apron blowing in the wind.*

Plasma Grunt, to Colress: Holy sh*t…isn’t that Nacrene City’s Gym Leader?!

Colress, calmly nodding: Indeed, she is. All of you, proceed without me. I’ll buy you all the time you need, in keeping her busy.

*The Plasma Grunt nods, as him and all the others nearby rush off in a hurry, not wanting to deal with Lenora.*

Colress, walking towards the pissed off Gym Leader: Well, I must say, it was quite ingenious of you, to track us down from the clouds that Thundurus here left behind. If only I had realized such an obvious error I’d made…

Lenora, shaking her head: Don’t play dumb with me, science man. I realized you likely didn’t care enough to cover your tracks, seeing as you have a Legendary Pokemon by your side. If someone followed you, you’d already have all the power you need to keep them quiet, right?

Colress, nodding, with a smile: My, how awfully observant you are! And yet…you still elected to chase me and my men out here, regardless of how certain my victory against you would be. Tell me…what’s the secret behind your misplaced confidence?

Lenora, grinning: Because, unlike you, the synergy I have with my Pokemon isn’t based on outdated technology schematics. It’s all about mutual trust and respect, as I’m gonna demonstrate for ya! Watchog, put the big guy to sleep, with your Hypnosis!

Colress, grinning: Thundurus, Taunt that pin of a Pokemon into facing you like a real warrior!

*Thundurus gestures to Watchog to come at him, as Watchog ends up charging straight for the genie-like Pokemon.*

Lenora, looking ashamed: Watchog? What’s gotten into you?!

Colress, chuckling: Oh, I wouldn’t blame Watchog, as much as I’d blame Thundurus for being the Prankster he is! But playtime is over. Thundurus, hit it with the same attack I used to blast down the Museum’s door - Thunder!!

Lenora, looking rattled already: Watchog, try and land an Ice Punch!!

*Watchog hops into the air, in hopes of nailing Thundurus with his opposable tail. Thundurus merely flies out of Watchog’s reach, however, and sends her plummeting to the ground again, with one blast of Thunder, KOing the poor Pokemon.*

Lenora: Audino, you’re up next! Send that genie back to the bottle, with your Blizzard attack!!

Colress, remaining quite calm: Thundurus, fell Audino with a sweep on your Hammer Arm.

*Thundurus flies in close to Audino, and sends his fist hurting down towards her, but his fist ends up getting encased in ice. Once his fist makes contact with Audino, however, the ice quickly shatters, and Audino collapses and faints from the impact.*

Lenora, sounding concerned: Kangaskhan, try landing an Ice Punch into it too!

Colress, with a smile: Thundurus, Hammer Arm, once more, if you would.

*The pair of Pokemon get ready to throw fists towards each other, but Kangaskhan quickly ducks out of the way of Thundurus’ blow, and nails him with an Ice Punch, managing to KO the Legendary.*

Colress, looking quite surprised: My, I certainly wasn’t expecting a Fake Out, in your Kangaskhan being able to dodge like that! Regardless, I will be sure to add that trick into my own database of techniques. Now then, Genesect, you’re up next! Charge up a Focus Blast, and fire it straight towards Kangaskhan!

Lenora, thinking to herself: Unreal…I sacked Audino just to make Kangaskhan’s Fake Out less likely to fail. After all, he probably expected it to end just like how my previous Ice-type attack didn’t accomplish much. Although my strategy worked, he still caught onto it so easily! This guy’s battling ability is no joke, but…what the heck is this battle-armored bug?!

Lenora: Kangaskhan, send that weird bug thing flying, with a Fire Punch!!

*Kangaskhan gets up in Genesect’s face while it charged the Blast, and sends Genesect careening, with a blazing Fire Punch. While in mid-air, however, Genesect finally manages to fire off the Focus Blast, which ends up landing, and KOing Kangaskhan, as both Pokemon end up collapsing to the ground, having fainted.*

Colress, letting out a short chuckle: A satisfactory trade. Tornadus, you’re up next. Let loose a Hurricane, and rip through Lenora’s team!

Lenora: Lickylicky, get out here, and huddle yourself into a Defense Curl!

*Tornadus’ Hurricane ends up absorbing Lickylicky, who had curled himself into some sort of ball-like shape. The winds of the Hurricane end up blowing Lickylicky high into the air.*

Lenora, with confidence: Now that you’re in the air, Lickylicky, Return to the ground, right on top of Tornadus!!

Colress, smiling: Tornadus, now’s the time to show off your Agility. Evade it, now!

*Lickylicky uncurls himself, and begins hurtling straight for Tornadus…only to land face-first into the sand-covered ground. Tornadus had already dodged even before Lickylicky had begun falling.*

Colress, chuckling: Well, that strategy of yours probably would have worked, if Tornadus wasn’t the Prankster he truly is! But alas, now that Tornadus’ Agility has been boosted, it’s time we utilize that extra momentum of his, with a Hammer Arm!!

Lenora, shaking her head: Oh no you don’t! We’re going out on my terms! Lickylicky, Explosion!!

*As Tornadus goes zooming in to land a decisive blow into Lickylicky, the latter’s body begins to swell, before a massive amount of energy comes spiraling out of it. An Explosion of energy surrounds Lickylicky, and in the end, both Pokemon end up going down for the count.*

Colress, giving Lenora a slow clap: Excellently done, Lenora! Your Lickylicky sure knows how to generate large amounts of energy…but with Victini, I have access to nearly limitless energy! Victini, V-Create some energy, to demonstrate my point!

Lenora, watching as Victini’s ears start searing with energy: That Pokemon looks hella powerful alright…Cinccino, show Colress your own special Skill…the ability to Link multi-hitting moves! Rock Blast, now!!

*Cinccino opens her mouth, as particles of rock quickly form right in front of her, as she proceeds to fire off five different medium-sized Rocks straight at Victini. With the sheer power of her V-Create propelling her forward, Victini manages to bust through all the rocks, and strike down Cinccino…at a cost. The Rocks had inflicted heavy damage to Victini, too, as she goes down to the Rocky assault.*

Colress, grinning: Well, I can see why the Pokemon League chose you to be a Gym Leader, Lenora! But, seeing as your only remaining Pokemon you have left for battle is the Unfezant you arrived on…I believe Metagross will prove more than sufficient to end this little game of ours. Meteor Mash, Metagross!!

Lenora, shaking her head: It ain’t over ‘til it’s over, Colress! Unfezant, Brave Bird!!

*Unfezant goes in for a head-first, dive-bombing aerial attack on Metagross, but the mechanical Pokemon merely fires off one of its ‘legs’ in response, causing the regal-looking bird to collide straight into a hunk of metal that used to be a Beldum. Unfezant quickly drops to the ground, following the collision, netting Colress his victory.*

Colress, grinning: It seems you’ve lost, Lenora. Men, relieve her of her Pokemon! Lord Ghetsis will be pleased, upon seeing this act of Pokemon liberation!

Lenora, trying in vain to stop the three nearby Plasma Grunts who quickly relieved her of her Poke Balls: H-hey, this is outrageous!! Are you seriously involved with those Plasma cretins, you technology-covered freak?!

Colress, chuckling, as the Plasma Grunts bring him Lenora’s Poke Balls: As of now, yes! Turns out, Lord Ghetsis pays very well, once you can demonstrate that your inventions have no weaknesses. On that note…

*Colress presses a few buttons on his coat’s computerized screen, and gets in touch with one of the Grunts who had invaded the Relic Castle.*

Colress, smiling: Status report, dear Grunt! Have you all managed to secure the Sun Pokemon, like planned?

Plasma Grunt, shaking his head: Have the others not contacted you yet? It’s a disaster in here!

Colress, chuckling, to hide his disappointment: A disaster…? Whatever could you mean?

Plasma Grunt: The others have been trying to contact you for about ten minutes now, to no avail! But regardless…some kid was already in here when we arrived…and he said he’d been waiting for us!

Colress, grinning with a false sense of confidence: A kid, you say? Surely a mere kid shouldn’t be a threat to Team Plasma’s plans. Surely you all managed to dispose of him, yes?

Plasma Grunt, looking quite ashamed: Actually, sir…quite the opposite happened, I’m afraid. I’m one of the few that the kid decided to spare, actually. Don’t take him lightly, commander. I couldn’t guess why, but that kid seems to have it out for Team Plasma, specifically.

Colress, closing his eyes, and pretending to look cheerful: Well, whoever he is, he shouldn’t be a match for my team, once he-

*From just outside the Desert Resort, some Fire Spinning waves of sand, mixed with Embers, in sort of a firestorm of a spiraling inferno of destruction starts heading straight for Colress and the others who’d accompanied him outside. Of course, that included Lenora, as well.*

Colress, watching as a human-shaped figure at the center of the swirling inferno begins to approach him: Oh dear…well, this certainly wasn’t expected. I’d ordinarily elect to weather the storm, but most of my Pokemon are still exhausted after that battle with Lenora. There’s only one option, during times like these - a tactical retreat! Metagross, Teleport us back to base!

*Metagross begins floating into the air, and projects a tractor beam that envelops Colress, and the other Plasma Grunts near him.*

Lenora, quickly rushing into the tractor beam’s radius too: Oh hell nah, I’m not about to let myself get burnt to a crisp here either! I stand better chances breaking out of…wherever you guys are running to, than outrunning that thing!! Aaaah!!

*The tractor beam, Metagross, the Plasma Grunts, Colress, and Lenora all quickly disappear, in the blink of an eye, as Hugh, being encircled by his newly-caught Volcarona’s Spinning flames, lets out a sigh, as Volcarona’s Fire Spin then sputters out.*

Hugh, sighing heavily: Damn…their commander got away, just before we arrived. I guess we should have realized they’d probably turn away, the moment they realized they were outmatched. Still…the Nimbasa City Gym isn’t too far off, and earning my next Badge should be a piece of cake, with you by my side, Volcarona. I bet if we keep this pace, we should be there by the morning. Let’s keep getting stronger, Volcarona…so we can make Team Plasma pay for everything they’ve done.


Colress' Current Team:
Genesect (Focus Blast)
Thundurus (Prankster) (Thunder, Taunt, Hammer Arm)
Tornadus (Prankster) (Hurricane, Agility, Hammer Arm)
Victini (V-Create)
Metagross (Meteor Mash, Teleport)

Lenora's Team for most of the chapter:
Watchog (Hypnosis, Ice Punch)
Audino (Blizzard)
Kangaskhan (Fake Out, Ice Punch, Fire Punch)
Lickylicky (Defense Curl, Return, Explosion)
Cinccino (Skill Link) (Rock Blast)
Unfezant (Fly, Brave Bird)

Chapter 10: Training in the Avenue of Artists!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Making good on his word, the next day, Burgh drives Rosa over to a large, barely-lit storage warehouse of some sort, on the outskirts of Route 4, lined with large transport containers filled with who-knows-what inside them.*

Burgh, as he and Rosa get out of his car: Well, welcome to my storage warehouse. Or, as I more affectionately call it…Artist Avenue! Has a nice ring to it, don’t you agree?

Rosa, as she looks all around the dimly-lit area: So this place…you really just use it for storing your old supplies, you said?

Burgh, chuckling: Yes, essentially. Though, I’ll admit, about half of these things are probably just filled with pieces of my Gym layout, from before I last remodeled the place. Gotta store all that stuff somewhere after all, right? Be assured though, I have plenty of pieces of actually-usable fabric and materials in here you can use for your clothes…somewhere, I’m sure…

Rosa, frowning: You know…if you took better care of the place, and actually took notes on where everything is, I’m sure you could have rented this place out to someone for some good money, you know?

Burgh, musing: Oh, I’ve definitely contemplated it before, Rosa. But alas…I don’t have it in me to go through everything I’ve collected over the past few years…on my own, at least. However…you may be on to something regardless. What would you say…to me renting your help, in getting this place back in shape? After all, once upon a time, this really was an abandoned minimall, if you can believe it.

Rosa, as her eyes sparkle: It was?!

Burgh, nodding with a smile: Indeed! I got it for cheap, when the decline of malls hit the hardest! I’ve always entertained bringing it back to its glory days, once I had the time, as an old man, to dedicate to a goal such as that…but I’d be kidding myself, if I was thinking it’d be a one-man job. If you truly wish to help me get this place back in shape, Rosa…I would imagine it may be a worthwhile endeavor for both of our careers, wouldn’t you say?

Rosa, looking enamored: Yeah! Running my own mall…it’s always been one of my dreams! And working alongside an artist like you…only makes things even better, if you ask me! Let’s do this!!

*Just as Rosa and Burgh were about to shake hands on the deal, Nate runs through the ajar entrance to the lot, nearly out of breath.*

Burgh, looking shocked: Nate?! We certainly seem to be crossing paths as of late, haven’t we?

Rosa, as her face turns slightly red: I haven’t forgotten about yesterday, you know! Have you really been stalking me since then?!

Nate, holding his pointer finger to his mouth: Shhh…could you two keep it down for a few minutes?! I was just heading to Nimbasa City, when I saw…my dad, and some of his old man friends, just searching the sands of Route 4 for something…and I know it’s me they’re looking for!!

Burgh, looking surprised: What on Earth did you do, to earn the ire of none other than Unova’s Champion himself?

Nate, sighing: Well, first off, I’m his son. He probably thinks I went and beat up some kid in Cheren’s Gym, even though I definitely didn’t! Anyway, if he finds me, I know he’s going to revoke my Trainer’s License, and my journey will be all over! So please…I beg of you both, just…let me hang inside one of those containers for a few minutes? I’ll be gone as soon as they are…

Burgh, chuckling: My, what a predicament the Champion’s son finds himself in! Well, consider me your ally, Nate. I may have only known you since yesterday, but you seem like nothing if not an honest boy, at least. One who seems to make a habit of getting into bad situations though, I will admit…

Rosa, shaking her head: Are we seriously helping him?! He obviously followed us in here, and-

Burgh, putting his hand on Rosa’s shoulder: Rosa, I realize you may not be in the position to realize what this boy must feel like, but look at him…he’s covered in sweat, and he’s panting like a Lickitung on a hot day! I would highly doubt those are the actions of a stalker…

Rosa, rolling her eyes: You should see some of the men who fawn over Miss Elesa, then…

*The trio hear approaching footsteps in the sand nearby.*

Burgh, guiding Nate to the closest container: Well, I believe his account, at least, and as such, I choose to help our friend in need here. Here…this one should be unlocked already. I believe it can lock from the inside, as well.

Nate, nodding, as he goes through the door of the container: Thanks for the heads-up Burgh. I can explain more later, but for now…you never saw me, okay?

*Burgh gives an approving nod, as Nate latches the inner door to the container, just as Clay and his countrymen friends arrive at the warehouse.*

Clay, tipping his hat to Burgh: Long time no see, Bug-Man Burgh. Fancy running into you, in a place like this…

Burgh, chuckling: Same to you, Mr. Clay! Tell me, what’s it been like, being the Champion of the Unova League like you’ve been?

Clay, shrugging: Fine…boring. You’d think someone else woulda managed to knock me off my pedestal by now, but…nah. Bein’ number one…is really startin’ to get on my nerves, more than anything. On the subject, though…either of you seen that boy of mine around here anywhere? He’s dressed in some rootin’, sporty blue outfit, and with way too much hair on his head. About the girl’s age there. You both seen anyone like that ‘round here?

Burgh, shrugging apologetically: Beats me, unfortunately! I’ll be sure to let you know if I do see him though, if you like!

Clay, smiling to Burgh: You’re a good man, Burgh. I only wish my son were takin’ up your footsteps, instead o’ the ones o’ my youth. Ya may not guess it…but I used to be a real rebel, back in my younger days. Men, round up! He ain’t here. Let’s pay a visit to Elesa next, and see if she’s seen a trace of ‘em. ‘Till we meet again, Burgh…

*Burgh waves good-bye to Clay and his entourage, and once they’d all made it out of the warehouse, Burgh knocks on the container that Nate had locked himself into.*

Burgh: It’s safe to come out, Nate. Your father and his friends are gone.

Nate, emerging from the container: Yeesh…that was a close one. But…did I hear him right, that they’re headed to speak with Elesa next?! I’ve gotta go over there and earn my next Badge, and quick!

Rosa, shaking her head: Nate…he’s already got a lead on you, you know! If you try to get there before him, he’ll probably run into you on the way there at some point!

Nate, shrugging troublingly: But if I get there after he does, Elesa will just report me to my dad, right?

Burgh, smiling with delight: Well, my dear Rosa? I think the time has come for your very first fashion assignment!

Rosa, and Nate, both shocked: A…fashion assignment?!

Burgh, chuckling: But of course! Clay and his companions will surely reach Elesa before Nate can make it there. But…what if Nate looked so different to his father’s description…that Elesa wouldn’t be able to recognize him?

Rosa, grinning: Oh, I see! Well, if you really have as many clothes and materials in here as you say you do, Burgh…I say we should get started on Nate’s make-over! What do you say?

Nate, sounding unsettled: A…make-over…? Dare I ask…what you have in mind, Rosa?

Rosa, picking up a pair of scissors off a nearby table: Well…first of all, I think we should go and deal with the Tangela on your head there, and-

Nate, backing away from her: WOAH, hold up!! I’ve spent my entire life growing out this hair! I’m not just gonna…have it all cut, just like that!!

Burgh, walking between the pair: Rosa, if you’d be willing to hear my own thoughts…I think wearing a hat may actually do him a lot of good! By which I mean…an actual hat, and not a visor.

Nate, whining: Aw, what?! But hiding all my hair under a hat…that just isn’t my style, you know?

Rosa, crossing her arms: Well, thanks to your dad, you can’t just waltz into Miss Elesa’s Gym looking like you usually do! Unless you want your dad to revoke your Trainer’s License, that is…

Nate, looking like he was about to argue with them, before dropping his argument: Well, if I….nah, you’re right. Rosa, Burgh? Do your worst, I guess.

*The pair work tirelessly over the next few hours, to make Nate look nearly unrecognizable, in a new, edgy-sort-of black-toned outfit, with a matching hat, as well.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (1)

Rosa, looking pleased, as she hands Nate a mirror: So…? What do you think?!

Nate, angling the mirror at himself from different angles: I think I’d win first place…in a Halloween costume contest, that is…

Burgh, shrugging: Beggars can’t be choosers, especially in your situation, Nate!

Nate, smiling: I suppose not. Well, looks like I should really thank you guys for the help! Well, I guess I’ll be headed to Nimbasa City now, then!

Rosa, frowning: Wait, Nate? There’s…one other thing I should probably tell you about Miss Elesa, before you leave.

Nate, looking impatient: Something else?! Why didn’t you bring it up while you guys were working on the outfit?

Rosa, looking annoyed: Hey, designing an outfit is a lot of work!! But the thing is…Miss Elesa can be a bit…fickle, sometimes, when it comes to the people she chooses to battle. And…sometimes, even when a Trainer dresses their best to compete with her…if their Pokemon aren’t just as dazzling as her’s, she’ll just…refuse to have you on-stage with her.

Nate, looking alarmed: What?! Surely the Pokemon League has rules against that, right?!

Rosa, shrugging: Well yeah, but…Miss Elesa is…well, Unova’s most popular Gym Leader. The Pokemon League aren’t really in a position to argue with whatever policies she decides to enforce. Because of that…would you mind calling all your Pokemon out, real quick?

Nate, smiling, as he tosses all six Poke Balls on his belt up into the air: Uh…sure! Come on out, everyone!

*In six flashes of bright light, Nate’s entire team appears before their eyes.*

Rosa, frowning: Well…even if Miss Elesa had standard expectations of her challengers, I’m not sure if your Pokemon would be able to beat her, honestly.

Nate, looking somewhat offended: What?! But…we managed to take out Brycen’s team back when I only had four of these guys!

Burgh, chuckling: Nate, Brycen’s team haven’t seen too much action in close to two years now. And…let’s not kid ourselves. Even during his prime, his Gym was consistently chosen as Unova’s easiest one, by numerous publications.

Rosa, nodding: Yeah…would the Pokemon League even accept his Badge as one of the eight that you’d need for qualifying to challenge the Elite Four with?

Burgh, nodding: An excellent question, Rosa! Fortunately for Nate, any eight Badges will work, as long as they come from Unova. Heck, it seems Nate’s been going the safest route he possibly can for his Badges so far, considering he got one from a retired Gym Leader, and from me, as an apology…

Nate, crossing his arms: Yeah, well…things haven’t exactly been going smoothly on my journey so far, you know? Still, I’m determined to beat this next Gym fair and square. And my Pokemon have the power to earn it!

*Rosa and Burgh both try to hold in their laughter in response to Nate’s boastfulness, to no avail.*

Nate, looking insecure: Hey…what’s so funny about that?!

Rosa, trying to calm herself down for a second: Well, ignoring the fact that you don’t have a single fully-evolved Pokemon on your team yet…

Burgh, trying to keep a straight face: The fact that you haven’t evolved both Tepig and Totodile there yet, specifically…it’s a shame, really! I can assure you that their evolved forms would fit the whole…halloween vibe you have going quite well, actually!

Nate, sounding confused: Huh? What do you mean…?

Rosa, having finally calmed herself down: I don’t think he’s managed to see their evolved forms yet, Burgh. Would you mind pulling them up for him on your Pokedex, if you don’t mind?

Burgh, nodding, as he scrolls to Pignite and Croconaw’s data entries: Most certainly! Well, Nate? Notice why we think it’d be a shame for those two in particular to have not evolved now?

Nate: It’s because of Pignite’s wrestler get-up, and the toga pattern on Croconaw, right? I mean, I can see it, but…do you think they’re ready to evolve yet?

Burgh, shrugging: Well, they’re both first stage evolutions, and Tepig at least has gotten his fair share of battles under his belt, yes? I bet if they both focused on it, with another solid battle against an equally-skilled opponent, they very well may be able to accomplish it! And if I were to be so bold to suggest it, I think Rosa might be a suitable opponent for you, yes?

Rosa, looking somewhat offended: Way to boost a girl’s confidence, Burgh…

Burgh, shrugging: Like it or not, although your Pokemon may be more powerful, he still has the numbers advantage on his side, overall, if I had to guess.

Rosa, frowning: Well in that case…I’ll battle him in a 2-on-2 battle. My two Pokemon versus the two we think he should evolve. But let it be known, I didn’t even want to battle right now!

Nate, chuckling: Why? Scared you’ll lose? Well, no matter the case, get in there Tepig, and Flame Charge into her first Pokemon!

Rosa, reaching for her first Poke Ball: Espeon, take hold of Tepig, with your Psychic powers!!

*Tepig gets covered in a pink aura, before being tossed up to the ceiling by Espeon, as dust erupts from the impact.*

Rosa, coughing: Burgh…how long has it been since you cleaned this place?

Burgh, in the midst of his own coughing: Well, from the day I bought this place…never.

*While everyone was distracted by the neglected state of Burgh’s warehouse, it wasn’t Tepig who ends up falling from the dust cloud, but rather a Pignite, who then falls right on top of Espeon with a Body Slam, KOing the little pink Eeveelution.*

Nate, smiling with glee: Wow, Pignite, eh? I didn’t know you were so close to evolving!!

Rosa, shrugging: Well, you got your fancy hog, so I guess we know who won the battle, right?

Burgh, shaking his head: Rosa, don’t be so hasty to give up a fight! You intend on becoming a Champion too, just like him, yes?

Rosa, frowning: Well, yeah, but…just…don’t laugh about my next Pokemon, okay? Garbodor, Smack Down Pignite to the ground!

Nate, unable to hold back his own laughter: A…Garbodor?! Of all the Pokemon I’d imagine you training, Rosa, I NEVER would have expected Garbodor to be one of your choices! That’s just rich!! Wait, woah! Pignite, keep it away from you, with your Flame Bursts!!

*Garbodor, managing to score a free hit while Nate was distracted, Smacks Down Pignite with the club-like object on its tail, having been hardened to Rock. Pignite tries to keep Garbodor away with several Flame Burst shots, but to no avail, as, after several more Smack Downs, Pignite soon faints.*

Nate, nodding: Well, I guess we sorta deserved that one, huh? Well Totodile, you know what that means, right? Get in there, and hit it with some Water Pulses!!

Rosa, looking unconcerned by Totodile’s attack speed: Garbodor, counter with one of your Sludge Bombs, now!

*Garbodor lobs out a massive blob of Sludge from its tail, only for it to get burst by the multiple Water Pulses that Totodile had fired off.*

Rosa: Well, it looks like special attacks aren’t going to accomplish much, so…Garbodor, go with a Body Slam instead!

Nate, looking concerned, as Garbodor leaps into the air: Well, that’s not good. Totodile, can you use Aqua Jet yet? If you can cloak yourself in water, maybe you’ll manage to slip through all the junk that makes up Garbodor’s body! Worth a shot, right?

*Totodile nods in agreement, for firing himself straight at Garbodor in mid-air, with a propelled Aqua Jet. Garbodor crashes into the ground and makes an already-dirty floor even dirtier…but from within the bowels of Garbodor’s disassembled collage of a body…a Croconaw manages to climb out! Albeit, a rather tired-looking one.*

Nate, looking impressed: Alright, look at you, Croconaw! Great job!

Rosa, shaking her head: Nate, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about Garbodor’s ability, have you?

Nate, looking confused: It’s ability? You mean, it can do something other than smell like trash?

Rosa, nodding: It may smell bad now, but wait until you get a whiff of the Aftermath…

Nate, still looking lost: What are you-

*Suddenly, Garbodor lets out an unsettling cry out of nowhere, before a hazy puff of smoke erupts from all over its body, taking out Croconaw in the process, and resulting in a tied battle. Once the smoke clears, Burgh claps over the battle he’d just witnessed.*

Burgh, smiling: A splendid battle, if I say so myself! I’m honored to have been able to watch it!

Rosa, frowning: Speak for yourself…now this place is even dirtier than when we got here, and…ew…ew ew ew… I’M covered in garbage too now!!

Burgh, shrugging: True, but better to have it get soiled now, than after we clean the place up, right? Regardless, you helped two of Nate’s Pokemon discover power within themselves they didn’t know they had, after all! Isn’t that worth something of a celebration?

Rosa, shaking her head, looking sort of traumatized all of a sudden: No…no, not really! I really didn’t want to end up covered in garbage again so quickly after that last ordeal…but now look at me! I look… and feel gross!!

Nate, shrugging: Well, I’m headed to Nimbasa City here anyway, so if you want to tag along-

*Rosa barrels past both Burgh and Nate in a hurry, before Nate could even finish his thought.*

Nate, turning to Burgh: What do you think her problem is? She’s the one who agreed to battle me, after all…

Burgh, shrugging, with a smile: The mind of a woman is truly an enigma, is it not? Regardless…if Team Plasma is back in action, as Rosa has told me, I would imagine that they’d intend to set up some sort of presence, in a city like Nimbasa. Perhaps it’s best that you follow her, and make sure she stays safe.

Nate, nodding: Right. Well, regardless…thank you for all your help lately, Burgh. You don’t know how much I appreciate it.

Burgh, chuckling: Please, I’m just a man who wishes to see the full potential of both Trainers and their Pokemon, is all! Is there anything more beautiful in the world than such a sight?


*Rosa, looking almost as out of breath as Nate had looked, when he arrived at Burgh’s Artist Avenue, heads straight for Elesa’s Gym, upon entering Nimbasa City. Elesa gasps, as she notices the state Rosa had looked to be in, upon arriving.*

Elesa, running to Rosa’s side: Miss Rosa?! My goodness…look at you…what on Earth could have gotten you like this?!

*Rosa looks into Elesa’s eyes, before her’s begin to bawl.*


Nate's Current Team:
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Twister, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Charm)
Pignite (Flame Burst, Retaliate, Flame Charge, Body Slam)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Smash, Tackle, Ice Fang, Take Down)
Pupitar (Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Dig, Earthquake)
Croconaw (Water Pulse, Aqua Jet)

Rosa's Current Team:
Garbodor (Aftermath) (Smack Down, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam)
Espeon (Psychic)

Chapter 11: An Electrifying Gym Battle!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*After Rosa finishes recounting the last several days of her life to Elesa, the model hugs Rosa in close to her own body.*

Elesa: Miss Rosa…if garbage truly makes you feel so uncomfortable…then what are you doing, training a Garbodor of all Pokemon?

Rosa, frowning, as she looks down at Garbodor’s Poke Ball: Well…after Team Plasma stole the other members of my team, I’ve been stuck with these two since then. Garbodor’s a powerful Pokemon and all, so I don’t want to let him go, but…I also don’t think I can handle getting covered in garbage again, after everything that’s happened to me in Castelia…

Elesa, shrugging: Well…why don’t you just trade him with another Trainer, then? Like the Nathan boy you mentioned?

Rosa, shaking her head: Nah…he already has a complete team of Pokemon on his own. I doubt he’d consider adding this heap of scraps to his ranks…

Elesa, shaking her head: Then what about the Hugh boy, then? Is his team complete?

Rosa, shrugging: I don’t know…I don’t keep up with him as much as I do Nate. But…I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.

Elesa, smiling: You go and find the boy, Rosa. I’ve always said you can’t keep people who remind you of your bad times around. And even though your Garbodor saved you from that little incident…I think managing to trade him away would only improve your mental health, yes?

Rosa, nodding with a smile: Yeah…I think you’re right. Well, I think I’ll go and track down Hugh, then. You haven’t happened to battle a kid like him lately by the way, have you Miss Elesa?

Elesa, shrugging: Perhaps? Describe the boy to me, Miss Rosa.

Rosa, scratching her chin: Well, his hair is all spiky and blue…kind of like a Qwilfish, but even spikier. And…he always wears this red jumpsuit too!

Elesa, nodding: Oh, yes…I battled him yesterday, actually! A very strong battler, that one was. I believe he told me he was headed to…Driftveil City next?

Rosa, looking optimistic once again: Well, if that’s the case, I have a lot of walking to do, to catch up with him! Well, Miss Elesa…thank you for the advice, like usual. Wish me luck in finding him!!

Elesa, grinning: Of course, dear! Just be sure to return when you’re ready to battle me for my Bolt Badge, yes?

Rosa, nodding: Of course!! Although…knowing how you battle…I think I want to bolster my own ranks back up before then, haha!

*The pair wave good-bye to each other, as Nate runs into Rosa leaving the Gym, on her way out.*

Nate, looking relieved: Oh…Rosa! I was looking around the city, but…I guess it makes sense that you’d stop at Elesa’s Gym before anywhere else, huh?

Rosa, nodding, looking in much better spirits than before: Yeah. Anyway…I think I’m going to hold off on getting Elesa’s Gym Badge for now, seeing as I only have two Pokemon on my team right now. But I do want to catch up with Hugh, who Miss Elesa said was heading to Driftveil City after earning his Bolt Badge from her!

Nate, looking surprised, before realizing the obvious: Wait, Hugh already earned this city’s Gym Badge too?! Well…I guess that’s not really too surprising, actually. Still though, why’s he headed there? Sure, my dad’s Gym is over there, but…he won’t be inside, due to being Unova’s current-reigning Champion, and…you know…him being hellbent on taking me home.

Rosa, shrugging: I don’t know…but I really want to trade with him regardless, so…seeya!!

*Nate watches confusedly, as Rosa runs off once again. Shrugging it off once more, however, Nate enters Elesa’s Gym, now looking like a certified trick-or-treater. Upon heading inside, Elesa whistles at him.*

Elesa, chuckling to herself: A bold fashion statement, for this time of year! Halloween was in October, yes?

Nate, trying to appear cool: Hey, it’s not the outfit that makes a Trainer, but his Pokemon, right? Pignite, Servine, Croconaw? Show Elesa just how we roll!

*The trio appear on stage, as Elesa looks them over from a number of different angles.*

Elesa, smiling: I think I get the theme of your team now. A grassy aristocrat, a fiery wrestler, a caveman, and you…a gangster perhaps? Obviously this is a tribute to Halloween, yes?

Nate, shrugging: …Sure, let’s go with that.

Elesa, grinning, as she motions for two of her nearby models to join her: If that’s the case, then…my girls and I would like to see if your battling abilities are just as sensible as your fashion! Emolga, come on out, and unleash a Discharge of energy!

Model: Lanturn, follow Elesa’s lead, and do the same!

Other Model: You too, Electivire!!

Nate, grinning: Servine, fire a Leaf Tornado straight for Lanturn! Pignite, Body Slam Emolga out of the air! And Croconaw…I’m sorry, but this isn’t your time to shine. Switch out for Pupitar, who will then unleash his Earthquake!!

*Emolga, Lanturn, and Electrivire all begin to spark the place up with intense energy currents, as Servine’s Leaf Tornado absorbs Lanturn, causing his electricity Discharges to spiral around the whole Gym like crazy, causing a few nearby lightbulbs to burst, from the clash of impacts. Lanturn, nonetheless, flops back to the ground with a thud, and ends up KOed. Likewise, Pupitar’s Earthquake summons some rocks to hit Electivire from below, knocking him out too. Pignite jumps into the air to land a Body Slam, only for Emolga to glide out of the way, as Pignite falls to the ground, and faints from the rocks of Pupitar’s Earthquake too.*

Nate, looking quite surprised: Wow…that Emolga really is a fast one, huh?

Elesa, grinning: Impressed? Emolga’s Motor Drive ability lets her absorb Electric attacks, and convert them into latent speed! What’s more, I can also share that same speed with my teammates, thanks to Tailwind! Summon the wind, Emolga!!

Model: Stunfisk, Discharge out more electricity, to boost Emolga even further!

Other Model: Raichu, tie a Grass Knot around Pupitar!

Nate: Herdier, take Pignite’s place, and use your Ice Fangs to take out Emolga!

Elesa, chuckling: And just how do you suppose Herdier will be able to keep up with Emolga’s speed, Nathan?

Nate, grinning: Simple! I’ll have Pupitar set up a Sandstorm, of course! Then, thanks to the sand coursing through Herdier’s fur, his Sand Rush ability will activate, and your Emolga will be toast! Oh, and Servine, flip up that pancake of a Pokemon with your Leaf Tornado, too!

*Pupitar blows out a Sandstorm into the Gym, even as Raichu summons several blades of Grass that subsequently Knot up inside of Pupitar, knocking him out. Up in the air, Herdier, with the currents of sand helping to boost him into the skies, manages to down Emolga with his Ice Fangs, knocking her out as well. Likewise, Servine’s Leaf Tornado easily flips Stunfisk into the air, and KOs it, too.*

Elesa, as one of the models leaves her side, upon having her two Pokemon faint: Looks like it’s just the two of us now. Zebstrika, Overheat yourself right into Servine!!

Model: Raichu, blast Herdier with your Thunderbolt!

Nate: Croconaw, take Pupitar’s place, now that no one’s focused on Discharging volts of electricity into the air anymore! Unleash an Avalanche towards those two, if you’re struck by them! Herdier, Retaliate towards Raichu to avenge Pupitar! And Servine, keep Zebstrika at bay with your Dragon Breath!!

*Servine tries in vain to hold back Zebstrika with his Dragon Breath, but Zebstrika cloaks itself in Overheated flames, shielding him from the fumes, as he manages to strike down Servine. Meanwhile, Raichu unleashes a Thunderbolt from its body, striking down Herdier from afar, and KOing him. While doing so, however, neither Pokemon notices Croconaw belch out an Avalanche of snow towards the pair, which coats the pair in a blanket of the material.*

Nate, looking focused: Well, looks like this is a straight up 2-on-2 double battle now, huh? Fine by me, then! Purrloin, hit Zebstrika with a Foul Play! And Croconaw, now that Raichu’s covered in snow, try to freeze it solid, with your Ice Fangs!!

Elesa: Zebstrika, Wildly Charge into Purrloin! Victory is at hand!

Model: Raichu, may we strive to surpass even Elesa’s radiance! Volt Tackle!!

*Raichu cloaks herself in electricity, and dashes towards Croconaw, who opens his mouth wide, allowing Raichu to strike him down. At the last possible moment, Croconaw slams his jaws shut, as Raichu ends up freezing solid from the impact, coupled with the snow all around her. On the other side of the arena, Zebstrika charges towards Purrloin, but the limber feline Pokemon merely leaps into the air, and lands on Zebstrika’s back, as the striped Electric-type panics, having run in close to a wall. Purrloin leaps off of Zebstrika with force, causing the four-legged, monochromatically-colored creature to Wildly Charge straight into a wall, where a power strip happened to be located at. The lights suddenly go out in the Gym…although Zebstrika was now bristling with so much electricity, there was hardly any need for any other lights to be on.*

Elesa, looking impressed: Work that newfound power of yours, Zebstrika! Zap Cannon!!

Nate, looking worried: Well, that’s not good. Purrloin, try and…Attract it, maybe? And Croconaw, use– oh, wait, Raichu must have knocked out right as you froze her, huh? Great…

*Zebstrika, managing to direct all of her newly found power into Purrloin, cares not for the cute wink that Purrloin gives her, as she instantly faints from the blast, handing the victory to Elesa.*

Elesa, calling back Zebstrika: You battle well, Nathan. Miss Rosa’s told me lots about you…and you definitely know how to battle well, I’ll give you that! Come back any day for a rematch, and I’ll be happy to have you back.

*Elesa then glances about through her now-unlit Gym, letting out a quick laugh.*

Elesa: …After we can get the lights back on, that is! Come on girls, we’ve got work to do now!

*Nate leaves the Gym, looking disappointed about how his team failed to trounce Elesa’s potent Electric-types…that is, until he sees Rosa heading right towards him, out of nowhere.*

Nate, sounding confused: Rosa…? I thought you were heading to Driftveil to look for Hugh, or whatever!

Rosa, looking concerned: I was! But just then, there was this big…oh…I…I don’t have the words right now!! But…we gotta get over there quick, okay? I’ll explain everything on the way, but…you need to come with me!

Nate, looking troubled too: Okay, but…if this is a situation that might require Pokemon…mine are kind of spent, after having battled Elesa just now.

Rosa, frowning: What?! All of them…? Which means…you lost-

Nate, sighing: Yes, Elesa beat me. I don’t know how much I can help with all my Pokemon having fainted, but-

Rosa, closing her eyes for a moment, as she thinks: Hm, this might be tougher than I thought it’d be, then…but…we’ll figure something out, I’m sure! Now, follow me, this is serious!!

Nate, sounding confused: Okay, but…just where are we going?!


Nate's Current Team:
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Leaf Tornado, Dragon Breath)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Attract, Foul Play)
Pignite (Flame Burst, Retaliate, Flame Charge, Body Slam)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Smash, Retaliate, Ice Fang, Take Down)
Pupitar (Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Dig, Earthquake)
Croconaw (Water Pulse, Aqua Jet, Avalanche, Ice Fang)

Chapter 12: The Frigid Future of Unova!

Chapter Text

Nate, doing a double take, as he and Rosa run down Charizard Bridge together: They seriously kidnapped him?!

Rosa, nodding: I know, right?! Gosh, I can only imagine how angry Hugh must be, letting his arch enemies in Team Plasma hold him hostage like this…

Nate: So, tell me, Rosa…were you with Hugh, when Team Plasma went and kidnapped him?

Rosa, shaking her head: No…but I was pretty close by, as I saw him on just the other block. I was going to wave to him…before I saw him get ambushed by a bunch of Team Plasma’s black-clad goons. That’s when I realized…I couldn’t take them on by myself. Not after what happened last time…

Nate, nodding once: So that’s why you came looking for me, then. I’d love to help in this rescue, but…as I said, my team’s worn out right now…

Rosa, still looking optimistic: Well…here’s the thing! I met this old guy at Driftveil, named Rood, and apparently, he used to be one of those big Seven Sages, over at Team Plasma!!

Nate, looking alarmed: What?! You said you just…casually met him, or something?!

Rosa, nodding: Yeah! He’s kind of just living in this villa at the top of the town, and-

Nate, shaking his head: -You seriously spent time talking to someone like him?! You realize that he and his compatriots are responsible for so many instances of Pokemon theft two years ago, that there are still thousands of unresolved cases relating to Pokenapping? People like him are the reason that people like you are still having their Pokemon taken from them!

Rosa, nodding: I know…but Rood…he’s changed his ways. Now, him and his followers look after Pokemon that were taken by Team Plasma, until they manage to find and reunite the Pokemon with their owners! In fact…he’s even taking care of this Zorua that N apparently used to care for, too!

Nate, looking surprised: So N…never came back for it?

Rosa, shrugging: I guess not…but he says Zorua’s really been itching to battle every Pokemon he sees lately, and…well, Rood’s looking to give him to a new Trainer, apparently!

Nate, frowning: That Zorua…was he the Pokemon you were hoping I’d take to help you with, seeing as my team is out for the count?

Rosa, nodding: Essentially…yes. I can lend you my Pokemon too if you like, though!

Nate, shaking his head: Rosa…your Pokemon will only grow stronger if it’s you who battles with them. You need to learn to face your fears, even if those fears are related to Team Plasma.

Rosa, frowning: I know, I know…but those men in the sewers, Nate…they tried-

Rood, waving to the pair, as they finish crossing the Charizard Bridge: Ah, Rosa! You brought your friend, I see!

Rosa, making herself look cheerful again: Oh, hey Rood! Yep, I found Nathan here, just like I said!!

Nate, pulling aside Rosa a few feet away, and just out of ear’s reach of the old man: Hey, Rosa? Why have you been calling me Nathan around everyone lately? My name’s Nate, you know…

Rosa, shrugging: Well, you want to stay under the radar to your father, right?

Nate, nodding: Obviously, yeah, but-

Rosa, smiling: Well, I figured it would be safer just to go and tell everyone your name is Nathan, just to muddy your trail a bit more, is all!

Nate, looking impressed: Oh…I didn’t even…good thinking Rosa!

Rosa, beaming: Of course! Always glad to help a friend, of course!

Rood, approaching the pair: S-speaking of friends, young one…have you told Mr. Nathan about the situation, Rosa?

Rosa, nodding: I have. You’ll take Zorua into your care, right Nate?

Nate, shrugging: Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice, considering my other partners are all too tired to battle right now…

Rood, handing Nate Zorua’s Poke Ball: Excellent! Well then, if you two wish to board the ship that Hugh was taken away on, it should still be docked over by the construction site. I just hope you aren’t too late! It could have sailed off by now, after all…


*Inside the Plasma Frigate, Hugh gets thrown into a small cell, which, upon him entering, a Plasma Grunt presses a switch on a nearby wall, causing about 10 green lasers to shoot vertically from the floor, reminiscent of jail cell bars in a conventional prison.*

Hugh, sounding outraged: You think those little lasers are gonna stop me?! I oughta-

Lenora, from the next cell over: Don’t try and go through those things. I threw a small piece of paper I had in my pocket at those things earlier, and it instantly got incinerated. Those things are likely just as deadly as you’d think they’d be, at first glance.

Hugh, pausing for a moment: Hey…wait, I recognize that voice! Aren’t you Lenora? The old Normal-type Gym Leader?

Lenora, nodding: Yep, that’s me alright. I took some time off to upgrade the security at the museum, but by the time everything had been finished…I realized that I wasn’t really getting the same joy from Pokemon battling that I used to. Blame Team Plasma, or blame me getting older, and getting my priorities in order…I think it’s safe to say though, at this point…I probably should have stuck to training up my Pokemon for just a bit longer, considering that mad scientist guy managed to beat me in a no-holds-barred battle yesterday.

Hugh, sounding shocked: You mean…that Colress guy, right? He spoke to me for a moment, before having his men toss me in here. He said something about…capturing all of Unova’s Legendary Pokemon, to take over the region, I think? I don’t remember much else, considering I was all in a rage when I saw him, having been handcuffed and all…

Lenora, sounding quite worried: Capturing all of Unova’s Legendary Pokemon? Might be kind of hard, considering N has two of them, and the fact that he hates Team Plasma with a passion. That is…unless he’s been forced to cooperate with them. If that’s the case…Unova could very well be in trouble.

Hugh, seething: Then what are we doing, having ourselves be captured like this?! Hell…why are we even being held captive?! It’s not like I have any friends willing to bust me outta here, so who the hell am I supposed to be bait for?!

Lenora, sighing: Even if you don’t have friends, Team Plasma still values your life. If I were to hazard a guess, they likely wish to use you as part of a bargaining chip, in negotiating a ransom of us, with the Unovan government. The more people and Pokemon they can hold hostage, the higher they can bargain.

Hugh, fuming: Ugh…I REFUSE to let myself be a pawn in Team Plasma’s little game!! I wonder…HEY! GUARDS! Get me something to eat over here, I’m starving!!

Nearby Plasma Guard, chuckling: You don’t sound very starved, if you ask me. Maybe if you’re good, we’ll give you a little snack tomorrow. How about that?

Hugh, losing his temper: Come over here, and I’ll give you a little snack, bitch!! Get over here, and fight me like a real man!!

Lenora, shaking her head: Don’t do this, kid. You’re only going to make things worse…

Plasma Guard, walking up straight to Hugh’s cell, and crossing his arms: Fight me, huh? And how do you suppose you’ll do that without your Pokemon, punk?

Hugh, grinning: Simple. You’ve already given me the perfect opportunity.

*Hugh extends his arms between the lasers, and clinches the guard’s jacketed arms, as he drags him forward, and right into the green lasers rising from the floor. The guard screams in agony, as his body gets eviscerated by the floor lasers, as Hugh makes sure to keep a tight grip on the guard, no matter how much he struggled.*

Lenora, sounding terrified, upon hearing the deathly screams happening in the cell just beside her’s: Hey…what the hell’s going on over there?!

Plasma Guard, as he helplessly looks into Hugh’s eyes, after having already been quite sliced up by the lasers: Please…just let go of me…I think I can still walk, so…I could turn those lasers off for you and your friend there. Hell, I’ll even tell you where your Pokemon were taken, and-

Hugh, with fire brimming in his eyes: I don’t need Team Plasma’s help to do anything. Everything your team stands for, and everything they’ve done…I will never accept compromise from the likes of you.

*Hugh then grabs the top and bottom of the Guard’s head, and forces the guard’s eyes to line up directly with the lasers coming from the floor, as the Guard screams hellishly, as his eyes quickly burn to a crisp, before the lasers pierce through his cranium entirely. The Guard’s body then goes limp, allowing Hugh to throw the body onto the floor, thereby giving him a brief moment to step out of the cell, before the lasers manage to pierce through the bulk of his body.*

Lenora, watching as Hugh then goes to the wall, and turns off the lasers guarding Lenora’s cell: Boy…what the hell did you-

Hugh, lightly kicking the cut-up corpse of the Plasma Guard: Forget about him. This will probably be our one and only chance to not only escape, but to rescue our Pokemon, too. I’m going to need your full cooperation going forward, however.

Lenora, nodding, after a small pause: …Fine. I can’t say I approve of your methods…but they certainly do get results. What’s the plan?


*On the boarding docks of the Plasma Frigate, a Plasma Grunt brings a pair of Poke Ball-less kids onto the deck, as Colress notices the group, as they board.*

Colress, with a smile on his face: Another pair of hostages for Team Plasma, I see? Excellent work, although I do wish you could have notified me, before your arrival. Take them to the cells back there, just like the other two.

*The Plasma Grunt silently nods, as Nate and Rosa follow him in compliance. Heading to where Colress had pointed, towards the back of the ship, the trio look alarmed, upon seeing Hugh and Lenora scrummaging through the area, in search of their lost Pokemon.*

Lenora, looking worried: Hugh, Plasma Grunt at five o’ clock. You know what to do.

Hugh, rising up from the boxes he’d been rummaging through, as he grins, looking ready to grab the Grunt: My pleasure! Wanna go for a ride, Plasma scum?

Nate, gasping: Wait, Hugh! That’s not actually a Plasma Grunt, it’s-

*Just as Hugh grabs the Grunt, it quickly morphs into a Zorua, who laughs at the tricked Trainer with delight.*

Hugh, sounding amazed: A…Zorua?! Aren’t those things like…incredibly rare, or whatever? How the hell did you get one?!

Rosa, shaking her head: We’ll explain later…but…how did you guys get free?

Hugh, chuckling: Well, funny story about that. These lasers-

Lenora, shaking her head: Please…spare them the details, if you would. At least wait until I’m not around, because…that sh*t was nasty.

Hugh, sighing: Fine. Still…you guys seriously allowed yourselves to be captured, just for our sakes?!

Rosa, nodding happily: Essentially, yeah! I saw you get kidnapped when I made my way to Driftveil City, so I recruited Nate to help rescue you!

Nate, nodding: Yeah…but to think they were so bold, to have actually kidnapped a former Gym Leader, too. Makes you wonder what they’re planning, really…

Hugh, nodding: About that…that Colress guy did mention something about their plan to me, I think. You see-

Colress’ voice, from a nearby intercom: My, what cheeky escape artists we have on board today! Truly, a remarkable plan, which probably would have gone off without a hitch…if that fake little Plasma Grunt of yours didn’t have a tail, that was.

Rosa, gasping: Wait, Zorua…can you not…Disguise your tail, or something?

Zorua, looking disappointed in himself: Zora…zo ru…

*Suddenly, green lasers jut out from the floor of the Frigate’s prison bay, as icy mist begins to pour out of the holes of the intercom.*

Rosa, gasping, watching as more and more green lasers get activated, through every visible doorway: Eep!! That’s not good…please don’t tell me we’re trapped in here…!

Lenora, shivering a bit: Being trapped will be the least of our worries, if this icy mist ends up freezing us solid.

Nate, chuckling off Lenora’s remark: Please…you really think some Icy Wind will be able to freeze us solid or something? Ice that can freeze entire humans solid is just science fiction, right?

Lenora, shaking her head: Well, according to what that Champion boy…Hilbert, I believe his name was…talked about a couple years ago to the press…apparently this large, Iced up Dragon-type was able to freeze him solid for three days straight, before Iris went and saved him. That Pokemon was Kyurem. AKA, the Pokemon that should belong to N currently.

Rosa, sounding worried: Wait…you guys don’t think N could seriously be working with Team Plasma again, do you?!

Lenora, shrugging: I wouldn’t think so, but…it isn’t impossible that they could have forced his hand, perhaps…

Rosa, crossing her arms close to her body: W-well…it’s definitely getting cold in here, that’s for sure. Nate, could you maybe bring out Pignite, so he can warm this place up a little?

Nate, reaching under his hat, and pulling out Pignite’s Poke Ball from under it: Sure. Come on out, Pignite!

*Nate clicks the Poke Ball’s main button a few times, but somehow, the device doesn’t appear to be functioning at all.*

Nate, looking quite worried now: Wait…what the hell’s going on here? Why won’t my Poke Ball work?

Lenora, frowning: I think I know what’s going on, kid. You see, Team Plasma’s probably outputting an anti-Poke Ball frequency into this room. It’s the same type of technology I had installed into my Museum, while the Gym was closed, in hopes of preventing Team Plasma from breaking into there again. But, as I soon came to learn, if people are bold enough…and lucky enough to break in while we weren’t home…crime can easily occur, with or without the aid of Pokemon.

Hugh, sounding distraught: So what you’re saying is…even if we found our Pokemon in here…we wouldn’t even be able to call them out of their Poke Balls?! Man…this really blows…

Rosa, sinking to her knees from the cold: W-well…I’m really not liking our chances of getting out of this now…so…Nate, maybe you can call your dad on your Xtransiever, and let him know about our situation?

Nate, looking shocked: What?! No way!! I’m trying to hide from him right now, remember?!

Rosa, looking into Nate’s eyes, as tears begin to form in them: Nate…if you don’t let your father know we’re in trouble, who’s going to try and rescue us? Heck, if anyone’s going to come save us, I’d imagine there are worse people to call for than the literal current Champion of Unova!! Please, Nate…

Nate, closing his eyes: Ugh, fine…

*Nate takes his Xtransiever out, and dials his dad’s number, as quickly as the increasingly-freezing grip on his fingers would allow. In a moment, his dad picks up from the other end.*

Nate, looking relieved to see his dad’s face, for the first time in days: Dad!! Look, I know there’s probably lots of stuff you want to say to me right now-

Clay, looking cross: Son, you have no idea. I thought I taught you to keep yer anger under control and the like…but assaultin’ a kid in Cheren’s Gym, just for insultin’ ya? I don’t condone that type o’ behavior, and ya know it!!

Nate, rolling his eyes: Look, I know it’s my word against Cheren’s, but I barely touched him!!

Hugh, yelling at Nate from off-screen: GET TO THE POINT WITH HIM, IDIOT!!

Nate, nodding: Uh…right. Look, me, and a couple friends…along with Lenora, actually…we’re all stuck inside this one weird sailing barge of Team Plasma’s and…we think they plan to freeze us solid in here.

Clay, looking alarmed: What in tarnation?! Boy, what city are y'all at?!

Nate, wincing, as the cold begins to bother him, too: Driftveil, sir…

Clay, as his eyes widen: Driftveil?! The boys and I just returned there to stock up on supplies! I’ll head down there, and free y’all faster than y’all can blink, I swear it. Hold tight ‘til then, alright son?

Nate, nodding, as he tries to hide his shivering from his father: Uh…right. See you soon, dad…

*Nate hangs up the call, as he tosses the Xtranseiever back into his bag, as he hugs himself for warmth, just like everyone else around him.*

Rosa, reaching out to pet Zorua, who was now huddled into a ball: Hey, Zorua…? Any chance you could…Disguise yourself as a Fire-type, perhaps?

Lenora, shaking her head: That wouldn’t work, honey. I’ve battled a few Trainers who trained Zorua in my day. The Pokemon that Zorua chooses to copy is merely an imperfect copy. Zorua itself can’t fully change its typing, or anything.

Rosa, frowning: I…s-sorta figured that might be the case, but…it would s-still be nice to see, so we c-could…pretend that we were warm, right? Hahaha…

Hugh, scoffing: You want to…t-take advantage of a damn placebo effect…? Damn…you’re even weaker than I thought you were…

Nate, looking annoyed at Hugh’s attitude: What, would you rather j-just…accept being frozen alive, then? It’s looking like you’ll get your wish r-regardless, at least…

Hugh, scowling at Nate: You don’t think I want to fight through this on my own? Getting bailed out by the…damn Champion, of all p-people…it’s not exactly how I…wanted p-people to learn my name…

Rosa, gasping, as she feels something weird happening all around them: G-guys…did you feel that?! Are we…g-getting lifted into the air…?

Hugh shaking his head: I-impossible…we’re on a f*cking boat, aren’t w-we…?

Lenora, frowning, as she leans, huddled against a nearby wall: Either this ship is secretly…m-made for both the l-land and seas…or L-lord Arceus is comin’ to bring us to the land above, before our times…

Rosa, her eyes having closed, as she lies on the metal floor of the area: Our time…my time…I think it’s f-finally up…good-bye, everyone…

*The group try to breathe the frigid air for a few more moments, before they soon all become frozen solid.*


*Back on Driftveil City’s port, Clay and his entourage look to the skies, at Team Plasma’s ship, now suddenly flying in the air.*

Clay, shaking his head: Well, I’ll be damned…

Countryman friend of Clay’s: You reckon it’s safe to call out a Flying type Pokemon, and try to board from the skies?

Clay, shrugging: Maybe. Might be better to get some insight from my son though, on the inside. Let me call ‘im up real quick.

*Clay calls Nate on his Xtransiever, but strangely, he doesn’t pick up the call.*

Other friend of Clay’s: You reckon your son’s battery…went and dried up, perhaps?

Clay, frowning: We only talked what, ten minutes ago? Something ain’t right, goin’ on up there.

Tallest man in the group: You reckon…it couldn’t all be a trap, could it?

Clay, nodding: That’s what truly worries me, about this here situation. They just so happened to choose the ol’ Champion’s son, to go and kidnap? They’re prepared for me to intervene. Me, the most powerful Trainer in all o’ Unova. You don’t go and choose certain defeat like that…unless you reckon you can win.

Tallest man in the group: If you reckon they’re wantin’ us to take the bait then…do we?

Clay, closing his eyes: …No. No, we don’t. We’d only be playing into their hand. We need to gather up as many strong Trainers as we can. Otherwise, we’ll only get captured like ‘em. Fellas, help me round up as many strong Trainers as y'all can. We’re gonna free my kid…on my terms.


*Back on the Plasma Frigate, Ghetsis has the Shadow Triad bring Colress to his chamber, as Colress kneels to his employer upon his arrival.*

Colress: Lord Ghetsis! You summoned me here, it seems?

Ghetsis, nodding: Indeed. Colress, you do realize that one of those kids you went and froze in the prison chambers…was none other than Clay’s kid, right?

Colress, looking surprised: Clay? As in…Unova’s reigning Champion, Clay?

Ghetsis: Yes. I ordered the Shadow Triad to unveil the Frigate’s air capabilities sooner than I was expecting, so that the boy’s old man wouldn’t just waltz his way in, and rescue his son.

Colress, nodding: I suspected as much, when I noticed we went airborne. Still, if Clay decides to board via a Flying-type Pokemon, the change in the ship’s altitude…won’t make much of a difference, I’d imagine…

Ghetsis: Indeed. And yet…from what these monitors all around me show, he has yet to come charging for us. Perhaps…he’s already aware of the fact that Kyurem’s under our control already. Perhaps he fears that we could quite easily freeze him out of the air, by redirecting Kyurem’s power towards him, if chooses to take to the skies.

Colress, shaking his head: Impossible. No one was around when I captured Kyurem for Team Plasma, once it returned to the Giant Chasm, after N had released it. I made sure to have Kyurem Glaciate the entire area, after I captured him, and upon checking every nook and cranny, I seemed to indeed be the sole human around.

Ghetsis: Regardless, he clearly knows about our plan to freeze Unova solid. I believe it’s time that we proceed with our plan, ahead of schedule.

Colress, looking a bit worried: Well, I think Kyurem would normally require a bit more rest, considering we just used its power to freeze those kids up in the prison bay. But at this current moment…he can still probably manage to freeze a city or two, before needing to rest again.

Ghetsis, grinning evilly: Do it. Freeze Driftveil City solid! If we can manage to delay Clay’s inevitable appearance, then so be it! The time to stage our grand return is upon us!!

Colress, bowing to Ghetsis, before taking his leave: As you wish, Lord Ghetsis.

*Colress is escorted out of Ghetsis’ chambers by the Shadow Triad, as the four teleport back to Colress’ lab, as he glances in excitement at Kyurem.*

Colress, taking out a simple remote of his: Well, Kyurem? It’s time that we have you focus your powers of Glaciation like we planned. Funnel forth your winds into that cannon as we planned, and our take-over of Unova shall begin!

*Colress presses the only button on the remote, as Kyurem lets out a deep roar, as solid ice begins building up in the cannon. The mechanism begins to whirl, as a crystal-like dust gets fired out of the cannon, as Driftveil quickly finds itself covered in a thick sheet of solid ice.*


*Clay, having gone back to his Gym, to retrieve a large book containing all of Unova’s Xtransiever numbers, begins calling up as many fellow Gym Leaders as he can, dialing their numbers as quickly as he can find their names.*

Clay, on a call with Iris: …That’s the long and short of it all, anyway. You able to spare an old man a moment of your time, to rescue his son?

Iris, nodding cheerfully: Of course! It’ll be nice to get out of this Gym and-

*Their conversation was interrupted by what sounded like a large crack in the air, on Clay’s end, as he scrambles to look outside the windows of his Gym, to see what was going on.*

Iris, looking worried: Clay?! What on Earth was that…?

Clay, shaking his head in disbelief, as he looks out of the windows of his Gym: Iris…I reckon you’ll never believe what I’m seein’ right now, but…Driftveil’s been…encased in ice, I reckon…

Iris, looking alarmed: Encased in ice?! But how…?

Clay: I don’t reckon how…but I’d bet my soul that Team Plasma’s behind this all, somehow. You able to swing by soon, then?

Iris, nodding enthusiastically: Of course! Just gotta let Drayden know I’ll be away, so he can man the Gym while I’m away! Want me to meet you at your Gym?

Clay, frowning: Ordinarily, yeah. But…there’s a slight problem.

Iris, looking concerned: No…what’s wrong now?

Clay, as he tries in vain to barge open the door to his Gym: It’s the damn ice, Iris. I’m locked in here like a caged Pidove. I reckon you can handle this on yer own, Iris?

*Just then, the transmission between the two Trainer shorts out, as Clay notices that the Wi-Fi access for the city had gone down.*

Clay, thinking to himself: Figures, since Team Plasma’s been tryin’ desperately to isolate us from the rest of Unova, for some confounded reason. Iris, looks like it’s all up to you now. You get ‘em, kid…

Chapter 13: Iris to the Rescue!

Chapter Text

*Inside Team Plasma’s base, Colress scans Kyurem’s vitals with a small, handheld device, as the Shadow Triad observe him.*

Shadow Triad member: Tell us, how long will Lord Ghetsis need to wait, before we can freeze up another city?

Colress, shrugging: Depends, really. If you want to be able to achieve as good of results as we got in this blast…I’d say another day, at the very least. But if we keep pushing Kyurem to keep making blasts of this caliber, I fear that we do risk damaging Kyurem’s ancient body, if we force him to pull this off too often.

Shadow Triad member, shaking their head: The safety of this beast is only of moderate concern to Ghetsis, as long as he can cover the entire region in ice, like planned. Make sure the beast is able to pull off another blast like that tomorrow, or Ghetsis will-

*Their conversation is cut short, as the entire Frigate felt as if it were about to tip on its side. A few moments later, however, after everyone had fallen over from the shift in momentum, the Frigate seemed to be back to normal.*

Shadow Triad member, once the Frigate had stabilized, and they all picked themselves up off the ground: Come. There are clearly much more important matters to discuss with Ghetsis at this time. We bid you farewell for now, Colress.

*Colress salutes the Triad, before they teleport away from his lab, and they appear in Ghetsis’ chamber, as they bow to their leader.*

Shadow Triad member: Lord Ghetsis, it seems the Frigate is encountering turbulence. Do you have any insight on what may be causing it?

Ghetsis: Were you not with the scientist just now? I figured something was going on with Kyurem.

Shadow Triad member, closing his eyes: Kyurem seemed fine, if not a bit tired out from the blast from a few minutes ago.

Ghetsis: Then check the main deck! Clearly, something is going wrong with our trajectories!

*The Triad salute Ghetsis, before teleporting to the main deck like told. When they arrive…they witness complete chaos. A Dragonite was apparently blowing a Blizzard’s worth of winds straight at the Frigate, and one of the sail posts had already toppled, from the Dragonite's assault. Along the floor of the deck, the Triad notice the bodies of Plasma Grunts, all strewn about, and the lack of any conscious ones around. Clearly, this Dragonite belonged to someone.*

Shadow Triad member, turning to the other two: Takaaki, gather up the survivors, and take them to the medical bay. Kenzo, report the situation to Ghetsis. As for me…I’ll fend off this Dragonite, and battle on behalf of all of us.

*Takaaki nods, before Kenzo interrupts them.*

Kenzo: Akira…would it not be more efficient for us to all focus on this Dragonite at once? After all, the cleanup can always happen-

Akira, remaining motionless: Leave me. Do you think I am unable to handle a singular threat like this? Attend to the loose ends, and I will handle this situation myself.

*The other two nod, and teleport off to complete their tasks, as Akira calls out his Hydreigon.*

Akira, closing his eyes: Hydreigon…Dragon Pulses, from all three heads.

Iris, peering up from behind her Dragonite’s back: Woah! Three Pulses fired at us at once?! An attack like that will break through even your Multiscaled defenses, Dragonite! Get in close with Extreme Speed, then have some of your Draco Meteors crash into the ship!!

*Dragonite zips past Hydreigon’s triple pack of Dragon Pulses with Extreme Speed, and along the way, punches a bunch of falling Draco Meteors falling from the sky straight towards the ship.*

Akira, standing his ground, in spite of the Draco Meteors piercing the ship’s hull: Need I remind you that your true opponent is Hydreigon, and not this ship?! Hydreigon, fire off your own Draco Meteors!

*Hydreigon summons down even more Draco Meteors from the sky, as Dragonite ends up grabbing Hydreigon, and slamming it into one of its own summoned Meteors, thanks to its Extreme Speed.*

Akira, upon watching his Hydreigon get slammed into the battered deck of the Frigate: Bisharp, hit Dragonite with a Night Slash!

*Bisharp slices the air so violently, that a blade of darkness hurtles towards Dragonite. Dragonite, however, uses her tiny wings to whip up a devastating Hurricane, before launching the windstorm right towards Bisharp, on the now-plummeting ship. The Night Slash merely gets absorbed by the swirling Hurricane, as it quickly catches both Bisharp and Akira in it’s vortex. Unexpectedly, from within the swirling windstorm, Akira’s eyes widen in horror, as he sees that Dragonite herself had followed them into the windstorm…and in fact, they even seemed to be flying upwards out of it…in an attempt to pursue him, it seemed? Indeed, as Akira was blown further into the air, and out of the Hurricane as a whole, Dragonite grabs the man out of mid-air, and holds him by the collar. From behind Dragonite’s massive body, Iris pops out, finally making herself known to the ninja.*

Akira, sweating profusely at this point, thinking to himself: Unreal…to think that anyone could pilot a Dragon so…proficiently, in conditions like these…!

Iris, staring down the Shadow Triad member, with disdain, along with Dragonite: Looks like one of you finally got yourselves captured, huh? You have a lot of explaining to do, when Dragonite and I bring you back to the authorities!!

*Suddenly, Akira watches as a Ninjask suddenly flies up behind Iris, to which she doesn’t seem to notice.*

Akira, chuckling: Bold of you, to assume you’ll ever get that far, Gym Leader. By the time you-

*As Ninjask suddenly charges in for an attack, Dragonite was apparently already quite aware of it, as she lights her free hand up with Fire, and Punches the Ninjask away in an instant, as Akira watches in horror, as that Pokemon ends up plummeting into the sea too, just as the ship was about to be, as well.*

Iris, looking insulted: You really thought a sneak attack like that would work on us?! My team and I have been training like crazy lately, and no Bug is going to get past our defenses!!

Akira, sweating, thinking to himself: sh*t…Kenzo must have sent his Ninjask up here to help me…but this Gym Leader girl’s on a whole other level. There’s no way the League would let her battle with a Dragonite this strong at her Gym…

Iris, petting Dragonite for a moment: Dragonite, you go and take this guy to the authorities, down at Driftveil. Wait…Driftveil’s frozen solid right now, isn’t it? Hmm, maybe taking him to Mistralton City would be better, actually. Think you can handle that on your own, Dragonite?

Dragonite, nodding with gumption: Dragggo!

Iris, calling out Togekiss, and hopping off of Dragonite’s back, and onto her’s: Good! Bring him over to the police station there! Togekiss and I will deal with rescuing Clay’s son, and the others!

*Dragonite nods, before flying off, with Akira still in his claws. Iris pilots Togekiss downwards towards the Frigate, now having transformed back into its boat form, as Iris commands Togekiss to unleash a Heat Wave towards the ship, causing the ice in the prison bay to melt.*

Iris, thinking to herself: Clay mentioned that it sounded like his son was freezing alive in there, so that Heat Wave should be enough to thaw them all out. Unfortunately, I don’t think Clay really said much about where on the ship they were being held, though. Guess I’ve just gotta get up close and personal, with Team Plasma’s new base!

*Iris pilots Togekiss even further downwards, towards where the Frigate had landed, as she hops aboard the deck, to get a closer look at the area. Her intrusion isn’t unnoticed by Kenzo and Takaaki, however, as they immediately realize that Akira wasn’t with her.*

Kenzo, taking out a kunai knife: Gym Leader, tell us - what have you done with our brother? If harm has befallen him, know that we won’t hesitate in harming you, in turn.

Iris, seeming unbothered, as she leisurely pets Togekiss: You really want to test me right now? As we speak, I’ve tasked Dragonite with handing him over to the authorities. I think you guys should be much more worried about that, than being worried about me!

Takaaki, as his eyes narrow: So, you didn’t finish him off, while you had the chance, then. A mistake as old as time, kid. To underestimate one’s adversary…is to anticipate death. Bisharp, Metal Claws!

Kenzo, looking quite angry as well: And to think, you even anticipated Ninjask’s sneak attack up there, too. Shedinja, Shadow Claws!

Iris, hopping back onto Togekiss’ back: Seriously? You realize those two both share a fatal weakness, right? Flame Burst, Togekiss!!

*Togekiss breathes out a pair of bouncy fireballs towards the oncoming Pokemon, and both fireballs Burst into Flames, upon colliding with their targets, KOing them both.*

Nate, as he and the others watch Iris take on the pair of ninjas, from just behind the doors of the prison bay: Woah…I knew Iris was a strong Gym Leader, but I didn’t realize she was THIS strong…

Lenora, getting up off the ground, and drying herself off with her apron: Hold up…do you think that girl was the one who melted us out of our icy prisons just now?

Hugh, after watching both Kenzo’s Accelgor and Takaaki’s Cryogonal faint to another Heat Wave that Togekiss had fired off: Considering that her Togekiss seems pretty adept at using that move…sure wouldn’t surprise me.

Rosa, looking confused: Wait…those ninjas are part of Team Plasma’s Shadow Triad that Hilbert’s mentioned in interviews before, right? Where…exactly is the third one?

Nate, looking like he had thought up something devious: Hey, Rosa? You just gave me a great idea…

Rosa, looking shocked: Really? And what might that be?

Nate, grinning: Just watch. Hey, Zorua?

*Nate proceeds to whisper something into Zorua’s ear, as Zorua chuckles with delight.*

Nate: Well, think you can do it, Zorua?

Zorua, nodding with delight: Zo Ru! Ruz zor zor!

*Zorua squeezes past the gaps in the green lasers - which, despite the Plasma Frigate having taken it’s fair share of damage, seemed to still be going strong, in spite of the damage to everything else on the ship - and Disguises himself to be a nearly perfect clone of the other two Triad members.*

Kenzo, gasping at the sudden sight of their brother: Brother, you’ve already managed to free yourself from that beast’s clutches?!

Takaaki, looking quite overwhelmed: This girl is no joke, brother. It may be time for a tactical retreat of sorts.

Zorua, realizing how similar both men’s voices were, trying to keep his own voice sounding as close to theirs as possible: Agreed! Make haste brothers, and remember…they may have won the battle, but not the war!

*Kenzo and Takaaki nod, before teleporting off somewhere, as Zorua then morphs back into his base form, and snickers incessantly.*

Nate, as he and the others walk over to Zorua in laughter, with smiles on their faces: Alright, good job there, Zorua!! We totally pranked them, huh?

Iris, looking confused: Wait…who the heck are you guys?

Nate, grinning: Oh, right! I’m Nathan! No relation to that Nate kid who’s hiding from Clay right now, of course!

Rosa, sighing at Nate: Just how dumb do you think she is, Nate? Anyway, I’m Rosa, rising fashionista, and Unova’s up-and-coming Champion! Well…I like to think so, at least…

Hugh, shaking his head at both of them: Please…you’re both so far away from my league right now, it’s not even funny. It’s just sad. Anyway, I’m Hugh. If you had me battle against either one of those two, I can’t imagine a more one-sided battle.

Lenora, walking out of the prison bay, with her hands on her hips: And ain’t none of you gonna give me a ‘thank you’ for switching off those lasers just now? Ungrateful, all of them. Don’t take pity on them there, Iris.

Iris, as the revelation finally dawns on her: Wait…you guys must be the ones that Clay asked me to rescue!

Lenora, smiling: Well, Clay sure picked a reliable Gym Leader to go and rescue us, huh? Your Pokemon seem to have gotten way stronger than when I last saw ‘em, Iris!

Iris, blushing a bit: Aw, thanks, Lenora! But…I won’t lie, after being defeated by N not once, but technically three times two years ago, I knew that my team really needed to shape up!

Nate, looking impressed: Thinking of taking on my dad at the Pokemon League, huh? You have your work cut out for you there, that’s for sure!

Iris, frowning: Nate, I think you said your name was? That little trick you pulled off with Zorua just now…was totally irresponsible! You saw that I was handling those two just fine, right? Once those two realize what happened, they’ll be totally mad about it, you know?

Nate, chuckling: I wouldn’t doubt it! I mean, I’d be pretty mad if I got tricked by a Pokemon too, after all! No offense to you of course, Zorua…

Zorua, smiling, but turning his nose to Nate: Zora!

Rosa, crossing her arms, and turning to Nate: I think what Iris is trying to say is that you shouldn’t try and anger an already-angry beast, right? I mean…we’ve all seen first-hand how scary Team Plasma can be today, right?

Iris, nodding: Exactly. She’s right, and that’s why I want you all to get on Togekiss’ back, so I can get you all out of here, before reinforcements…or, Arceus-forbid…the Shadow Triad return.

Nate, frowning: What?! But we’re literally already on Team Plasma’s turf, right? We could end this right here and now, if we wanted!

Hugh, punching Nate in the shoulder: Newsflash, idiot. Some of us had our Pokemon stolen, remember?

Iris, gasping: Wait, they stole your Pokemon?! Clay never mentioned that…

Lenora, nodding: Yeah, Hugh and I’s Pokemon went and ended up getting stashed away somewhere. We’ve been looking for ‘em, but to no success.

Rosa, looking hopeful: Wait…you guys didn’t happen to find a Servine, Smoochum, Riolu, Panpour, or Shinx while you were searching for your Pokemon, did you?

Hugh, shaking his head: No, why?

Rosa, frowning: Oh…no reason, actually. Hahaha…

Nate, pointing to an unattended box of Poke Balls, sticking out of a nearby alcove: Hey…did you guys check that box there yet?

*From down below the main deck, Colress then emerges from the basem*nt level, as he seems quite surprised to see everyone having escaped from the prison bay.*

Rosa, looking extremely concerned: Um, guys?! We should really get going…

Hugh, nodding: Yeah, I agree with her for once. Is there enough room for all of us on Togekiss’ back, Iris?

Iris, nodding, as the others begin hopping aboard Togekiss’ back: Yeah…I believe so! You’ll just need to scooch in close to each other, is all, and- wait, Nate!! There’s no time to grab that box, Nate! We can always go back for it later, right?!

Nate, shaking his head, as he heaves up the heavy box, loaded up with all kinds of Poke Balls: No way…these Pokemon need saved, just as much as we do! Drop those guys off at Driftveil, then make a separate trip for me, Iris! I’ll be fine!

Iris, looking stunned at Nate’s selflessness: But Nate, you-

Colress, noticing Nate, then turning to Iris and the others boarding Togekiss: My…Lord Ghetsis certainly won’t be pleased by any of this, will he? Perhaps I need to call for the Genesects to arrive…

Rosa, tugging on Iris’ dress: Iris, we need to leave NOW. Those things are crazy dangerous!!

Iris, nodding: Alright…fine. I’ll drop you guys off at Driftveil, but I’ll come right back for you, okay Nate?

Nate, nodding: Yeah, that’s fine! Be safe, Iris, and everyone else…

*Iris tugs on Togekiss’ feathers, as she pilots her over to Driftveil, where Lenora, Hugh, and Rosa all gaze at both the beauty, and horror, of what a frozen-over modern city looked like.*

Rosa: Unreal…so this is really what global cooling would look like in its ultimate form, huh?

Hugh, giving her a confused look: …What the hell are you talking about?

Iris, hopping back onto Togekiss: Well, I’d love to gaze at this frozen cityscape with you guys too, but Nate needs me, back on the Frigate…but I’ll be right back!

Lenora, graciously nodding to Iris: You be safe back there, honey, alright? I don’t want to see anyone getting hurt now, okay?

*Iris gives a reassuring nod back to Lenora, as she flies Togekiss right back to Team Plasma’s base, for one more rescue.*

Chapter 14: The Monumental Melting of Team Plasma!

Chapter Text

*Back on Team Plasma’s sea-bound Frigate, Colress summons four Genesects to his side, as they suddenly fly out from the lower floors, in their disc-like hover forms. Abandoning the crate for now, Nate instead focuses on getting as far away from Colress’ Genesect army as possible. Eventually, he manages to hide behind a nearby wall, below the main deck. The four Genesects, still in their hover forms, illuminate the areas in front of them with their headlight-like eyes.*

Zorua, popping out of Nate’s hat: Zor-

Nate, covering his Pokemon mouth, while whispering to Zorua: Keep quiet, Zorua, or they’ll hear us! Those things over there are operating on Colress’ commands to eliminate us, and- wait, that’s it! Zorua, I think I have another plan that might just be crazy enough to work! Ready to hear it?

*Zorua nods, as Nate whispers his plan to him. The Genesects continue to scan the area for any trace of Colress, to no avail…until Colress suddenly walks out from behind a nearby wall.*

“Colress”: Ah, my Genesect army. Come, and follow me, for I have located our little intruder.

*The hovering Genesects quickly jet themselves over to him, as they notice a weird-looking Substitute doll lying just behind the wall.*

“Colress”: Clearly, the intruder boy seems to have left us a decoy, of sorts. Genesects, destroy it, with extreme prejudice. Encircle it, and blast it with your Flamethrowers!

*The Genesects all comply, and although the Flamethrowers burn up the substitute, the collision of all four Flamethrower attacks, in such a small space, triggers a massive explosion, which only becomes immediately more massive, as the four Genesects combust, as well. The real Colress runs below deck too, upon hearing the implosions, and gasps in horror. Meanwhile, Nate uses an alternate exit to get back to the main deck, as Zorua follows him with glee. Just as they do, Iris comes Flying back in, atop Togekiss.*

Iris, looking concerned, as she sees the fires rising up past the main deck: Nate, what’s going on here?!

Nate, grinning: Don’t worry Iris, I’ve got it all under control. Let’s not forget to grab that crate of Poke Balls before we get the heck out of here, though!

Iris, nodding, as Nate hops onto Togekiss: Right!

*Iris pilots Togekiss to the other side of the ship, as Iris then helps Nate heave the crate of stolen Poke Balls onto Togekiss’ back, as they quickly Fly off back to the mainland of Driftveil, before anyone from Team Plasma could interfere.*

Rosa, still explaining her comment from before to Hugh: Well, the opposite of global warming would be global cooling, and- hey, look! It’s Iris and Nate! He’s okay!!

Hugh, smiling a little bit: Thank Arceus…I don’t know how much more of that I could have taken.

Nate, as Iris pilots Togekiss to the ground, and he tosses the crate of stolen Poke Balls to the ground: Well, if you guys's stolen Pokemon aren’t in this container here…I don’t know what to tell you, as I don’t plan to ever go back on that flaming ship over there again any time soon…

*Hugh, Rosa, and Lenora begin to sift through the pile of Poke Balls inside, and sure enough, the group ends up finding each and every Pokemon that belonged to them.*

Hugh, smirking, as he gazes happily at his team that was once again by his side: …I’ll be damned. Even when the odds were stacked against you, you really came through, huh Nate?

Nate, smiling: Well, I couldn’t have done it alone. Iris and Togekiss were pretty important to helping me actually get that crate off the ship, after all…

Lenora, smiling graciously, after being re-united with her team, as well: Indeed, you both have my utmost respect. However…our Pokemon here were only a small portion of the ones that were in that crate. How do you suppose we should go about finding the OT’s of all the other Pokemon in there?

Iris, smiling: Leave that to me, Miss Lenora! I’ll put out a press release telling Unova what happened today, and, that if their Pokemon were stolen by Team Plasma recently, they should come to my Gym at Opelucid City! I- er…Drayden, will be more than happy to get everyone re-united with their friends once again!

Rosa, petting Servine, who was now once again by her side, along with the rest of her team: Wait, are you saying you won’t be at your Gym for awhile? Why’s that, if you don’t mind me being a nosy Nosepass?

Iris, chuckling, and closing her eyes: Hehe, it’s a secret to everyone, I’m afraid! Let’s just say…I’ll be in the northern area of Unova for awhile, so maybe we’ll meet up again, later into your journey! Anyway, I’ve gotta-

Hugh, holding up his hand to Iris: Hold up. Driftveil’s still…kind of…iced-up right now, you know? Do you think there’s a way we could thaw it out, or something?

Iris, letting out a quick laugh: Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Togekiss, give Driftveil City the Heat Wave it deserves!

Togekiss, nodding: Toge! Kiiiiiiss!!

*Togekiss zooms into the air, and dashes all around Driftveil City, generating the sudden Heat Wave to the area that it desperately needed, as the ice that coated the city quickly melts away in moments, to everyone’s amazement.*

Hugh, hardly believing his eyes: Well, I’ll be damned…that’s certainly one powerful Togekiss, huh?

Iris, beaming with delight, as she watches Togekiss zoom all throughout the town: Yeah…let’s just say…we’ve really been putting training on the top of our priority list lately!

*With the ice around Driftveil City having finally melted, Clay finally manages to leave his Gym, as he rushes over to the gathering, as he notices Iris and Nate, among the nearby group of Trainers.*

Nate, looking frightened by the sight of his father having finally caught up to him: W-wait, look…I know you probably won’t believe me still, but I REALLY didn’t hurt that kid at Cheren’s Gym at all, and-

Clay, smiling: Son, you don’t gotta explain it to me no more. While I was trapped inside the Gym just now, Cheren called, and told me all about what actually happened. ‘Parently, the kid in his Gym there was a lyin’ SOB. Cheren went and kicked the kid out of his Gym once he found out, and called me up right afterwards.

Nate, gasping: Wait…seriously?! So…we’re all good now, then?

Clay, chuckling: ‘Course we are, son. Heck, I’d be more than happy to invite you to take on your old man’s Gym team next…if you’re feelin’ up to it, that is!

Nate, looking confused: Wait…your Gym team? But…I thought the Pokemon League didn’t allow anyone to be both a Gym Leader and the reigning Champion at the same time! How…

Iris, looking slightly disappointed: Aw, Clay…you didn’t have to ruin the surprise for them like that, did you?

Rosa, looking confused: The…surprise? Wait…Iris said she’d be at the northern area of Unova, meaning-

Clay, nodding: You betcha, ‘lil lass. Iris was disappointed that we didn’t get to battle at the Champion’s Charity Tournament two years ago, so, a few hours ago, she went and challenged me, in the Pokemon League, and…well, let’s just say things didn’t go my way, heh.

Nate, looking shocked: So that means…you’re no longer the Champion of Unova, dad?!

Clay, tipping his hat to Iris, out of respect: Not anymore…but let me tell ya, you kids are gonna be in for a real tough fight, if you end up havin’ to battle Iris for the Championship title, that’s for sure. Regardless…I’m sure I can still give you all a battle you’ll never forget down at my Gym, at least.

Nate, nodding: Well, I know I’m ready, at least! …Which is what I would say, if Zorua wasn’t my only conscious Pokemon right now…

Clay, chuckling, as he starts heading back to his Gym: Well, get ‘em all nice and healed up…and I’ll give you all a proper battle once ya do.

*The group say their good-byes to each other, as they all begin heading their separate ways, only for Rosa to stop Hugh, as he was about to head to the nearby Pokemon Center to get his Pokemon healed up too.*

Rosa, grabbing Hugh by the shoulder: W-wait a second, Hugh.

Hugh, turning towards Rosa: What is it now?

Rosa, twiddling her hair: Well, it’s just…the reason I even saw you get kidnapped back there was…well, I wanted to see if you’d be interested in a Pokemon Trade, and-

Hugh, turning away from her: No thanks. My team’s already gotten me four Badges, so I see no need to go about rotating anyone outta the roster.

Rosa, nodding: Oh…I see. Well, with my old teammates back, I guess I do have some more options to work with on my end too, huh? Well…if you ever need a Garbodor, I-

Hugh, stopping in his tracks to scoff: A Garbodor…? Someone like you is seriously training one of those things?

Rosa, shrugging: Well, I guess I don’t need to now, since I have seven Pokemon to call my own again, but…she is pretty powerful, at least…

Hugh, chuckling, refusing to turn back to her direction: Please…I doubt anyone could manage to turn a hunk of garbage like those things into a competent threat, in a serious battle. Just leave that thing in your PC account, where it belongs, if you want my advice.

Rosa, nodding, as she looks down at Garbodor’s Poke Ball: Yeah…you’re probably right, I guess. Thank you, Hugh…


*Following Iris’ assault on the Plasma Frigate, and Nate’s retrieval of a good portion of Team Plasma’s recently-stolen Pokemon, the Shadow Triad and Colress report to Ghetsis for what was no doubt going to be a stressful meeting.*

Ghetsis, looking down at his most trusted commanders, atop his own make-shift throne, which was merely a mechanical chair raised high above the floor, surrounded by computer monitors: Men, we have suffered a humiliating defeat today, and at the hands of Unova’s frilly little Dragon-type Gym Leader, no less.

Colress, raising his hand: Actually, recent articles published today seem to indicate that she’s now Unova’s newest reigning Champion, as a matter of fact! All wonder her Pokemon proved to be such a force!

Ghetsis, looking annoyed: I don’t care WHAT the girl’s title is! She’s a menace, just like those little friends of her’s, who she helped escape from our clutches! Colress, just how many Pokemon did those fools manage to steal away from us?

Colress, bowing to Ghetsis in shame: Well…nearly all of them, from the last few days, my Lord. Admittedly, I should have gotten to securing those Poke Balls along with the others in the backrooms, but I’ve been so busy looking after Kyurem lately, I’ve barely had any time to attend to the other duties in my area of the ship…

Ghetsis, still looking displeased: I will not forget such thoughtlessness on your behalf, Colress. Nonetheless…your failure today still doesn’t eclipse the weakness that the Triad has shown today. Between being captured by a Pokemon, tricked by a Pokemon, and ultimately, beaten by a Pokemon?! Do you three even have the right to call yourselves ninjas anymore?!

Kenzo, bowing to Ghetsis: If it’s any consolation, Lord Ghetsis, we realized we’d been tricked by the Zorua, we performed a successful rescue mission into the Mistralton County Prison, and freed Akira from confinement. By the time we were all back in shape and ready to defend the Frigate once more, however…we saw that the ship had been barraged with meteors, and burning from the inside out…

Takaaki, bowing as well: Regrettably, by the time we got back to the ship, there was little we could do.

Ghetsis, looking like he was about to rip everyone a new one, before quickly calming down: If you two had chosen to stay with the ship, over rescuing your friend, then- ugh, look. Colress, Kyurem is still secured at least, yes?

Colress, nodding with pride: Of course! Kyurem won’t be going anywhere, any time soon, with all the machinery I have hooked up into him!

Ghetsis, sighing: Good. As long as Kyurem is still at our disposal, everything else can be repaired, and fixed. Regardless…have Kyurem be able to Glaciate another city by tomorrow, Colress. We can’t afford to have Unova believe we’re weak, at the cusp of our glorious return.

Colress, bowing forward, in respect: You have my word, Lord Ghetsis. Just say the word, and any city of your choosing will be Glaciated to kingdom come.

Chapter 15: The Former Champion's Return!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*The next day, Lenora feels renewed and relieved, being able to wake up next to her husband, Hawes, once again.*

Hawes, smiling to his wife: Morning, sweetie! Are you feeling okay?

Lenora, barely managing to open her own eyes yet: Huh? Uh…yeah, I guess. Why? Was I tossing around in my sleep again?

Hawes, nodding: Yeah, kinda. It’s not hard to understand what you must be going through, after everything that happened last night. If there’s anything you want to talk about with me, I’m all ears, as you know!

Lenora, smiling: Thank you, honey. Truly. But really, after everything that’s happened…I just wanna head back to the Museum, is all. Hell, I still don’t know what all got stolen yet, so…

Hawes, frowning: Indeed…I’m aware that insurance will likely cover a good many objects that were stolen, but the fact that those precious relics are now in the hands of evil-do’ers…it’s enough to make even my blood boil, really…

Lenora, putting her hand on Hawes’ shoulder: We’ll be fine, hun. Heck, I’ll be the one to take pictures of the damages, if you agree to be the one to file the paperwork. Sound good to you?

Hawes, nodding: Fine by me. Just watch for glass, wherever you walk. Those goons did a number to a lot of our displays.


*Lenora, upon walking from their house, over to the Museum, her eyes widen, upon meeting a familiar face.*

Lenora, walking over to the boy: Well, if it isn’t none other than the Chosen One himself! What have you been up to lately, Hilbert? Haven’t seen you around anywhere for ages now!

Hilbert, smiling to Lenora: Just been doing my own thing, I suppose.

Lenora, smiling: Well, most young men your age do, don’t they? On that note, though…weren’t you planning to attend Uva Academy? What happened to those little pans of yours? You mentioned wanting to go there in some interviews, right?

Hilbert, shaking his head: I’ve…set those plans aside for the moment, unfortunately. I’ve had…other things to attend to, I’m afraid.

Lenora, frowning: For two whole years now? Hilbert, I know I’m obviously quite biased on the subject, but…seeking out and experiencing higher education is important, you know!

Hilbert, nodding: I know, I know…and I do fully intend on attending, in another timeline. A better timeline. A timeline…where my sister lives.

Lenora, looking saddened: Hilbert…what happened to Hilda was tragic, I think we can all agree. But no amount of praying and hoping is ever going to bring her back!

Hilbert, looking Lenora straight in her eyes: I know that. That’s why I need the power of Celebi…to go back in time and save her. And no, before you say anything…I have seen Celebi with my own eyes. I know it exists. And that’s why I came to Nacrene City, actually. I figured that a woman like you has to know a thing or two about the myths surrounding Celebi, yes? I wish to learn about them, Lenora.

Lenora, being taken aback by Hilbert’s sudden boldness: So, if you do intend on finding Celebi…you wish to have them rewrite time, for your own benefit? Messing with the timeline isn’t something I would encourage…but, I also do know of a book or two in the Museum that talk about Celebi at length. Come with me, young man. Although my Museum is temporarily closed, until we can assess the damages to the premises…I don’t mind directing you to a couple books I think you’ll find interesting.

Hilbert, nodding: Thank you, Lenora. Any help in the search would be appreciated at this point, considering that it’s been over a year since I’ve last encountered the little thing.

*Meanwhile, high above the Nacrene City skies, Ghetsis observes the old-timey city, via a Magnemite equipped with video-recording capabilities.*

Ghetsis, giving Colress a call on his Xtranseiver: Colress, come in. Do you copy?

Colress, answering on the other end, with a smile plastered on his face: Loud and clear, sir!

Ghetsis, nodding: Good. From what I’ve been able to tell, the boy who possesses Zekrom has been spotted. If we can assure that he won’t be meddling in our affairs once again, it may be to our benefit to freeze Nacrene City solid, to eliminate the chances of that boy going anywhere.

Colress, pausing, for a short moment: So, you’ve picked the next city you wish to unleash Kyurem’s powers on, it seems. I believe Kyurem should be able to fire off another Glaciating blast, but, do remember, we mustn't overuse Kyurem’s powers, lest he not be able to Glaciate a city that truly requires our intervention!

Ghetsis, waving off Colress’ warnings: So be it! If he can Glaciate up the city right now, I worry not for what may come to pass later on! Ready Kyurem, and fire!!

Colress, giving an approving nod to Ghetsis: As you wish, Lord Ghetis.

*N hangs up the Xtransiever, and goes over to Kyurem, giving him a few pets.*

Colress, smiling with pride: Well, Kyurem, it seems the time has come for you to use your Glaciating powers once again! Concentrate, and unleash your freezing mists!

*Kyurem bellows, before the air inside the ship turns frigid. Colress activates the ship’s main cannon, as it weaponizes the freezing air, and uses it to freeze the city solid. Inside the Nacrene City Museum, Lenora and Hilbert gasp, upon hearing a massive cracking sound from outside.*

Lenora, shaking her: Oh hell no…it couldn’t be…the same crack from yesterday?!

Hilbert, sounding confused: The crack…from yesterday? What are you talking about, Lenora?

Lenora, frowning: Didn’t you hear about it on the news last night, Hilbert? Team Plasma went and froze Driftveil City solid, until Iris went and saved everyone, thawing out the city in short order!

Hilbert, looking alarmed: Wait…you said Team Plasma was to blame…? So…they’ve finally returned, it sounds like.

Lenora, as she and Hilbert make their way to a nearby exit, and look out of the window frame at the suddenly-frozen city: Yeah. Hell, those fools even had the nerve to kidnap me…a former Gym Leader, mind you! And if that weren’t enough, they apparently went and made sure I couldn’t fight back yet again - the doors are frozen shut!!

Hilbert, frowning: With all due respect, Lenora…if I had to guess, it’s likely me they’re worried about, not you. Heck, I wouldn’t even doubt that they spotted me up in that flying ship of theirs, and decided to target Nacrene City because of that. No doubt due to how paranoid they are, over the fact that I’m Zekrom’s chosen one.

Lenora, smiling: Well, as much as I’m thrilled to have good company in here, you can probably go and take on the whole damn lot of them with Zekrom, right?

Hilbert, frowning: I wish I could, Lenora, but…Zekrom’s transformed himself back into a Black Stone, as of late. I’m not sure what I did to prompt such a change in Zekrom’s behavior…but things probably won’t be as easy as you were hoping. And without a Fire-type Pokemon by my side, I’m not sure how we’ll be able to burst these ice-frozen doors apart.

Lenora, grinning: You can leave that to us, Hilbert. Kangaskhan, bust down these doors with your Fire Punch!

*Kangaskhan does so, as Hilbert stares at the scene in awe, and a bit of confusion.*

Hilbert, turning to Lenora: Woah…thanks for the assistance Lenora, but…weren’t you just telling me about how your insurance premiums are going to go up, after the break-in? Surely busting the doors down isn’t going to be a good look either…

Lenora, chuckling: Looking good won’t mean sh*t if Team Plasma ends up having their way with Unova! But enough about them! Surely a Champion like you has what it takes to handle them, right?

Hilbert, nodding: I can only hope. Well then, Braviary? It’s time we get some good training in, for once. Fly us up there, quickly!

*Braviary appears, giving Hilbert an approving nod, before Flying him up to the deck of the Plasma Frigate. Gazing around where he’d landed, he swears at least 20 different black-clad individuals were quickly surrounding him.*

Hilbert, thinking to himself, as the Grunts continue to encircle him: What’s going on here…? Were they…waiting for me to arrive here?! Why don’t they fear me, like the Team Plasma of old?

*Suddenly, Colress climbs out from the lower levels of the Frigate, bowing to the former Champion.*

Colress, with an unnerving smile: Well, if my data is correct, you must be the always-popular Hilbert! A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance! My name is Colress, and…I do apologize for what happened to your sister. Although tragic, I’m afraid that such accidents tend to happen to those who end up abandoning Team Plasma.

Hilbert, as his hands ball up into fists: Don’t you DARE talk ill of my sister!! Emboar, smash him up with your Flare Blitz attack!

Colress, grinning: Not so fast! Thundurus, slow him down, with your Thunder Wave, before following up with a classic blast of Thunder!

*Emboar charges in with a body covered in flames. Running straight through even Thundurus’ Wave of Thunder, he proceeds to slam into Thundurus, despite his own paralysis. Thundurus attempts to hold Emboar back, but to no avail, as Emboar runs into him with full force, KOing him.*

Colress: Tornadus, pick up where Thundurus left off. Unleash a Hurricane, and sweep Emboar off his feet!

Hilbert: Emboar, show Tornadus a tough Facade! Don’t let him even notice that you’ve been paralyzed!

*Emboar charges straight for Tornadus, but this only allows for the Hurricane that Tornadus whips up to easily absorb Emboar into its winds. Once the Hurricane dies down and dissipates, Emboar falls back onto the deck of the ship, and faints.*

Hilbert, looking annoyed: Braviary, get out here, and dive bomb that thing, with your Brave Bird attack!

Colress, smiling: Ah, Braviary certainly has gotten much stronger, hasn’t he?

Hilbert, looking confused: Well, yeah, but…how would you know that?

Colress, chuckling: Let’s just say…Team Plasma likes to keep their eyes on their old foes. One can’t be too careful, when you’re part of Unova’s most wanted list, after all! Regardless, I must admit, I’m quite impressed with the amount of training you’ve been giving to Braviary, despite him being merely your Flying Pokemon of choice, when you first caught him.

Hilbert, looking disgusted: So, Team Plasma’s been spying on me, huh? I’d say I’m shocked that they’d stoop so low…but who am I kidding? I doubt Team Plasma has any sort of morals to how they operate.

Colress, beaming: They really don’t, honestly! And if that’s what it takes for Pokemon to reach the peak of their power, then so be it! Tornadus, snipe Braviary out of the air with a Hyper Beam!!

*Braviary zooms straight for Tornadus, only to be met with an even stronger Beam of energy, which properly knocks Braviary out of the air, and KOs him.*

Hilbert, frowning: If Team Plasma’s been keeping a close eye on me, they must know all about Scolipede too, right? Get out here, and Rollout towards Tornadus, but be unpredictable in the path you take!

Colress, chuckling: Ah, yes! Having wandered through Pinwheel Forest for so long, there’s little surprise that you’d eventually have found one of those things. Unfortunately for you, however, Tornadus is superior to even the biggest Bugs out there. Unleash another Hurricane, Tornadus!!

*Scolipede Rolls Out towards Tornadus, but in a way where Tornadus’ first Hurricane is unable to sweep up the large-horned Bug. When Scolipede goes in for another spin, after smacking Tornadus hard the first time, Tornadus sends Scolipede flying with his tail, before catching him in mid-air, and letting a Hurricane rip, right below them. The winds ravage Scolipede, before Tornadus unceremoniously drops it down to the deck of the Frigate, as it faints from the impact.*

Hilbert, shaking his head: Simipour, freeze Tornadus out of the air, with your Ice Beam!!

Colress, smiling: Ah, the Panpour that you evolved with the Water Stone that Cress gave you, when you sought out his help in training! However, even with Simipour’s newly-attained strength, Cress was still able to beat her, in a one-on-one battle, with his Panpour. Honestly, even I had trouble trying to decipher how Cress managed to pull off an upset like that…but alas, your Simpour hardly scares me. Tornadus, hit Simipour with your Grass Knotted knuckles!!

*Tornadus forms knuckle armor in the form of a pair of Grass Knots, which he deliberately forms make-shift spikes on, for maximum impact. As Simipour’s Ice Beam travels straight towards Tornadus, he allows Ice to accumulate on his newly-formed pair of bracers, turning the leafy spikes into even harder, ice-tipped spikes. Tornadus then flies in, and unleashes a furious combination of blows, which quickly overwhelm Simipour, who faints.*

Colress, smiling with delight: Excellent improvisation there, Tornadus! Extra points for the show of creativity! Not that I was too worried, of course, seeing as how that thing lost a battle to its pre-evolved form! Tell me, Hilbert - how does something like that happen, anyway?

Hilbert, looking ashamed: Well, after I caught Panpour, while looking for Celebi, I sought out Cress, since I remember seeing that he owned a Panpour, when Cheren and I visited the Striaton City Gym…or what it later became, the city’s most popular eaterie. Regardless, I insisted he let me battle him for real, and I did. We lost, of course, but he heard me lamenting my lack of Water Stones. Little did I know, he actually carried one around, in case he ever needed to evolve his own Panpour. Well, I then did what most Trainers would do in that situation, and evolved Panpour right away. When I went to Cress for a rematch, then…he ended up having Panpour use all sorts of crazy moves that Simpour certainly didn’t know. We couldn’t keep up, and in the end…we lost the rematch, too.

Colress, chuckling: Well, I think I can tell what was going on now. The reason that Cress hadn’t evolved his Simipour yet was due to the fact that unevolved Pokemon tend to learn moves faster than evolved ones! Think of it like an adult learning a new language for the first time, as opposed to a child. All logic would dictate that the adult would hold an unfair advantage in that scenario…and yet, countless studies have shown that children, as inexperienced as they may be, are able to grasp other languages far quicker than even the smartest of adults.

Hilbert, nodding: Yeah, that’s the same explanation that Cress ended up telling me, actually. And that’s why…I haven’t let this one evolve yet! Gurdurr, get out here, and Smack Down Tornadus out of the air with your metal beam!!

Colress, chuckling with delight: Hilbert, you’re making this far too easy for me! Tornadus, unleash another Hurricane, would you?

*Gurdurr charges straight for Tornadus, only to get swept up by the winds of the swirling Hurricane, which end up gusting Gurdurr’s beam from out of his hands. The Hurricane then dissipates, sending Gurdurr straight to the ground…along with his own beam, which ends up landing on top of Gurdurr’s face, knocking out the already-downed Pokemon.*

Hilbert, looking distraught: Serperior, you’re my only shot at winning now, distant as it may be. Unleash a Hyper Beam, and blow Tornadus out of the skies!

Colress, grinning with delight: Must I even say it, Tornadus? Use your favorite move, once more!

*Tornadus whips up one more Hurricane, which quickly ends up absorbing Serperior. Serperior, instead of getting slammed about within the spiraling vortex, merely lets himself be blown throughout its circumference, until the winds reside. Then, once the opportunity had come, Serperior unleashes a Hyper Beam, to Tornadus’ surprise, as he faints from its power.*

Colress, looking quite off-put: My, that Serperior of yours is even stronger than I had initially calculated! Allowing himself to be absorbed by the Hurricane, rather than resisting it…an ingenious strategy, if I do say so myself! But alas, an attack like that will leave him momentarily weakened. Victini, make use of this opening, and slam Serperior away, with the power of your V-Create!!

Hilbert, grinning all of a sudden: That’s what you’d think! But, Contrary to what you think, Serperior’s just fine, actually! Unleash another Hyper Beam, Serperior!!

*Victini speeds towards Serperior, ears covered in harsh flames. However, they weren’t harsh enough to burn through the Beam of energy that Serperior sends Colress’ way, as Victini quickly faints from the exchange.*

Hilbert, smiling wildly: Like that? Thanks to Serperior’s Contrary ability, feats one would think impossible become possible!

Colress, smiling ominously: Every ability, and every Pokemon, has a limit. Just a quick glance at your Serperior is all I need, to know that he is now nearing his. Metagross, unleash a Meteor Mash, to smash out the last of Serperior’s strength!

Hilbert: Serperior, get Metagross out of there, with your Dragon Tail!! …Serperior?

*Metagross quickly dashes over towards Serperior, but the task of firing out two consecutive Hyper Beams seemed to be taking its toll on Serperior, as it seemed to lack the ability to even evade a slow-moving bash, like Metagross was keen to give him. As Metagross slams a heavy, charged up Mash straight towards Serperior, he ends up fainting, to Hilbert’s dismay.*

Colress, chuckling: And that, my friends, is how it’s done. Now then, all of you, relieve him of his Poke Balls, and his bags, along with any other belongings, if you would.

*The circle of Team Plasma Grunts quickly circle Hilbert, despite his protests, and quickly grab all six Poke Balls away from Hilbert’s grasp, and snatch away his bag as well, before grabbing him himself, as they appear to be dragging him away somewhere.*

Hilbert, trying to wriggle out of the grasp of the six adults that were trying to hold him back: Hey, what the hell?! Since when has Team Plasma been this…organized?! I…thought you guys could hardly even choose a leader, like two years ago!!

Colress, chuckling: Well, with my help, Ghetis was able to pick out the false believers amongst our ranks, and we banished them from our organization. Now, Team Plasma is filled only with people who seek to legitimize Team Plasma’s stake on the world. And you, dear Hilbert…have been a thorn in my side for far too long now. Take him away, boys!

Hilbert, still trying to squirm his way out of around seven people’s holds: You still…can’t even get your own leader’s name right?! Just...just why are you doing this?! You had no claim in the group just two years ago…!

Colress, grinning sinisterly: My intentions are none of your concern. Adios, Unova’s weakest Champion…

*Colress takes the stairwell leading back to Kyurem, as Hilbert tries in vain to free himself from his captors to no avail, getting dragged off to the prison bay. Having successfully defended the Frigate, Colress makes an Xtransiever call to Ghetsis.*

Colress: Lord Ghetis, you should be pleased to know that our little intruder has gone and gotten himself detained in the prison bay. Additionally, we have relieved him of all of his Poke Balls.

Ghetsis, looking pleased on the other end: Excellent. Now, with Zekrom and Kyurem at our disposal, we can truly give those Splicer things you developed an actual test run!

Colress, frowning: Although I, too, am eager to test out their functionalities, I do have one piece of unfortunate news to report. Despite what our prior records suggested…Zekrom was not one of the Pokemon that Hilbert had with him.

Ghetsis, sounding flabbergasted: What?! If Zekrom’s not with him…then perhaps Zekrom has already returned to the form of the Black Stone. Did you confiscate his other belongings too?

Colress, nodding: Well, of course, but…I figured that the Black Stone wouldn’t be usable, in its current state.

Ghetsis, shaking his head: On the contrary, Colress. If my research is to be believed, the fact that Zekrom has turned back into Stone…can only be to our benefit! Present the Stone to Kyurem, and see how it reacts. If it ends up fusing with the Stone…perhaps that will be the key to helping you finish development on those DNA Splicers of yours, Colress.

Colress, chuckling: Indeed…if Kyurem can natively fuse with the Stone, perhaps that will be one less prototype Splicer I’ll need to develop, as well.

Akira, as he and the rest of the Shadow Triad suddenly teleport into Ghetsis’ chamber: Pardon the intrusion, Lord Ghetsis, but we’ve received reports that Iris is heading towards the Frigate as we speak! What should we do?

Ghetsis, pointing towards his Xtransiever screen, at Colress: Retrieve the Black Stone from Colress, and present it to Kyurem, immediately! We need the power of what I will dub…Black Kyurem, to defend our ship from that menace!

Colress, looking caught off-guard: Lord Gheties, at least allow me to do the honors! After all, you did say that you wished for me to be able to observe the transformation, for the sake of my DNA Splicers, yes?

Ghetsis, shaking his head: Ordinarily, I’d love for you to be able to further your research, on behalf of Team Plasma. However, if the news about the Dragon girl heading our way is true, there’s not a moment to waste. Present the Stone to Kyurem, Triad!!

*The trio of Shadow Triad members nod, before teleporting off. Akira relieves Colress of the Black Stone, before then teleporting down to Kyurem’s containment room, and presents the Black Stone to it. Kyurem shrieks in delight, as it breaks the ice off of their shoulder appendages, before wrapping a series of string-like muscles around the Stone, as they absorb its power. Suddenly, Kyurem’s body begins to morph quite drastically, attaining a form and pose more similar to Zekrom’s usual posture. Having successfully been fused, Black Kyurem lets out a loud cry of victory.*

Colress, managing to rush into the lab just then: I-incredible…! Kyurem’s power levels are off the charts! If I were to be so bold…I think we may very well have just created the most powerful Dragon-type Pokemon of all time!!

*No sooner had Colress arrived onto the scene, was there a massive blast that breached the Frigate itself. As air from the outside begins to blow in, on account of the lab’s newly-attained gaping hole in the ceiling, Iris comes Flying in with Dragonite, to the horror of the other Scientists that had been working on the floor.*

Iris, gasping: W-what the heck IS that thing? It almost looks like a fusion between Kyurem and Zekrom, but…it looks way more scary than either of them…!

Colress, chuckling with pride: Taken aback by the beauty that is Black Kyurem? I certainly can’t blame you, considering that there truly isn’t another Pokemon like him! Would you like to take him on, in his very first battle, dear Iris?

Iris, straightening up: If that’s what it takes to free that poor thing from your clutches, then so be it! My team and I are ready for anything, so bring it on, scientist freak!


Hilbert's Team for most of the chapter:
Emboar (Wild Charge, Superpower, Flare Blitz, Facade)
Scolipede (Rollout)
Serperior (Contrary) (Hidden Power (Dragon), Dragon Tail, Hyper Beam, Leaf Storm)
Braviary (Fly, Crush Claw, Sky Attack, Brave Bird)
Simipour (Ice Beam)
Gurdurr (Smack Down)

Colress' Team for most of the chapter:
Genesect (Focus Blast)
Thundurus (Prankster) (Thunder, Taunt, Hammer Arm, Thunder Wave)
Tornadus (Prankster) (Hurricane, Agility, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam)
Victini (V-Create)
Metagross (Meteor Mash, Teleport)

Chapter 16: Kyurem's Full Power - Revealed!

Chapter Text

Colress, grinning with evil intent: Black Kyurem, fire off your Icicle Spears, straight at Dragonite!

Iris, hanging onto Dragonite’s neck: Dragonite, get in close, and nail him with a Fire Punch!!

*Dragonite tries to home in to Black Kyurem, leading the charge with his Fire-engulfed fist. Black Kyurem, however, forms several Icicle Spears all around them, and fires them all towards Dragonite, causing both he and Iris to end up free-falling from the impact of the icy slugs.*

Iris, quickly grabbing another Poke Ball of her’s from mid-air: Togekiss, get out here! See those tubes that extend from its back to its tail…turbine thing? Surely those chords are what’s giving it all its power! Get in close, and slice them apart with your Aerial Ace!!

Colress, watching as Iris pilots Togekiss towards the Frigate, even as Dragonite plummets to the ground: It’s interesting, watching her disregard Dragonite like that. Perhaps she’s so certain of her victory, that she realizes it’ll be easier to get within Dragonite’s Poke Ball range later, rather than now, when she’s currently in danger. I certainly can’t fault her for realizing the obvious, now can I? Black Kyurem, cloak yourself in a Fusion Bolt, and slam yourself into the pair! Knock them out of the skies with force!!

*Black Kyurem cloaks itself in a ball of blue electricity, just as Zekrom had done many times before. Slamming into Iris and Togekiss proved simple enough, as, once again, they begin free-falling out of the sky from the impact.*

Iris, once again taking another Poke Ball from the belt under her dress, in the most dire of circ*mstances: Latias, get out here, and fire off some Draco Meteors towards the Plasma Frigate up there!!

Colress, looking quite amazed: Amazing…! I didn’t expect that the Champion girl would have a Legendary Pokemon herself! But alas, the power of Black Kyurem should be enough to overpower even her! Fire off some more Icicle Spears, Black Kyurem!!

*Latias generates a barrage of Draco Meteors, which she fires upwards towards both Black Kyurem and the Frigate, as many of the Meteors end up colliding with some of Black Kyurem’s own Icicle Spears. Fortunately, thanks to how aerodynamic Latias was, she manages to dodge all of the Icicle Spears that Black Kyurem had been sending their way, along with finally allowing Iris to board the Frigate, via the gaping hole leading to the lab inside, in spite of the frankensteined-Legendary that Colress now controlled.*

Colress, looking quite impressed with Iris’ piloting feat: Well, consider quite amused, upon seeing your own skills, with another Legendary Pokemon by your side. Might I ask how you managed to come across a Pokemon like that?

Iris, shaking her head: There’s no way I’d tell someone like you anything about how I met Latias here! What you’re doing with Kyurem out there…is just pure evil!

Colress, chuckling: Fair enough, I suppose. However, I do feel that I should clarify something to you. The fact that Kyurem and Zekrom have fused…is actually not a direct result of any of my creations, actually. No, the truth of the matter is…that Kyurem itself has the ability to combine and absorb the Black Stone of legend! I did little else but merely making sure Kyurem was cared for, actually! The insights given to me by Kyurem, however…have proved quite useful for a side project of mine I’ve been working on. Would you care to be one of the first to see just what it is I’m alluding to?

Iris, shaking her head: As if! Latias, send this ship crashing back to the seas, with your Draco Meteors!!

Colress, shaking his head: Truly, a shame that you don’t wish to see the beauty of my DNA Splicers for yourself. Perhaps some more Icicle Spears from Black Kyurem should suffice?

*Black Kyurem suddenly floats back through the lab’s busted ceiling, and fires a barrage of Icicle Spears towards Latias and Iris from within. Meanwhile, the Frigate itself begins to be barraged by a torrent of Draco Meteors. Inside Ghetsis’ chambers, he summons the Shadow Triad, for an emergency meeting.*

Ghetsis, after the Triad had appeared before him: Status update, Triad! Why hasn’t Black Kyurem finished off the Dragon girl yet?!

Akira, bowing to Ghetsis, along with the other members: Lord Ghetsis, it appears that Colress is battling Iris to a stalemate…and the Frigate seems to be paying the price for the clash in powers.

Ghetsis, booking quite angered: That Scientist claimed that Black Kyurem should theoretically be able to take down ANY Pokemon out there with little effort! If the Dragon girl is still holding her own against it…perhaps extra measures need to be taken, for the safety of everyone in the Frigate! Triad…intervene in the battle, and do whatever it takes to finish it immediately!!

*The Shadow Triad nod, before teleporting away. Ghetsis looks at the monitors all around him, as he gazes at the destruction being caused to the facility by the rain of Draco Meteors to the hull. On one of the monitors, Iris can be seen piloting Latias, dodging each and every Icicle Spear that Black Kyurem sends flying their way, which ultimately end up wrecking more and more of the lab, in the process.*

Iris, to Latias, as the pair just manage to avoid another volley of Icicle Spears: Latias, I think it’s good and distracted now, so try and land an Aerial Ace, to snag apart those tail wires of Kyurem’s!

*Latias suddenly then does the last thing that Colress had been expecting, and charges in for some sort of direct, physical attack, to his utter disbelief.*

Colress, thinking to himself, and looking quite puzzled: Charging straight into Kyurem’s range like that?! Why would she possibly go and switch up her strategy so suddenly? That is…unless she plans to sever Kyurem’s tail chords! Black Kyurem, unleash a Freeze Shock!!

*Iris and Latias end up zooming as close as they can to Black Kyurem, and one of Latias’ jet wings manages to snag two of Kyurem’s tail chords to the left, snapping the pair suddenly. Before Black Kyurem can manage to turn around, Iris does a U-Turn with Latias, and proceeds to snap apart the other pair of chords, on the other side of Kyurem. Black Kyurem lets out a harsh cry, upon having several of its appendages severed, as it collapses to the ground, to Colress’ dismay.*

Colress, looking quite shaken: Black Kyurem…Kyurem, speak to me! Surely such a cheap snag can’t keep you down, right?!

*To Colress’ relief, Black Kyurem’s tail begins to glow once more…only for Zekrom to painfully climb out of the encasem*nt that Kyurem had provided him, as he slowly picks himself off the ground, and turns to Iris, giving her a sort of thankful look, with tears in its eyes.*

Iris, as her own eyes begin to tear up: Zekrom…

*With the pair having acknowledged what had just happened, Zekrom once again surrounds themself with electricity, as if gearing up for a Fusion Bolt attack. However, the electricity seemed to disappear just as quickly as Zekrom had generated it, as they instead decide to merely Fly out of the hole in the lab’s ceiling. Interestingly, no one seemed to be in control of Zekrom anymore. Colress, meanwhile, appears startled when two members of the Shadow Triad suddenly approach him.*

Kenzo, grabbing ahold of Colress’ shoulders: Colress, it’s time to retreat.

Colress, looking aghast: Retreat? Surely the situation is not so dire as to abandon the ship!

Akira, shaking his head: The ship is quickly losing altitude, thanks to the damage it sustained from all of the Draco Meteors. Ghetsis has already given us our orders. The time for retreat is imminent.

*Colress frowns, as he calls back Kyurem - who now had a large hole in his back, from where Zekrom had climbed out of him - into its Poke Ball, as he takes one last look at the lab he had set up.*

Colress, frowning: Fine. I take it that we’re heading to the backup location of the Giant Chasm?

Akira, nodding: Most of us will be. However, Lord Ghetsis seems to prefer that you head back to the P2 Laboratory, so you can continue with your research on the DNA Splicers. Perhaps our leader still has bigger plans for you, in the meantime.

Colress, closing his eyes: Well, even a brilliant mind like my own can’t very well set up a new lab in the middle of a cave, now could I? Regardless, if this is what our dear Lord Gettuce desires, so be it. I will be happy to continue the development of Plan B, no matter how long it takes! On that note, however…don’t you three usually travel in packs? Where did Takaaki go off to?

Kenzo, giving out a rare chuckle: Where do you think?

Akira, elaborating: He’s gone and taken Iris to the Prison Bay. If this ship is going to plummet towards the icicle-covered Nacrene City, the least we can do is make sure that our adversaries go down with the ship, unlike us.

Colress, smiling at the cruelty he had just learned of: You three don’t leave anything unaccounted for, do you? I knew there was a reason I adored how Team Plasma works. Give my regards to Ghetisus once you meet with him again, would you?

Kenzo, as his eyes glare down at Colress: How DARE you mock Lord Ghetsis’ name-

Akira, shaking his head: Now’s not the time, Kenzo. We need to get out of here - now.

*Kenzo reluctantly closes his eyes, as he, Akira, and Colress, teleport over to Colress’ own lab, as the three part ways. During this time, however, Hilbert began to panic, upon feeling the Frigate had begun to sink…while he was stuck inside a laser-guarded room, left without a Pokemon or possession to his name.*

Hilbert, thinking to himself: This is bad…the Frigate’s been under heavy assault from something for awhile now…but surely I can’t be the only one onboard to notice that it feels like the thing is losing altitude right now…right?!

*As if things couldn’t seem to get worse, a blast from outside suddenly crumbles away the back of Hilbert’s cell, as he stares down in horror, at the sight of the ship quickly plummeting straight towards the ice-covered Nacrene City. Suddenly, however, a Latias flies up next to the hole, being piloted by Iris!*

Hilbert, gasping: Iris?! How did you-

Iris, chuckling: -Latias was scanning through the minds of every person onboard the ship until we found you! It’s a good thing that Lenora called me and was worried about you, right? Heck, I almost got captured myself this time!

Hilbert, leaping out of the hole that Latias had made, and just barely landing on her back, right behind Iris: Wait, they captured you? Then…how the heck did you manage to keep your Pokemon?

Iris, giggling: Well, once they finally got around to locking me away, things were getting pretty tense, and I’m sure that ninja who teleported me into the cell had other matters to attend to. Because of that, he forgot to relieve me of my Poke Balls, so I just had Latias blast me outta here!

Hilbert, nodding with relief: Well, while I’m glad that you’re safe, at least…my Pokemon are still in the Frigate somewhere, having been stolen! What can we do to-

Iris, quickly pointing for Latias to zoom off: There’s no time to look for them! They’ll probably be in the wreckage when that thing crashes, so save the rescuing for then!

*Hilbert nods, as he watches the Frigate begin to finally make landfall, crushing what seemed to be quite a large building to the north, in Nacrene City. Hilbert couldn’t make out the building right off, however, thanks to how the city had been Glaciated by Kyurem earlier. Iris proceeds to pilot Latias over to where Togekiss and Dragonite had fainted, as she quickly absorbs them into her Poke Balls, before flying back to the heart of Nacrene City. To the pair’s dismay, however, it turned out that the Frigate had managed to crash right into the Nacrene City Museum.*

Hilbert, looking horrified: No…not the Museum…! If that place got smashed, then that means that… Lenora must have-

*Hilbert’s thought, however, was interrupted by someone moving a wooden plank from off the wreckage, to the nearby sidewalk, as Lenora coughs her way out of the corner of the wreckage. Upon seeing her, both Iris and Hilbert run in to embrace her.*

Iris: Lenora…you’re alright!!

Lenora, chuckling, as she moves her arms to embrace the two back: Yeah, I’m fine, hun. Finer than my Museum’s ever going to be, though. Guess I won’t have to pay those damn insurance fees after all, huh?

Hawes, finally arriving at the scene too, looking as if he’d just finished a marathon of sorts: HONEY!!! YOU’RE OKAY?!?

*Iris and Hilbert give the pair their space, as the two give each other their fair share of kisses.*

Iris, walking away from the wreckage, with Hilbert: Hey, so…are you going to be okay? Not being with your Pokemon for a bit?

Hilbert, nodding: Yeah. I’m sure they’ll come up while Lenora deals with the damage to her Museum eventually. Poke Balls are actually pretty sturdy little things, aren’t they?

Iris, nodding: Yeah…the miracles of technology, am I right? On that subject, though…there is something I’m…quite worried about, when it comes to the power of technology.

Hilbert, frowning: And what’s that?

Iris: It’s something Colress said, while he was battling me with Black Kyurem. It was as if…Black Kyurem itself was a prototype for some other creation of his he was working on.

Hilbert, looking confused: Wait…Black Kyurem? Are you saying there’s…more than just one Kyurem?

Iris, looking surprised: Wait, you didn’t see it? I guess they went and locked you away sooner than I’d thought. Well, here’s what all happened…

Chapter 17: Of Stones and Souls

Chapter Text

Hilbert, sounding alarmed: Wait, so…Zekrom just kinda…flew away?! Then that must mean…Zekrom doesn’t believe…that I’m his Chosen One anymore…

Iris, frowning: It seems to be the case. But Hilbert…have you really just been focusing on capturing Celebi for these past two years? If your goal is no longer stopping Team Plasma, but saving your sister…all wonder Zekrom abandoned you…

Hilbert, looking to the ground: Maybe, to Zekrom, my vision has become clouded…but if I do manage to find and capture Celebi, not only will I get my sister back, but…I’ll also still have Zekrom, too! So, even if Zekrom abandons me for now…it’ll only be a temporary setback. Once I find Celebi once again…I’ll have re-united with my sister and Zekrom…and then we can take on Team Plasma together!

Iris, frowning: But Hilbert…didn’t you tell me a couple years ago that Celebi itself told you that going back in time to save her would more or less be impossible?

Hilbert, grinning: It might have been back then…but maybe…just maybe…once I get a more powerful team, I can head to the past, and take on any amount of Pokemon that Colress can throw at me! Heck, that’s why I went out and added Scolipede, Simipour, and Gurdurr to my team! If I can just get even stronger…I’ll go back in time, and make sure that I can-

Iris, shaking her head: Hilbert…you can’t. If Celebi doesn’t think it’s possible to change a certain point of the past…who are you to argue with a Legendary Pokemon?

Hilbert, looking quite annoyed: Look, nothing’s impossible. I’ll prove it. I’ll prove it to everyone! I just need the strongest Pokemon I can get my hands on, is all. Tell me one thing, at least. Which way did you see Zekrom flying off to, anyway?

Iris, pointing to the north: Um…that way, I think? If I had to hazard a guess on where exactly Zekrom went…I think the Dragonspiral Tower would be a pretty safe bet! After all, that’s where I ended up meeting Latias!

Hilbert, smiling: Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask you about that, too. Where did you end up finding a Latias, Iris?

Iris, smiling: Well, it was about two years ago, when Drayden and I were called over to investigate something that was happening up there. Apparently, people in Icirrus City were saying they saw a series of spiraling flames, up atop the Tower, and others said they saw these weird, ghostly figures conversing up there! Since the journey to the top can sometimes be a perilous journey even for the toughest of Trainers, Drayden and I, being the foremost experts on Dragon-types within Unova, were called in to investigate! Well, we ended up reaching the top, and…what we ended up seeing was…more than a little bit…unsettling. After we’d seen it, Drayden and I agreed that we’d never speak about it to anyone.

Hilbert, as his eyes widen: It was that…terrifying?

Iris, shaking her head: No…no, I wouldn’t say that ‘terrifying’ would be the right word. I guess it was more…chilling, than anything. But first…I guess I should ask if you know anything about what Soul Dew is, before going any further.

Hilbert, tilting his head: Soul Dew? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it before.

Iris, nodding: Well, to keep a long story short…it’s said that whenever a Trainer with a strong heart passes away…Soul Dew will form. And it’s said that, in rare circ*mstances, one can observe the souls of those Trainers one last time, before they pass on to the next realm forever. Well…that’s exactly what we both saw, when we arrived up there. And…there’s a good reason why I never went and mentioned this to you, Hilbert…

Hilbert, as his eyes begin to water: Don’t tell me…that you saw my sister up there…

Iris, as her eyes begin to tear up: I…I’m sorry, Hilbert…I really should have told you, but seeing that you were so distraught back then, and you weren’t answering any of my calls…but I saw them, Hilbert…her and N…

Hilbert, looking utterly shocked at Iris’ revelation: Wait…you said…my sister…and N?!

Iris, nodding, with a heavy frown: Yeah…there was no question about it, actually. We watched, as her and N were enjoying this beautiful dance together…as if they didn’t have any other cares in the world anymore! They both looked so happy…far happier than I’ve ever seen N look, at least! I wasn’t sure why they seemed to be made entirely of Dew, with mist contorting around them, after each and every move and swing of their body that was made…but once the music had finished…they both kind of…disappeared into the sky, as the sun began to rise. And that’s…when we met Latias and Latios. They, too, seemed to have been taken aback by the pair’s performance, and seemed to offer us both the opportunity to capture them. Perhaps they thought that we must have been close to the pair, and wished to accompany us, in our times of grieving. However, seeing as both old man Drayden and I are Dragon-type Trainers…we couldn’t exactly turn down the offer to add a Legendary Dragon-type to our teams, you know?

Hilbert, pausing for a moment, to process everything that Iris had told him: So the rumors about N’s passing…were true?

Iris, nodding: Yep…I’m not sure what may have caused his life to end, but-

Hilbert, sounding quite serious: Wait…how long ago did you say that took place?

Iris, shrugging: I don’t know…two years ago? It was back around that one week where no one could get ahold of you, I think.

Hilbert, swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat: No…so that would mean…that must have been…right after my outburst…? No…I couldn’t have been the one who…Iris, you need to take me to the Dragonspiral Tower!

Iris, sounding quite surprised: Huh? Why the sudden-

Hilbert, shaking his head: It’s…complicated, but…I think I may have been responsible for what happened to N.

Iris, sounding horrified: You…think?! Hilbert, what did you…

Hilbert, closing his eyes: I’ll tell you on the way, Iris. But please…take me there…so I can at least pay my respects to him…to both of them.

*Iris pauses for a moment, before giving Hilbert an approving nod, and calls out Latias, to Fly them both to the top of Dragonspiral Tower.*


*The pair arrive atop the hallowed Tower, as Hilbert leads Iris to the very place he’d once seen his sister standing triumphantly, next to N, as they admired the creature known as Reshiram, who had chosen N as their master. Now, however, that ruined alcove seemed to be in even further disrepair, having looked to have many of its ancient carvings scorched ablaze, leaving little that remained unblemished. There did, however, still stand a singular pedestal there - one which seemed to hold the Black Stone, which apparently seemed to have found its new resting place.*

Hilbert, as his face began to turn paler than usual: Zekrom…

Iris, looking surprised: So Zekrom came here to rest? I didn’t realize that Zekrom must have gotten so weak from that transformation separation...

Hilbert, sounding confused: Transformation separation? You mean…from when you caused Kyurem and Zekrom to unfuse?

Iris, nodding: Yeah…basically, when those two ended up unfusing, it kind of looked like both Pokemon ended up getting way weaker. I could be wrong, but…it honestly kind of looked like Zekrom was in pain, when they tried to Fusion Bolt their way out of the lab, right before they left the area entirely. The electricity surrounding their body just…kinda dissipated super quickly…

Hilbert, nodding: Yeah, that does sound pretty unusual for Zekrom, that’s for sure. Either he was weakened…or he’s working on saving up his power, until he needs to use it again.

Iris, nodding: Regardless, we really should be taking the Black Stone out of here, before anyone can end up using it for evil. I mean…just leaving it out in the open like this is just begging Team Plasma to steal it…

???: And my, how correct you’d be!

Hilbert, looking aghast at Colress, who was flying in through one of the open holes in the wall, atop his Magnezone: Colress?! How did you…find this place?!

Colress, grinning, as he hops off of Magnezone, landing on the floor, just across from him and Iris: Quite easily, in fact! You see, being the perpetually-paranoid-planner that I am, I uploaded all of my lab’s security footage to my second lab, the P2 Laboratory. While there, I tracked the trajectory in which I saw Zekrom Flying away towards. It seemed it was making a Combee-line straight for the Dragonspiral Tower, which seemed all too fitting, honestly! One short ride over here later, and…seeing you two here is enough to confirm that my suspicions were true! But alas…I’m afraid I can’t let either of you leave here alive, after the stunt you both pulled, in escaping the Frigate before it came crashing to the ground. Ghetsisees would be quite displeased, you see, if he knew you both were still alive somehow. Prepare for battle! Magnezone, open up by creating an Electric Terrain in here!

Iris, looking worried: Hilbert, take the Black Stone, and get out of here! I can hold him off, but it’s not safe to be here, if you don’t have any Pokemon on you right now!

Hilbert, quickly swiping up the Black Stone from the pedestal, before beginning to jog towards the stairway: Uh…right! Best of luck, Iris, and- woah!!

*Hilbert gasps in horror, as the Black Stone suddenly gets forcefully removed from his hands, as it quickly collides with Magnezone’s magnetic ‘hands’.*

Colress, shrugging, with a wide grin on his face: Gotta love Magnezone’s Magnet Pull ability, am I right? Regardless…I think the time has come, for me to try out my newest invention…the DNA Splicers!

Iris, gasping: NO!! That’s…that’s the device I was telling you about earlier, Hilbert!! I don’t know what it’ll do…but it doesn’t sound good…! Latias, get out here, and blow Magnezone apart, with your Focus Blast!!

Colress, holding up his pointer finger, with a delighted smile adorning his face: I’d tell Latias to rescind that order, if I were you! After all, if Magnezone ends up getting smashed by that attack, the Black Stone surely will apart just as quickly! Would you really want to put poor old Zekrom through the blender like that?

Iris, sighing loudly: Ugh…Latias, cancel the attack. We can’t risk hurting Zekrom, even if it means- HILBERT?!

*Suddenly, Hilbert sneaks up from behind Colress, and grabs the DNA Splicer from his hand, and tosses it to the ground, before stomping it to pieces, to Colress’ utter horror.*

Colress, sounding quite pissed: You sneaky little Weavile…you’ll pay for those damages!!

Iris, sounding alarmed, as she hops onto Latias’ back: Hilbert, hop on! We need to get out of here - now!!

Hilbert, looking troubled, as his eyes widen: But…the Black Stone-

Iris, shaking her head, as she Flies Latias over to Hilbert: There’s no time! Hurry!!

*Hilbert begrudgingly follows her orders, as the pair then zoom out of the same opening in the Tower that Colress entered through, but at about twice the speed at which he and Magnezone entered.*

Colress, looking quite annoyed: Those pests need to be dealt with, and in short order…but alas, we did manage to secure the Black Stone, did we not, Magnezone?

Magnezone, spinning around their empty magnet ‘hands’: Magne…mag magzone?

Colress, gasping: How on Earth could they have swiped it from your Manget Hold on it?! Unless…unless the Latias used-

*The scene then transitions to Iris, quickly piloting Latias back towards Opelucid City, with Hilbert holding on just behind her, still looking quite worried about things.*

Hilbert, frowning: Iris, look…I know you wanted to save Zekrom and I, but …I really don’t think we should have left with Colress still having possession of the Black Stone…

Iris, reaching into her dress: Oh, I absolutely agree! That’s why I made sure we stole it back before we left!

*Iris pulls out the Black Stone, to Hilbert’s utter amazement.*

Hilbert, hardly believing his eyes: No way…when did you find the time to go and snatch it back?!

Iris, chuckling: Simple! You provided me with the perfect distraction, in smashing Colress’ DNA Splicer thing to pieces! That’s when I gave my command to Latias via my mind, to steal back the Black Stone, using her Psychic powers! And…because of that, Colress never heard me say anything, and as such, allowed me to steal the Stone back from right under his nose!

Hilbert, sounding impressed: Wow…and I thought some of my battle strategies were clever! Heck, I could honestly mistake you as a Champion-level Trainer, if I didn’t know any better!

Iris, giggling: Well, funny you should mention that…

Hilbert, pointing down towards Opelucid City: Wait, what’s going on down there? Isn’t that near where you and Drayden’s Gym is?

Iris, nodding, looking quite concerned, all of a sudden: Y-yeah…what on Earth…?

*Iris pilots Latias down to Opelucid City, where she sees Drayden talking with a group of Officer Jennies. Iris motions for him to go speak with her, to which he quickly ends his conversations with the surrounding Jeny Force.*

Iris, looking quite troubled: Drayden…don’t tell me all of this hubbub is over…you-know-what, is it?

Drayden, frowning: Iris…I apologize, I did all I could to protect it, but… it’s gone.

Hilbert, looking annoyed: Well, what the heck is ‘it’? If I knew what I was looking for, maybe I could help you guys!

Iris, shrugging: Well…he did wield the Black Stone before! We can trust him, right?

Drayden, nodding slowly: I suppose so. The item in question, boy…is the White Stone.

Hilbert, sounding stunned: Hold up…so after N…you know…Reshiram went and chose you guys?!

Iris, shrugging: Well…not exactly. When Drayden and I were called out to check on Dragonspiral Tower together that day…not only did we meet Latias and Latios…but we saw the White Stone lying on the ground, as well.

Drayden, nodding: Indeed. We both agreed it would be foolhardy to leave it lying out in the open, like it was, so in the end, we both agreed that it’d be for the best to keep it in our Gym. Unfortunately…it seems Team Plasma has finally managed to track down its whereabouts, and has stolen it with the help of their blasted ninjas.

Hilbert, looking annoyed: Sounds like the Shadow Triad to me…

Iris, nodding: Indeed, and knowing them, they could be anywhere by now!

Drayden, with quite a sad tone in his voice: It truly is a shame we have fumbled the objectively so completely…but alas, I take full responsibility. Were you successful in driving off Team Plasma from Nacrene City, Iris?

Iris, shrugging, trying to forget about how the Frigate ended up crashing into the Nacrene City Museum: Well…more or less…! I managed to save Hilbert here, at least! That’s gotta count for something, am I right? Hahaha…

Drayden, nodding, as he noticed the Black Stone that Iris had been carrying around in the sleeve of her dress: Indeed…and not only that, but you have recovered the Black Stone, as well. Seeing as how we have already been targeted by the Shadow Triad, however…perhaps it’s best we give the Black Stone…back to the boy which the Stone originally chose.

Hilbert, looking flattered: Well, while I’m quite honored by the suggestion, Mr. Drayden…I’m afraid I’m the least qualified person for that job right now. You see, all my Pokemon are trapped under-

*Iris coughs in Hilbert’s direction, in an attempt to get him to refrain from mentioning the crash to her father.*

Hilbert, improvising on the fly: -under my attempts at trying to recover the password to my PC account. As such, until I can get that looked at…no Pokemon for me. And as such, I think literally anyone else out there would be a better guardian for Zekrom than I’d be right now. I mean…I’m not even their Chosen One anymore, for crying out loud…

Drayden, shaking his head: The fact that you were Zekrom’s Chosen One at one point…is still a far more prestigious title than any other claim to my name I can give…and I, too, was a Champion, back in the day!

Iris, smiling: What I think my dad’s trying to say…is that you really should keep the Black Stone with you, just in case Zekrom goes and finds you worthy again. After all, a Trainer with no Pokemon on him is probably the last person Team Plasma would suspect of holding the Black Stone, am I right?

Hilbert, grinning: Well, when you put it like that…maybe you have a point. I’ll keep the Black Stone with me…but I think I’m going to travel around for a bit, and see if I can’t help Zekrom find his new Chosen One. Hear that, buddy? I know you’re in there!

*Hilbert sees his smile reflected in the sheen of the Black Stone, as Zekrom, unknowingly to Hilbert, returns the favor, from deep within the Black Stone itself.*

Chapter 18: The Birth of the New Fusion Technique! Behold, the Powers of the DNA Splicers!!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*In the Giant Chasm, meanwhile, the next day, Colress bows to Ghetsis, as the Shadow Triad accompanies him.*

Colress, with a near-omnipresent smile on his face: Lord Gettyness, do you already require my services? I can't seem to get even one day of research to myself lately, before the Shadow Triad approached me again.

Ghetsis, nodding: Indeed…I thought I might be able to hang low for a bit, after our freezing stints in both Driftveil and Nacrene…but alas, the Shadow Triad sought a way to regain my favor…and they most certainly have, I daresay. Behold…the White Stone!!

Colress, leaning in to inspect the relic that Ghetsis had presented to him: Well, I suppose this certainly makes up for the…actually, let’s not talk about that embarrassing little incident, shall we?

Ghetsis, looking confused: Embarrassing incident…? Dare I ask what you speak of, scientist?

Colress, twiddling a strand of his hair between his fingers: Well, it’s…nothing too terribly important, but…I may…have lost control of Zekrom, and, in turn, the Black Stone, following a recent battle with the Champion girl…oopsie! I believe Iris was her name?

Ghetsis, looking quite angered: You lost…an entire Legendary Pokemon?! Are you truly saying that she stole Zekrom’s Poke Ball right from under you?! How could-

Colress, chuckling: Oh, no, it was far more…unprecedented than mere thievery, honestly. She actually…tore apart the chords that maintained the link between Zekrom and Kyurem. Honestly, it’s quite an obvious weakness, in retrospect, but-

Ghetsis, shaking his head in disgust: -I can’t believe this…so those fools truly have the Black Stone again?

Colress, closing his eyes: Unfortunately, I would imagine so. However…that’s not the only bad news I have to report.

Ghetsis, after loudly sighing: Speak.

Colress, frowning, as he calls out Kyurem: Well, you see, Kyurem here, upon having those chord-like appendages of theirs being severed…Zekrom kind of…flew out of him. As in…completely through him. Hence, the giant hole in Kyurem’s body at the moment. I’ve tried to revitalize him with my own high-tech regenerative techniques…but nothing I’ve invented can remotely come close to mending such a grievous wound.

Ghetsis, rolling his eyes: Great…just great. Just when I thought we managed to gather everything we needed for assembling Kyurem’s true form…the old thing dies on us. And this time around, we don’t even have a Chosen One for awakening the White Stone we have now! This means…there’s only one other option. Tell me, Scientist…are those DNA Splicers of yours tested yet?

Colress, looking surprised: Oh, well…I did have one prototype on hand, just earlier today, but…I’m afraid that it also went and got destroyed in that battle, sad to say. I’m unsure of how well it would have worked anyway, seeing as I was basing my invention on my observations with how Kyurem was able to fuse with Zekrom. I didn’t exactly have too much time to observe Black Kyurem while it was fused…

Ghetsis, crossing his arms: You’re joking. Surely you at least made a back-up of the code, right?

Colress, chuckling: But of course! I save all the coding for each and every one of my experiments in the lab, after all!

Ghetsis: So, if that’s the case…whipping up another of those DNA Splicer prototypes should be a no-brainer for you, right…?

Colress, nodding: A no-brainer, yes! However, the technology needed to make even one of these devices is astronomical! …And expensive.

Ghetsis, crossing his arms: Whatever the price is, Team Plasma will pay it. Even if it means we gotta lay off some Grunts. We can’t afford to be without a Legendary Pokemon to our name. And with that device of yours…we may yet be able to claim Reshiram for ourselves.

Colress, grinning with pride: Now you’re speaking my language! Well, I suspect that a total of about…a million credits should be enough to pay for the production…if you want it as soon as possible, that is…

Ghetsis, nodding, with a pained expression on his face: A rough price…but I can afford it. How long’s this thing going to take to get made, then?

Colress, watching as Ghetsis’ money enters Colress’ bank account, via his sleeve-mounted monitor: Well, if I get working on it right away…an hour, give or take.

Ghetsis, his mood lightening a bit: Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard today, honestly. Triad, take him back to his Lab! Then, all of you, report back to me as soon as it's finished, you hear?

*An hour passes, after the Triad brings Colress back to his lab. An hour passes, and the Triad bring Colress back to the Giant Chasm. Now armed with a functional DNA Splicer, Colress calls out an Electrode, as Ghetsis looks on, quite confused.*

Ghetsis, raising an eyebrow: So…what’s the Electrode for?

Colress, grinning: Well, with my prototype DNA Splicer, both targets of a fusion have to be roughly equal in terms of size and mass. Otherwise, the fusion will become unstable. In the future, I intend to iron out the kinks, but for our purposes, Electrode here is by far the best available specimen for the fusion we intend to create. Now, Ghetiness…the White Stone, if you would.

Ghetsis, taking the Stone out of his robe: Alright…this had better not end terribly…

Colress, putting his hand over his chest: Trust me, Lord Gettynuss. I have performed countless simulations on the likely results of this fusion, and…well, 60% of them result in success!

Ghetsis, looking alarmed: 60%?! Hold on, perhaps we-

*It was already too late, as Colress holds the DNA Splicer prototype between both the White Stone and Electrode, as several string-like objects shoot out of both ends, and electricity starts being pumped into both ends. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light illuminates the Giant Chasm entirely, before fading away just as quickly. The onlookers of Ghetsis, Colress, the Triad, and several higher-ranked Grunts could hardly believe their eyes in what they saw.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2)

Ghetsis, as his eyes widen: Impossible…are you telling me that THAT thing is the White Stone now?!

Colress, grinning: Well, you did say that you wished for the White Stone to awaken, yes? Well, I certainly think the Stone is awake now, wouldn’t you say?

Ghetsis, getting up in Colress’ face: You think this is funny?! Is this all some sort of…sick joke to you?

Colress, scanning the newly-formed Pokemon with his sleeve-mounted monitor: Please, lighten up, Mr. Getsees! As you can see, from these energy readings, Reshiram is still very much alive and well in there! The only thing that’s changed is…well, he’s not the only one in there anymore!

Ghetsis, looking in confusion at what Colress was showing him: So, instead of having to deal with a judgemental, cherry-picking Dragon deity…we have to worry about the soul of an overcharged Poke Ball being in there too?!

Colress, nodding: Essentially, yes! Perhaps Reshiram will grow quite annoyed at this other soul that has entered its body. Then, if it needs to transform, to drive out the unwelcome intruder…that’s when we’ll be able to claim the power as our own!

Ghetsis, looking quite annoyed: So your plan is to anger the Dragon out of hiding, by forcing another soul into it? …Like that’s gonna work.

Colress, chuckling: I suppose our Lord has a better idea, then?

Ghetsis, shaking his head: No…no, I don’t. Scientist, just take your weird experiment back to the lab, and keep me updated on what happens. As for you, Triad…your next task is clear to me now - with the White Stone going out-of-commission until further notice, and Kyurem having a big ol’...hole in its back, it seems our attention should be brought to the Black Stone next. Go, and appropriate the Black Stone, from whoever has it, at once!

*The Triad bow to Ghetsis, as they bring Colress…and what could be called White Electrode…back to his lab. From there, they track down and home in on the Black Stone’s current resting place, with the former Champion of Unova.*


Yep...I think you know what game this story is leading up to, at this point... ;)

Chapter 19: Benga's Return! Drayden vs. Benga - Who will Reign Supreme, in the Draconic Struggle?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*As Hilbert starts walking towards the old-timey outskirts of Opelucid City, he notices three shadows following just behind him, no matter what sort of odd turns he takes in his route. This begins to worry him, as he proceeds to look back at who those shadows belonged to, only to see…no one. As Hilbert begins to suspect the Shadow Triad were already onto him, however, he runs into a familiar face heading towards the heart of the city, looking as if he were ready to take on the world - the always-hyper-active Benga. Curiously, the three shadows that were following him had disappeared.*

Benga, looking into Hilbert’s eyes: Hey, long time no see, Hilbert! Where have you been lately, huh? I’ve been all around Unova lately, and I’ve barely heard anyone even a word spoken about you lately! What’s a former Champion like you doing just spinning his wheels?

Hilbert, shrugging: Things have been…complicated, let’s just say. Maybe I’ll go and take back the Champion’s title sometime, but there’s more important things on my plate right now.

Benga, rolling his eyes: What could be more important than having the strongest Pokemon out there? Clearly, you just need some motivation to get stronger is all! That’s why…I challenge you to a battle, Hilbert!!

Hilbert, chuckling: Unfortunately, I can’t accept that offer right now, Benga. My Pokemon are…resting at a Pokemon Center right now, you see. Just figured I’d go and get some fresh air while they recovered is all…

Benga, sighing: Man, you’re no fun. I really wanted to show you just how powerful my team’s gotten, too!

Hilbert smiling: No kidding? Taking after your old man, huh?

Benga, nodding: You betcha! Just another couple Badges, and I’ll be eligible to take on Iris at the Pokemon League! That’s why I was really hoping to take you on as practice…

Hilbert nodding: I see. Well, I take it you made it here yourself so you could go and take on Drayden, then?

Benga, nodding: The one and only! I hear that he’s only gotten tougher over the years, to the point where he even has a Latios on his team now! How crazy is that?!

Hilbert, smiling: Yep! Sounds like you have your work cut out for you, then! Best of luck in the upcoming match, Benga!

Benga: Thanks for the encouragement, Hilbert! You wanna come watch my battle with him, then?

Hilbert, shaking his head: I’d love to, but I’ve got places to be right now, I’m afraid. I know you’ll do just fine without me though. Again, best of luck out there, haha!

Hilbert, thinking to himself: Is the Shadow Triad truly following me? If so, I can’t afford to keep the Black Stone in my possession. Not when I don’t have any Pokemon on me to defend it with. Benga most certainly does though, so…

*Hilbert quickly drops the Black Stone into Benga’s bag while he was distracted, and covers the motion up by shaking his hand, before heading off on his way.*

Benga, thinking to himself: So he literally just…gave me a hand-shake for a good-bye? Man, this guy’s mannerisms are as dated as his name is. Well, no point in pestering him for a battle if he’s got no Pokemon on him right now. The only thing I gotta focus on now is earning my 7th Gym Badge…and Drayden’s got my name on one!

Hilbert, thinking to himself, as he walks away: I’m sorry, Zekrom…but it doesn’t seem like you valued the path I’ve decided to go down anyway. For the sake of my sister…I have to find Celebi again, no matter what it takes.

*Hilbert goes down the lower streets of Opelucid for a bit longer, before he notices the three Shadows that seemed to be following him again.*

Hilbert, rolling his eyes: Come on out, Triad. I know you’re following me.

*The Shadow Triad reveal themselves, as if unfazed by Hilbert’s perception.*

Akira, looking into Hilbert’s eyes: If you know we were following you, former Chosen One, I’m sure you can also figure out why we’re here, yes?

Kenzo, nodding slightly: Lord Ghetsis wishes to make the power of the Black Stone his own…and as such, you’re coming along, by extension.

Hilbert, shrugging: So you three came here to kidnap me…even though I don’t have any Pokemon OR the Black Stone on me. Remind me, how useful would I be to you guys, if I don’t have the Stone?

Takaaki, with his eyes closed shut: The boy tells the truth. He does not hold the Stone, and we’re wasting our time.

*The other two nod, before teleporting away.*

Hilbert, frowning: Well, that was a close one. I’m sorry to have to drag you into this, Benga…but I couldn’t let those thieves steal the Black Stone again. Keep Zekrom safe, Benga…


*Inside the Opelucid City Gym, Benga makes his way to Drayden, who gives the boy an approving nod.*

Benga, looking quite eager: So, it’s time for a duel with the Dragon Master of old, it seems! I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve been working on building up a sort of look to my team. A blend between the Dragon Masters, like you and Iris, the Pokemon Masters of other regions, like Steven Stone…and a bit of my own unique flair, to boot!

Drayden, looking impressed: Well, it certainly seems like you have a real goal set forth in your mind! Truly, a rare thing to see in people your age! Although, I suppose I can say the very same about my daughter, as it were.

Benga, as his eyes widen: Oh, yeah! Is Iris around right now? I’d love for her to be able to see just how powerful my team and I have gotten, since we last met!

Drayden, chuckling: I’m afraid she may have returned to the Pokemon League to get some more training in. Worry not, though, as I believe she’ll be returning home this evening, if you truly wish to prematurely reveal your team to her.

Benga, chuckling: Yeah…maybe it’s for the best if I keep my team a surprise to her until then.

Drayden, nodding: A wise decision, young man. Now then, start off this battle, with a showing of what makes your team unique then, would you?

Benga, grinning: Don’t mind if I do! Conkeldurr, start things off with a Mach Punch!

Drayden, with a slight nod: Latios, get in here, and crumble away those pillars of his, with a Luster Purge!!

*Latios begins absorbing energy straight from Conkelldurr, as he rushes in with one of his stone pillars, being aimed straight for Latios’ face. Before it can hit its target, however, the pillar suddenly disintegrates to fine sand, causing both Conkelldurr and Benga to panic. Latios uses this opening to attack Conkeldurr with the absorbed energy, knocking out the muscled-up Pokemon.*

Benga, looking ultimately unbothered: There’s that Latios I’d heard about! Well, the only way to beat a Dragon…is with a faster Dragon! Garchomp, get out here, and set up a Sandstorm, so we can get slippery with things!

Drayden, chuckling: Trying to activate Garchomp’s Sand Veil ability, are you? I should know…considering I have one too! Latios, swap out for Garchomp, then hit his Garchomp with a Dragon Rush!

*Benga’s Garchomp starts exuding sand from inside his body, and into the air of the Gym. Drayden’s Garchomp takes this opening to lock heads with Benga’s less experienced Garchomp, causing it to flinch from the impact.*

Drayden: Good going, Garchomp! Now, end things with your Dual Chop!

Benga, looking mortified: Oh no, Garchomp!!

*Benga already saw the writing on the wall, when his Garchomp wasn’t able to make proper use of the weather he’d set up inside the Gym, due to flinching. Drayden’s Garchomp ultimately ends up getting an easy knockout.*

Benga, still looking optimistic: Well, I may have helped set up your Garchomp far easier than I’d imagined I could…but hey, what Dragon Master wouldn’t use a Garchomp? Honestly, I had it coming! What I need now is someone with laser-focused vision, even in these rough conditions! Someone like…Metagross! Hit Garchomp with your Ice Punch!

Drayden, shaking his head: Garchomp, attack from afar, with the force of an Earthquake!!

*Metagross scans the area for any sign of Garchomp, but it continues to hide behind the flowing waves of sand, thanks to its Sand Veil. Metagross then begins to get assaulted by a barrage of rocks and stalactites from below; weakening Metagross’ joints quite severely, before fully fainting moments later, before it could even manage to pinpoint Garchomp’s location.*

Benga, starting to look a bit less hopeful: Well…Gyarados has gotten me outta plenty of difficult situations in the past! Mash Garchomp up with your Ice Fangs!

Drayden, quickly pointing to the sky: Upend a Stone Edge, Garchomp!!

*Gyarados looks around in confusion, trying in vain to locate Garchomp. Before he knew it, however, Garchomp had revealed himself…only to summon forth a stalactite from the ground, which impaled and knocked out Gyarados, giving Drayden another easy victory.*

Benga, looking quite stumped now: Dragonite, you may not be as fast as that creature in the sand, but…wait, I got it! Try blowing away the sand, with a Tailwind!

Drayden: Garchomp, upend a Stone Edge…again!!

*Dragonite flaps the small wings on his back with abandon, clearing away the sand-covered battleground, and finally gets a clean view of Garchomp, who unleashes a Stone Edge under Dragonite. Unlike Gyarados, however, Dragonite manages to stay aloft afterwards.*

Benga, chuckling: Like that? Dragonite’s Multiscale armor lets him shrug off any attack that should be able to do him in! And now…we can counter Garchomp’s speed with our own! Nail Garchomp with an Ice Punch!!

Drayden, as he slips a TM disc into Garchomp’s Poke Ball: Garchomp, avoid the strike by Digging underground!

Benga, letting out a snort: Seriously? What the heck is an underground assault going to do against a Flying-type like Dragonite? Slam the ground heard with that Icy fist of yours, bud!

*Garchomp digs underneath the ground of the stadium, which Dragonite proceeds to slam his fist down towards, freezing the field under a solid sheet of ice. Garchomp tries to Dig his way out…but shies away from the freezing cold temperatures of the surface.*

Benga, looking quite satisfied with himself: Good going, Dragonite! This little trap of ours will help to buy us the time that Volcarona will need to set himself up, with his Quiver Dances! Do it, Volcarona!!

*Benga switches Dragonite with Volcarona, as the moth begins flitting around; psyching itself up.*

Drayden, looking troubled: This isn’t good…Garchomp, return! Er…Garchomp?

*Drayden tries in vain to absorb Garchomp back into the Poke Ball’s beam, but it can’t seem to reach Garchomp, who was still underground somewhere. Drayden was powerless to stop Volcarona, who had managed to Quiver Dance for a rather significant amount of time now.*

Benga: Now that you're all fired up Volcarona…unleash your Hyper Beam, and ravage the arena!!

*Drayden looked on in despair, as he can only watch as Volcarona’s massive energy Beam decimates the very battlefield. Once the smoke cleared, Drayden realizes that his Garchomp had gotten mushed-up between several rocks, and had fainted from the impact, as he’s finally able to call Garchomp back into the Poke Ball.*

Drayden, nodding: Quite a unique strategy, for certain, I must say! Taking advantage of my lapse in judgment; to be able to make use of the rule that only one Pokemon may be out on either side of the field! Getting past Volcarona will certainly be a challenge now, especially with the arena having been ravaged. Even still, Flying-types like Salamence should be able to get the job done quite easily. Fire a Hydro Pump out at it, Salamence!

Benga, looking alarmed: Uh-oh…Volcarona, show Salamence what a Sunny Day looks like, quick!!

*Whatever sand had remained flowing in the air quickly dies down, as an artificial sunlight glows brightly in the room instead. As such, a good portion of Salamence’s Hydro Pump ends up evaporating, before it can make contact with the Water-weak Bug-type.*

Drayden: New plan, Salamence - fire out a Dragon Pulse at the overgrown Bug instead!

Benga, as his eyes widen: Volcarona, counter with your Hyper Beam!!

*The two Beams of energy collide, but seeing as how Volcarona was able to charge his up with far more energy from before, the resulting blast annihilates Salamence, as Volcarona picks up another knockout.*

Drayden: Perhaps the key to besting your Bug isn’t in energy usage…but pure muscle, instead! Haxorus, get out here, and show Benga here some of your Outrageous blows!

Benga, looking quite optimistic yet again: If that Beam of yours could overtake a Salamence, a Haxorus shouldn’t be too much harder, right? Do it again, Volcarona! Hyper Beam!!

*Volcarona fires off another massive Beam which blows Haxorus away, far before it could manage to get anywhere close enough to strike the moth. Haxorus goes down for the count as well.*

Drayden: Flygon, perhaps imitation truly is the most sincere form of flattery - show Volcarona your own rendition of the Quiver Dance!

Benga, grinning: A Ground-typed Dragon, eh? Sounds like a Solar Beam could do some real work to it, right? Fire, Volcarona!!

*Volcarona briefly charges up a Beam of Solar energy, which fires off nearly instantly, thanks to Volcarona’s artificial sunlight. Nonetheless, Flygon manages to dodge it, while performing its Quiver Dance.*

Drayden, looking relieved: Yes, just like that, Flygon! Keep Quiver Dancing, until your form gets as perfected as Volcarona’s is!

Benga, chuckling, as he slips a TM disc into Volcarona’s Poke Ball: Keep that up, and your Flygon will begin to lose all that precious energy…if I begin Giga Draining it away! Do it, Volcarona!!

*Volcarona starts absorbing the energy that Flygon begins to build up, as tiny spheres of energy begin to fall out of Flygon’s body, which Volcarona proceeds to eat, restoring some of Volcarona’s own energy, in the process.*

Drayden: Now, while Volcarona’s distracted! Swing that tail of yours into Volcarona, and ravage it, with the force of an Earthquake!!

Benga, chuckling: Do you really think we were merely Draining Flygon’s energy for our own amusem*nt? No, we needed that energy…to fire off another Hyper Beam! Do it, Volcarona!!

*Flygon swings his tail, but Volcarona manages to evade the swing, before firing off another Hyper Beam. Flygon’s tail ends up in the ground, as he proceeds to shake it, causing a smaller scale Earthquake instead…which Volcarona manages to avoid, just by flitting into the air. Flygon gets sent crashing down, by the force of a massive Beam. Once the smoke had cleared, it was clear that Flygon had fainted as well.*

Drayden: Charizard, the artificial sunlight being provided by Volacarona should be able to heighten your own Solar Powered body, yes? Charge into Volcarona, with your Flare Blitz!!

Benga, looking alarmed, as he slips another TM disc into Volcarona’s Ball: Woah, that’s not good! Volcarona, challenge it in the air, with a Wild Charge!!

*The two Pokemon close in on each other, one cloaked in flames, and the other in sparks. Charizard, however, having been boosted by the very sunlight that Volcarona was emitting, manages to overpower the overworked Bug-type, as it finally falls to the shattered ground of the arena, having been KOed.*

Benga, still with a smile on his face: Well, looks like you’re my final option, Dragonite. Summon forth your Ancient Power of strength, and summon forth a barrage of rocks towards Charizard!!

Drayden, looking with shock, at the Rocks headed Charizard’s way: It’ll be lights out if those Rocks manage to hit you, Charizard! Blast past ‘em with your Flare Blitz!!

*Charizard surrounds himself with flames once more, as he barrels through the incoming rocks with abandon, until he reaches Dragonite. Charizard raises a flame-covered fist towards Dragonite, and goes in for the strike…only to have his fist caught by Dragonite, who then proceeds to pummel away at the make-believe Dragon, until he no longer had enough energy to stay flying…or standing, for that matter, as Charizard faints to the barrage.*

Drayden, shaking his head: Don’t tell me that Dragonite…

Benga, winking: You bet he did! When Dragonite summoned forth his Ancient Power of old, not only did he summon forth some rocks, but he also summoned forth some of that Ancient energy for himself too, causing him to get even stronger than before in the process!

Drayden, closing his eyes: So it seems. Truly, a worthy challenge for Latios, then. Get back out here, Latios, and finish things off…by summoning your Draco Meteors!!

Benga, looking as excited as ever: You know that move too, Dragonite! Let’s stake our victory on this very last attack! Summon down your own Draco Meteors too, Dragonite!!

*The pair of Pokemon both begin raining down their own Draco Meteors from above, as both Pokemon end up taking heavy damage from the barrage. Dragonite and Latios end up locking arms with each other, looking equally determined to take each other out.*

Benga, watching the scene from afar, as he and Drayden take cover in a different room of the Gym, as the Meteors continue to rain down from above: Wow…it was really lucky that Dragonite managed to draw out his own strength from that Ancient Power of his. Otherwise, I doubt there’d be any other way he’d be matching a Latios in terms of overall power right now…

*The Latios and Dragonite continue to hold each other in place, even as Meteors continue to ravage both of their bodies. Soon, however, one especially massive Draco Meteor comes zooming down, and Latios manages to get enough power funneled into its jets to allow it to redirect Dragonite’s mass somewhat…but it wasn’t enough, as both Pokemon end up falling, and fainting, to the massive Meteor. Once the smoke cleared, it was revealed that the match had turned out to be a draw.*

Drayden, chuckling: Well…I can’t say I’ve had a battle that intense for a good long while! So, fun bit of trivia for you, but when a Gym Battle ends in a draw, it’s up to the Gym Leader’s discretion, as to whether to award the Badge of their Gym to the challenger or not. And seeing as you gave me easily the best battle I’ve had in months…why would I not give my Badge to such an upstart such as yourself? Please…come, and accept your Legend Badge!

Benga, from the other side of the room, having taken cover from the Meteor assault: Wow…thanks, Drayden!! I-

*Suddenly, three Shadows appear in front of his path, as the Shadow Triad become visible, as two of them forcibly grab Benga, to his dismay, as another rummages through his Bag.*

Benga, trying to squirm out of their grasp: Hey, what the hell…? Get off of me, and- why are you going through my stuff?! Drayden, were you in on all of this?!

Kenzo, before Drayden can manage to say anything: Relax. All we want from you is the Black Stone. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.

Drayden, as his body trembles with anguish: You fiends…you waited for us both to tire out our Pokemon before you struck, eh? Cowards…the whole lot of you!

Akira, turning to Drayden: Striking at the perfect opportunity is what being a ninja is all about. The fact that you both let your guards open…just makes things all the more easy, in the long run. Takaaki, have you retrieved the Stone?

Takaaki, holding it up, to even Benga’s disbelief: Indeed. Our objective has been achieved. Let’s make haste.

Akira, holding his arm out in front of Takaaki: Hold up, brother. Getting the Black Stone will merely satisfy Ghetsis…but relieving these fools of their Pokemon will make Ghetsis elated, and may even put us back in good standing with him! And besides that…what are they going to do, call their non-existent other Pokemon out? The displacement is almost too easy, honestly…

Takaaki, thinking it over for a moment: You make a good point, Akira. Just make it quick, and then we’ll make the escape.

*The Triad members holding down Benga relieve him of the Poke Balls on his belt, just as they do with Drayden, as well. Accomplishing even more than they originally set out to do, they disappear from view, as Benga and Drayden trade horrified glances at each other.*

Benga, looking confused to the extreme: Drayden…don’t tell me you’ve…run into those weirdos before…?!

Drayden, nodding: Unfortunately, I have. One too many times now, in fact. They may have stripped me of my most powerful Pokemon in my arsenal…but I’ve still got a few good ones in my PC account. If you’ll accompany me, I should probably inform my daughter of this development. As the strongest Trainer in Unova, she’ll likely have a good idea on where to go from here, in dealing with Team Plasma.

Benga, in disbelief: Hold up…since when does Team Plasma hire straight-up ninjas?!

Drayden, motioning for Benga to follow him: Come…there’s much we need to discuss. Do you have other Pokemon you can use in a squeeze as well?

Benga, hesitating for a bit: I…I think, but…they aren’t nearly as powerful as the ones I just battled you with…

Drayden, turning away from him: They will have to do, I’m afraid. Accompany me to Opelucid’s Pokemon Center. There, we will contact Iris, and decide on the options from there.

Benga, still looking quite confused: Okay, but…why do you want me to accompany you? I mean…you seem pretty strong as a Trainer in your own right, so…

Drayden, walking out of the Gym: Do you not understand yet, Benga? The Black Stone appears to have chosen you! Such a fact should not be taken lightly, if Zekrom has truly taken a shine to you. And, even if Zekrom ends up being mistaken, as it was before with Hilbert…we still cannot allow Team Plasma to get their hands on Zekrom. And as such…I’ll need as much help as I can get, in making sure they don’t summon that deity. Can I count on you, young man?

Benga, nodding with a giant smile: So… I may be the new Chosen One?! Man…imagine Hilbert having become so boring, the title got passed down to little ol’ me! If that’s really who I am…I’d be a damned fool to not do anything about this theft! Whatever the plan is, I’m with you, Drayden!


Benga's Team for 95% of the Chapter:
Gyarados (Hydro Pump, Ice Fang)
Dragonite (Multiscale) (Draco Meteor, Tailwind, Ice Punch, Ancient Power)
Garchomp (Sand Veil) (Stone Edge, Sandstorm)
Volcarona (Sunny Day, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance, Wild Charge)
Conkeldurr (Mach Punch)
Metagross (Ice Punch)

Drayden's Team for 95% of the Chapter:
Latios (Luster Purge, Draco Meteor)
Garchomp (Sand Veil) (Dragon Rush, Dig, Earthquake, Stone Edge)
Salamence (Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse)
Haxorus (Outrage)
Flygon (Quiver Dance, Earthquake)
Charizard (Solar Power) (Flare Blitz)

Chapter 20: A Clash of Fusions!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Back at the Giant Chasm, the Shadow Triad appear before Ghetsis.*

Akira, bowing to Ghetsis, along with his brothers: My Lord, we have brought not only the Black Stone to you, but the Pokemon owned by the Gym Leader of Opelucid, Drayden, and the Pokemon used by a boy who seems to be just as skilled as him - a boy named Benga.*

Ghetsis, grinning evilly: Well, it looks like your skills of competency are finally returning! Now, tell me, did either of those Trainers happen to have a Legendary Pokemon on their teams, perhaps?

Akira, pointing to the Poke Ball that contained Latios: Indeed, the Gym Leader seemed to have caught a Latios at some point. I take it you…wish to bring it to Colress’ lab, to experiment on?

Ghetsis, patting Akira on the back: You know me too well, Triad! Teleport me over to Colress’ lab, at once!

*The Triad gather around Ghetsis, and in an instant, they found themselves in Colress’ lab, much to Colress’ surprise.*

Colress, looking quite shocked at Ghetsis’ sudden appearance: Oh…Lord Getteeysis! What an…unscheduled appearance, I must say…!

Ghetsis, walking to a nearby cabinet filled with gadgets: Well, that’s par for the course when it comes to traveling with the Triad, wouldn’t you agree? But enough about that…tell me, have you gotten around to developing anymore of those DNA Splicer things?

Colress, pulling up a data sheet on his sleeve’s monitor: Well, as luck would have it, I’ve managed to produce a new batch of them shortly before you arrived. I must caution against flagrant use of them, however. There’s still much that we don’t know about the technology, so, after rigorous analysis of White Electrode here, although the fusion was a success, I can’t very well endorse fusing say…an explosive Pokemon like Electrode to Pokemon as…well, endangered as Reshiram, for quite obvious reasons.

Ghetsis, chuckling: Is that so? I was actually thinking about that little fusion of our’s while you were gone, Colress. And it became quite clear to me, just how we’ll manage to coax Reshiram outta the Stone there.

Colress, sounding intrigued: And…how would that be?

Ghetsis, walking over to White Electrode, who had been hooked up to numerous different research machines: It should honestly be quite simple. Hand me one of those Splicers real quick though, would you?

Colress, hesitantly handing Ghetsis one of his few Splicer prototypes: Um…sure, but what are you planning to- LORD GETTYNISS WHAT ARE YOU-

*Ghetsis proceeds to hastily pull out each wire that had been hooked up to White Electrode, and throws it at a nearby wall. White Electrode then begins to flash rapidly, upon impact.*

Colress, trying unsuccessfully to grab the DNA Splicer out of Ghetsis’ hands: Have you gone mad?! If that thing Explodes, Reshiram will be history!!

Ghetsis, chuckling at Colress’ desperation: No it won’t. Just wait for it…

*To everyone’s surprise, including White Electrode itself, a loud roar emanates from deep within his body.*


*Suddenly, White Electrode begins to shift and morph, before a Reshiram appears inside the lab, to everyone’s disbelief…except Ghetsis, who merely looked expectedly satisfied.*

Ghetsis, grinning: What’d I tell ya? When faced with imminent destruction, even a being like Reshiram will be forced to reveal itself, in perilous scenarios like that one! And as such, it’s time for the main event! Get out here, Latios…and fuse with Reshiram!!

Colress, looking mortified: Getees, stop!! Those Pokemon aren’t remotely similar in biology…the fusion could be quite unstable…!

Ghetsis, rolling his eyes: Please…would you rather Reshiram turn back into a Stone again immediately? At least this way, we’ll have full control over its actions from here on out, right? So…how do I use this thing again? Just press that button there, and-

*Suddenly, wires forcibly eject from both ends of the Splicer, and seek out the nearest pair of Pokemon to connect with, being Reshiram and Latios. A brilliant flash of light momentarily blinds the room, as a Reshios had been created.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (3)

Reshios, roaring to the sky: REEEEESH!!!

*Without losing another moment, Reshios zooms straight past the door of the P2 Lab, shattering it, as it quickly zooms into the skies, completely out of eye’s reach just moments later.*

Ghetsis, looking quite annoyed: …What the hell just happened?! I couldn’t withdraw the thing into the Poke Ball or anything!

Colress, sighing: Well, obviously. You see, once you managed to awaken Reshiram from its slumber, it more or less became a Pokemon again, and as such, wasn’t connected to any sort of Poke Ball device at all. Once you went and fused it to that Latios you managed to bring over here, you more or less created a brand-new Pokemon, and as such, severed any connection to a Poke Ball it may have had before.

Ghetsis, looking to the ground: So essentially…I just lost not one…but two Legendary Pokemon just now.

Colress, crossing his arms: Yes, that indeed seems to be the case. Now, thanks to you ignoring my warnings, if we aren’t careful, people outside of Team Plasma may soon become aware of what we’ve managed to accomplish. And as such, my very research now remains in jeopardy, if the wrong people manage to learn of that thing’s existence!

Ghetsis, shrugging: You seem to forget, Colress, that we have three of the very best Pokemon trackers in the world at our side. Shadow Triad! Your next objective is to find, and recapture that fused Pokemon! It surely couldn’t have left the borders of Unova yet, I’d imagine, but the sooner we recapture that beast, the better!

Akira, nodding to Ghetsis: Leave it to us, Lord Ghetsis. We shall return with the mystical Pokemon momentarily!

*The Shadow Triad teleport away, as Colress turns to Ghetsis, still looking rather unamused.*

Colress: I don’t care how good of ninjas your little Triad are. If someone from the Pokemon League happens to see that thing, you do realize what that would mean, not only for my own research, but perhaps my own freedom in general, yes? Pokemon experimentation is quite illegal, as I’m sure even you’re aware!

Ghetsis, grinning: Calm down, scientist man. The Shadow Triad are the best ninjas in the entire country. Sure, sometimes they’ll have an embarrassing incident or two, like how they fared against that Dragon-girl…but lest you forget, she’s officially the strongest Trainer in Unova. Anyone would be hard-pressed to knock her down a peg. But a mere zoom-y Dragon? Child’s play for the Triad, mark my words.

Colress, sighing: Well, for both of our sakes, I certainly hope you’re right…


*Zooming through the skies of Unova, Reshios finds itself wondering just where it was going.*

Reshiram’s half of their consciousness: Where do you seem set on, my dear Draconic brother?

Latios’ half of their consciousness: To my old Trainer’s kin, Iris. As the strongest Trainer in Unova, surely she’ll know how to defuse us.

Reshiram’s half of their consciousness: But…do I want to be defused? Will it be painful…? I wonder…

*At the top of the reconstructed stairs of the Pokemon League, Iris sighs, looking into a mirror on the vanity table inside the Champion’s room.*

Iris, shaking her head: Being the top Trainer in Unova is great…but it’s a shame that hardly anyone- eep! What was that?!

*Iris turns around, only to be stunned by the appearance of Reshios, who approaches her with a hopeful look in their eyes.*

Iris, as her voice trembles a bit: A L-latios?! No…you look like one, for sure, but…I saw the one father caught, and…you don’t really look the same! Did you…evolve?!

*Before Reshios had a chance to explain anything, the Shadow Triad show up, and surround the pair.*

Kenzo, nodding: You are correct, Latios simply evolved. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be taking this Pokemon back under Ghetsis’ control.

Iris, looking alarmed: Ghetsis?! There’s no way this Pokemon belongs to him! Latias, get out here, and help your evolved brethren drive these intruders away!

Shadow Triad: Bisharp, Night Slash ‘em! Ninjask, X-Scissor! Hydriegon, ready your Dragon Pulses!

Latias, looking in astonishment at Reshios, speaking Telepathically to her fellow Dragon: You’re an…evolved form of my brother? Does that mean…that I can evolve too?

Reshios, shaking his head, replying in Telepathy: I am no mere singular Pokemon, sister…I have become…something even greater, perhaps.

Latias, sounding amazed: Something greater…than evolution? Show me your power, then. Join me in bringing down a barrage of Draco Meteors into our enemies!

Reshios, nodding: With pleasure!

*Both of the speedy Dragons spiral around each other, and fly nearly all the way to the ceiling of the abnormally tall Champion’s room, and summon forth a barrage of Meteors that collide through the roof of the building, and make quick work of all the Shadow Triad’s Pokemon.*

Takaaki, shaking his head: We stand no chance. We must retreat, and form a new strategy.

*The other members nod, before teleporting away. Soon after, both Benga and Drayden arrive at Iris’ newly-damaged Champion’s Room, to her surprise.*

Drayden, looking worried: Iris…what on Earth happened in here?!

Benga, looking fatigued: We came here as fast as we could…but having to get past the Elite Four to get here took longer than we thought!

Iris, looking surprised: Dad…and Benga?! Did you…earn all eight Gym Badges already?!

Benga, chuckling: Not quite. I haven’t beaten that new Water-type Gym guy yet…but Drayden accompanied me in here, so it’s fine. I won my battles without his help after all, so I should be okay to be in here, right?

Iris, looking stunned: You took down the Elite Four…without even having your seventh Badge?! That’s incredible!

Drayden, nodding: While I agree, I’m afraid there are more important matters we must discuss. You see, Team Plasma has…stolen both of our strongest team members.

Benga, before his eyes notice Reshios floating next to Latias: And not only that, but they also stole the Black Stone, too! What do we do now, Iris? And- woah, what’s THAT Pokemon?!

Reshios, closing their eyes, and bowing to the trio: I am Latios…but I, too, am also Reshiram. We seem to have been combined, by a pair of weird Scientists.

Iris, gasping: Oh no…so Team Plasma managed to fuse another pair of Legendary Pokemon?! Oh no…I saw the pain in Black Kyurem’s eyes…I can only imagine-

Reshios, shaking their head, after reading Iris’ mind: Oh, our combination is not painful, to be clear. In fact…I quite enjoy being combined with Reshiram. Their presence makes me feel…warm inside.

Iris, looking a bit concerned: Latios…

Drayden, shaking his head: Messing with the natural order of nature is an unforgivable offense! Those fools in Team Plasma will pay for their treachery!

Benga, shrugging: Well, Latios doesn’t seem to mind it, right? Anyway, do you know where we can find Team Plasma right now then, Latios?

Reshios, nodding: Yes. Hop onto my back, and I’ll guide you and Latias over there. -No, don’t take them! I wish to remain- No…I cannot afford to be trapped inside of a lesser Dragon. I must find the Chosen One. Oh…

Iris, sounding confused: Wait…Latios, was that…Reshiram?

Drayden, hopping onto Reshios’ back, and motioning to Iris to join him: We haven’t the time to worry about that, honey. Benga, you pilot Latias. We’ll need all the help we can get, if we hope to take down Team Plasma once and for all.

Benga, hopping atop of Latias: Err…right! Well, Latios, take us over there!

*Reshios nods, and zooms out of the hole in the ceiling formed from the pair of Draco Meteor barrages. Latias quickly follows, as the pair Fly all the way over to the P2 Laboratory on Route 17. Inside said Lab, it’s shown that Colress has pulled up a graph with Reshiram and Electrode being displayed, on a large monitor.*

Ghetsis, still sounding confused: So you’re saying…once I forced Reshiram to awaken from within White Electrode…the consciousness of Electrode got completely erased by Reshiram’s psyche?!

Colress, nodding: Yes. It should be of little surprise that a Pokemon with as little intelligence as a synthetic Pokemon like Electrode could have its psyche completely overwritten by a Pokemon as complex as a Reshiram. But when it comes to the process of fusion, such risks will never be completely out of the question. Hence, why fusion should never be taken so lightly-

*Suddenly, the pair hear a pair of low-flying objects swerve by, from just outside, spooking the pair of Plasma higher-ups.*

Colress, shaking his head in frustration: Good heavens, have we been found out already?!

Ghetsis, grabbing a bunch of DNA Splicers from Colress’ hands: Gimme those. I’ll make sure my Pokemon are strong enough to beat those fools…

*Ghetsis quickly goes to another room, and fuses a number of Pokemon both from his PC, along with some newly-stolen ones as well, courtesy of the Shadow Triad. Drayden kicks down the door of Colress’ lab, being accompanied by his daughter and Benga, along with Reshios and Latias.*

Drayden, looking quite disgusted: Team Plasma…to think that disrupting society wasn’t enough for your lot…but you had to go and disrupt nature as well?! Feel my justice! Sceptile, get out here, and give ‘em a taste of your Dragon Claws!!

Ghetsis, smiling grimly at the intrusion, as he returns to the main lobby of the lab: So nice of you to bring my experiment back to me. Allow me to show you…just how grateful I am!! Cofa*grisharp, block it with your King’s Shield!!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (4)

*Sceptile proceeds to swipe his Draconic Claws at the Cofa*grigus-Bisharp fusion, but the ghostly sentry manages to protect itself with a sturdy shield, as Sceptile wears himself out from the strikes.*

Iris, looking stunned: Is that…really what’s inside of a Cofa*grigus’ body?!

Drayden, shaking his head: Do not be fooled, daughter…if I were to guess, that thing is simply being fused to a Bisharp! You know how to handle those things by now, do you not?

Iris, nodding: Y-yeah, of course! Latias, unleash your Flamethrower attack!

Ghetsis, cackling, as he reaches for another Poke Ball under his cloak: Gengreigon, block the attack, and counter with a triad of Dragon Pulses!!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (5)

Iris, gasping, as the three blasts of Dragon Pulses manage to knock out Latias: Oh no…another one?! What the heck is that Hydreigon fused with?

Drayden, shaking his head: Whatever the other half of the fusion is…it seems almost more evil than Hydreigon typically are! On that note…Spectile, drain its health away, with a Drain Punch!

*Sceptile tries to do so, only to lose his balance, and stumbles straight through Gengreigon’s corporeal body, as its three heads snicker, before blasting Sceptile to the ground with a triple dosage of Dragon Pulses, KOing the Pokemon.*

Benga, shaking his head: I can’t just let you guys handle this mess! Emboar, get in here too, and Flare Blitz right into Cofa*grisharp there!!

Ghetsis: Cofa*grisharp, fend it back, with a Night Slash!!

Iris, looking surprised: Woah…I didn’t you even had an Emboar, Benga!

Benga, chuckling: Yeah, I sorta went and bred my Pignite for a bit, back before I met Hilbert. After I traded him to Hilbert, I still kinda wished to have an Emboar on my team, so…I went and trained up a Tepig from one of the Eggs I’d received!

*Emboar manages to barrel in towards Cofa*grisharp, who ends up collapsing from the heat, being unable to hold back Emboar’s charge, and faints.*

Ghetsis, chuckling: The Triad have told me that you seem to be just as strong as that Gym Leader right next to you, boy. But let’s see just how strong you are…when you have to face your very own Pokemon! Metagrados, fire a Hydro Pump straight towards Emboar!!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (6)

Benga, freezing up, as he stares in disbelief at seeing his Metagross and Gyarados fused together: No…not both of you…! How could I have-

*Emboar, too, seems stunned to see his friends having been forcibly fused as well, and instantly gets decimated by the incoming Pump of water, and faints. In the background, Reshios was still attempting to nail down Gengreigon with their summoned Draco Meteors, to no avail.*

Iris, shaking her head: Benga, snap out of it! If you want to free your Pokemon, we’re probably going to have to beat Team Plasma here first! On that note, Togekiss, get out here and assist Latios…er…Reshiram…or whatever you go by! Blast them with a Moonblast!

Benga, looking a bit embarrassed: Yeah…you’re right, Iris. I can’t afford to let my guard down here! Samurott, get out here, and unleash your Superpower!!

Ghetsis, delighting in how the battle seemed to be playing out: Gengreigon, take your focus away from Reshios for a bit, and belch out some Gunk Shots towards that Togekiss! Metagrados, hit that Samurott with a Zen Headbutt of yours! And as for Reshios…Haxozard, get out here, and slam your Dragon Claws into it!!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (7)

*Ghetsis escalates the Double Battle into a Triple Battle, as Reshios meets Haxozard in the air, before the latter starts swinging its Claws towards Reshios. The dual-Legendary Pokemon manages to capture Haxozard’s hands in its own palms, and summons forth a Draco Meteor from above, KOing its draconic rival. Gengreigon manages to down Togekiss with several lobs of Gunk, KOing the speedy Togekiss under the compounding weight of the Gunk blasts. Samurott, at least, seemed to be holding its own against Metagrados.*

Iris, watching Samurott slash away at Metagrados with abandon, at every attempt of a Zen Headbutt: Wow…you even have a well-trained Samurott, Benga! I take it you managed to trade one of those Tepig Eggs you mentioned for an Oshawott Egg?

Benga, nodding, as he watches one last Superpowered slash of his horn take down Metagrados: You betcha! I never thought I’d have to use this guy again, after having come up with the solid team I made for myself, but Samurott’s definitely pulling his weight there, I’ll admit!

Drayden, watching as Reshios continues to try and keep up with Gengreigon: Serperior, join the fight, and bring down that amorphous Dragon with your Dragon Breath!

Ghetsis, still grinning with treachery, utterly ignoring the Serperior that had joined the fight: He won’t be for long, boy, once you get a load of what I fused that Volcarona of yours to! Generona, come forth, and blast out a Heat Wave from your solar panel things! And Gargon, boost the power of Generona’s Heat, by making it a Sunny Day! And Gengreigon, Mimic Reshios’ Draco Meteors, and summon down a barrage of your own!

Iris: Dragonite, get out here, and rain down some Draco Meteors of your own!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (8) Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (9)

*Gargon raises his arms into the air, causing the sky to clear up, and allowing Generona to blast Serperior away with little effort. Reshios continues to send Draco Meteors plummeting downwards, as Gengreigon vanishes away, only to appear right behind Reshios, and shoots their own barrage of Draco Meteors towards the unexpecting Reshios, managing to take it out. Gargon, with his arms in the sky, merely grins menacingly at the carnage, just as Ghetsis was. Letting his guard down, he ends up getting blasted and KOed by one of Dragonite’s Draco Meteors, to Iris’ relief.*

Drayden, shaking his head: This isn’t good, Iris…I’m out of Pokemon on my end. Benga, cover for me, would you?

Benga, nodding: Gotcha, Drayden! Samurott, nail Gengreigon with a Night Slash!

Iris: Dragonite, take out Generona with one of your Fire Punches!!

Ghetsis, upon realizing he was down to his last two fused Pokemon: Well, this certainly isn’t ideal…but we will prevail regardless! Generona, Explode on these fools! And Gengreigon, make sure these fools don’t run away from the main event! Leave ‘em all with a Scary Face they'll remember, before we disappear!

Drayden, looking alarmed: No…he isn’t planning to…Iris! You have to call back Dragonite - now!! You too, Benga…we need to leave!

Iris, looking back at her father in confusion: Why? Generona’s a Steel and Bug-typed Pokemon, don’t you think? A Fire-type attack like that should be able to do a ton to him!

Benga, watching as Samurott’s Night Slash is finally able to slice through Gengreigon: Yeah…we’re about to win, aren’t we?

*Samurott stares into Gengreigon’s fading body…only to watch all three of it’s Faces grin, before it begins to fade away. Samurott appears to be visibly shaken by such a Scary sight, moments before Dragonite lands his Fire Punch into Generona. Suddenly, the fused, roboticized Bug-type begins rapidly flashing, as it were about to combust. The resulting Explosion proves to be quite massive, as both Dragonite and Samurott end up getting enveloped by the blast.*

Benga, as tears form in his eyes, upon seeing his cherished Volcarona Explode in front of him: N-no…Volcarona!!!

*Drayden tries to grab Benga’s shoulder before he runs head-first into the resulting blast...only for several more Explosions that began going on throughout the rest of the P2 Laboratory. The impacts of which end up collapsing part of the ceiling, cutting off Drayden and Iris from being able to catch up with Benga, who had ran farther inside the building.*

Drayden, looking quite concerned: Iris…I wasn’t able to stop him. I tried, but-

Iris, shaking her head: At the very least…I think Dragonite is on the other side of that pileup too, so at least he has Dragonite so he's got her to protect him in there, right?

???: He does…but that also means that you don’t.

Drayden, looking behind him, and seeing a member of the Triad merely watching them, from amidst the flames of the lab: Iris…12 o’ clock! The Triad’s here! They’ve-

*Iris gasps, as she turns around, only to see that her father had keeled over, from a stab delivered to his stomach, by a Bisharp that was now standing over his body.*

Takaaki, from behind another nearby wall of flames: And you’re next. Bisharp…Guillotine.

*From behind the collapsed ceiling tiles behind him, Benga hears a blood-curdling scream, which causes his own body to tense up in sudden terror.*

Benga, barely managing to spot Samurott, who lied unconscious on the floor next to him: No…that couldn’t have been Iris, right?! She’s the strongest Trainer in Unova…she wouldn’t be able to be taken out just like that! Right, Dragonite? Dragonite…?

*Benga watches as Dragonite weakly tries to toss away the rubble from the ceiling that was blocking the hall…but having taken such a mighty blow from Generona, Dragonite herself could hardly move all too well.*

Kenzo, appearing right behind Benga: Your little friend is just as fragile as any other human, at the end of the day. But rejoice, for I will re-unite you with her momentarily.

Benga, shaking his head, refusing to make eye-contact with the Triad member: Wait…I can’t die here, so…what would you say if I…sold my soul to Team Plasma, and joined you guys? You must have heard Ghetsis call me a strong Trainer back there, right…?

Kenzo, closing his eyes: The orders were already given to me by Lord Ghetsis himself. Perhaps you would have made a strong addition to our ranks. Then again, we already have your Pokemon…so you would ultimately be of little use to us on your own. Now…the end for you has come.

*A Bisharp appears, and the last thing Benga sees, was a sharp Slash of energy colliding straight towards him…before his body falls limply to the ground. Having achieved their mission, the Triad teleport to Ghetsis’ side, and give him a nod, as he and Colress watch the P2 Laboratory burn up in flames, from another nearby island on Route 17.*

Ghetsis, chuckling: What’d I tell ya, Scientist? No survivors, just like ya wanted. Simple enough, right?

Colress, looking quite angry, although the Triad could tell he was still keeping most of his rage bottled up: Well, while you certainly made sure of that much, with my lab having gone up in flames, I’ll have to start from square one!! Not to mention that Team Plasma’s likely to take heat for all of this, and-

Ghetsis, still looking pleased: Relax, would ya? Those kids and the old coot died in a freak lab accident, for all the public will be able to tell! And Team Plasma still has more than enough money on hand, from all of our Pokemon ransoms! I’m sure by next week, we can get you a brand-new lab, even better than your last one, even!

Colress, narrowing his eyes: You’re certainly on thin ice right now, Ghetsis. Were it not for the Triad, we both could have perished in that Explosion of yours, and where would Team Plasma have been then?

Ghetsis, as his eyes widen: Did you just call me by my-

Kenzo, interrupting Ghetsis’ thought: Pardon the intrusion, Lord Ghetsis, but we’ve retrieved the rest of their Pokemon that they battled with.

Ghetsis, grinning, as he takes them all, and adds them to one of the belts attached to him under his cloak: Ah, yes. Thank you, Triad. I take it you were able to salvage the remaining DNA Splicers from the machine as well?

Akira, presenting a handful of Splicers to his Master: We have, Lord Ghetsis! Alas, these were all the ones we managed to recover, I’m afraid.

Ghetsis, shrugging: Well, better than nothing, at least. These should be enough for us to get by with, until we rebuild that lab of yours! Wouldn’t you say, Colress?

Colress, swiping the DNA Splicers out of his hand, and putting them inside his jacket: Indeed. Their usage will be strictly regulated by me, however, as we’ll need to keep at least one in pristine condition, so I can reproduce their schematics when I next get the opportunity. Now, I don’t suppose you have an idea on where you intend to have me sleep tonight, until you rebuild me a new lab, do you? Unlike you, I can’t force myself to sleep in that Giant Chasm of yours you like to call home…

Ghetsis, grinning: Funny you should mention that, Scientist. You see, ever since the Dragon girl downed that Frigate of ours into the Nacrene City Museum, I’ve been working on building us…a Super Frigate! Equipped with not only a lab, prison bay, and command center like before…but a Kyurem-less Freeze Cannon, as well! However, you know me, Scientist. I’m a thinker, not a builder. But with your help, we’ll be able to freeze Unova to our whims! What say you, Scientist?

Colress, thinking to himself, as he notes how all three members of the Triad surrounded them: Ugh…the more I’m around this guy, the more I ultimately despise him. Still…I can’t very well say no to him, while the Shadow Triad are right here. I better just keep going with the facade for now.

Colress, nodding, with as neutral of an expression as he could force: …Very well, Lord Gettie. Where do you wish for this…Super Frigate of yours to be built, then?

Ghetsis, grinning with delight: I’m glad you asked, Scientist! You see, we’ve actually had a backup Frigate anchored up at Castelia City for a while now! With the help of you and the Triad, I’m sure we can get it battle-ready in no time at all! Well, why don’t we go board the beauty then, shall we?

*The five Team Plasma higher-ups teleport away, under the smoke-filled sky, as Colress’ lab burns away…just as his patience was beginning to, as well.*


Ghetsis' Team for most of the chapter:
Gengreigon (Dragon Pulse, Gunk Shot, Mimic, Scary Face)
Cofa*grisharp (King's Shield, Night Slash)
Metagrados (Hydro Pump, Zen Headbutt)
Haxozard (Dragon Claw)
Generona (Heat Wave, Explosion)
Gargon (Sunny Day)
Musharna (Psybeam, Focus Blast)
Conkeldurr (Earthquake, Mach Punch)
Zebstrika (Spark, Overheat)
Moses (Seismitoad) (Poison Touch) (Grass Knot, Earthquake, Sludge Wave, Venoshock)
Eelektross (Thunderbolt, Crunch, Giga Drain, Flamethrower)
Bouffalaunt (Wild Charge)
Dragonite (Multiscale) (Draco Meteor, Tailwind, Ice Punch, Ancient Power)
Garchomp (Sand Veil) (Stone Edge, Sandstorm)
Conkeldurr (Mach Punch)
Salamence (Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse)

Drayden's Backup Pokemon:
Sceptile (Dragon Claw, Drain Punch)
Serperior (Dragon Breath)

Benga's Backup Pokemon:
Emboar (Flare Blitz)
Samurott (Superpower, Night Slash)

Iris' Partners:
Dragonite (Multiscale) (Extreme Speed, Fly, Draco Meteor, Fire Punch)
Togekiss (Heat Wave, Flame Burst, Fly, Moonblast)
Latias (Telepathy) (Draco Meteor, Fly, Flamethrower, Focus Blast)
Reshios (Draco Meteor, Fly)

Chapter 21: Bringing the Movies to Life - Colress' Experiment!

Chapter Text

*Late that night, back at a studio lot in Pokestar Studios, just north of Virbank City, Brycen lays down in his bed for the night, after a long day of shooting for his newest movie. That is, until he hears a knock on his door outside.*

Brycen, yawning, talking to himself: Ugh, what does Mr. Pop want at this hour? He knows that once I settle in for the night, I’m done with the action…

*Opening the door to his studio, he sees not a human, but a tiny little Delibird, handing him a present, with a letter attached. Opening up the envelope, Brycen reads it aloud.*

Brycen: Dear Brycen, I hope you’re feeling better, after that whole boating accident you had a couple weeks ago. This strange little Pokemon ended up wandering onto the lot last week, and…well, since you’re an Ice-type Gym Leader, he’d make a nice addition to your team, wouldn’t you say? Regardless, I hope you enjoy the enclosed $25 Off Castelia Creamery coupon…since I know how much you like your frozen treats. With regards, Mr. Pop. Heh, the old man really does care about his actors, huh? I bet I already know what’s in that Present of yours too, Delibird.

*Delibird looks surprised, as he takes the Present from him, and opens it, to find an empty Poke Ball inside.*

Brycen, chuckling: He really wanted me to train you, huh little guy? Well, I-

*Brycen’s thoughts are suddenly interrupted, as he hears a loud crash from somewhere else inside the lot.*

Brycen, narrowing his eyes: What the hell’s going on over there? Everyone should have stopped production hours ago, at this point. Who would still be up at this hour? Stay close to me, Delibird.

*The pair make their way through the mostly-empty studio lots, only to see something quite…off-putting, once they made their way to the lot filled to the brim with movie props. There, Brycen stops himself and Delibird in their tracks, upon seeing what looked to be a…sentient robot mechanism?*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (10)

Brycen, extending his left foot outwards, to prevent Delibird from wandering any closer to the contraption: Hold it, Delibird. Someone must not have shut down that F-00 properly, when filming ended tonight. But it’s dangerous to approach that thing without the remote that controls it. Unless…someone else is wielding it as we speak? In which case…

*The F-00 robot does a few backflips over towards Brycen and Delibird, as it then shows the pair its palms. Delibird claps, thinking it was a cute display of acrobatics, but the palms suddenly start glowing, which causes both Brycen and Delibird to quickly realize that something was going quite wrong.*

Brycen, shaking his head: Why are it’s weapons engaged?! This isn’t good…we’ve got to take it out…but if that thing gets damaged, the repairs are probably going to come out of my paycheck! No, no, your life is worth far more than a mere paycheck, Brycen…Delibird, give it a Present! In fact…give it the same present you gave me!

Delibird, nodding, before ascending off the ground slightly with a few flaps of his wings, just to clear a small hop over Brycen’s leg: Deli! Bird…bird bird!!

*Delibird presents the F-00 with a Present, as it suddenly disengages its arm lasers, and reaches for the Present. Delibird then punches the bottom of the box, which suddenly activates the Poke Ball inside, as it attempts to absorb the F-00 bot. However, the beam quickly dissipates, to Colress’ dismay.*

Brycen, shaking his head: What the heck?! Poke Balls should be able to absorb any sort of material inside of them, be it Pokemon, or even random knick-knacks on the ground, placed by passer-by’s, for Trainers on their journeys. Why then, would it be unable to absorb a robot, unless…no…

???: Quite a unique strategy to handle such a unique situation, Brycen-Man. Clearly, your ability to come up with critical answers on the fly, in the heat of the moment, is not just reserved for the big screen!

Brycen, glaring at the oddly-dressed Scientist, suddenly walking out of the shadows that obscured his entrance: Who are you, and what set did you walk in from? I certainly HOPE you just got done filming, at least, with that get-up…

Colress, chuckling once: The only set I know about is the one about how the brooding anti-hero stops an evil organization from within. Actually…that reminds me a bit of one of your more recent films, Brycen. Now, which one was that again? I believe it was-

Brycen, interrupting him: Full Metal Cop 4 - The Final Case. The one where my character broke away from the corrupt criminals that he once called his partners. But what does that movie have to do with anything?

Colress, smiling: Everything, actually. You see, as you can no doubt tell from my little demonstration just now, I succeeded in reprogramming this little prop of yours into serving me. Additionally, I even went to the effort of absorbing it into a Poke Ball of mine, as well, to make sure no one would think to take back possession of it, like you nearly did.

Brycen, rolling his eyes: Obviously, but these props are dangerous! There’s a reason we lock them up at night, after all! What the hell do you want with them?

Colress, chuckling: Just like how the great Mecha Cop rose against his own creators, I, too, wish to defect from Team Plasma, and cripple them from the inside.

Brycen, stepping back in shock: Hold on…you’re part of Team Plasma?!

Colress, closing his eyes: Currently, yes. However, I’ve come to realize that my employer - Ghetsis, I think most call him - may not have my best interests in mind. He seeks destruction and cruelty…whereas I seek to discover just how powerful Pokemon can become, when aided by the wonders of technology. And the technology you use in these movie props…is really quite extraordinary, isn’t it?

Brycen, nodding: Yeah.The directors here don’t leave much for the SFX guys to do. Since a lot of our movies involve Pokemon these days, we’ve built up props that could legitimately hold their own in an actual battle. Not only do the battles look much more realistic that way, but we don’t get any complaints about ‘bad CGI’ anymore, either.

Colress, nodding: Movie-go’ers truly are a fickle bunch these days, aren’t they? But to think that Pokestar Studios would go to such great lengths to create robots that could rival the power of actual Pokemon…it’s almost a shame that they’d have to go to waste, after the movies had been wrapped up! This poor little guy was actually found inside a dumpster nearby, of all places!

Brycen, shrugging: Isn’t it obvious why, though? It’s too dangerous to allow normal people to handle. Hell, if I were seen with you operating this thing right now, even a star like me would be banned by every major studio, if they were to know I let some creep handle weapons like these!

Colress, beaming with delight: Indeed! My, it certainly would be a shame if someone happened to be recording this whole conversation, wouldn’t you say?

F-00, playing back Colress’ voice: My, it certainly would be a shame if someone happened to be recording this whole conversation, wouldn’t you say?

Brycen, tensing up: Hold on…you wouldn’t go and release those recordings, would you? I mean…you seem to be a fan of mine, so-

Colress, walking closer to Brycen: My dear Brycen-Man, worry not! These recordings won’t surface to anyone! That is…as long as you don’t mind if I help myself to some of these old props in here! After all, you’d like to see Team Plasma be taken down too, wouldn’t you?

Brycen, looking worried, before sighing at the Scientist’s proposal: You know what? Better for you to use them, then for them to go to waste. Just make sure you keep my name outta this whole thing, alright?

Colress, bowing to Brycen: You have my word, Brycen-Man. Oh, and, give my regards to the little Delibird of yours, would you? I don’t own one myself, but I’ve always been quite fond of the little things, I’ll admit.

Bryce, smiling down to Delibird: Well…guess that settles it, then. Wanna join my team, little guy?

Delibird, looking ecstatic: Deli, birdelibird!!

*Bryce absorbs the Delibird into the Poke Ball that had been inside his Present, as Colress smiles at the pair, as he heads back to the studio where the props had been dumped.*

Colress, chuckling: You two will make a great pair already, I can tell. Warms my cold heart, seeing such a cute little thing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be recycling some of your old WMDs. Remember, Brycen-Man…this is our little secret!

Brycen, crossing his arms, with a smile: If those things will truly help you take down Team Plasma, my lips are sealed. Just know, some of those things may take a little work to make operational again, you hear?

Chapter 22: A Trainer's best weapon...

Chapter Text

*Late that next night, Hugh receives an Xtransiever call from Nate, as he starts getting ready for bed, in the Driftveil City Pokemon Center.*

Hugh, thinking to himself: The hell does he want? I don’t need to answer this…but, if he’s in trouble, I wouldn’t forgive myself if he got hurt on account of my own inaction…better make sure he’s fine at least, at this hour.

*Answering the call, he sees Nate looking in quite high spirits, chilling with his Pokemon in the background, likely at a different Pokemon Center room for the night.*

Nate: Hey, congrats on winning your Quake Badge, Hugh! Battling my dad must have been all sorts of tough, right?

Hugh, sighing: How the hell did you even learn about my victory today?

Nate, chuckling: My dad called and told me, while making sure I was okay, following all the crazy stuff that’s been happening with Team Plasma lately. Did you hear that the Frigate we were on before crashed into the Nacrene City Museum the other day?!

Hugh, nodding: Duh, everyone saw that. It was all over the news and everything.

Nate, frowning: I know, but…I’m just glad that everyone got out of there safely. Lenora, Hilbert, Iris? It’s crazy to see that so many got involved with that Frigate again, even since we got rescued from it!

Hugh, closing his eyes: Yeah…if you ask me, though, Team Plasma really should just be dealt with, before they go and construct another all-terrain terror machine like that.

Nate, closing his eyes: Well yeah, but…you saw just how well-prepared they were, when they nearly froze us all solid. If anything, we should leave them to people like Iris, who really know what they’re doing, and have the power to take on people like that.

Hugh, scoffing: Well, if I were in her position, I’d have taken out the people at the top already. Deal with them, and the whole stack of cards would soon follow, I’m sure.

Nate, chuckling: You really think it would be that easy to find someone like Ghetsis? We probably got ‘lucky’ even seeing Colress during our own run-in. But like any criminal, I’m sure his time will come.

Hugh, still looking quite serious: And what if that time never comes, Nate? What then? Do you really think someone as pure-hearted and sh*t as Iris would have the nerve to do what really needs to be done? How many more Trainers and Pokemon will be separated before that happens?!

Nate, looking surprised at Hugh’s sudden attitude shift: Woah, chill down, dude! I’m sure Iris is planning on doing whatever she thinks is best! And anyway, I didn’t call you to get your opinions on vigilantism - I called to see if you wanted to have a battle!

Hugh, sounding flabbergasted: A battle? At this hour, no less?! What the hell’s your issue, man? Your Pokemon have to sleep too, you know!

Nate, rolling his eyes, as he pans his Xtransiever’s camera over all seven of his Pokemon, playing around in his room: Dude, come on! Sure, they went in for a rematch against Elesa and won, but after that, they haven’t battled all day, and…look how much energy they all still have! Besides, battling you might be a good warm-up before I go and battle my dad tomorrow, you know? Seeing as you just earned his Badge and all…

Hugh, shaking his head: You don’t know when to quit, do you? Ugh…if it’ll shut you up for the night, I guess there are better ways to spend a night I couldn’t sleep during. You’re still in Nimbasa City, right?

Nate, nodding: Yeah. And you’re still in Driftveil?

Hugh: Yep. Wanna settle this on the Charizard Bridge, then?

Nate, looking excited: You know it? Hear that, guys? I got ourselves another battle, before we turn in for the night! See you there, Hugh!!

*Nate ends the video call, as Hugh scoffs at his constant enthusiasm.*

Hugh: Where’s he get all that energy from, anyway? His old man certainly doesn’t exude the kind of energy he does. Then again…when he battles, he feels nearly unstoppable…just like Clay did. At least…last time, he did. But this time, I have one more Badge than he has, so surely that should mean something, right?

*Hugh grabs his belt, and hooks up six of his Poke Balls to his belt before leaving. Leaving the Pokemon Center in the dead of night, Hugh makes his way via the few street lamps lighting the way to the bridge.*

Hugh, thinking to himself: You know…for this mining city, you'd think there would be more illumination at this hour. Wait…do I hear someone on the Bridge already? It doesn’t sound anything like Nate’s voice…

*As Hugh nears the bridge, he hears the voice traveling more clearly. He takes the opportunity to hide himself behind one of the Charizard Bridge’s massive beams.*

???: So, you really stole a Pokemon…from someone who’d already gotten their Pokemon taken by us before? Yeesh…talk about rotten luck on their end!

???: Yep! Gotta teach fools like that somehow, no matter how many times it takes! Watching their tears of desperation, in trying to reclaim those stupid Poke Balls…makes me real happy to be around people who also delight in breaking the hearts of stupid kids!

???: You said it, man…children can be a real pain. I should know. I actually left my wife over not wanting to put our retarded kid up for adoption.

???: Man, what a bummer. You can do better than a broad like yours for sure, I guarantee it!

Hugh, thinking to himself, as he clings himself against the beam, as he watches the two figures walk into his view, as he sees them garbed in Team Plasma’s black uniforms: Of course…of course assholes like them had to be Team Plasma grunts! Hell, once they pass through here…I’ll make ‘em both pay for what they said! Scum like them deserve what’s coming for them!!

*Once the pair of men had walked parallel to the bridge beam he’d been hiding behind, he runs at them, fists filled with rage.*

Team Plasma Grunt, shielding himself from Hugh’s strikes: What the hell?! Where’d this f*cking kid come from?!

Other Team Plasma Grunt, chuckling as he watches his friend try and hold back Hugh’s arms, only to get kicked in the balls for his efforts: Don’t tell me that’s the retarded kid you were just telling me about, man! What are the odds, huh?

Team Plasma Grunt, wincing, as Hugh lands a few more kicks into his legs, which didn’t seem to be nearly as padded and protected from assault as his torso was: This isn’t him, you idiot. He may be retarded, but he ain’t my kid. Give me a hand already, would ya?

Other Team Plasma Grunt, taking a whip out of their own padded vest: Fine, fine…but I’m telling the others about how you couldn’t handle some angsty kid in unarmed combat.

Team Plasma Grunt, as both he and Hugh stare in horror at the whip he’d pulled out: W-what the hell, man?! Don’t use that thing - you’d be just as likely to hit me with something like that, then you would be to hit him!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Then hold him down for me, you dolt! You know fist-fighting ain’t something I’m qualified for otherwise!

Hugh, shaking his head: You wanna fight with weapons? Well, how about I bring out my own? Emboar, get out here, and Heat Crash into them!!

Other Team Plasma Grunt, chuckling, and putting his whip away, and reaching for a Poke Ball instead: So, you’re yet another Trainer who regards his Pokemon as weapons, huh? Better hope we don’t tell ol’ Ryoku about those filthy words you just said, or he’ll blow a gasket on ya! Scrafty, get out here, and use High Jump Kick!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Krokorok, join him, and show our fiery little friends some Foul Play of yours!

Hugh, looking disgusted: You really think I care if you tattle on me to that Sage of yours?! Simisage, strike down Krokorok with your Leaf Blade!!

*Emboar slams into Scrafty with nearly as much force as Scrafty had come in Kicking with, as the pair end up bouncing each other away, as they both take the opportunity to catch their breath. Simisage, then, unsheathes an energy Blade made of Leaves from his back, and swings it straight for Krokorok, who manages to parry the attack, as a faint cover of dark energy seems to be boosting his agility. With the boost, he’s able to sneak behind Simisage before he can strike again, and slashes at his throat, with his claws. Simisage jumps away after the surprise blow, but is breathing noticeably heavily afterwards.*

Hugh, shaking his head: What are you doing, Simisage? A Ground-type like that should be no issue for you! You did most of the work against Clay just earlier today, after all! Go in again, and watch for any sudden movements! And Emboar, enough playing around - go in, and slam Scrafty outta here, with a Flare Blitzing charge!!

Team Plasma Grunt: Scrafty, a head-on assault ain’t gonna cut it. Use Foul Play!

Other Team Plasma Grunt, nodding to his Pokemon: Yeah, you too, Krokorok. Foul Play, and team up with Scrafty!

*Emboar barrels in towards Scrafty, but he easily manages to dodge the straightforward attack by leaping into the air, just as Krokorok did as well. Simisage, seeing an opportunity to strike them both in mid-air, also leaps towards the sky. Krokorok and Scrafty, however, had apparently been planning for this, as Krokorok locks hands with its partner, Scrafty, and manages to redirect its momentum straight for Simisage. Scrafty grins, as he then manages to land a High Jump Kick straight into Simisage, KOing him.*

Hugh, shaking his head: What the hell? Since when are Grunts like you not trash at battling?! Simisage, return…Swellow, it’s your turn to show them what’s up! Show Scrafty just how Brave a Bird you truly are! And Emboar, don’t miss next time! Flare Blitz, once more!!

Team Plasma Grunt: Scrafty, knock it outta the skies, with your Ice Punch!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Krokorok, hit Emboar with your Aqua Tail!

*Emboar tries once again to charge straight for the enemy, only to get flung back several feet by one swing of Krokorok’s tail alone. As Swellow then goes in for a diving bomb towards Scrafty, Scrafty responds by jumping straight over the honed-in Flying-type, and then slamming his Icy fist atop Swellow’s head just as it passes under him. Swellow gets sent hurtling towards the ground, and KOed with little ice splinters surrounding its coat.*

Hugh, looking quite concerned: Volcarona, give these two a taste of your Bug Buzz! And Emboar, Flare Blitz towards them while they’re distracted by the sounds!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Hey man, Krokorok can fence that thing off in a Rock Tomb, yeah? That’s when you’ll get your chance to strike!

Team Plasma Grunt, grinning: And I have just the perfect move to use, on a trapped moth. Light up its world, with a savage Thunder Punch!!

*Krokorok fires off a set of rocks into the air, as they suddenly all drop right onto Volcarona, slamming it from above, and clipping its wings, lowering its speed quite severely. Now having been reduced to being a sitting Ducklett essentially, Scrafty easily goes in for the finishing Punch; KOing the fiery moth. Emboar nearly manages to land a Blitz into Scrafty amidst the action, but Scrafty notices the attempt, parrying with a Foul Play, and landing a solid blow into Emboar in the process.*

Hugh, looking disappointed with his team’s performance: Volcarona, get back. Starmie, you’re out next. Take aim at Krokorok, and fire a Hydro Pump at it! And Emboar, for the love of…just hit a damn Flare Blitz already, would you?!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Hey bud, tell Krokorok to use Earthquake! I’ve got a nice surprise in store for our little friends here! Scrafty, go in for a Foul Play on Emboar!

Team Plasma Grunt, looking at his friend in shock: Are you serious right now?! You want me to have this thing use that move…while we’re on a bridge like this?!

Other Team Plasma Grunt, shrugging: Relax, man! You really think this thing could even mildly shake a bridge this massive and sturdy?! The reason I need ya to go for that move is-

*He reveals his plan to the other Grunt by whispering it into his ear.*

Team Plasma Grunt, chuckling: Alright, I’ll admit, that actually does sound like a good plan for once! Krokorok, unleash an Earthquake!!

*Just as the other Grunt had imagined, the Krokorok’s Earthquake attack doesn’t do much to the overall structure of the bridge they were fighting on…but does manage to cause a crack in the bridge to form, as a stray lane of steel loosens up beneath Krokorok, when a loud crack could be heard from below, as the steel below Krokorok gives way, forming a loose strand of steel that led only to the sea below. Scrafty, quick to capitalize on the opportunity, sneaks behind Emboar, and pushes him down it, and redirecting his Flare Blitzing momentum down towards the stray, seabound slab of steel, as Emboar inadvertently starts barreling straight towards the sea, as a result. Hugh, realizing this, takes out Emboar’s Poke Ball quickly.*

Hugh, sounding aghast: Damnit, it was a trap! Return, Emboar! …Emboar? EMBOAR?!

*Hugh suddenly realizes that Emboar had already been swept up by the waves of the sea below them, and was quickly being washed away. As such, he was already too far away to be able to be called back to his Poke Ball. Starmie, meanwhile, who, perhaps being too busy reading his Trainer’s mind, in trying to find out what was going on, ends up being an easy target for Scrafty, who lands an easy Foul Play into it, as well, taking it out in one shot as well.*

Team Plasma Grunt, cracking his neck from side to side, upon realizing that Hugh’s whole team had been dealt with: So, what’s it gonna be, kid? You can either give up your Pokemon nice and easily, or you can follow your Emboar down there, and die in a watery grave. What’s it gonna be, stupid kid?

???: You fools! Even I could hear the ruckus going down a whole mile away from here! What on Earth are you two thinking, having such a loud battle like this, at this hour?! Was your mission not to be discreet?

Team Plasma Grunt, as he and his partner quickly salute the old man: Sage Ryoku! Don’t worry about us! We just got done showing this fool of a kid just how outclassed he truly is!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Yep! We were just about to relieve him of his Pokemon too, sir! Get a load of this, Sage - the punk went and referred to those Pokemon of his as weapons! He’s no better than anyone else who claims to use Pokemon in ‘self-defense’!

Ryoku, shaking his head at Hugh: Is this true, young one? I’ll have you know, that although Ghetsis seems to be taking more extreme measures to things, as of late, we, of Team Plasma, still strive to accomplish N’s original goal. Well…those of us who remain loyal to Team Plasma’s truth, that is. And as such, I must exercise my right, as one of the Seven Sages, to repossess these Pokemon of yours to one of my peers, like the Elite Four fellow we ran into the other day as well. Grimsley, I believe his name was? You two…although I can’t say you quite were as discreet as I’d prefer, you still handled his Pokemon with great skill. Perhaps I should pass along a recommendation of the pair of you to Ghetsis himself!

Hugh, mumbling to himself, as Ryoku continues to pat the pair of Plasma Grunts on the back: Gonna have to take a rain check on that battle of our’s, Nate. The old man might be a loon, but he’s right about one thing…I let my guard down, and became the very thing Team Plasma is - a fool who used his Pokemon as weapons. But this fool…has got a friend to save now.

Ryoku, walking closer to Hugh: Speak up, boy! Your Pokemon, if you would. Need I remind you that my friends are armed…not with Pokemon, mind you…but with instruments that can cause quite substantial pain in their own right.

Hugh, spitting in the direction of Ryoku: Kiss my ass, old man! If you get my Pokemon, it’ll be over my dead body. But you’ll have to find it first!

*Hugh then runs towards the stray steel slab, and slides down it, before quickly falling off, and being dragged away by the sea below them. Alarmed, one of the Grunts pulls out a pistol from his vest, and aims it towards the sea.*

Ryoku, putting his hand atop the pistol, and lowering it off-target: Leave him. The sea is likely doing the job for you. No need to waste bullets on what’s already inevitable. Come…we must leave for our next mission. Colress has already summoned for us hours ago now.

Other Team Plasma Grunt, shaking his head at his friend: What the hell, man? You had a pistol on you this whole time?! Why the hell didn’t you just shoot the kid from the start?

Team Plasma Grunt, flicking his friend on the forehead: ‘Cause old man Ryoku told us to keep a low-profile, remember?! But nah, you just had to decide to tear a strand of bridge away, and wake up like every living-

Ryoku, cutting the Grunt off: What’s done is done. We’ve already accomplished our goal in retrieving Grimsley’s Pokemon, and our next mission is just north of Mistralton City, so we still have a lot of ground to cover. Let us stop worrying about one mere child, and make haste.

???: Child?! And just who are you guys talking about, huh?

*The Plasma trio turn around, only to see that Nate must have overheard them from behind.*

Team Plasma Grunt: What the hell is with kids being out so late at night lately?! Isn’t it past your bedtime, little boy?

Other Team Plasma Grunt: Yeah…and get a haircut, because your hair looks ridiculous! I mean…it’s literally growing out of your hat!!

Nate, chuckling: I like my hair just how I like my criminals - just high enough above sea level, where I can watch them fall for a while, before impact!

Team Plasma Grunt, after a short pause: …What the f*ck kind of analogy is that?!

Ryoku, shaking his head: A terrible one, but need I remind you, that we’ve already wasted too much time here. Let me leave you with one piece of advice, before we go. Don’t be like your friend who fell into the sea moments ago - meddling in the affairs of Team Plasma will only get you right where he is now - several hundred leagues under the ground.

Nate, sounding alarmed: Hold on…you couldn’t be talking about Hugh, could you? I said I’d meet him here, but…I didn’t think it’d take so long to get here, but…rounding up my Pokemon, and deciding who to leave in the PC, it took-

Ryoku, turning away from Nate, along with the pair of Grunts: There’s not another moment to lose. I know not of the kid’s name, but you’d do well to avoid his fate, and stay in your lane. Come, you two. You know just how impatient Colress can be, as of late…

Nate, thinking to himself, as he swallows a lump in his throat: Hold on…did he mention…Colress?! Surely he can't be planning something else already! I better call Hugh, just to let him know what’s up, and that Team Plasma’s around…

*Nate makes an Xtransiever call, but becomes worried when Hugh doesn’t pick up.*

Nate, shaking his head, as he watches the Team Plasma trio leave the area: Well, that’s not a good sign. Was Hugh really the kid that old man was talking about? I mean…I guess it’s not like kids our age are typically out and about at this hour. Unless…maybe Rosa knows something? Hopefully she won’t mind getting a call this late…

*Nate dials Rosa’s Xtransiever number next, but she, too, doesn’t pick up.*

Nate, now beginning to sound even more worried than before: So Hugh didn’t pick up…and now Rosa won’t either? I sure hope they both just fell asleep…because otherwise…it looks like I’m on my own tonight.

Chapter 23: Revelations at the Ravaged Lab

Chapter Text

*Hugh gets carried off throughout the lakes and rivers in Unova, all the way until he’d managed to wash ashore on a small piece of land on Route 17.*

Hugh, thinking to himself as he finally gets enough strength to pick himself up off the rocky shore he’d drifted onto: …Where the hell am I now? Did Emboar end up getting washed ashore here too, at least, or-

*Turning his eyes to the right, he sees a large, fiery lump of orangeness having collapsed face-first into the rocky alcove along with him. Hugh sighs in relief, in seeing that Emboar, at least, wasn’t anymore lost-at-sea as he was.*

Hugh, chuckling: There you are, you big lug. Time to return to the Poke Ball with you.

???: So, that Emboar belongs to you, huh? Dare I ask how you both ended up in a place like this?

*Hugh gasps, as his eyes follow the voice from atop the nearby hilltop, and see none other than Cheren standing at its peak!*

Hugh, sounding surprised: Cheren…? What are you doing here? And…where are we, anyway?

Cheren, turning away from the young man: Route 17…where a freak accident in a lone building, on this small piece of land here, was reported last night by the local news. And this next part may sound a bit strange, but…I almost feel like I was there, at one point in my life, around a couple years back. Like something quite important happened to me here, at one point. I went and asked my girlfriend Bianca about it, and she, too, had that same odd feeling…but neither of us really can place our finger on what exactly that event was.

Hugh, rolling his eyes: For being a Gym Leader, you’re sounding more than a little bit delusional right now, you know.

Cheren, nodding: Be that as it may, there was another thing about the area I wanted to investigate. You see, when the news was reporting on the blazes about 36 hours ago…they certainly didn’t seem focused on it all too long. As I was talking to Bianca about the fire that next morning, I told her that the news reports would probably clarify what exactly happened there, after the smoke had settled. And, after watching hours of that morning’s news, and the stories started repeating themselves…the fire was never brought up, despite being reported on quite heavily just that night before.

Hugh, shrugging: I guess that’s kinda strange, but…what are you, like 20 years old? What are you two doing, watching the local news? Isn’t that sh*t for old people?

Cheren, chuckling: Don’t be mistaken, I did my diligence, and scoured the web as well. And yet, even the articles I had read just before I went to sleep that night…had all been deleted that following morning. That’s when I truly realized that someone must have been covering up the accident. As to why…I can only guess…but considering what I’ve managed to find so far, I feel it may be related to Team Plasma.

Hugh, groaning: Seriously?! What the hell is their problem? First they try to kidnap me, and freeze us all alive, and then they have the nerve to threaten to steal my Pokemon…and now, whatever’s going on here?! Can’t they just read the room, and realize they’re yesterday’s news?

Cheren, as his eyes widen: So, you’ve had a run-in with Team Plasma as well?

Hugh, nodding: Yeah…several, at this point. I take it you’re still on their case, after that whole duel with N you’ve mentioned before in interviews?

Cheren, nodding: You could say that. I’d love to still be searching for Ghetsis, and the rest of their worthless organization, but being a Gym Leader has taken up a lot of my free-time these days. Honestly, I do sometimes find myself asking if being a Gym Leader was truly my real calling, or if my true desires lie with being a part of the international police…who I like to believe are working on tracking down Team Plasma as we speak, but…well, considering what I’ve found on this island tonight, I think they have their work cut out for them.

Hugh: Why’s that? Did ya find a smoking gun or something?

Cheren, motioning for Hugh to join him up on the top of the peak: I’ve found lots of torn-up scraps of metal, from whatever happened in this place, but unfortunately, I haven’t been able to learn much of anything too useful. That is, however, until I found what looked to be a busted hard drive, in the corner of this room here. So, I had Porygon go and see what data he could dig up from within. Porygon, come on out. Would you mind Converting into a holographic display, so we can show Hugh what we’ve found?

Porygon, emerging with an excited nod: Pory, Porygon! Loading…

*Porygon does a quick Conversion before Hugh’s eyes, as it suddenly changes shape, and displays a 3D hologram from its eyes.*

Cheren, pointing to the display: From what little data we were able to uncover, it seems that the freezing incidents in Driftveil and Nacrene weren’t supposed to be isolated threats. Instead, they apparently planned to use the Pokemon that N had caught before - Kyurem, it’s said to be called - to freeze the entirety of Unova, to attempt to ‘pre-emptively neutralize any threats’ before expanding their reign past the borders of Unova. From what it sounds like, Ghetsis likely wanted to take some pretty extreme measures, in hopes that no one from Unova would attempt to get in their way anymore. However, somewhere along the way, Kyurem ended up perishing, and now, they either seek to bring it back to life somehow…or find another means of bringing about an icy future to Unova.

Hugh, scoffing: So Ghetsis wants to take the coward’s way out, in dealing with people like me, huh? Doesn’t surprise me one bit, honestly.

Cheren, nodding: Although unsurprising, it’s nonetheless concerning that even the death of Kyurem doesn’t seem to be complicating their overall plans, from what I’ve managed to find out. In fact, they don’t even feel bothered enough to clean up this little lab here either, from the looks of things. Almost as if their entire base of operations has already been relocated.

Hugh, squinting at Porygon’s hologram display: Well, did the thing tell you where their new base is, at least?

Cheren, shaking his head: Unfortunately, not as of yet. That part of the data seems to have been entirely scrubbed. Which, really, makes me question why they didn’t decide to scrub out the info on the whole freezing-Unova-solid stuff. Is this really something they felt okay with us finding out? Hell, they even have in-depth threat profiles on people like me, who they’re still clearly concerned with. Weirdly enough, Iris doesn’t seem to be on this list, despite being the one who destroyed their whole Frigate…

???: I wouldn’t say we’re concerned with you, more that we…wished to keep our eyes out for people like you.

*The pair of young men gasp at the sight of the Shadow Triad, who reveal themselves from the shadows of the ravaged laboratory.*

Cheren, shaking his head: This isn’t good. Hugh, you need to get out of here - now. I’ve dealt with these guys before, so I’ll be fine.

Hugh, sighing: Can’t leave your side even if I wanted to, man. My Pokemon are all out of juice right now.

Cheren, looking aghast: What?! But…I can’t-

Takaaki, approaching the pair: Resistance is useless, Cheren. We’re well aware you only have your Gym team on you at the moment. And I think we all know even you wouldn’t be so bold as to think you could take us on with them, in a serious battle.

Cheren, as he adjusts his glasses: Maybe so…but who said I’d be risking an actual battle, at a time like this? Porygon, use Explosion!!

*Porygon begins to quickly flash and whir, as his systems immediately begin to go haywire. Taking advantage of the distraction, as Porygon begins to fill the area with smoke, Cheren calls out his Doduo, as the pair quickly hop onto its back, as it begins racing them across the sea of Route 17, hopping onto each and every island on their way to outrace the expanding flames from the Explosion, once Porygon had been blown apart.*

Hugh, turning to Cheren: Think we managed to get away from ‘em?

*No sooner than Hugh had asked, than a Hydreigon had flown itself out of the flames they’d been working to outrun. It suddenly then fires a pair of Dragon Pulses from two of its ‘mouths’, which Doduo just barely manages to swerve away from.*

Cheren, shaking his head: Not by a longshot. They may have the advantage in power right now, but I still have some ideas. Doduo, try using the Substitute technique we were working on!

Hugh, watching as a third head begins to sprout between Doduo’s other heads: W-what the hell…? I don’t remember you trying anything like that during our Gym battle!

Cheren, smirking: If I’m being honest, I’m not entirely sure if this little trick of mine is even going to work. But if it does, we may just make it out of here alive. Now, Doduo, be ready to dodge another pair of their blasts. When you do, leave behind that Substituted head of yours. If the Triad sees that, hopefully that’ll be enough to make them think they annihilated us.

*Doduo nods with its two real heads, as another pair of Dragon Pulses get fired at them. Doduo leaps out of the way, and sheds its spare, Substituted head, as the group manage to evade the blasts all the way until they reach Unova’s mainland again, back at Route 1. From there, they book it all the way to Accumula Town’s Pokemon Center, where they stop to catch their breath.*

Hugh, looking ragged, from having to hold onto Doduo’s feathers for so long: That…was way closer than anything should have been. But…at least we’re in a Pokemon Center now, so that means we can all get some well-deserved sleep. Arceus knows my team needs it.

Cheren, closing his eyes: True…I really should update Bianca on the situation…but knowing her, she’s likely already out like a log as we speak. I wouldn’t want to disturb her, so maybe I’ll spend the night here too, for old time’s sake. It was here, where my friends and I all ran into Team Plasma for the first time, on Christmas Day two years ago.

Hugh, chuckling: Sounds like you and Team Plasma have a real history, huh?

Cheren, closing his eyes: Unfortunately, it would seem so. But, that’s neither here nor there. I find it quite concerning that the group no longer views Iris to be as serious of a threat as someone like…say, Hilbert or I. Hell, even Bianca was still on their list. Could Iris be…no, no, that’s a worry for tomorrow. I must return to my Gym tomorrow, and as such, I need to be in top form, like any other day. Regardless, it was good to meet up with you again, Hugh.

Hugh, reaching out to shake Cheren’s hand: Yeah, you as well, Cheren. Tell me, if you ever dig up any more dirt on Team Plasma, you know who to go to, right?

Cheren, nodding: Although I don’t wish to involve anyone else in the affairs of Team Plasma…it seems they have a reason for going after you too, at this point. You seem quite capable from our Gym battle, and seeing as your Emboar, at least, managed to evolve up to its final stage…I can tell you have good taste, at the very least. Tepig was my first Pokemon too, after all.

Hugh, grinning: If you can’t roast ‘em with fire, you just gotta bring home the bacon personally, right? In all seriousness, though…I probably want to take down Team Plasma just as much as you do, so…keep in touch.

*The pair add each other’s Xtransiever numbers, then head off to their rooms for the night, in an effort to recover from the potentially-fateful encounter.*


*Back on the outskirts of Route 17, the Triad gather around the Substituted Doduo head, amidst the flames that surround where Hydreigon’s Dragon Pulses had set the nearby fauna ablaze, in an eerie blue haze of flames.*

Akira, pointing to the head: There, surely that means that Hydreigon managed to blast ‘em to pieces, right?

Kenzo, shaking his head: They got away so quickly with that little trick of theirs, I remain unsure. However, this, at the very least, should convince Ghetsis that we managed to eliminate that troublesome pair.

Takaaki, nodding: Agreed. Even if they did manage to get away, Ghetsis doesn’t need to know the details, lest we disappoint him like before. Besides, if they did survive, chances are they’ll show their faces again…and that’s when we’ll truly make sure they meet their end.

Chapter 24: A Duel for the Sages


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*In the darkened night skies of Route 7, Rosa makes her way towards Opelucid City, in hopes of getting there early the next day, and earning her next Gym Badge. Along the way, however, she runs into none other than Bianca, who seemed to be…trying to take pictures of a flock of Woobat that had stuck their noses onto a nearby tree?*

Rosa, tapping Bianca on the shoulder: Bianca…is that you? What are you doing out here, at this time of night?

Bianca, jumping up a bit, upon feeling Rosa’s finger on her shoulder: Oh…Rosa! I didn’t expect anyone else to be out here at this time of night! What brings you out here at a time like this?

Rosa, smiling: Well, I couldn’t really get myself to fall asleep tonight, so…I figured I’d get a head-start on the trek to Opelucid City, so I can at least work on getting my next Gym Badge with Servine here!

Servine, beside Rosa, looking pleased: Ser viiine!!

Rosa, reaching down to pet Servine’s head: But enough about me, why are you out at this time of night?

Bianca, chuckling: Well, it may sound a bit silly, but…even though Professor Juniper trusts me enough to take over for her in a number of key areas lately, I still feel like I really messed some things up a couple years back, by inviting a number of invasive species into Unova’s ecosystem. That’s why I decided to ask my boyfriend Cheren what I could do, to become an even better Pokemon researcher than I already am!

*The screen shifts back to Bianca and Cheren, living in a shared apartment down at Aspertia City, where Bianca tosses herself around in Cheren’s bed, as Cheren browses the internet on his computer nearby.*

Bianca, whining: Don’t tell me ‘I’m doing fine already’! If I want to become a proper Pokemon Professor someday, I have to not only be as renowned as Professor Juniper is, but I have to really prove that I’m in the forefront of Pokemon research as a whole! And as such…surely you can think of something I could be doing better on! Right, babe?

Cheren, rolling his eyes: Well, if you really want me to overthink things…you do go to bed awfully early sometimes. It’s not really any surprise, then, that you always manage to wake up hours before I do. Maybe some night research could help correct your internal clock?

Bianca, as her eyes widen: Night research…that’s it! Come to think of it, Professor Juniper’s never really published any really-major nighttime studies before! That’s always been more of Fennel’s thing, actually! But maybe…just maybe…I could end up making her thing…my thing!! Cheren, you’re a genius!

Cheren, chuckling: I’ve heard that since elementary school. Nevertheless…I suppose it’s nice to hear it coming from you all the same, admittedly.

*The scene then shifts back to Bianca recounting the exchange to Rosa, who chuckles at Bianca’s word-for-word recount.*

Rosa: Aw, you guys are adorable! So that’s why you’re taking pics of those Woobats there, then?

???: You truly believe that an outsider has Team Plasma’s best interests in mind?

???: He has Ghetsis’ approval, does he not? What more can there be to worry about?

Bianca, whispering to Rosa, and grabbing her arm: Those voices…I know them! The Seven Sages…they must be nearby!

Rosa, sounding alarmed, yet also trying to keep her own voice hushed: The Seven Sages of Team Plasma…? What are they doing out, at a time like this?!

Bianca, shaking her head, and dragging her behind some nearby trees: I don’t know…and I can’t tell if they’re one of the ones that have since abandoned Team Plasma or not. But we can’t take our chances being out here like this! Stay quiet and hide!!

*Hiding behind a couple of nearby trees, the pair peer out behind the tree trunks, and see a pair of old men, accompanied by two grunts that look to be half their age, begin making their way up a hill, heading for Twist Mountain.*

Ryoku, turning his head to the other old man, as they quickly begin making their way towards the cave: Giallo, you worry about others too much. We have gone our own separate ways, and yet, you still seek to worry yourself over Team Plasma’s affairs?

Giallo, shaking his head: Not on my behest, old friend, but yours! I don’t know why Ghetsis seems so keen towards freezing over entire cities lately, but it’s not even him I fear the most. It’s that Scientist he’s grown so fond of…Colress, I believe his name was? He claims to be completely allied with Team Plasma, but…from the few times I’ve run into the guy, he truly acts as if he truly doesn’t care about a thing…other than his blasted research, that is. I mean…just look at the guy. He’s always smiling, and acting like he’s so much better than everyone. Does he truly not set off any alarm bells to you?

Ryoku, chuckling: If Lord Ghetsis trusts him, he, in turn, has my complete trust as well. He may appear quite co*cky when you first meet him, but with him and his technology on our side, Team Plasma will surely succeed in taking over Unova, as we’ve planned. In fact, according to him, we’ll be in for quite the show, from within this very cave! I’d invite you to join me, but…I doubt Colress will be too pleased to see one of the fallen Sages in his midst.

Giallo, shaking his head: Trust me, I can assure you the feeling is mutual. Even still…there’s something about this plan that doesn’t sound right to me. A Scientist of his caliber, messing around with old movie props? Why would he need you to be there, for the UFO’s launch? Surely he can pilot an old prop like that on his own, right?

Ryoku, sighing: Do you truly recommend that I go against the orders of Team Plasma’s 2nd-in-command? Besides, Colress must have selected me, of all the remaining Sages, for a good reason. After all, we serve Team Plasma over anyone or anything else, for the sake of the Pokemon!

Giallo, frowning: Listen to yourself, Ryoku. Don’t you find it odd that an outsider like Colress managed to climb the ranks of Team Plasma in just these last two years? Even I’ll admit, the guy’s intellect is on another level, but-


Giallo, looking stricken with fear: You fool…I’ve renounced Team Plasma, but if I were to be seen with you again, I’ll be roped back into prison before you know it! And you know the Shadow Triad won’t bail me out of there again like last time…

Ryoku, chuckling: Worry not, my old friend. You should know that my Grunts and I managed to catch Grimsley, one of Unova’s Elite Four, off-guard while he was training. As such, we’re now armed with some of Unova’s very strongest! Dealing with this boy will be child’s play.

Giallo, shaking his head: For your sake, I hope you’re right. Unlike you, however, I can’t afford to be seen out here. Honchkrow, unleash your Haze, and Fly me out of here-

Colress, from atop a nearby ledge, walking out of Twist Mountain: Ah, Giallo. Nice of you to stop by, for old time’s sake! Gettysis would be quite intrigued to see what you’ve been up to, ever since abandoning Team Plasma, I would imagine! I certainly hope that he doesn’t hear that you’ve led that Nate kid over to our make-shift hideout, I would hope!

Giallo, looking at Colress in shock, then looking the other way, to where he sees Nate having approached the group from behind: I…I didn’t lead him here, that was Ryoku! If he had dealt with him before, he wouldn’t be-

Colress, turning away from the pair: -It would seem that the onus to dealing with the brat falls on you two, in the end. Deal with him, but don’t harm him. Once you take out his Pokemon, bring him to the UFO, where I’ll deal with him personally. I’ll be returning to the UFO now, for some last minute preparations. The two of you had better not disappoint me…for all of our sakes.

Nate, scoffing, as he watches Colress walk back inside of Twist Mountain: A UFO?! Seriously, that’s your big plan? A cliche that even the Invaders movies can’t even get away from? Get real!

Ryoku, chuckling: The UFO should be the least of your worries, boy. Meddling with Team Plasma so much will be your own undoing. If you had simply stayed away after being frozen in the Frigate, your defeat here wouldn’t be guaranteed.

Nate, chuckling: Tough words, coming from an old man. What makes you so sure of yourself?

Team Plasma Grunt, from behind him: Don’t underestimate them, kid. Didn’t you see how easily we dealt with your friend from earlier? We’re armed with some of the strongest Pokemon in all of Unova!

Other Team Plasma Grunt: And let’s not forget that both of the Seven Sages were hand-picked Trainers by Ghetsis himself!

Nate, chuckling: Hey, I’m always up for a challenge, if there’s any truth to your words! Servine, get out here, and ready your Vine Whips!

Ryoku, chuckling: You’ve bit off more than you can chew, boy. Scrafty, land a Fire Punch right for the thing!

Giallo, frowning: I have no quarrel with you, young man…but I dare not to imagine the consequences of disobeying Colress’ orders, even if I’ve officially left Team Plasma. Honchkrow, dive in for a Brave Bird attack.

Nate, chuckling: Two against one, huh? That’s no fair. Pupitar, get out here, and-

Rosa, rushing out from behind a nearby tree, to Bianca’s horror: Wait, Nate! Those guys aren’t bluffing! They literally stole Pokemon from one of Unova’s Elite Four!!

Nate, looking startled at both the revelation, and Rosa’s sudden appearance: Rosa?! Where the heck did you come from?! I tried calling you about the situation, after I tried to meet up with Hugh for a battle, but you didn’t answer!

Rosa, scratching the back of her head: Oh, yeah. Sorry about that! I usually charge up my Xtransiever at night while I sleep, but…well, I couldn’t sleep tonight, for whatever reason, so…I guess it must have ran out of power, huh? Hahaha…

Ryoku, chuckling: Like Frosmoths to a flame, the kidnapped return for a second chance of fate. Let’s hope you manage to pay more attention than that little boyfriend of yours, in battle…

Nate, turning back towards where the battle in front of him was happening: Hey, she’s not my- well, I mean, I wouldn’t complain if she was, but- oh no, Servine!!

*Nate’s eyes stare in horror, at Scrafty proceeding to stomp all over Servine’s fainted body, as Honchkrow begins pecking blades of grass off his body.*

Rosa, running up to Nate, looking annoyed: See, I told you not to underestimate these guys! Simipour, fire an Ice Beam at Honchkrow, and snipe it out of the air!

Nate, frowning: Yeah, guess you have a point there. Pignite, you’re up next! Use your Arm Thrust to get Scrafty out of here!

Ryoku: Scrafty, counter those Thrusts with a Zen Headbutt!

Giallo: Honchkrow, switch out with Drapion, and get in close with a Storm Throw.

*Drapion charges towards Simipour, who blasts the Bug-type with a freezing Ice Beam. The Bug-type covers its body with its arms, thinking nothing of the maneuver…until they suddenly felt a little funny. He then looks down at his pincers in horror, as he notices that they had been encased in Ice from the blast. Not only that, but the ice was quickly spreading all over its body, too. Before he could realize it, Drapion was now frozen solid. Pignite, meanwhile, goes in for a flurry of Arm Thrusts, only for Scrafty to duck underneath them all, and deliver a mighty Zen Headbutt to his chest. Pignite stumbles back, before fainting soon afterwards.*

Nate, looking annoyed: Pupitar, get out here, and bury these fools under a Rock Slide, while Drapion can’t move!

Giallo, rolling his eyes: Even during strange circ*mstances like these, do you truly expect me to keep a frozen Pokemon in battle? Drapion, return, and switch out for Sharpedo. Charge towards Pupitar, with a blast with the force of a Waterfall!

Ryoku: Scrafty, show them what true power feels like! Nail Simipour with a High Jump Kick!!

Rosa, shaking her head: That doesn’t sound good, Simipour! Trip him up with a Grass Knot, now!!

*Simipour lays one of her hands onto the ground, trying to manipulate a few blades of Grass into tripping up the movements of the Fighting-typed menace. Scrafty avoids it entirely, however, by leaping into the air, and nailing Simipour while she was trying to set up the Grass Knot attack; KOing her. Pupitar, likewise, gets blasted by the rush of a Waterfall, before being able to unleash its Rocks.*

Nate: Croconaw, get out here, and wait for one of them to attack you…and then counter it with a Dynamic Punch!!

Rosa, looking distraught: Nate…you seriously haven’t fully evolved anyone in your team yet?! Serperior, show him how it’s done! Fire a Leaf Storm straight at Sharpedo!!

Giallo: Sharpedo, return. It’s time we bring Honchkrow out once again. Go forth, and knock out Serperior, with a demonstration of your Brave Bird technique.

Ryoku, chuckling: Show them all what other Punches you can throw, Scrafty. Unleash a Thunder Punch to that croc’s gut!

*Croconaw and Scrafty run towards each other, fists first, as the pair both wind them up, before going in for a blow. The two fists collide, as a small shockwave of air forms from the impact. Scrafty, initially surprised at Croconaw’s refusal to give in to the pain of electricity, merely ends up taking a step towards Croconaw, and surging his fist with even more electricity. Croconaw, however, knew how he could put an end to this. To the shock of everyone around them, Croconaw’s body suddenly begins to morph and glow, as he suddenly becomes several feet taller in size. Indeed, having summoned the strength needed to evolve, Feraligatr uses his newly-enlarged hands to grab Scrafty’s now-comparatively-small fist, and uses his newly-gained strength to hurl him into the air. As he begins to fall back to the ground, Feraligatr then readies a massive Dynamic Punch, and sends Scrafty flying, once he and his fist were at the same altitude. Feraligatr then turns to Serperior, and looks surprised to see that he had managed to Wrap himself all around Honchkrow, preventing his escape.*

Ryoku, looking somewhat surprised: Evolving in the middle of a battle, huh? Imagine that. Regardless, Bisharp should be more than enough to finish off a mere starter Pokemon, who just barely reached its final form. Cut it to size, with a Guillotine slice!!

Giallo, looking annoyed: Honchkrow, use your Heat Wave to blow Serperior off of you, with haste!

Nate, chuckling: Bringing out a Dark and Steel-typed Pokemon against a Pokemon that you know has a Fighting-type move? Well, you certainly have guts, at least. Charge up and deliver another Dynamic Punch, Feraligatr!!

Rosa, looking aghast: Nate, don’t be so predictable! You realize that those guys probably expected you to go for that move again, right? Serperior, protect Feraligatr with a Reflect barrier!

*Serperior uncoils itself from Honchkrow, who then uses the opportunity to fire off a large Heat Wave straight for both Serperior and Feraligatr. The latter hardly notices it, but Serperior, who had already taken a lot of damage from Honchkrow’s previous Brave Bird from before, ends up going down. Feraligatr’s efforts are instead put to building up for another massive Dynamic Punch. A very obvious Punch, however, that could be easily evaded by Bisharp, if need-be. Bisharp cared little, however, as he knew that he could get in and out with a Guillotine slash before Feraligatr could even process what happened. Indeed, in another few seconds, both Nate and Rosa are shocked to see Feraligatr had fallen to the ground, with great force, while Bisharp had yet to seemingly even move from his own position.*

Nate, looking quite concerned about the situation: Herdier, get out here, and shoot an Incinerating blast straight out towards Bisharp!

Rosa, looking aghast: Don’t joke around at a time like this, Nate! Herdier can’t learn a Fire-type move like that!

Nate, looking annoyed: Just roll with it, okay? Any of your Pokemon happen to know Sunny Day?

Rosa, quickly slipping a TM disc into one of her Poke Balls: Well…Espeon might be able to set it up, but…just what is your plan here, Nate?

Ryoku, chuckling: A Normal-type, huh? Even if your Pokemon could learn a Fire-type move like that, it will change nothing! Bisharp, charge up for a Giga Impact, and take out Herdier in one fell swoop!

Giallo: Honchkrow and I will deal with the Espeon. Use a Dark Pulse.

*Espeon appears, and forms a small, glowing orb of light above her, which illuminates the area, in spite of it being the middle of the night. With that small boost in heat, Herdier’s Incinerating blast becomes much bigger, as the small burst of flames turns into a mildly-large explosion, by the time it hits Bisharp, who faints, from being unable to dodge it, thanks to charging up his big attack. Espeon follows suit, however, not being able to focus on dodging the Dark Pulse that gets fired at her, as she faints.*

Ryoku, looking quite baffled: They say there’s a first-time for everything…and I suppose that includes seeing Herdier use really weird moves like that. No matter how weird the moves may get, however, Krokorok will make sure your end is near. Crunch up that Herdier, with haste!

Nate, suddenly looking a bit more confident: Herdier, make a U-Turn, and pivot in with Herdier!

Rosa, looking worried: Just how many Herdier are you training, Nate?! Luxio, get out here, and Spark yourself up into Honchkrow’s face!!

Giallo: Honchkrow, blow some headwinds towards them, to stop their ascent. Tailwind!

*Krokorok gets in close to Herdier, who seems to take the Crunch quite well…only to morph into a Zorua, causing Krokorok quite a shock! Zorua snickers, before kicking the Krokorok with his hind legs, before leaping back into his open Poke Ball, held by Nate, who then quickly calls the real Herdier into battle. Luxio, meanwhile, regardless of headwinds, manages to collide with the Flying-type of the night, and sends him plummeting to the ground, having fainted from the impact.*

Giallo, suddenly looking quite worried: Sharpedo, Protect yourself from those charges. Build up a Speed Boost from behind the barrier, as we bide our time.

Ryoku, chuckling: Looks like it’s up to me to take the initiative here! Very well, then…Krokorok, ravage the battlefield with an Earthquake!

Rosa, looking worried: Luxio, hit it with your Ice Fangs, before it shakes the ground!

Nate, grinning: Hey, Herdier knows that move too! Go in and take it out with your Ice Fangs as well!

*As Sharpedo conceals itself from damage thanks to its Protection barrier, Krokorok digs the claws of all four of its main appendages into the ground, and starts shaking up the surface beneath them, as the summoned rocks and stalactites end up taking out both Luxio and Herdier, before they can manage to get in close to Krokorok, causing them both to faint prematurely.*

Rosa, looking worried: I know this is looking bad, but…Riolu, we need your help! Take out that Krokorok with your Force Palm!

Ryoku, cackling: Heh, I didn’t know Riolu Girl was in our presence today! Let me celebrate the occasion…by having Krokorok evolve! Then, Krookodile, show off just how much more powerful you’ve gotten, with an Outrage!!

Nate, shaking his head: I won’t let you do that, old man! Zorua, use Grass Knot to trip up that rampaging Krookodile!

Giallo: Sharpedo, stop Zorua from manipulating the grass, and mash it up with your Ice Fangs!

*Having had its Speed Boosted behind the Protection barrier from earlier, Sharpedo is more than easily able to catch up to Zorua, and mash up both him, and the Grass below him with his Ice Fangs, knocking out the master imposter. Unimpeded by any Grass Knots under his feet, Krookodile easily manages to overwhelm Riolu, with the power of its new physique.*

Ryoku, cackling: That’s right, I can have Grimsley’s Pokemon evolve in the middle of battle, just like yours! Now, if I’ve been counting right, it’s only Rosa who has one Pokemon left on her team, yes? Come, then, and show us your ace Pokemon, Riolu Girl!

Rosa, frowning: Garbodor…this is going to be quite the gamble…but we can’t afford anything less than at least a draw here, right now! That’s why…I need you to use Explosion!!

*Both Nate and Garbodor’s eyes widen at Rosa’s command, as she begins to tremble.*

Nate, as his voice trails: Rosa…if you use that move…then Garbodor…Garbodor will-

Rosa, looking quite anguished: You don’t think I know that?! Consider the predicament we’re in though, Nate! If we don’t defeat these guys…who knows what they’re planning on doing with us! That’s why…that’s why Exploding on them is our only option!

Ryoku, cackling: You fool…have you already forgotten that Giallo’s Sharpedo knows Protect? He can merely wait out the barrage, with little issue! As for Krookodile and I, I’m afraid all we can do is keep Outraging about. Do your thing, Krookodile!

Giallo, closing his eyes: I could indeed Protect Sharpedo from the incoming blast…but I do not wish for your defeat to come at my own hands. Sharpedo, return. We will withdraw from the fight.

Ryoku, looking with shock at his old friend: Giallo…if Colress finds out you decided to throw the battle, then-

Giallo, shaking his head: Victory for us has already been assured. Even if Krookodile goes down in the next few moments, the Grunts behind us will make sure those two fall in line regardless, and with no Pokemon left of their own, we’ve already accomplished our mission. See?

*Giallo turns to Krookodile, who, despite having gotten covered in Garbodor’s grubby innards, still stands even after Garbodor’s self-sacrifice. Rosa, now covered in Garbodor’s own garbage too, sinks to her knees in silence, as tears drop from her eyes.*

Ryoku, motioning for his Grunts, who’d been watching the battle from afar: Seize their Pokemon, and their Trainer IDs as well. Then, help me lead them to the center of Twist Mountain. Colress will surely be pleased to see that these two have been re-captured.

*The Grunts do as commanded, and relieve both Nate and Rosa of their Poke Balls and IDs, before handcuffing them, and forcing them to follow them into Twist Mountain. Bianca, looking mortified-beyond-belief, just behind a couple of nearby trees, barely manages to stop herself from wailing over the scene.*

Bianca, thinking to herself: No…I can’t let them be taken away like this…! But…why won’t my legs…or my arms…move at all?! I’ve been around Team Plasma before, but…why do I suddenly feel so…petrified? Is it because of their new outfits, or the fact that they’re taking orders now from someone more competent than Ghetsis now…or maybe both?! I…I can’t move…but maybe…maybe I can call and tell Cheren what happened, at the very least? I hope he’s still awake…


Nate's Team for most of the chapter:
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Leaf Tornado, Dragon Breath)
Zorua (Disguise) (Incinerate, U-Turn, Grass Knot)
Pignite (Arm Thrust, Retaliate, Flame Charge, Body Slam)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Smash, Retaliate, Ice Fang, Take Down)
Pupitar (Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Dig, Earthquake)
Feraligatr (Dynamic Punch, Aqua Jet, Avalanche, Ice Fang)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Attract, Foul Play)

Rosa's Team for most of the chapter:
Garbodor (Aftermath) (Smack Down, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, Explosion)
Espeon (Psychic, Sunny Day)
Serperior (Reflect, Dragon Breath, Leaf Storm, Wrap)
Riolu (Telepathy) (Vacuum Wave, Bite, Force Palm)
Simipour (Scald, Ice Beam, Grass Knot)
Luxio (Guts) (Spark, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang)
Smoochum (Powder Snow, Confusion)

Chapter 25: A Collision of Ambitions

Chapter Text

*After the Grunts drag both Nate and Rosa by their handcuffs through Twist Mountain’s corridors, until they reach the center, where they, and the two Sages, gaze up in astonishment, at the sight of Colress seemingly doing a few last-minute inspections of his giant, Cascoon-shaped UFO.*

Colress, turning to the group, looking quite pleased: Ah, you’ve brought me my new pair of assistants! Excellent work, all of you!

Ryoku, looking quite bothered: Colress, did you not say that you required my assistance with your plan?! What could you want from these unqualified pip squeaks?!

Colress, as he puts away the Poke Balls that the Grunts present to him: It would seem my plans have changed, since we last spoke. It seems Ghetsis has managed to get the backup Frigate airborne, over Castelia City. As such, my plans for the UFO have been…changed slightly. Now, un-cuff my new assistants, if you would.

Ryoku, reluctantly obliging, and unlocking the pair from both of their restraints: I may not know exactly what you’re planning here, Colress…but whatever it is, I can guarantee you’re making a mistake somewhere along the line here…

Colress, chuckling: Trust me, my dear Ryoku. I certainly can’t afford to make even one possible blunder, on a night like tonight, for what I have planned. Now, come along and follow me inside, kids! Oh, and, Grunts? Take possession of Grimsley’s Poke Balls for now, would you? I have a special job for the Sages here, in a moment, and I’ll be handing them a new set of Pokemon momentarily.

Team Plasma Grunt, as he and the fellow Grunt motion for the Sage’s Poke Balls: No disrespect. Just Colress’ orders, as I’m sure you both understand.

Ryoku, nodding: O-of course! Whatever helps Team Plasma, in achieving their goals of world domination!

Giallo, reluctantly handing his Poke Balls to the Grunt: Fine, but let not your mind wander, for I’ve still yet to fully trust this Scientist man.

Colress, grinning: Please, then, feel free to call all of the Pokemon out, Grunts. We wouldn’t want these two making a dash for it now, after all the trouble we’ve gone to, now would we?

*The Grunts give Colress a nod, before calling out not only the Sage’s Pokemon, but their own, as well, which quickly surround Colress, Nate and Rosa, as they head inside the UFO. Both Nate and Rosa look around themselves briefly, but seeing themselves surrounded by a Sharpedo, a Mightyena, and a Houndoom, and a Krookodile, among other smaller, yet also potentially deadly Pokemon, the pair quickly realize they have only one option…which was to follow Colress inside the UFO.*

Nate, looking quite uncomfortable with Colress' laid-back demeanor: Alright, spill the beans. Why exactly did you choose us to go inside of here with you?

Rosa, looking as if she could puke, still being covered in all sorts of all manner of sludge from Garbodor: Let me guess…you want to shoot us in a place where there’ll be no witnesses, or something sick like that?

Colress, motioning to the pair of co*ckpit seats onboard: Please, you two! Surely a pair with your talents can realize that I’m more dignified of a mind than that! In fact, have a seat, and rest your bodies for a bit! There’s a pair of seats right here for the both of you, even!

Nate, still looking unnerved, as he takes the higher seat, above the one closer to the main window - the eye of the Cascoon, essentially: There’s gotta be a catch here, right? No way you’re just going to give us an impromptu flying lesson like- AHH! W-what the hell?!

*Nate sits back in the chair, and rests his arms on the nearby control panel…as a pair of metal constructs snaps itself over his wrists, essentially locking himself into the chair.*

Rosa, looking aghast, as she runs over to try and help Nate: No, Nate!! I’ll get you out of- hey! HEY!! Let go of me, creep!!

Colress, as he then holds Rosa close to his body: Not so fast, little one! The only place you’re going is to that seat just below Nate’s! Unless you intend to put up a struggle, that is! In which case, I suppose I’ll just have to hold you closer to me, in order to get you to cooperate!

Rosa, holding back tears, as she unsuccessfully tries to squirm herself away from Colress’ grasp: S-stop…let go of me!! I’m covered in garbage, and I smell really gross…do you really want to be- STOP!! Don’t put your hand down there! Ahh!!

*Colress slides his right hand under Rosa’s leggings from behind, and caresses her bum…only to get his foot stomped by her in response.*

Colress, wincing briefly: R-right. Getting distracted from the mission at a time like this could prove quite…troublesome. Come on then, little one. This way…

*Colress, now forcibly grabbing and pulling Rosa by the shoulders, now without any restraint, forces her into the main seat of the co*ckpit, and forces her arms onto the armrest, where they get locked into place by the same mechanism that bound Nate.*

Colress, walking away from the pair, as he looks into a monitor on his jacket’s computerized sleeve: There. Now then, if you two would be kind enough to look into the co*ckpit window…

*Colress then leaves the UFO entirely, while still talking into his sleeve’s monitor, as the UFO’s hatch quickly locks behind him. Colress’ face then appears in front of the main window, in front of Nate and Rosa’s view.*

Colress, still with a never-ending smile on his face: Now that you both have taken your seats, allow me to explain to you…AND the Sages…what is about to happen here.

*Nate and Rosa gasp, as the UFO’s engines suddenly roar to life, as they begin to go airborne.*

Colress: I’m sure you both have a good many questions to ask me right now. So, for the sake of expediency, let me summarize what’s about to go down. This UFO I’ve rebuilt was made with one sole purpose in my mind - to cause an explosion so huge and massive, that the Hindenburg will look like a mere fireworks show, in comparison to the blast I’ve prepared this ship for. As such, hydrogen gas should begin filling the area inside the vehicle…now. Then, once the UFO is in close enough contact with Ghetsis’ newly-airborne Frigate…I will ignite several tons of dynamite I’ve planted under the floorboards of the floating Cascoon. Quite exciting, yes?

Rosa, shrieking: What?!

Nate, looking flabbergasted in shock: But…why?! Why go to this much effort just to kill us?!

Colress, chuckling: Because, my naive friends, the goal isn’t just to deal with you two…but Ghetsis, as well! With him out of the way, Team Plasma’s resources will be all mine to control! And once I have access to Team Plasma’s vast reserves of ill-gotten wealth, the technological progression of science will know no bounds!

*Colress and the others inside Twist Mountain watch, as the UFO then begins to make its way all the way out of Twist Mountain, as it then starts making a crash-course towards Castelia City.*

Colress, grinning: Of course, there is one more reason I have, for choosing you two to be its unwilling pilots. You see, once this thing gets in close to Team Plasma’s own Frigate, I intend to send an urgent message to Ghetsis, warning him that the pair of you managed to hijack one of my custom-built death machines, and is heading straight for a kamikaze-style attack on his own base! Of course, by that time, it will have been too late to stop the UFO. By the time anyone can do anything, the UFO will have already exploded…and the Shadow Triad will have been powerless to stop it, as well, with so little time to act. Indeed, acting at night will also grants me the protection of the night’s sky, in assuring that no one from Team Plasma sees the gigantic Cascoon approaching them, you see.

Ryoku, shaking his head at Colress: Then why, dare I ask, would you let us in, on this dire treachery of yours, that you’re about to commit? Being one of Ghetsis’ own chosen few, do you truly expect me to let you just…endanger our Lord’s life like this?!

Colress, chuckling: Of course not! That’s where those little Grunts of yours come in! Isn’t that right, my little soldiers?

Team Plasma Grunt, pulling out a pistol, and laying the barrel onto Ryoku’s quivering forehead: Your time’s come, old man. Didn’t you notice that something was up, when you saw that we were assigned to your protection today by Colress, and not Ghetsis, like any other day?

Ryoku, shaking his head, looking aghast at the nerve of his own Grunt: But…Colress is second-in-command…I truly thought that he had a special purpose for me!

Giallo, sighing, as he, too, feels a barrel being aimed at his forehead, by the other Plasma Grunt behind him: Look where you’ve gotten us now, old friend. I should have realized you’d have still gotten us into trouble, seeing as you had yet to see the error in your ways. I only wished to save you, but in the end…your hubris, and your willingness to serve evil…has gone and cost us both dearly.

Colress, aiming his sleeve-monitor towards the pair of Sages, for Nate and Rosa to see: Let me assure you, that the two of you will be the first to witness the beginning…of the Newer Team Plasma! Well then, Grunts? Truly, you must be aware of who deserves control of Team Plasma now, yes? Fire when ready!

*Nate and Rosa both shriek, at the sight of the two old men being shot in front of their faces. With the two old men now lying limply on the ground now, the pair of Grunts wonder where this weird beeping noise they had both been hearing was coming from.*

Team Plasma Grunt, after a few moments of hesitation: Um, sir? What exactly are we…hearing over here?

Colress, chuckling off-screen: Oh, yes…well, you see, just like your little leader of old, I don’t like to keep loose strings around, so…I planted a pair of lethal injectors into your suits, while you weren’t paying much attention to me earlier.The beeping must mean that the injections will begin in…oh, ten seconds or so. Don’t bother taking them off now; they’ll only inject prematurely if you try to do that. Make your last words count, you two!

Rosa, closing her eyes inside of the UFO: This is sick…I can’t keep watching this…!

Nate, wincing with regret at having watched the previous executions: This is unreal…you don’t think this is some sort of…elaborate social experiment gone wrong, or something, do you Rosa?

Rosa, shaking her head: I had my reservations at first…but after the executions just now…there’s no way. Colress is likely being very serious with everything right now!

*On-screen, Nate watches as the Plasma Grunts beg Colress to spare them, as they get up in front of his face, but even through the video feed, Nate can feel their despair setting in, as their skin becomes almost paler than white.*

Colress, nonchalantly snickering between words: You’d really use your last few seconds of life…to beg me for mercy? Grunts, you two…are just two more pawns in my little game! And the game…is called ‘progress’, and ‘advancement’! Nothing can get in the way of science…ethics and compliance? If we saddle ourselves to such outdated practices, true scientific progress can never be made! Even now, you’re the pawns for which I’m using to test the potency of Larvesta Acid on! Although not a Poison-type, the potency of its own Poison it secretes seems to be surprisingly lethal, even in small doses, like the kind that have no doubt entered your system by now!

*Nate winces, as he then watches the pair of Plasma Grunts collapse in front of them, causing him to swallow a lump that forms in his throat.*

Colress, flipping the recording area over to his smiling face again: Well, it seems as if my hypothesis was correct! Despite originating from a non-Poison-typed Pokemon, certain Poison secretions from select Pokemon can be oddly more potent than even some pure Poison-types! Clearly, this will be something I should research further, once I have all the resources of Team Plasma at my disposal! As for you two, you should be seeing the outskirts of Castelia City from outside your side windows right now, yes?

Nate, looking to his left, and seeing the tops of a few skyscrapers: Y-yep, looks like it…but do you really think the Shadow Triad are going to let you get away with such a brash attack like this?! Knowing them, they’re probably in Twist Mountain, waiting until the last second, to end your life in an instant!

Colress, letting out a brief laugh: Oh Nate, how naive you are! Think about it - no matter what could go wrong at this point, there’s no way those three bothersome ninjas could realize what’s about to happen now. I’ve done away with everyone who could possibly tattle on me - the Sages, the Grunts, and heck, even good ol’ Grimsley, for good measure! The last people who could threaten the plan now are safely hooked into a death trap, and completely isolated from their Pokemon. Not only that, but even ninjas need a good night’s sleep. Even the cover of the night here will help cover my tracks. Of course…my plan doesn’t end there, as I’ve already told you. The beginning of the end…starts now.

*Colress ends his transmission to the pair, as his face leaves the view from the window of the co*ckpit. Now, where Colress’ video was once streaming to, they saw now that they were headed straight for Team Plasma’s newly-rebuilt Frigate, just above Castelia City’s shoreline. Inside the Frigate, Ghetsis had been sleeping soundly…until his alarms start going off. Quickly, Ghetsis awakens to an urgent call from Colress…which he sluggishly answers.*

Ghetsis, barely managing to open his eyes: Scientist…this had better be important, at this hour of the morning.

Colress, nodding with genuine concern seemingly on his face: I’m afraid this message is actually of dire importance, dear Ghetsis. You see, while I was asleep, it seems that two of the young hooligans we tried to freeze alive with Kyurem before…have gone and stolen an old UFO vehicle I was working on building just recently. By the time I realized that my UFO of sorts was being used…I’m afraid it was already far too late to try and stop them, unfortunately. You have my sincerest apologies, my Lord.

Ghetsis, shaking his head: Okay…but why call me about this? This sounds like more of a ‘you’ problem, if you ask me…

Colress, unveiling a rare, but fake frown: Well, you see, my Lord…the pair stole the UFO…to go and pull off a kamikaze-style attack on your new flying fortress of sorts. And with the fact that the vehicle has similar schematics to a blimp…well…I’d certainly hope you fortified the hull well…

Ghetsis, looking over to another monitor, to pull up visuals of the different angles of the Frigate right now: A kamikaze-style attack? By a couple of kids? I don’t believe- oh…oh dear…what the hell?! What’s a giant Cascoon like that doing in the air?! Colress, is there anything you can do to cut power to the ship?!

Colress, looking sad, and shaking his head: Unfortunately not, my Lord. I do have a video feed of the pair, as we speak, but I do not have a means to stop the collision, I’m afraid. I can only pray that the Shadow Triad can save everyone on board…because it won’t be pretty, unfortunately.

*Colress pulls up some live footage from inside the UFO, showing Nate and Rosa panicking over the fire that had been ignited all around them, thanks to the dynamite that had been planted under the floorboards. The UFO was now on a flaming collision course with Ghetsis’ new Frigate…and there was nothing he could do to stop it.*

Ghetsis, tuning back into Colress’ own stream, after watching Nate and Rosa panic for a few seconds: So…you seriously can’t do a thing to stop this thing, huh?

Colress, nodding: It would seem that the kids have already managed to take out a lot of the systems that were critical for remote operation, and as such-

*Suddenly, Colress’ stream cuts out, as a loud set of bangs rattle the Frigate to its core. Soon, the electrical system had all gone offline…meaning that they would also be losing altitude almost immediately…several thousand feet above the surface of Castelia City. The Shadow Triad, quick to notice this, teleport into Ghetsis’ room.*

Akira, bowing to their master, with his other two brothers: Lord Ghetsis, it appears that we’re under attack. We currently know not the origin of the assault, but-

Ghetsis, shaking his head: Don’t worry yourselves over it; the Scientist has already caught me up to speed. It seems-

*Before Ghetsis could elaborate any further, the walls surrounding them begin to crumble, as Akira gets momentarily knocked unconscious from a collision with the next room over, as more and more explosions could be heard from all around them. Takaaki, taking initiative first, grabs his brother in his arms, and gets ready to teleport…only for Kenzo to be impaled by a beam jutting out from another nearby room as well, as he, too, loses consciousness.*

Takaaki, pausing for a moment, unsure of how to proceed: My Lord, I-

Ghetsis, sighing: Save your brothers, Takaaki. Even with how dire things are right now, I can’t imagine permanently losing two ninjas would be all that great for me, in the long-term. Go…I will save myself from this death trap…somehow.

Takaaki, quickly bowing to Ghetsis, before teleporting away, with a brother in each of his arms: Lord Ghetsis…you truly have my thanks. I will be back for you, as soon as I can get my brothers to safety.

*Now being alone, in his room that continues to crumble all around him, Ghetsis attempts to push some of the bent beams that were blocking the exit out of the way…to no avail, due mostly to the fact that Ghetsis, like the other Sages, was but an old man. Instinctively, he calls out Gargon to help move the beams for him, with his Strength. No sooner had he done so, however, then did the surface below them immediately collapse. Ghetsis had begun to free fall in mid-air…only for Gargon to catch him, to his immediate relief.*

Ghetsis, sounding quite indebted to his fused Pokemon: That…was far too close, Gargon. Please, you must get me far away from here, before-

*While Gargon and Ghetsis were both distracted, a chunk of the Frigate just above them had fallen right on top of them, as the rest of the Frigate soon followed. Several moments pass, as the remains of both ships soon drop to the surface of Castelia City, bringing their combined wreckage to the largely-abandoned streets, in those early-morning hours.*

*Nate, meanwhile, eventually regains his consciousness, on the pavement of one of Castelia’s many roadways. Looking to his immediate left, he sees Rosa, still apparently quite unconscious from the whole ordeal.*

Nate, barely managing to crawl over to Rosa’s side: Rosa…Rosa!! Rosa, can you hear me…?

*A few meters nearby, Ghetsis finds himself having awakened from underneath Gargon’s body. He calls out to the Pokemon, but it doesn’t seem to respond back to him. Pushing him aside, Ghetsis crawls out from under Gargon’s own large, but limp body. Taking a look all around him, he sees nothing but flaming debris all around him, everywhere he looks, in the early morning hours of the city. In spite of the flames all around him, however, he can make out but one voice - a familiar one, even. One that belonged to a young adversary of his - Nate. He clumsily manages to get back on his two feet, grabbing a nearby beam, to use as a cane of sorts, to help him keep his balance. He then manages to feebly make his way over to where Nate was cradling Rosa’s limp body.*

Nate, looking up at the weakened old man, with rage in his eyes: You…you’re the one behind all of this!!

Ghetsis, shaking his head: Boy…was it not you, who was intent on driving a damned blimp into MY Frigate?! You, accursed kid…YOU brought this fate upon yourself!!

Nate, still looking quite enraged: You think I did all this?! It was that Scientist of yours…Colress…who set everything up! He piloted the UFO remotely, right into that Frigate of yours! He strapped us both into that death machine of his, hoping to blame it on us! So don’t you DARE pin even a bit of this…on our half-dead bodies!!

Ghetsis, taking his other free hand, and grasping them both to his beam, before slumping down to the ground anyway, on account of his weakened knees: Kid…I had my suspicions, I’ll admit. That Scientist…that damned, mad Scientist…I’ve been enabling him all this time…and to think…he’s nearly done and killed me, along with everyone else in Team Plasma! I know this may sound rich coming from me, but…I think we both have a new, mutual enemy.

*Suddenly, Takaaki appears behind Ghetsis, bowing to him.*

Takaaki: Lord Ghetsis, you appear to be quite hurt…but you managed to find the kids who we tried to freeze alive before. With your permission, I could finish the job that they started, and-

Ghetsis, shaking his head, and replying after a couple coughs: Leave them, Takaaki. Talking with the boy has told me all I needed to know, to confirm my own suspicions. Colress is a traitor to Team Plasma. Please, do whatever you can to cut him off from any more of Team Plasma’s resources. From this point forward, he’s a mere rogue actor, and he should be dealt with…at the earliest possible opportunity. Tell me, are the other Sages still alive, Takaaki?

Takaaki, closing his eyes: Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had the time to check on them. However, my brothers now are as safe as they can be, in a remote part of Castelia.

Ghetsis, closing his eyes: Good. Take me there, so we can discuss where to go from here. We have a good many things to discuss, after such a colossal attack.

*Takaaki nods, as he and Ghetsis teleport away, leaving Nate to fend for his own, barely being able to even hold Rosa’s body…much less picking himself off the ground.*

Nate, reaching out to where Ghetsis was standing, moments ago: Ghetsis…get back here…you damned coward!! You…you’re just as much to blame…as Colress…whether you want to believe it or not!!

*Hearing Nate’s pained yells from below, Cheren and Bianca pilot their pair of Unfezant down to the wreckage covering several streets of Castelia City. There, they both look down in horror, at all the bodies and scraps that covered the area, as Cheren helps Nate get back onto his feet, as Bianca then helps Rosa, who still remains unconscious.*

Nate, looking up at Cheren, who helps him climb up onto Unfezant’s back: Cheren…Bianca…how did you guys find out about what happened? I thought Rosa and I…were the only good guys around!

Bianca, frowning, as she manages to heave Rosa’s limp body onto the back of her own Unfezant: I…have to admit something, Nate. I…was actually there, during you and Rosa’s battles with the pair of Sages. But seeing you both get dragged into Twist Mountain…I could hardly move, from the fear that gripped me! I could have tried to save you both, but…but I-

Cheren, shaking his head, as he hops onto Unfezant afterwards: Bianca, you did the right thing, in calling me when you did. If you played the hero, you likely would have ended up in as bad of shape as they’re in. I doubt that Hugh will handle the news all too well, whenever he wakes up in the morning…but maybe I should keep this news from him?

Bianca, as she boards her own Unfezant too: No, he deserves to know the truth about what happened to his friends. I mean…I don’t think I’d ever forgive someone who was hiding info about your safety from me, babe!

Cheren, nodding in agreement: I suppose you’re right…honey. But before I can break the news, these two need to be admitted to a hospital. And fast. Let’s go, Unfezant.

Chapter 26: Ceecee's Return

Chapter Text

*Three days later, in a hospital close to the heart of Castelia City, Clay arrives back at the room his son had been lying in, as the nurses escort him inside.*

Clay, kneeling down beside his son’s bed: Heya there, son. Feelin’ any better lately?

Nate, opening his eyes, only to close them again soon afterwards: Huh? Oh, hi dad. I’m fine…in my mind, at least. I can’t really move my body too well, but the doctors said my injuries shouldn’t be life threatening, at least. But it’s Rosa who I’d be worried about. How’s she doing?

Clay, frowning: Well, I spoke to her mother outside yesterday, and…well, I know you know I don’t like beatin’ around the bush none, so…she still hasn’t woken up…and her breathin’s gettin’ worse. The docs aren’t sure she’ll be able to pull through, sad to say.

Nate, heaving his body to lay on his side: No…this isn’t right. None of this…none of this should have ever happened!

Clay, closing his eyes: Funny you should say that, actually. A funny-lookin’ old man came to me this mornin’, tellin’ me the same exact thing. And, accordin’ to him, you and him have already met. Tell me…is it true that you and Rood, former Sage of the Seven, crossed paths in your journey already?

Nate: Yeah…he was the guy who gave me my Zorua, and talked to me a few days ago. But what’s he gotta do with anything?

Clay, chuckling: Well, why don’t you go and ask him yourself? Hey, Rood man. Get in here, and make yourself known.

*Rood walks into the hospital room, giving both Nate and Clay a bow, as he enters.*

Rood: Greetings Clay, and young Nate. I see times have been quite rough to you, as of late. However…what if I told you…that there was a way to save not only your own body…but that girlfriend of yours, as well?

Nate, flipping himself onto his back again, and rolling his eyes: She’s not my…oh, forget it. What are you getting at, old man?

Rood, chuckling: Well, my good friend, what would you have done differently, if you could go back in the past?

Nate, sighing: What kind of question is that? Well…if we’re talking about what happened a few days ago…I guess the first thing I’d do would be to go back and tell myself not to chase down those Plasma dweebs. I’d have taken your words to heart, and not chased them down. That way, Rosa wouldn’t have felt compelled to back me up, meaning that we’d have both been safe.

Rood, nodding with a smile: I see. And you wouldn’t say…have the urge to go even further back in time then, either?

Nate, shaking his head: No…why would I? After all, thanks to Colress, Team Plasma still suffered a serious bit of self-inflicted damage from the whole UFO bombing, you know? And no matter how wounded I am, I know Ghetsis’ injuries must be far worse than mine, due to being so old, and not being able to risk going to an actual hospital for medical attention. I wouldn’t even be surprised if this is the end of Team Plasma as we know it.

Rood, looking astounded: Your mind…is quite astute, for someone of your age! My Celebi has gone and told me of these same events that you have predicted. Team Plasma, as it were…indeed, takes an even more unpredictable turn, from here on out. Or should I say… Ceecee has?

Nate, looking confused: Wait, who’s Ceecee? She isn’t actually a Celebi, is she?

Rood, chuckling: Indeed, she is! The very one that N, Concordia, and Anthea looked after, actually! Honestly, I’m not sure how, or why, but she seems to have chosen me as her protector, after N’s passing!

Clay, looking surprised: Wait, now hold up…did ya’ll just say…that N is gone and dead? How come the public ain’t heard news of this yet?

Rood, frowning: Well, despite how controversial his views were, if his death was made known to the populace, violence get even worse between the general public and those who still hold Team Plasma’s beliefs close to their heart…but it would also re-introduce tension between common folk, the likes of which we haven’t seen, since that period of anguish just two years ago. As such, I request that this knowledge stay between only those who his actions directly affected.

Clay, tipping his hat to Rood: I see. Well, I reckon you must find me pretty important to ya, if ya’ll were willin’ on lettin’ me in on that there nugget o’ knowledge…so, count my lips as sealed.

Rood, smiling: Well, while I admire your gratitude…the truth is…I…and in turn, Ceecee…wish to turn back the timeline, and alter history somewhat. Just ever so much, to the point where you and Rosa remain safe and sound. I only ask for one thing in return, if you’d mind.

Nate, barely able to keep his eyes open: Rood…not to be rude, but… you’re the one who owns Celebi, and a functioning body, right? Why not just go back in time, and do this all yourself?

Rood, chuckling: Well…there are some reasons for my request. But I can believe they’d best be answered by Ceecee herself. Come on out then, would you?

*Rood opens Ceecee’s Poke Ball, as she emerges into the room, with a twirl.*

Rood, smiling: Nice to see you again, Ceecee. Now then, would you mind explaining to Nate why I can’t go back in time alone, and fix things?

Ceecee, via Telepathy: Certainly! You see, Rood’s already tried to go into the past, actually. In fact, you’re living inside that timeline as we speak! However…hardly anything changed. Yes, you now remember briefly speaking to Rood, before you continued on in your pursuit of Ryoku and Giallo…but alas, his words were not enough to stop you in your quest, and things ended up nearly the same way as before, when Rood hadn’t yet involved himself in the situation. However…Rood and I think that, if you can’t be convinced by common sense and reason…maybe you can at least be reasoned with…if you speak with your actual self from the future! Aided by yours truly, of course.

Nate, as his eyes widen as much as they can, in spite of how weakened he felt: I was that headstrong, that you think the only person who can reliably convince me not to do something…is myself? Actually…yeah, that sounds about right. I mean…I’ll do what I can, to the best of my abilities, but…why go to all of this trouble, just to save Rosa and I? Sure, Team Plasma’s really evil and stuff, but…there are stronger Trainers out there, right? Like Iris, Drayden…or even Hilbert!

Ceecee, frowning: Iris and Drayden…perished about a week ago now. Their deaths were at absolute points, meaning that no amount of time meddling would have prevented their demise. Hilbert, despite how noble he believes his intentions to be, is absolutely obsessed with saving his sister, despite her death being an absolute point in time as well. If I were to tell him of what all has gone down, he’d merely try and capture me again, or otherwise try and meld time every which way, until he can prevent Hilda’s death. You two, however…are different. You and Rosa’s deaths…were not absolute points. In fact-

Nate, interrupting Ceecee, by holding up his arm: Hold up…Rosa and I…still end up dying? I mean…of course we’re bound to die some day, of course, but…you make it sound like…our deaths are far more imminent!

Ceecee, nodding: I’m afraid they are, unfortunately. Later this evening…Colress will hack into the hospital’s records, and will see that both you and Rosa are still alive. When he does…that’s when he’ll summon the MT…and attack the hospital. Many people will die, in the ensuing attack…you and Rosa included.

Nate, looking distressed, along with his father: Say what?!

Clay, frowning: Rood here told me this meetin’ with you was all sorts of urgent, and that he wouldn’t take a ‘no’ on comin’ to see ya. I guess it all makes sense now, hearin’ from that there Celebi’s own mouth…er, mind, and all.

Rood, nodding: Indeed…but Ceecee, I don’t believe you’ve finished telling Nate why you’re going to such great lengths to save him and his girlfriend yet, have you?

Ceecee, nodding: Oh, yes, of course! You see…I’ve looked into all sorts of different timelines, and…well, in most of them…both you and Rosa have the potential to become the absolute strongest Pokemon Trainers in Unova…and maybe even beyond, as well! However…this timeline is unfortunately not one of them. If the past remains as unaltered as it is…not only will you and Rosa die tonight…but Colress will also manage to track down and kill Ghetsis, along with killing the other Sages as well, leaving him to be the sole head of Team Plasma, going forward. And I don’t think I need to tell you that, with him in command…no one ends up having the power to take them on. Unova’s days only get darker and darker from there…

Nate, frowning: Well…if you really think I’m the only one who can reason with myself…I don’t mind trying know…help Unova avoid the apocalypse, or whatever. But I’m really going to need some help to get out of this bed. I mean…I can hardly even move my body right now…

Ceecee, flying in close to Nate, and laying her hands on his shoulders: Oh, right! I guess you must still be really sore from that fall of yours, huh? Well, let me help!

*Ceecee’s body glows, as she instantly Recovers a large chunk of Nate’s health. Quickly, he finds himself able to suddenly sit up straight again!*

Nate, looking amazed: Celebi…your power’s amazing! You just…healed me like that?

Ceecee, nodding with a smile: Yep! My powers aren’t limitless, but I have more than enough to help Recover the strength of a few people, at least! But more importantly…are you ready to go into the past, to talk some sense into yourself?

Nate, looking a bit unsure: Well…I would hope so, because I certainly don’t want to end up here again, you know?

Rood, nodding, as he hands him a small backpack’s worth of Poke Balls: If that’s the case…I think you’ll need this.

Nate, looking surprised, as he takes it from his hands: Rood…all these Poke Balls…these aren’t… N’s Pokemon, are they?

Rood, nodding: Indeed, they are! I was wanting to pass them onto a worthy Trainer…before my own time comes.

Nate, looking aghast at what Rood was suggesting: Hold up…you aren’t saying that you plan to stay in this timeline, are you?!

Rood, chuckling: Of course not, young man! This goes back to the favor I wished to ask of you, from awhile ago, before we got sidetracked. You see…I wish to go back into the past again…but unlike in my last attempt at altering the past…I wish to accompany Ryoku and Giallo, one last time. We’ve hardly spoken in these last two years, after all.

Nate, looking shocked: Wait…if Rosa and I aren’t the ones who ‘pilot’ that death trap of a UFO…weren’t Ryoku and Giallo going to be forced to do it instead?

Rood, nodding: Indeed! However…I wish to accompany them, in their final hours, because…as luck would have it…the absolute latest point in which fate has destined for me to end…is today as well.

Nate, looking alarmed: What?! So Colress really must be making sure to clean his tracks then, huh?

Rood: Yes…he seems quite intent on doing so, as he probably realizes that with all of the Seven Sages out of the way, the Shadow Triad will be forced to serve under him, and with their help…according to Ceecee, they become unstoppable.

Nate, frowning: Well, I guess if you’re going to go out anyway, it’s best to do so on your own terms, huh? Well…I swear, I will give N’s Pokemon…and I…the very best future, that no one else can. Well, Ceecee? Whenever you and Rood are ready…I’ll go.

*Ceecee nods, and puts her arms over both Nate and Rood’s backs. Nate waves good-bye to his dad, as he, Ceecee, and Rood all warp inside of a timestream, and, minutes later end up at Route 7, on that fateful night.*

Ceecee, flying in front of the pair: In just two minutes, your past self will arrive here, Nate. That’s when it’ll be up to you to talk some common sense into him. If you do…you will vanish, and essentially merge with him, as your timeline will more or less fade away. Be sure to give the new you the Poke Balls, though!

Nate, nodding: Right. But then…what do you plan on doing, Rood?

Rood, smiling: Exactly as I said before. Ryoku should have met up with Giallo just up there, at the fork. It will be there, that I will make my entrance.

Nate, smiling: I see. Well, best of luck to you then, Rood. And…thank you…for doing all this to save me.

Rood, chuckling: Please, it’s Ceecee who you should be thanking. I’m merely the messenger, after all! Good luck with yourself…champ!

*The pair shake hands, then go their separate ways. Minutes later, Nate runs into none other than his past self…who stops in his tracks, upon seeing his exact duplicate.*

Past Nate, quickly calling out Servine: Hey, Servine…? You’re a Pokemon, so…you can tell that my…erm…duplicate is a Ditto or not, or-

Future Nate, chuckling: Woah, calm down, man. Trust me, I’m not a Ditto. I’m you! From a few days in the future, that is. And I know you know what a Celebi is, so…

Past Nate, still looking a bit nervous: Well, obviously, yeah. N battled with one in his climactic battle with Hilbert, after all! But…how the heck do I get one…and in a few days from the future, no less?

Future Nate, after receiving a cautionary glance from Ceecee: Well…I won’t say too much, as I wouldn’t want to destabilize the timeline too much, but…suffice to say…the very near future ends up turning out horrible, for both you, and especially Rosa, if you keep going on this little criminal crusade of yours. Just know that Ryoku’s time is nigh, even without your involvement.

Past Nate, frowning: Wow…you, I mean… I must be serious, if I’ve come all the way from the past to tell myself this. I mean…I guess it’s getting pretty late anyway, huh?

Future Nate, smiling: Yeah. You’re pretty close to Driftveil City, though, so…maybe you should focus on that upcoming Gym battle with your old man, am I right?

Past Nate, nodding: Yeah…that’s also on the itinerary for sure, but…it still doesn’t feel right, just letting those criminals get away like that.

Future Nate, chuckling: So, I’m going to have to bargain with you, am I? Well…here. How about you take these off my hands?

Past Nate, opening the small backpack that his future self had handed him: Wait…this pack’s full of Poke Balls? Are they-

Future Nate, smiling: They’re N’s Pokemon! Rood wanted you to have them, you see!

Past Nate, looking confused: Rood?! You mean the old man who talked to me a bit ago, and gave me Zorua?

Future Nate, chuckling: Yep, that’d be him!

*Suddenly, Future Nate sees himself disappearing into light, seemingly beginning to be absorbed into Past Nate.*

Past Nate, looking at his Future self, who seems to be quickly becoming more and more transparent: Wait…future me, where are you-

Future Nate, looking relieved: It seems that, thanks to you, I’ll no longer exist, in a few more moments. Take good care of Ceecee, and everyone else!

Past Nate, looking into the small pack of Poke Balls: Ceecee? Is that the Celebi you just gave me? Or is it-

*Past Nate then looks up, and sees no one else in front of him anymore, aside from Ceecee, who smiles at him.*

Ceecee, hugging him briefly: Your heart’s made the right choice, Nate. Now, let’s get some rest, before your big battle with your father tomorrow!

*Nate agrees, as he chats with Ceecee all the way until he reaches Driftveil City, where he then checks in to the local Pokemon Center for the night, and takes a well-deserved rest there, until morning arrives.*

Chapter 27: An Old Man's Peace

Chapter Text

*At the fork in Route 7, Rood waits for his once-fellow Sages to arrive. Soon, they both arrive, as they both seem quite surprised to see their old comrade.*

Giallo, as a smile suddenly grows over his whole face: Well, it seems this night is just chock full of reunions, eh? Long time no see, Rood! Tell me, has it truly been two years since we last spoke?

Rood, nodding: Yes, by my records, that seems to be the case. Where might you both be going, on as fine a night as this?

Ryoku, already turning to face the path ahead of him, along with his assigned Grunts: To Twist Mountain’s center, for a secret mission on behalf of Colress. You’d be wise to make yourself scarce before then, I’d warn, as I’ve been trying to tell Giallo here.

Rood, smiling: You wish to travel towards the unknown, all on your own? Why, just two years ago, and well up until that point, we always traveled as one group, on behalf of Team Plasma! Look at us now, though. Zinzolin is still working his butt off for the sake of the Team, as are you, Ryoku. But people like I, and Giallo? We’ve seen past the charade that is everything Team Plasma really stood for. Surely, you must have seen the truth by now too, Ryoku. Why then, do you still seek to ally yourself with people who merely pretend to have what’s good for Pokemon in their hearts?

Ryoku, sighing: It reminds me of something Gorm once said. About the ideal being more valuable than the means. It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong…or something along those lines, anyway. As such, although Colress’ actions may seem quite extreme in the eyes of some…he is by far the singular most accomplished member of Team Plasma, at this stage, second only to N, and perhaps even Ghetsis himself. Their methods may have changed, but I do not see anyone else pushing so hard for the rights of Pokemon than our Team has. After all, Trainers in regions like Kanto still use such arcane tools, like whips, to control their Pokemon, do they not?

Rood, nodding: Indeed, that they do. However, the fact that Trainers here in Unova elect not to use them is not something we can thank Team Plasma for, but mere modern decency, than anything else. Most normal people have realized by now, that one doesn’t need to be a psychic, to understand the suffering that such tools cause their Pokemon, as much as people like Sabrina would disagree. Regardless, to feel the need to go into such a deep-end, merely to describe why Team Plasma’s ideals were right…says a lot about their ideology, does it not?

Ryoku, shaking his head: Name a more prominent name in Pokemon rights, from this decade, than Team Plasma. Perhaps Ghetsis, and maybe Colress, too, have led the group astray, in recent times. Does that not diminish our successes we’ve had in the past?

Rood, looking quite saddened: Ryoku…the Team Plasma that championed Pokemon rights…is dead. It died along with our King, nearly two years ago. Since then, Team Plasma has been carried on by name only, by those who only wish to use its name for a reminder of a time long gone. Today’s Team Plasma would never succeed in summoning a righteous Dragon of legend.

Giallo, nodding: Rood is right, old friend. If you turn away from Team Plasma now, we could still spend our last years together, as part of the family we once believed we all shared!

Ryoku, looking to the ground: You both know just as well as I do, that Colress wouldn’t hesitate on eliminating deserters like you, if you give him the chance. For better or worse, he wants Team Plasma under his control. I may not agree with his methods…but I don;t disagree with the mantle he serves. And neither should you, if you truly care about Pokemon.

Giallo, trying to stop himself from laughing: Have you stopped to listen to yourself for even a moment, Ryoku? Do you truly believe that Pokemon fusion…is a good thing, for Pokemon as a whole?

Ryoku: Have you not seen Ghetsis’ own fused Pokemon? They certainly don’t seem all too bothered by the whole process.

Giallo, looking annoyed: And have you already forgotten how Ghetsis told us that Iris defeated Black Kyurem? She severed its bio connections, killing Kyurem, and nearly killing Zekrom, as well. Clearly, fusion at the very least, makes Pokemon weaker.

Ryoku, sighing: Did you also forget that Black Kyurem was their prototype experiment? Had it succeeded, Black Kyurem would have been the strongest Dragon-type Pokemon known to man. According to Ghetsis, Pokemon fused by the new method should be FAR stronger, at their absolute peak, than Black Kyurem was, during the brief time where it was fused.

Rood, frowning: And even if everything goes perfectly with Pokemon fusions, from here on out…a Pokemon still perished, at the end of the day. A legendary Pokemon, no less! Its frozen blood is on Team Plasma’s hands, no matter how you look at it, nor how much you try to correct things going forward.

Giallo, nodding: Indeed. Tell me, has anyone attempted to bring out a Psychic-type Pokemon, so they can tell us what Ghetsis’ fused Pokemon are truly thinking? Because until then, for all we know, Pokemon fusion could all still just be a horrible science project gone wrong. And, surely this sort of practice…of going against the wishes of Pokemon…is what Team Plasma used to stand for, yes?

Ryoku, after a pause, finally relenting: …I’ve thought about leaving. I truly have. But serving directly under Colress…he’d never let me leave. You guys had it easy, leaving before he rose to his level of power. He’s no Ghetsis, when it comes to how he runs things. That’s for damn sure…

Giallo, sounding quite surprised about his old friend’s sudden honesty: Ryoku…if you had told us, then we-

Colress, as the group finally reaches Twist Mountain: Ah, Ryoku! I see you’ve gone and brought a couple of friends along! Come, and bring them inside! I have roles for all of you, if you’ll come inside!

Ryoku, closing his eyes: It’s too late for you all to leave me to your fate now. I’m sorry I dragged you both into this…

Rood, putting his hand on Ryoku’s shoulder: My friend…time may have separated us all for a bit, but we’ve played the roles we thought were best. In the end…Arceus is the only judge that truly matters, yes?

Ryoku, snorting: You seem awfully prepared for whatever Colress is planning. I’ll admit, even I’m not sure exactly what he needs us for, but you certainly are prepared for the worst as usual, aren’t you, Rood?

Rood, smiling: Perhaps it’s because…I’ve already seen how history unfolds, in a way. Regardless, whether in this realm or the next, I’m eager to see just how everything pans out, after playing my role.

Giallo, smiling to his friend: And what a great role it was, dear friend. If this is indeed our last meeting…it truly was a memorable one, at the very least.

Colress, yawning, still standing near the entrance to the Mountain’s caverns: Make it choppy, would you? I certainly hope I don’t have to go to the effort of calling out more Genesects to hurry you all along here…

*The three old men make their way, together, up to the path where Colress stood. Meanwhile, behind a couple of nearby trees, Bianca and Rosa stand in place, terrified at what they were watching, after hearing the last part of the trio’s conversation.*

Bianca, covering her mouth: No…is Colress…really going to kill them, or something?! I know a couple of those guys actually denounced Team Plasma, right?

Rosa, nodding, in a whisper: Yeah…the guy closest to us…Rood, I believe his name was…actually gave Nate N’s old Zorua about a week ago! What’s he doing, still hanging around people like them?!

*As Rosa and Bianca continue to converse, their thoughts are cut-off, as they hear a pair of gunshots go off, inside the cave, as both girls momentarily fall to their knees, as they cower.*

Rosa, regaining her posture first: I…I think that gunshot came from inside the cave, actually…

Bianca, barely opening her eyes: Y-you think? …You’re…you’re probably right, but…things are getting a bit too intense here for me. I mean…I’m technically an ex-Plasma girl too, you know! I think…I think we should just head back to Driftveil City. Like…now.

Rosa, nodding: Yeah. Wholeheartedly agree there, girl. Need me to help you up?

Bianca, shaking her head, as she uses the nearby tree to help stand herself back up: No…no, I’m good, I think. But…I wouldn’t mind if you decided to be my bodyguard tonight. I…I really need one right now, I think…

Chapter 28: A Tyrant's End

Chapter Text

*Just like last time, Colress begins piloting his Cascoon-shaped UFO straight towards Ghetsis’ new Frigate, as it flies above the skies of Castelia City. Although unmanned this time, the UFO ends up colliding with the Frigate, just as Colress had planned. Indeed, like last time, the Frigate’s main fuel tanks become damaged from the aircraft collision, as all systems quickly go offline. Noticing this disturbance, the Shadow Triad quickly warp into Ghetsis’ control room.*

Akira, bowing to their master, with his other two brothers: Lord Ghetsis, it appears that we’re under attack. We currently know not the origin of the assault, but-

Ghetsis, shaking his head: -Get to the point, you three! What in blazes are we dealing with here?!

Takaaki, closing his eyes: My apologies, my lord, but we were asleep, and as such, we have little intel to share.

Ghetsis, sighing: What’s the point in having your own squad of ninjas if they can’t even-

*Before Ghetsis could elaborate any further, the walls surrounding them begin to crumble, as Akira gets momentarily knocked unconscious from a collision with the next room over, as more and more explosions could be heard from all around them. Takaaki, taking initiative first, grabs his brother in his arms, and gets ready to teleport…only for Kenzo to be impaled by a beam jutting out from another nearby room as well, as he, too, loses consciousness.*

Takaaki, pausing for a moment, unsure of how to proceed: My Lord, I-

Ghetsis, sighing: Save your brothers, Takaaki. Even with how dire things are right now, I can’t imagine permanently losing two ninjas would be all that great for me, in the long-term. Go…I will save myself from this death trap…somehow.

Takaaki, quickly bowing to Ghetsis, before teleporting away, with a brother in each of his arms: Lord Ghetsis…you truly have my thanks. I will be back for you, as soon as I can get my brothers to safety.

*Now being alone, in his room that continues to crumble all around him, Ghetsis attempts to push some of the bent beams that were blocking the exit out of the way…to no avail, due mostly to the fact that Ghetsis, like the other Sages, was but an old man. Instinctively, he calls out Gargon to help move the beams for him, with his Strength. No sooner had he done so, however, then did the surface below them immediately collapse. Ghetsis had begun to free fall in mid-air…only for Gargon to catch him, to his immediate relief.*

Ghetsis, sounding quite indebted to his fused Pokemon: That…was far too close, Gargon. Please, you must get me far away from here, before-

*While Gargon and Ghetsis were both distracted, a chunk of the Frigate just above them had fallen right on top of them, as the rest of the Frigate soon followed. Several moments pass, as the remains of both ships soon drop to the surface of Castelia City, bringing their combined wreckage to the largely-abandoned streets, in those early-morning hours. Ghetsis, barely having the required strength, manages to dig himself out of the sandwich he was in, between the ground, and Gargon, who had shielded him from the falling debris.*

Ghetsis, thinking to himself, as he looks all around him, at the ruins of both aircraft, having scattered all throughout a Castelia City park, in which he’d landed in: Gargon…may Arceus bless your soul…the poor thing got eviscerated by a beam of shrapnel, it looks like. A damn shame…he was one of my favorites, too. No Revive’s gonna fix a wound like that…wait…what the hell is that over there?! A…Genesect?!

*As Ghetsis continues surveying the area, he spots more and more of the robotic Pokemon around the crash-site, as panic begins to set into Ghetsis’ mind.*

Ghetsis, trying to count the numerous Genesects he was seeing Fly into the area, as he thinks to himself: I should have known that the damned Scientist had something to do with all of this! All wonder his personal little army is swarming in now…just what the hell is he trying to do?!

*During Ghetsis’ inspection of the area, one of the nearby Genesects spot him, and fire a Techno Blast straight towards where he stood…which then instantly alerts all of the other Genesect to Ghetsis’ whereabouts as well.*

Ghetsis, quickly reaching for a Poke Ball inside his robe, barely ducking out of the way of the Techno Blast: Why the hell are you guys gunning me down?! I’M the one in control of Team Plasma…right? Haxozard, blow it to pieces, with a Fire Blast!!

*Haxozard quickly ejects from his Poke Ball, before shooting out a large Fire Blast at the armored Bug-type, through his tail, causing the battle-bug to instantly combust. Unknown to Ghetsis, however, another from just behind him had quickly approached Haxozard’s backside…and Exploded, blowing both itself, and the powerful Dragon-type fusion to pieces.*

Ghetsis, thinking to himself, as he holds his hands over his ears, as they rang from the Explosion of the Genesect just now: EeeGAH!!! Thank Arceus I wasn’t any closer to that thing just now…or I’d be a goner. I managed to destroy one of them…but there’s way too many around here to deal with, all at once! What I need, more than anything else right now…is to escape.

*Ghetsis calls out Reshios, and climbs onto his back, as he pilots him away from the crash site. The Genesect, having locked onto him as well, begin their Pursuit, as they chase Ghetsis all throughout Castelia City.*

Ghetsis, after looking back, and seeing the army of armored-Bug-types Pursuing him: Wait a sec, Reshios…you’re partly a Fire-type still, aren’t you? Well…stop in your tracks real quick…and when those Bugs catch up to us…that’s when we’ll blast ‘em all apart, with your Fusion Flare! You ready, Reshios? YAAAH!!

*Ghetsis heaves upwards on Reshios’ ear-wisp-things, causing the speedy Pokemon to stop in place. Quickly, the Genesect manage to catch up with them…only to realize that the heat in the area was getting dangerously hot. Reshios then surrounds the area around itself and Ghetsis on fire, and slams into each and every one of the Bugs, with a blazing quick set of Fusion Flare bashes. Satisfied, Ghetsis looks at the charred, and shattered remains of the Genesect horde, with pride on his face. Little did he know, however, that Colress had seen everything go down just now, as well, via streaming the action through a camera installed onto one of the Genesect’s foreheads. The scene shifts to Colress, watching as the video signal from the chase turns to static, on his end.*

F-00, walking up to Colress, in his make-shift Twist Mountain laboratory: Colress, it seems that Ghetsis has managed to outrun the squadron of Genesects you sent out! Should we unleash the MT, to finish the clean-up duties?

Colress, shaking his head: No, no…now’s not the time to reveal him, just yet. While it’s unfortunate that my little attack didn’t manage to finish him off, it did seem to separate him from those annoying ninjas of his…and I can confirm that at least two more of his Fused Pokemon met their ends, as well. No, I believe the one who should deal with this annoying little has-been…is you, F-00.

F-00, as his digital face flashes to a dot-matrix display of eagerness: Master Colress…you would trust…me, to do the honors?!

Colress, beaming brightly: But of course! Unlike MT, I know that you can get the job done quickly and efficiently!

F-00, saluting Colress: You have my word, master! The target is…Ghetsis!!

*F-00 quickly digitizes its body, before Teleporting away, homing in on Ghetsis’ last-known coordinates. He then appears before Ghetsis, still riding atop of Reshios.*

Ghetsis, narrowing his eyes at the robotic simian: So…Colress truly is looking to off me, is he?

F-00, aiming its palm-mounted pulse cannons at the pair: Master Colress sends his regards…to anyone in Team Plasma foolish enough to defy his rule!

Ghetsis, sneering: That conceited little…Reshios, get us out of here, with a burst of Fusion Flare!!

F-00, displaying a laughing matrix display on its screen: I wouldn’t do that if I were you! Extreme Speed!!

*Reshios lets out the flames of a Fusion Flare, as he propels himself away from the metallic simian, with a blast from its jets. F-00, however, manages to use its foot-mounted jets to catch up with the fleeing Reshios easily. Using said jets, F-00 propels itself straight for Ghetsis, as he manages to latch himself around Ghetsis’ body, to his utter horror.*

Ghetsis, trying to wriggle himself free of F-00’s grasp: W-what the hell are you…get the hell off of me!!

F-00, with a matrix display of happiness on its face: With pleasure! Good-bye…target Ghetsis…

*Ghetsis cries out in terror, as he realizes what F-00 was about to do. The screen on F-00’s face suddenly unfastens itself, as its ‘face’ drops down, revealing that Colress had turned the F-00 prop bot…into a sentient bomb, of sorts. Soon, said monitor turned a solid, bright crimson, which began to flash quicker and quicker, as the seconds rolled on.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (11)

Ghetsis, shaking his head: This…truly is the end, isn’t it? But…no, no…there’s one last thing I can still do. If I’m going out, in a blaze of glory…let’s make it a bang they’ll never forget.

*Doing a U-Turn with Reshios, Ghetsis begins piloting it straight into a hospital, on the edge of Castelia City’s harbor. Ghetsis closes his eyes, as the pair crash straight into the middle of the building, just as he sees the flames begin to consume F-00’s metallic body.*

Ghetsis, thinking to himself: Yes…if I’m going down…may my legacy be one of true terror…and a warning for what’s to come. As Colress’ own treachery…may even eclipse my own.

*As the flames of F-00’s Explosion spread throughout the hospital, Colress watches the chaos ensue, via a stream of the Castelia City news, with a smile on his face.*

Colress, with his signature smile, plastered on his face like usual: That Ghetsis…he truly knew how to go out with a bang, didn’t he?

Chapter 29: A Gym Battle of the Generations!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Later that morning, Nate ends up making his way to his father’s Gym, ready to earn his long-awaited Quake Badge.*

Nate, looking pumped, as he enters his father’s arena, deep underground: So, this is the famous ‘Underground Gym’ you’ve been talking about for ages, huh? Not going to lie, it’s pretty impressive!

Clay, chuckling: Marvel at it all ya like, but I still gotta take you on fair and square. Mamoswine, you’re first out! Get ready to fire out some of them Icicle Spears!

Nate, looking surprised: Hold up…aren’t you going to call out Gigalith, to set up a Sandstorm first?

Clay, shaking his head: Nah…those miners just above us are makin’ quite a Sandstorm all on their own right now, wouldn’t ya say?

Nate, now noticing what his dad was talking about: Oh, so that’s what all that noise up there was about! I guess the sand blowing down here isn’t actually natural then, huh? Well, no matter, since a number of my teammates LOVE the feel of sand in their fur…like Herdier! Hit Mamoswine with your Fire Fang attack!

*Herdier charges in towards Mamoswine, who fires a volley of Icicle Spears towards the oncoming canine. The Icicles, however, largely end up melting when homing in on Herdier, allowing him to not take much damage from the Icy slugs. Herdier, now up close to Mamoswine, takes initiative to clench onto Mamoswine’s right tusk, with his Fangs still inflamed.*

Clay, shaking his head: Mamoswine, get it off of ya, with the force of an Earthquake!!

Nate, looking confident: Keep hanging on, Herdier! When Mamoswine lifts himself onto his hind legs, leap into the air then, and slam his other tusk with your Fire Fang!!

*Mamoswine rears onto his hind legs, just as Nate had predicted, which lets Herdier leap off of one tusk, while Mamoswine gets back on all fours, before then clenching the other tusk between his Fiery Fangs. Completely avoiding the Earthquake, due to being above the arena the whole time, Herdier keeps hanging onto Mamoswine’s gigantic tusks, against all odds.*

Clay: Mamoswine, unleash your Ancient Power, and git that Herdier off of ya that way!

Nate, looking concerned: Ancient Power, huh? Herdier isn’t going to be able to survive a barrage of rocks like that! Unless…Herdier, use Rock Climb to climb your way up Mamoswine’s body! Those Rocks are going to be homing in on you…so, why not have them home in on Mamoswine itself, too?

*Mamoswine’s Ancient Power causes rocks from all around them to begin encircling Mamoswine’s massive body, where they start homing in on Herdier, who Rock Climbs all over Mamoswine’s towering body. The rocks, of course, end up slamming right into Mamoswine’s body, of course, and with enough collisions, Mamoswine ends up fainting from its self-inflicted injuries.*

Clay, chuckling: Well, that was a mighty inventive strategy of yours, son. But you’ll be needin’ more than that, if ya wanna win with an unevolved Pokemon like him. Excadrill, get out here, and perform a Drill Run on Herdier!!

Nate, looking on-edge: Herdier, get your Fire Fangs ready, because this might be a doozy…!

*Excadrill folds itself up, into becoming essentially a sentient Drill, and homes in on Herdier, in spite of his Fiery Fangs. Despite getting slightly charred, Excadrill has little issue KOing Herdier, in the end.*

Nate, smiling: You did good, Herdier. But dad…did you know that I’m essentially training a sentient-drill of my own? Pupitar, get out here, and show Excadrill your method of Drill Running!

Clay, chuckling at the sight of Pupitar: Well, I’ll be…Excadrill, show ‘em how it’s done. Drill Run, again!!

*The two drill-like Pokemon end up throwing themselves at each other, but Pupitar’s hide, being formed of solid Ground, easily punctures and Drills through Excadrill’s Steely ligaments. Despite how capable of Drillers both Pokemon were, the makeup of Pupitar’s body ends up giving him the edge over Excadrill, KOing him.*

Clay: Torterra, you’re up next. Hammer that peg into the ground, where it belongs…with yer Wood Hammer, that is!

Nate: Pupitar, drill- I mean, Dig into the ground, and avoid the assault!

*Pupitar revs up its rear, and burrows underneath the ground, managing to avoid Torterra’s massive stomp. Despite not managing to hit Pupitar, Torterra still looked quite winded, from the attempt.*

Clay, grinning at his son: I hope you realize you’re just delaying the inevitable, kid. No amount of hidin’s gonna change nothin’.

Nate, grinning: That’s where you’re wrong, dad! You see, I didn’t have Puitar burrow underground just to hide! I had him burrow under there…so he could manage to eat just enough more dirt, to where he’d be able to fully unleash…his Raging Fury!!

*Clay gasps in horror, as it wasn’t Pupitar who ended up Digging its way out of the arena…but a Tyranitar, instead! Unleashing the flames of his Raging Fury, the newly-evolved Tyranitar makes quick work of Torterra; KOing the bulky Pokemon in short order.*

Clay, grinning: Garchomp, get out here, and fight power with power! Brick Break down that towering Tyranitar of his!

Nate, gasping: A Garchomp?! Tyranitar, hit it with a Stone Edge!!

*Garchomp’s eyes glimmer, before charging straight for Tyranitar. Fortunately, such a straight-forward attack proved quite simple for Tyranitar to avoid, as he manages to catch Garchomp’s head-mounted ‘jets’ before he could manage to slam into him. Stomping on the ground, Tyranitar summons forth a Stone Edge from the ground, which he proceeds to slam Garchomp’s face into. Unable to get back up, after having his face forced into a massive stalactite, Garchomp faints.*

Clay, looking troubled: Seismitoad, get out here, and wash away this kaiju-wannabe, with a Surf!

Nate, calling back Tyranitar: You did good, Tyranitar…but Ceecee can help get rid of this guy easily! Unleash the power of your Leaf Blade!!

*Ceecee appears, and pulls out a mystical energy Blade, seemingly made of Leaves. Flying above the incoming Surf wave of water, she strikes at all 16 of Seismitoad’s body lumps. With all the water storage places on his body having ruptured, Seismitoad quickly faints, to Clay’s embarrassment.*

Clay, tipping his hat over his eyes: That’s right…you have one of them Mythical Pokemon now, don’t ya? Shoulda seen that comin’ if I’m bein’ honest. Good thing Golurk’s ready to blast ‘er away, though! Unleash that big ol’ Shadow Punch o’ yers, Golurk!!

Nate, grinning: We can break through that, right Ceecee? Leaf Blade, at the ready!

*Ceecee nods, and arms herself with her trusty Leaf Blade, as Golurk fires off a massive fist of his, straight towards Ceecee. Seeing as the fist was entirely made of Ground-based elements, however, the Leaf Blade easily slices through the incoming projectile, allowing Ceecee an opening to get close to the Golurk’s body, as she then sends the Leaf Blade straight into Golurk’s chest, causing the behemoth to topple onto the ground, having fainted, earning Nate his next Gym Badge.*

Nate, high-fiving his Celebi: Alright Ceecee! I can definitely see why N had you on his team! Hahaha!!

Clay, shuffling over to his son, to hand him a Quake Badge: Well done, kid. You’ve definitely improved yourself, since becoming a Trainer those few months ago. Now…if you’d be willin’ to humor your old man…let me escort ya back to the lobby, if ya don’t mind. There’s been somethin’ I’ve been meanin’ to tell ya, see.

Nate, nodding: Uh…sure. You can tell me anything, dad…

Clay, nodding: Good, then. Follow me out of this here tunnel, and I’ll explain on the way out.

*The pair, along with Celebi, make their way back up the tunnels that led to the underground arena, even as his father’s silence started to wear on Nate.*

Nate, looking annoyed: Dad, we’ve gotta be more than half-way outta here, right? What’s this…thing you had to tell me?

Clay, nodding: I suppose it’s time you heard it from me, considerin’ you very well could end up runnin’ into the guy, at some point in your journey. Ya see…I know you really look up to ol’ Hilbert and all…but if I were you…I’d try and stay away from that boy.

Nate, looking confused: Huh?! Why’s that? I thought you told me he was a pretty respectable Trainer before!

Clay, nodding: I did. And he was…up until a certain point, at least. Ya see, a few months back, I was called over to Pinwheel Forest, to go and round up some o’ the Revival Herbs that started growin’ at that time o’ the year. Well, lo and behold, I ended up runnin’ into none other than Hilbert back ‘ere.

Nate, smiling: Oh, that’s neat! I guess he must have been looking for Pokemon around there, right?

Clay, sighing: Well, that’s one way to put it, I suppose. You see, me and him ended up strikin’ conversation, see…

*The scene transitions to a flashback of Hilbert and Clay’s conversation said months back, in Pinwheel Forest.*

Clay, looking troubled: You’re still looking for that Celebi, huh? Cheren told me how that ended up goin’ for you last time. From what he said, it didn’t sound like it was in the cards.

Hilbert, shaking his head: It wasn’t, but next time…next time, things will be different. You see, I’ve since managed to trade one of my Pokemon for one that isn’t even found in this region! Come on out and introduce yourself, Hypno!

*In a flash of light, Hypno appears, awkwardly waving to Clay.*

Clay, frowning: Freaky…but I guess I can admire the resolve, at least. But…how’s that thing supposed to help you find a Celebi?

Hilbert, chuckling: Well, as much as I wish he was able to track down such a Mythical Pokemon, his powers should prove most useful for when I do manage to find it. See, when I come across the forest guardian again…I’m going to force it into allowing me to go back in time! Once I do, not only will my sister be saved…but it’ll be the end of Team Plasma, as well.

Clay, trying to hide how disturbed he was, by Hilbert’s plan: Well…I suppose all of us in Unova will be owin’ our thanks to ya, for dealing with that Plasma lot…a real shame no one would remember ‘em at all though, you and Celebi maybe not withstandin’ o’ course…

Hilbert, smiling: Yeah, but I’ve already made my peace about that. After all, without Team Plasma around, Unova will prosper, in the timeline it deserves!

Clay, tipping his hat to Hilbert, as he shuffles off: Well, it certainly sounds nice, I suppose…I just hope you take into account Celebi’s thoughts on the matter, at least. I mean, unless I’m mistaken, Celebi’s the one with the power to look into the future, and not you. But hey…a Team Plasma-less world wouldn’t be so bad either, I suppose. Just…be careful, kid.

Hilbert, frowning: I didn’t ask for your input, Clay. If changing history will not only save my sister, but all the Pokemon who Team Plasma’s ever separated from their Trainers…there can only be one right answer, when it comes to what to do! I’ll find Celebi, Clay…I’ll find her again…and the world will be all the better for it.

*The scene transitions back to the Driftveil City Gym, where Clay finishes recounting his conversation to Nate, as they both reach the entrance once again.*

Nate, frowning: So…he really said all that, huh? Well, that certainly complicates things. Let’s just hope I don’t have to take him on as a Champion, or else…things could really get complicated.

Clay, nodding: Yeah. I tell ya, if he goes and tries to qualify for this year’s Unova League Conference, you know I’ll be enterin’, in hopes of not only winning back my Champion’s title, o’ course…but makin’ sure that Hilbert doesn’t end up facin’ you throughout it, either.

Nate, as his eyes sparkle: Hold up…did you just say…you think…I could end up being crowned a Pokemon Champion this year?!

Clay, tipping his hat over his eyes: Don’t let it go to yer head, kid. You still need more Badges, like the one you didn’t end up gettin’ in Aspertia City. But…with the rate that you’re improvin’ at, I suppose the possibility is there, at least.

Nate, triumphantly: Well, if you think we have the potential…we can’t let you down! So it looks like the only path forwards is up…to Mistralton City, of course! Tyranitar should make quick work of the Flying-types at Skyla’s Gym, after all…

Clay, nodding: Yeah, but…take heart, in rememberin’ one piece of advice from your ol’ man, at least - do NOT let any more people see that Celebi of yours than necessary. If Team Plasma saw that thing…well, I’d imagine I’d need to be puttin’ up a rescue effort all o’er again.

Nate, nodding, with a serious tone: Yeah…I get you. Don’t worry, you have my word…I’ll only use Celebi in serious battles, when I really need her…from here on out.


Clay's Gym Team:
Mamoswine (Icicle Spear, Earthquake, Ancient Power)
Excadrill (Sand Rush) (Drill Run, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, X-Scissor)
Torterra (Wood Hammer)
Garchomp (Brick Break)
Seismitoad (Ice Punch, Grass Knot, Earth Power, Surf)
Golurk (Iron Fist) (Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch)
Gigalith (Sand Stream) (Stealth Rock)
Krookodile (Crunch, Outrage)
Crustle (Rock Wrecker, Shell Smash, X-Scissor, Flail)

Nate's Current Team:
Ceecee (Celebi) (Flash, Leaf Blade, Psychic)
Zorua (Disguise) (Incinerate, U-Turn, Grass Knot)
Pignite (Flame Burst, Retaliate, Flame Charge, Body Slam)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Climb, Retaliate, Ice Fang, Fire Fang)
Tyranitar (Drill Run, Dig, Raging Fury, Stone Edge)
Croconaw (Water Pulse, Aqua Jet, Avalanche, Ice Fang)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Attract, Foul Play)
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Leaf Tornado, Dragon Breath)

Chapter 30: The Beast, vs. The Machine!

Chapter Text

*Arriving at Mistralton City the next morning, Nate heads straight for Skyla’s Gym, hoping to earn his next Badge there. Once he gets there, however, he’s surprised to see that Skyla wasn’t on Gym duty, as she seemed to actively be guiding a nearby plane to land at her Gym’s runway!*

Nate, looking surprised: Woah, Skyla…I didn’t know you knew how to direct air traffic!

Skyla, chuckling: Please, that’s just one of my duties, when it comes to running my airport here! Being this city’s Gym Leader is more of a side gig than anything, honestly…

*Nate continues to watch from nearby, as Skyla eventually directs the plane to successfully landing.*

Nate, walking up to Skyla again: So, special visitor I take it, to be getting greeted by Mistralton City’s finest?

Skyla, chuckling: You could say that! You see, I’ve been getting reports over these last few days, that Team Plasma may be doing something dangerous on Route 7. Because of that, I figured I’d get some help from someone who’s had all sorts of experience with them in the past.

Nate, chuckling, and straightening up his visor: Well…I don’t like to brag, but…I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with Team Plasma as of late too, you know, and-

*Nate’s bragging attempts subside, the moment he sees who was getting off the plane. It was none other than his very own idol…Hilbert, in the flesh.*

Skyla, waving to Hilbert: Hey, Hilbert!! Long time no see!!

Hilbert, nodding back: I agree! Two years is far too long, to go without speaking to a fine young woman like yourself, who once aided my friends and I, in the fight against Team Plasma.

Skyla, as her face reddens, while she blushes: Hilbert, please…I was only doing what any girl would, in that situation…

Hilbert, nodding: I suppose you have a point. And who would have guessed…even Nate’s here! How’s the Pokemon training going, kid?

Nate, nearly at a loss for words, between finally meeting Hilbert again, and what his dad had told him the day before: Oh…it’s…going great, actually! I’ve gotten five Gym Badges already, see?

Hilbert, nodding at Nate’s Badge Case, which he proudly opens up for Hilbert to see: Not bad, Nate! Not bad at all! With any luck, maybe we’ll get to battle each other in the Unova Conference this year!

Nate, nodding cautiously: Y-yeah…that’d be…nice…

Skyla, interrupting the pair’s reunion: As nice as it must be to reunite with another old friend, if Team Plasma truly has been spotted at Route 7, we really don’t have time to be wasting. You both saw that attack they made on that hospital in Castelia City a few days ago, right? If they’re planning something awful again, then we need to be proactive in stopping them, ASAP!

Hilbert, nodding in agreement: Oh, I agree. Although I fully intend on altering the current timeline, once I meet Celebi again, I’ll still do whatever it takes to stop Team Plasma, until that golden opportunity of presents itself to me, once again.

Nate, nodding cautiously, and diverting the conversation away from what Hilbert had just said: Yeah…anyway, Skyla…did you get any more insight on what Team Plasma’s up to, from whoever tipped you off on them?

Skyla, nodding: Well, this girl about your age…Rosa, I think her name was…she told me about this really…messed-up situation that both she and Bianca ended up witnessing, a couple nights back. Apparently, Colress went and killed off three of the Seven Sages!!

Hilbert, looking surprised: No way…you said…Bianca was there too?! I guess she hasn’t given up on taking Team Plasma down either…

Skyla, nodding: Yeah, she’s a brave girl alright…but Hilbert…I thought that you, her, and Cheren…all used to be really close!

Hilbert, frowning, looking at the ground: Yeah…we were…but times change, and I’ve had…other priorities, since then.

Skyla, frowning: Aw, that’s unfortunate…but we can talk more about that later! Nate, I assume you’ll be helping us in tracking down Team Plasma as well?

Nate, nodding: Yeah…you bet I am! After all, if I want to get strong enough to become a Champion like you, Hilbert…I’ll have to take on opponent’s way stronger than Team Plasma, after all!

Hilbert, smiling: Well said, kiddo.

Skyla, nodding: Well said. And having five Badges already, you clearly know your stuff by now, right? Regardless…I’ll look around on the southern edge of Route 7, just so I can double back to Mistralton City, if Team Plasma decides to pull anything there, while I’m gone. Hilbert, can I trust you in scoping out the mid-section of Route 7, then?

Hilbert, nodding: Sure. That just leaves Twist Mountain that needs to be investigated, right? I doubt Team Plasma would hole themselves up in such a well-traveled hotspot like that, but…they’ve done crazier things, for sure. Wanna check that area out, Nate?

Nate, nodding: Yeah…sure! You can count on me!

Skyla, looking pleased: Great! Now, first, let’s all add each other’s Xtranciever numbers, so we can contact each other, in case anything dangerous happens, and we need backup.

Hilbert, nodding: Good call.

*The pair register each other’s numbers, and all split up, as they decide to head to Route 7. Upon reaching Twist Mountain, Nate hears what sounded to be a massive explosion, coming from inside the cave.*

Nate, thinking to himself: What on Earth was that?! Is Team Plasma…seriously inside that massive cave, somewhere? Well…no time to just think about things…clearly, something big is going on in there…and better to be safe than sorry, right? And…if things get too bad…I can always just have Ceecee warp me back in time to right now, if things go too badly…

*Heading inside the maze-like cave, Hilbert heads through the corridors that he hears the most noise coming from, until he reaches the cave’s epicenter - an open-pit area, where he sees that Colress seemed to be working on…some sort of massive robot?!*

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Colress, unaware of Nate popping in, through a nearby corridor: Kenzo, would you be a dear, and fetch me my blowtorch? I cannot fathom where I put that thing…

Kenzo, appearing before Colress, begrudgingly handing the Scientist his blowtorch: Although you’re now Team Plasma’s leader…that does not give you the right to use our abilities for such trivial matters.

Colress, laughing away the ninja’s comment: Kenzo, I believe that Ghetsis officially ordained your services to his second-in-command, if he were to ever perish. And, seeing as that sad day has finally come-

Kenzo, glaring into the Scientist’s eyes: -Because you killed him…

Colress, shaking his head nonchalantly, with a smile: I didn’t kill him, need I remind you! I didn’t kill him, nor any of the people in that hospital, for that matter! It was simply one of my inventions that had gone haywire, as robots tend to do!

Kenzo, shaking his head: And if THIS…’Mecha Tyranitar’ robot of yours, goes ‘haywire’, as it were? What then?

Colress, shrugging: Then we all die in a fiery explosion, in the middle of this Arceus-forbidden pit. But worry not, as I’ve taken all manner of precautions, since F-00 malfunctioned. Observe!

*Colress presses the central button on a remote control of his, that he pulls out of his jacket.*

Colress, looking smug: You see, Kenzo, this time, I’ve equipped my Mecha Tyraintar with the ability to differentiate between friend and foe! Fortunately, it should be capable of seeing you as a friend…on a good day, at least.

Kenzo, rolling his eyes: Very funny.

Colress, chuckling: It’s no mere joke, my good ninja! Mecha Tyranitar, scan the area for anyone not allied with Team Plasma…and blast them to smithereens!!

Nate, thinking to himself, as he quickly begins running back through the corridor from which he came: That’s not good…! But hey, that’s some juicy info I found out, at least! Ghetsis really is dead…and Colress is in charge now?! Definitely not who I’d pick to be my successor…but I suppose Ghetsis truly being gone can only be a good thing, right?

*Mecha Tyranitar, upon scanning the area, quickly locates the unauthorized boy, in the area, and shoots out a pair of laser beams from its eyes, incinerating away the top half of the chamber that Nate had slipped back into, to his horror.*

Colress, grinning with pride, as he spots Nate tripping over himself, at the sight of half the chamber evaporating in front of his eyes: Well, it seems the Triad’s been slipping, as of late! Perhaps I truly don’t need your services after all…

Kenzo, as he watches Colress make his way over to the blasted-up chamber: For both of our sakes, I do hope you’re right…

*Nate picks himself up off the ground, after clumsily tripping over seemingly nothing, through either his own panic, or the after-effects of the blast itself. Upon getting up, however, he sees none other than Colress approaching him.*

Colress, looking pleased: Well, it seems we meet again, kid! Curious, how we keep running into each other like this. You may have escaped from the Frigate before, but there’s no chance of escape against my Mecha Tyranitar…

Nate. shaking his head: You’re insane, Colress…if you wanted a gigantic beast to fight by your side, why not just train up a real Tyranitar instead?! Team Plasma’s various tech pieces haven’t exactly proved to be all too reliable lately, have they?

Colress, closing his eyes: Let it be known, those Frigates weren’t designed by me. Those were all commissioned and outsourced by our dearly departed Ghetsis, bless his soul. This mechanized beast, however…was created solely by me…with some help from Pokestar Studios, of course!

Nate, looking unimpressed: Well, duh? Any kid in Unova would recognize that MT of yours, coming straight out of Big Monster 2! But why spend so much time retrofitting that hunk of junk…when you could be training the real deal?! Tyranitar, get out here, and unleash an Earthquake!!

Colress, watching as Tyranitar stomps savagely across the ground in which they stood: MT, your capabilities should far outmatch his own! Unleash your own Earthquake, as well!

*The pair of kaiju-like creatures charge towards each other, and end up locking hands, in a momentary stalemate of sorts, as they both stomp around enough for Twist Mountain to begin caving in, at various points. Regardless, Tyranitar seemed to be hanging on, even against his mechanized foe.*

*Outside, however, Hilbert can feel the effects of the dual Earthquakes, even while a mile or so away from Twist Mountain. He also hears a pair of roars come from there that sounded…quite similar, albeit one with a much more mechanical undertone than the other.*

Hilbert, after calling up Skyla on his Xtransiever: Hey, Skyla? It sounds…and feels…like something big is going down in Twist Mountain right now. I think I’m going to Fly over there on Braviary, to scope things out, if you want to join me.

Skyla, on the other end: Sure! Mistralton City seems safe for now at least, so I think joining you should be okay. Be over your way in a sec!

*Inside Twist Mountain, meanwhile, both of the massive beasts continued to hold their own, but MT’s slight size advantage seemed to be giving him the upper hand now, as it begins to force Tyranitar towards a nearby wall of the cave.*

Colress, looking quite satisfied at his MT’s performance: Well, it seems MT’s might is finally beginning to match your natural specimen’s own. A forgone conclusion, by my own hypothesis…

Nate, shaking his head: There’s no such thing as a forgone conclusion, Colress. Tyranitar, unleash your Raging Fury against the MT!!

*Colress stares in horror, as Tyranitar’s skin turns bright red, causing his MT’s hands to melt, from the sudden increase in surface temperature of the Pokemon. Tyranitar then uses the opportunity of having his hands free again, to begin pummeling that Steel-clad knockoff with a barrage of super-heated knuckle bashes and kicks, causing MT to collapse into the opposite wall of Twist Mountain, in the end. This does, however, trigger a rocky cave-in of Twist Mountain, as countless rocks from all levels of the mountain begin to tumble towards the very bottom, right towards where the group was.*

Colress, embarrassingly calling back his MT to a Poke Ball: Well, this was…certainly not the outcome I was expecting, I’ll admit. Regardless…it seems I can’t afford to stay down here much longer, in the end. Perhaps we’ll meet again, my inconvenient little friend…but if you have no way out of this little death trap…perhaps we won’t. Triad, let’s be off!

Kenzo, who’s eyes looked unamused: We will not continue to stand for your attitude.

Takaaki, teleporting in with the group: Lest you forget we aren’t even a Triad at this very moment? Or…have you already forgotten?

Colress, chuckling: Please, how could I ever forget about ol’ Amira? I’m sure he’ll make a full recovery in due time. Now, we really must be leaving…

*Kenzo and Takaaki begrudgingly agree, as the group of three quickly teleports away in the blink of an eye, just like usual. Nate, on the other hand, was left to stare at the quickly-approaching barrage of boulders headed his way, instead.*

Nate, gulping down a lump in his throat: Well, now’s probably my wake-up call to have been training a Flying-type, I guess…heh, didn’t Hilbert say he was caught in a similar situation before, in an interview? I wonder what he’d be doing right now…

*Suddenly, from several hundred feet above him in the sky, Nate could hear someone calling his name.*

Nate, shaking his head: Maybe my dad’s right…maybe I do need to lay off the hero worshiping. Why else would I be hearing Hilbert’s voice right…now…

*Just a few seconds later, however, Nate was amazed to see that Hilbert had flown in to rescue him…and on the back of his Braviary, no less! Jumping onto Braviary’s back as well, the pair Fly off, before the cave can completely cave-in.*

Hilbert, chuckling, as Nate tries to sit himself comfier onto Braviary: Thought we were going to leave you stranded in there, did you?

Nate, shaking his head: Nah…I sorta knew you’d pull through, Hilbert. You always do, right?

Hilbert, smiling: Yeah…something like that. Anyway, let’s double back, and meet up with Skyla real quick. She’ll be happy to know you're still safe, after…whatever happened, out there.

*Skyla and Hilbert meet up on their Swanna and Braviary respectively, before then making their way back down to the ground.*

Skyla, looking relieved: Thank goodness you’re okay, Nate! Hilbert told me things were getting pretty weird in his neck of the search area. Any insight on what all went down?

Nate, shaking his head: Well…first off, I know this is going to sound more than a little bit unbelievable…but Colress was piloting this Mechanized Tyranitar robot of sorts, just like in-

Hilbert, interrupting him: Big Monster 2? I loved that one…

Nate, nodding enthusiastically: Yeah! Like, he was using the same exact model of the beast from the movie! But this time, it seemed to function like…more or less…an ACTUAL Pokemon!!

Hilbert, frowning: So, Colress is still doing Pokemon experiments, huh? I guess he wasn’t satisfied after making his Genesect army…

Skyla, looking concerned: Well, although I don’t know what the heck a ‘Genesect’ or a ‘Mechanized Tyranitar’ is supposed to be…something tells me I don’t want to know, either. They sound all kinds of dangerous though, so…here. Take this, as a memento, for keeping Mistralton City safe!

Nate, looking amazed: Woah…that’s…that’s your Jet Badge, isn’t it?! Are you sure it’s okay to give this to me without a battle?

Skyla, shrugging: Hey, if you can take on Mechanical Tyrants or whatever, then who am I to try and match a challenge like that? Besides…I’m not a big movie buff, admittedly…

Nate, looking thankful, as he adds her Badge to his Case: Well…thank you, regardless! I still recommend the movie, though. It was definitely the best part of the quadrilogy.

Hilbert, nodding: I can respect that claim. Say, how many Badges do you own now, anyway?

Nate, smiling: Well, Skyla’s made six! But…I’m not sure who to take on for my next Badge, at this point. After all, didn’t Drayden…you know…

Skyla, trying to ignore bringing up the old man’s death: Welllll…I think Marlon just got done setting up his brand-new Gym, in Humilau City! Maybe you could head over there next!

Hilbert, frowning: Humilau City? Even if you’re Flying on a Pokemon, getting there would take the kid ages, seeing as it’s on the other side of Unova…

Skyla, shaking her head: Not if you ride a plane, it won’t! Say, why don’t you guys hop aboard my own little plane I’ve fixed up recently? I’ve been wanting to give it a test drive for awhile anyway, so I could always use the company!

Hilbert, smiling: I think I’d take you up on that offer, Skyla! I may not need any more Badges to take on the Unova League…but battling the Gym Leader there should still give my team a good warm-up, at least! The Conference is just around the corner, you know…

Nate, also nodding in agreement: Well, I’m not going to say ‘no’ to a free ride, am I? I’ve never even rode in a plane before, so this should be pretty fun!

Hilbert, nodding: For sure. Beats having to pilot a Pokemon for several hours, I can tell you that much…

Skyla, looking optimistic: Great! Well, let’s head over to the airport, and get you guys over to that tropical paradise. Humilau City, here we come!!

Chapter 31: The Underwater Atrocities of Team Plasma!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*Later that evening, the trio arrive at an airport in Humilau City, where Skyla bids the pair of boys farewell.*

Hilbert, shrugging: You know, Skyla, with a body like yours, I think you could manage to convince the Pokemon League to let you switch Gym locations with Marlon. After all, who wouldn’t want to see you in a bikini, on beaches like these?

Skyla, blushing: Hilbert…since when have you gotten so bold? I’d expect a comment like that coming from someone like…twice your age!

Hilbert, shrugging: Isn’t it obvious? Even if you were to have shot down my comment, and call me a ‘disgusting perv’, or whatever…in the end, it wouldn’t matter. Nothing will matter, once I can find that Celebi of N’s again. Next time we meet…I’ll make sure to change the timeline, in a way where the one in which we live right now…will no longer exist. Because in my new timeline…Ghetsis will never have been born.

Skyla, frowning: So…if you were to rewrite history, you’d just…go and rid the world of…Ghetsis? Like, don’t get me wrong, he was certainly a bad guy, and everything…but what about all the other old men in the past, who have committed far worse sins than him? Hitler, Stalin-

Hilbert, making a motion with his hand: -all gone, don’t worry about that. I’ve already made a list on who exactly needs to perish, when I get my golden opportunity again. It’s all a matter of time, at this point. Eventually, that Celebi will have to show up again, at some point. And when it does…I’ll be ready.

Nate, shrugging: Well, if I can play Darkrai’s advocate for a moment…killing off Ghetsis shouldn’t really affect the overall timeline too much, I guess, since you already would have been born and all…but if you’re going to go back in time decades to deal with…Hitler, let’s say…well, you know about the Beautifly Effect, right? The theory that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. Therefore, if you were to try and affect something that far back in the past…then who’s to say you’ll even end up being born?

Hilbert, shaking his head: Bridges to cross when I get to them. If I have to forfeit my life to better the world, then so be it.

Nate, frowning: But…wouldn’t that also mean that your sister likely wouldn’t be born either?

*Hilbert stands in place for a moment, as Nate’s previous words echo through his mind. Skyla bids them farewell again, but Hilbert can’t bring himself to make another bold comment, after realizing what Nate had just told him. Regardless, the pair soon head on their way to the Humilau City Gym.*

Hilbert, as the pair walk along the boardwalks leading to the sea-side Gym: Nate…what would you do, if you had the power to go back in time?

Nate, trying to ignore just how nervous that question made him feel: If I…could go back in time…? Well…I guess…aside from stopping old man Ghetsis…I’m really not too sure, honestly…

Hilbert, nodding: So, you’ve pondered that question before, have you?

Nate, looking flabbergasted: What…why…what made you know-

Hilbert, shaking his head: It’s all too obvious, if you ask me. I’ve asked nearly a hundred people that same question, after meeting Celebi that fateful day. And not a single person could give me such an answer that quickly. Still…the fact that you have the same priorities as me…that’s reassuring at the very least.

Nate, trying to hide his sweating forehead under his visor: Y-you think? Hahaha…I was just saying what you’d say, and-

Hilbert, shaking his head: Don’t belittle yourself, Nate. It’s clear that you understand exactly what needs to be changed in history, more than anything else. Don’t lose sight of that goal, Nate…because if you ever meet Celebi yourself…I know you’d do the right thing, with its power.

Nate, chuckling nervously: Hahahaha…oh, well…thanks, but…do you really think some newbie Trainer like me could ever meet a Mythical Pokemon like that?

Hilbert, shrugging: Crazier things have happened, right? Anyway, looks like we made it to the Gym. Are your Pokemon ready for battle?

Nate, nodding, looking relieved to be talking about anything else: Yep! I healed Tyranitar up on the plane ride here, so we should be good.

Hilbert, nodding: Good. Well, let’s just-

*As Hilbert opens the door to the Gym, Marlon comes barreling out the front door of his Gym towards them, giving them both a shock.*

Nate, taking chase after Marlon: Hey, wait up! We just wanted to battle for your Gym Badge before you left, is all!

Marlon, shaking his head: No time for that right now, my dudes! I’ve gotten word that Team Plasma’s been spotted…right under the waves beneath our feet, man!

Hilbert, trying to catch up with them: Seriously?! We just had an encounter with them earlier today, on the other side of Unova!

Nate, nodding: Yeah…what the heck could Team Plasma be after under there anyway?

Marlon, proceeding to jog as he talked to the pair: Have you two ever heard of the Abyssal Ruins?

Nate: Can’t say I have. What about you, Hilbert?

Hilbert, looking clueless: Never heard of it either, honestly.

Marlon, after letting out a whistle: So, you two truly haven’t heard of the priceless artifacts that are said to litter the ruins of the ancient kingdom of legend?!

Nate, sounding confused: An ancient, underwater kingdom? What, like…Atlantis?

Marlon, nodding approvingly: Yeah, something like that! Except…you know, real! Look, the point is…I can’t let those crooks make off with the treasure down there!

Nate: Well…let’s just say…we have more than a few bones to pick with Team Plasma too, so…what would you say to teaming up with us?

Marlon, shrugging, once he’d reached the end of the boardwalks: Sure, if you guys can Dive! Of course…if your Pokemon know the move, that works too.

Nate, shaking his head: My parents…never really taught me how to swim.

Hilbert, shrugging: Same here.

Marlon, reaching into the bag he’d happened to be wearing: Well, lucky for you two…I just happened to be carrying a couple of HM discs on me, which can teach your Pokemon the move Dive. Hopefully you two have some Water-types on you, though!

Nate, nodding, as he takes a disc: I do. Let’s have Croconaw learn the move!

Hilbert, inserting his disc into Simipour’s Poke Ball: Hopefully Simipour can use this move just fine…

*Marlon Dives straight into the water on his own, before calling out a Kabutops, to swim faster with. Underwater, Nate and Hilbert hold onto Croconaw and Simipour respectively, which allow them both to be able to speak and breathe underwater, thanks to the energy the Pokemon share with them when Diving.*

Nate, looking curious: Wait, Marlon…I thought you knew how to Dive on your own!

Marlon: I do. Why?

Nate: Well…why’d you call out Kabutops, then?

Marlon: Even though I can Dive on my own, Diving in synchronization with a Pokemon like this not only gives you more energy, and the ability to speak underwater…but even an adept swimmer like me can get places WAY quicker, if being aided by Swift Swimmers like Kabutops here! With that said, Kabutops…Aqua Jet us over to the south, as fast as you can! It sounds like Team Plasma may have already beaten us to the Abyssal Ruins, if we aren’t quick!

*Kabutops nods, and helps Jet Marlon far ahead of Nate and Hilbert, as they’re left behind in his dust…er, bubbles.*

Nate, looking impressed: Wow…that guy really knows his way around the seas, huh?

Hilbert: Being a Water-type Gym Leader, I’m not surprised at all that this is his prime environment, if I’m being honest. Let’s just try not to get left behind, when it comes to the action. Simipour, get us over there too, using your Surf waves!

Nate, nodding: Yeah, you too, Croconaw! Follow them, and do that too!!

*Nate and Hilbert proceed to follow some feet behind Marlon, as they go deeper and further into the depths. Eventually, Marlon notices a lone submarine, a few hundred feet below him.*

Marlon: So, those reports of a rogue submarine were true! Let’s just hope the part about them being affiliated with Team Plasma isn’t, at least! Kabutops, Dive in closer, so we can get a good look!

*Diving in even deeper, Marlon is shocked by several of the odd-looking Pokemon he had been seeing all around him. They didn’t seem to be like any he had seen before. Not because they weren’t native to Unova…but because they almost looked to be two different Pokemon, fused into one body, inexplicably.*

Marlon, looking confused: Now that’s strange…either regional adaptation is at an all-time high pace…or something real fishy is going on. Wait…what is that submarine shooting out?

*Marlon watches as the submarine fires off a pair of wired, mini-harpoon-like instruments towards both a Bibarel and a Prinplup swimming nearby. The submarine seems to send out some sort of electrical charge towards both of them, as their bodies suddenly fuse…into a new Pokemon entirely, as they swim away!*

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Marlon, looking disgusted: I don’t know… what I just saw…but I can’t let this go on for any longer! Kabutops, slice open that submarine’s hatch, with a Slash!!

*Kabutops Slashes its pair of scythes like a pair of scissors; being able to completely slice off the top portion of the sub, as its pilot gets sucked out into the sea proper, by the water pressure of the area. An old man appears, and calls forth what seemed to be an unholy fusion of an Octillery and a Starmie, where the tentacles of the Octillery had more or less taken over the Starmie’s body.*

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Old man: How dare you attack an unprovoked sea vessel! As a member of the Seven Sages, of Team Plasma’s elite, I will show you no mercy! Octimie, unleash an Octazooka!!

Marlon: Kabutops, slice off those tentacles of his, with some serious Slashing strikes!!

*Kabutops goes in for some Slashes, but Kabutop’s vision gets blurred from the Octazooka, as the Octimie Wraps Kabutops up, in its many tentacles.*

Nate, as he and Nate approach the pair from a few feet above them: Hey!! Marlon, is that Team Plasma?!

Old man, scowling: So, you brought backup, did you? Well, thankfully, so did I. Seakedo, eliminate those intruders, with your Horn Drill!! And Kingong, take on the other one, with your Crabhammer!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (15)Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (16)

Nate: Croconaw, hit that…Sharpedo-fused thing, with a Brick-Breaking strike!

Hilbert: Simipour, wrap up that…Klingon or whatever, with your Grass Knot attack!

*Seakedo charges forth towards Croconaw, but Croconaw meets the charge with his own ridge of spikes on his scalp area. It clashes with the curved horn atop Seakedo’s head, but the said spinning Horn Drill ends up getting jammed in between two of the spikes on Croconaw’s head, as it quickly tries to dislodge said horn, upon realizing it had trapped itself. This allows Croconaw to follow up, by landing another Brick-Breaking blow into the fused fish’s lower body, KOing it. Simipour, meanwhile, outstretches her arms, and secretes strands of Grass from all ten of her fingertips. Using said Grass, she Knots up the pincer on Kingong’s tail, before then turning the remainder of the grass into makeshift claws, which she slashes up Kingong with, and KOs him.*

Old man, shaking his head: Inconceivable…these fused Pokemon that Colress gave us access to should be stronger than regular Pokemon, not weaker! Blastnite, blow them both away, with your Zap Cannons! Lantine, get out here, and charge up a Discharge, to zap this whole entire area! And Octimie, unleash your own Zap Cannon, to fry up that frail little Kabutops!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (17) Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (18)

Marlon, looking worried: Kabutops, free yourself, using your Hidden Power!!

Nate: Croconaw, freeze up those fins of that Lanturn-looking thing, with your Ice Fangs!

Hilbert: Simipour, use your Ice Beam to freeze up that Blastnite’s cannons!

*Kabutops surrounds his body with green-colored Orbs, which slam hard into Octimie, forcing it to let go of Kabutops’ limbs. It then fires out a mis-aimed Zap Cannon, which Kabutops Swiftly Swims out of the way of, as the attack collides with Lantine, instead, paralyzing the floundering fusion. This allows Croconaw to easily land a gnashing blow of Ice Fangs into the fusion, KOing it. Simipour, meanwhile, successfully manages to freeze up Blastnite’s cannons.*

Old man, looking fed up with how the battle seemed to be going: Octimie, let loose another Zap Cannon, but make sure it hits this time!! Blastnite, forget the cannons. Just charge forward, and pummel those fools with your Outrage! And Gyararill, you may be small, but show them just how mighty you can be, with a Crunch!

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (19)

Nate: Croconaw, we can Crunch down the competition too, right? Show that Azumarill thing that we mean business!!

Hilbert: Simipour, use your Grass-Knit claws to finish off that Blastnite!

Marlon, looking excited: We’ve got ‘em on the ropes now, Kabutops! Slam that thing’s weird…mouth…core…thing…into that nearby Stone Edge there!

*Simipour digs her Grass-Knit claws into Blastnite, just as Octimie fires off another blast of Zap Cannon. Shoving Blastnite into the way of the incoming blast, it quickly ends up fainting from the impact. Gyararill, meanwhile, tries to snap its little jaws out at Croconaw, but with his own jaws being about twice as large, he has no trouble in assaulting and knocking out the bulbous fusion. Kabutops takes advantage of the chaos by Swiftly Swimming over to Octimie, and pierces one of its scythes through the Octimie’s weird mouth thing, and slams it onto a nearby sea spike, with the force of a Stone Edge, finally KOing the weird amalgamation of Pokemon combinations.*

Old man, closing his eyes: Perhaps…these Pokemon fusions were not as strong as Colress made them out to be. Either that…or my battling skills are out of practice. Hear me, you troublesome fiends…you especially, Hilbert…we, of the Seven Sages…will bring glory back to the name of Team Plasma…whether you approve of our methods or not.

Nate, rolling his eyes: That’s real rich, considering Colress already went and killed off three of you last night, according to what we’ve heard.

Old man, his expression quickly turning from a cold, unrelenting anger, to one of disheartened shock: Boy…do not deceive me, in matters of life and death. For if my colleagues…my friends…have been harmed, I-

Hilbert, shaking his head: We heard it from a reliable source. If you don’t believe us, summon the Shadow Triad, and get their words on the matter.

Old man, frowning, as he takes out a simple, one-button mechanism of some sort: If you two truly speak the truth…then…

*The old man presses the switch, as both Kenzo and Takaaki appear behind the old man, swimming next to him.*

Takaaki, narrowing his eyes at the trio they faced, along with their Pokemon: Gorm…it seems you have succeeded in tracking down those troublesome pests. Should we attempt to strike down the finishing blows?

Gorm, shaking his head: No…not yet. What I summoned you both here for…was to have you confirm something. Is it true…that Colress has gone and…eliminated three of the Seven Sages?

Kenzo, after a short pause of silence: …No. He has not killed off three…but four Sages, in total. Ryoku, Rood, Giallo, and Ghetsis himself…have fallen to the Scientist’s hands. We fear it won’t be long before he tries to take hold of all of Team Plasma’s resources for himself, in hopes of building his own army.

Gorm, frowning: So…those kids really did speak the truth after all. Triad…let them go in peace. I must reconvene with Bronius and Zinzolin…to discuss how we should proceed from here. By the way…why is Akira not with you two?

Kenzo, closing his eyes: He was…injured quite gravely, during Colress’ assault towards Ghetsis. He’s recovering…but he may not be in action for a while.

Gorm, frowning: A truly regrettable state of affairs, Team Plasma is in right now. Regardless…let us leave these seas, so I can discuss matters with my brothers.

*The Shadow Duo disappears, with Gorm making the group a triad of sorts. Now, without any members of Team Plasma around, the group looks around at the vast sea around them…and the many forcefully-fused Pokemon swimming all around them.*

Nate, looking confused, at the sight of the Shadow Duo’s short appearance: What…was that all about? I thought for sure we’d have to battle those two next…

Hilbert, shaking his head: The result wouldn’t have been any different, and those two likely realized that, as well. Still…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a member of the Seven Sages so…down to Earth before, than in that very moment…

Marlon, looking troubled: Aw, forget about that weird lot…why do you think they went to the trouble of fusing all these poor Pokemon…without really accomplishin’ nothin’?

Nate, shrugging: To be fair, Team Plasma’s had a history of not accomplishing anything, right?

Hilbert, frowning: Well…you could say that, if you ignore all the times they’ve tried to kill us. But it really is a shame that all these Pokemon were forced to fuse together down here…

Marlon, in an agreeing tone: Yeah, you can say that again. Unless…I wonder, could this submarine be able to de-fuse Pokemon too?!

Hilbert, shrugging: Hard to say, with that submarine just sitting in the middle of the seafloor like that…

Marlon, looking optimistic: Nothing here that Starmie can’t go and fix up for us! Starmie, power the barge back up, with one of your Thunderbolts!

*Starmie blasts the power back into the sunken sub, as Marlon looks over the controls. Hilbert and Nate join him, as they swim in through the sliced-off opening.*

Marlon, fiddling with the sub’s controls: See, the fusion-sampling-rate here got cranked up to maximum…but what would happen if we lowered it back down to the minimum…and fired them out at all the fused Pokemon again?

Nate, shrugging: Couldn’t hurt to give it a try, right?

Marlon, nodding: Yeah…here goes nothing…!

*Marlon aims the pair of DNA Splicer-tipped mini-harpoons at the Prinplup-Bibarel fusion from before, as the group marvels at the sight of both Pokemon quickly morphing back…into their original forms!*

Marlon, sounding amazed: Wow…to think that the same technology used to commit these atrocities…could be used to revert them, just as quickly!

Hilbert, nodding: Well, no time like the present, in unfusing the rest of these little guys, right?

*Marlon agrees, and with Starmie’s help, he manages to pilot the sub all throughout the seas of Humilau City, through the next few hours’ time. Eventually, the trio end up resurfacing, after a long session of unfusing.*

Nate, yawning, as he finally climbs out of the water, and onto the sands of one of Humilau City’s beaches: Well…I’m officially beat for the night. How about you, Hilbert?

Hilbert, nodding: Same here…but if anyone should know about everything we’ve learned…it’s Cheren, despite how much it pains me to admit it. He always put in way more effort towards taking down Team Plasma than the police ever did…but speaking to him…will be more than a bit awkward, considering we haven’t spoken to each other once, for the better part of two years…

Nate, looking optimistic: Well…I was here for everything, so…maybe I could go and tell him in your place! After all, I still need to earn his Gym Badge, too!

Hilbert, smiling: I appreciate the effort…but don’t you think we should both be prepping for our battle with Marlon instead? After all, we DID come all the way out here to battle him, remember?

Marlon, shaking his head, with a smile: You guys really think you still need to battle me, to earn my Badge?! Please…you two helped me take on those weird, fused-up Pokemon down there…and you kept us safe from Team Plasma, too! Consider my Wave Badge as a Badge of honor, more than anything! You BOTH deserve it!

Nate, excitedly adding his Badge into his case: Wow…my sixth Gym Badge…these things just keep coming lately, huh? I wonder how Rosa’s doing on her journey right now…

Hilbert, accepting his Badge more calmly than Nate had: I appreciate the thought…but I really was hoping to see how my team stacked up against yours, all the same…

Marlon, shrugging: If that’s the case, feel free to stop by my Gym tomorrow, and see how you measure up! It’s not often I get to take on a former League Champion, after all!

Hilbert, nodding down to Simipour, who looks up at Hilbert in excitement: Sounds good to me, Marlon. Simipour, what do you say to some last-minute training in Route 22, where we can train up for the fight, with the rest of the team?

Simipour, looking excited about the spontaneous training excursion: Simi, Simipour!!

Nate, chuckling to Croconaw: Well, unlike Hilbert over there, I don’t have what seems like a limitless supply of energy. What do you say we check in to a Pokemon Center, and call it for the night? We’ve got a long trip back to Aspertia City ahead of us, after all!

Croconaw, looking relieved: Cro…Croconaw…


Gorm's Team:
Octimie (Octazooka, Wrap, Zap Cannon)
Seakedo (Horn Drill)
Kingong (Crabhammer)
Lantine (Discharge)
Blastnite (Zap Cannon, Outrage)
Gyararill (Crunch)

Chapter 32: The Re-Unification of the Remaining Sages

Chapter Text

*Zinzolin, deep inside of Chargestone Cave that evening, anxiously makes his way through the winding caverns.*

Zinzolin, thinking to himself: To think I’ve gone this long…with Colress not realizing that I’ve stolen his prized Kyurem specimen for myself. Why, it’s almost as if it’s fate itself, that has allowed me to get this far. Surely…the wind must finally be blowing in Team Plasma’s favor!

*The old man continues heading for the very center of the cave, in spite of the harsh coldness that the cave’s depths brought with it. Now, deep inside of the cave, he ejects Kyurem’s dead body from within the Poke Ball, as he gazes up at the massive, purple-tinted, electrified crystal, at the heart of the cave. Taking an icepick from his jacket, he cuts off a medium-sized chunk of the towering crystal, and places it inside the hole that was left in Kyurem’s body, from when Zekrom had left its host before. To his utter amazement, the wondrous-looking crystal chunk seemed to be forming itself into Kyurem’s body on a molecular level, as Zinzolin watches in amazement as Kyurem’s seemingly-deceased body seemed to be absorbing and shaping itself around the crystalized rock. Zinzolin’s eyes would have continued to be glued to this interaction…had it not been for the fact that his Xtransciever was now ringing.*

Zinzolin, looking at the screen, and seeing that it was none other than Colress who had called him: No…not now!! Not when I’ve come this close…! But…if I were to not answer, I know the Shadow Triad wouldn’t have any issue in finding me…even all the way down here. Let’s just feign ignorance for now…

Colress, upon seeing Zinzolin’s face on his own end of the Xtransiever call: Ah, Zinzolin! I was worried you may have gotten lost! After all, when I sent out Gorm and Bronius on their assignments today, you didn’t seem to be around! Furthermore, neither man seemed to know where you had gone, either, so allow me to be the one to posit the question in their stead: indeed, where are you, exactly?

Zinzolin, bowing on camera to Colress: My…Lord. You see, I was thinking about Kyurem today, you see, and…well, I thought it would be a shame to have it be such a waste, in its current form. As such, I traveled all the way out to the center of Chargestone Cave’s depths, in order to bring the gigantic Dragon of legend back to life.

Colress, nodding: I see. Well then, would you mind if the Triad and I happen to stop in, to see how things are shaping up down there?

Zinzolin, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice: Of course not, my Lord. I think you’ll be most…interested to see the results for yourself.

Colress: Quite. Triad, take me there at once.

*Kenzo and Takaaki suddenly appear behind Colress, and close their eyes. Begrudgingly, they teleport Colress inside the cave in an instant, right to where Zinzolin had made it to.*

Colress, taking a machine out from his jacket, as he scans Kyurem’s body with the device, with wonder in his eyes: My my, Zinzolin…even I was unaware that such a crystal as this existed, in the heart of Chargestone Cave. Tell me, how did you know of its existence?

Zinzolin, sounding rather deflated: Well…back in my youth, Ghetsis told me about this area of Chargestone Cave…that no one else seemed to know about. He told me that its powers could be used to do a good many things…unlike its blue-colored crystal counterparts, above the cave’s surface, which seem to do nothing of note, other than merely float around. But because such powers could prove catastrophic, if not used for the right reasons…this place was a sworn secret between the Seven Sages…and the Shadow Triad, of course.

Colress, doing a little bow, with a smile on his face: Well, consider me honored to learn about this little miracle crystal. It must truly be capable of doing a good many things, considering that ol’ Kyurem over there seems to have healed himself up nicely!

*The pair turn to facing Kyurem, who, having healed up from his previous injuries, thanks to the giant purple crystal, was now taking bites from the floating rock, as if having gotten a taste of the crystal’s power, and wanting even more. In addition, the blue-tinted ice all around his body’s ligaments seemed to be turning from bright blue, to purple, as well.*

Zinzolin, looking quite worried about Kyurem’s impromptu desert: Kyurem, that crystal is not food! Return to the Poke Ball, and-

Colress, holding up his hand: Don’t be so hasty, Zinzolin. There’s still another experiment I wish to test, on our little ice-dragon here, you see!

Zinzolin, looking worriedly towards Colress: Hasn’t this beast been through enough, with your silly experiments?

Colress, dismissing Zinzolin’s concern: Call them silly if you like, but there’s still one question that’s been plaguing my mind, ever since the dragon girl so rudely killed my little research specimen. You see, unlike all the other Pokemon I’ve fused, ever since developing the DNA Splicers…Kyurem’s overall power level doesn’t seem to equalize, or average out, like other fusions. No…when I had fused Kyurem with Zekrom…his power instead magnified…many times so, in fact! And, because of such an interaction, it’s led me to wonder…would fusing Reshiram with Kyurem provide a similar result?

Zinzolin, shaking his head: As intriguing of a question as that may be, last I checked, Reshiram got fused with a Latios. So unless you happen to find another White Stone, the question will remain purely hypothetical, I would imagine.

Colress, smiling: Dear Zinzolin, you underestimate just how easy it is for a fused Pokemon to become…unfused! Observe! Reshios, appear before me now, and let me make you into two, once more!

*Colress calls out Reshios, and stabs a DNA Splicer into the back of its neck, as it lets out a cry. In a flash of light, both Reshiram and Latios now stood…although they both looked rather ragged, from the separation.*

Zinzolin, looking worried: Colress, be careful with those things…they’re living beings, after all…and exceedingly rare ones, at that!

Colress, chuckling: Please, Reshiram will be back to its usual self once he’s been fused to our hungry little ice dragon over there. As for Latios…

*Colress drops Latios’ Poke Ball to the ground, and shatters it beneath his foot, releasing him from his control.*

Colress, smiling: I have no further use for you, it would seem. Be on your way now, little Dragon!

Zinzolin, looking appalled at what Colress had just done: Where is your head, you…you lunatic?! Why would you ever release such a powerful creature like that?!

Colress, closing his eyes: Latios served its purpose, in aiding my research. But at this point…I couldn’t care less about where it ends up, or who it befriends. Its power pales in comparison to Kyurem, Reshiram, OR Zekrom…who, for all intents and purposes, we control as of now. And Kyurem’s power…will now be brought forth, to even greater extremes! Now, Reshiram…it’s time to fuse you with Kyurem…in order to form…White Kyurem!!!

*Colress aims both ends of the DNA Splicer he held, between both Kyurem and Reshiram. As the wires shoot out of both ends, and attach to their respective Pokemon, they both let out one final cry, before having melded into a new form entirely - White Kyurem.*

Colress, as he scans the towering beast with a small device of his: Outstanding! Be it with the help of the purple crystal, or Reshiram’s inherent power…White Kyurem seems to be notably more powerful than even Black Kyurem! This simply must be studied further! That’s why…I say we try to do what we failed to accomplish before…in bringing a permanent, icy winter to the residents of Driftveil City!

Zinzolin, nodding: Well…it would certainly be a good first step, in freezing over the rest of Unova I suppose…but you fail to account for one thing, Colress.

Colress, looking prideful: And what might that be, my subservient Sage?

Zinzolin, narrowing his eyes at Colress: You seem to forget…that we, of Team Plasma, aren’t mere puppets, that you can boss around as you please! Team Plasma was around far before you were born…and we’ll still be around, far after your body freezes over. White Kyurem…Glaciate this cavern, now!!

Colress, chuckling, as he holds up the used up DNA Splicer in his fist: Silly Sage, have you forgotten just who controls the DNA Splicer? The one who wields the technology…has dominion over everyone, you see!!

Zinzolin, shaking his head, as he zips up another layer of his many coats: And yet…it is I who wields Kyurem’s Poke Ball. Unless you can find just where I’ve hidden it, underneath my many layers…I think only one of us…will end up surviving in such a Glaciated climate.

Colress, as the omnipresent smile on his face disappears: This is madness…Triad, seize White Kyurem’s Poke Ball, and bring it to me, at once!

*To Colress’ shock, not only had the Triad disappeared…but they weren’t beckoning to his call, either.*

Colress, sounding quite desperate now: Triad…Shadow Triad, appear before me, and…my, this wind certainly is…icy, that’s for sure. But, hiding that Poke Ball in your layers of coats…is nothing that I’m not prepared to handle. Gengreigon, Snatch that Poke Ball from within his possession!

Zinzolin, looking outraged at the appearance of one of Ghetsis’ old Pokemon: That Pokemon…that’s one of the Pokemon that Ghetsis himself fused…! How DARE you tarnish his legacy further!! White Kyurem, Glaciation!!

*Gengreigon sends out one of its sentient hands straight out at Zinzolin, who flinches, covering his face with his arm…at least, to the extent that his many coats allowed him to. Before the hand of Gengreigon could reach him, however, it suddenly dissipates entirely, amongst the blistering winds of White Kyurem’s Glaciation. Zinzolin looks up, to discover that the draconic half of Gengreigon had proved to be its downfall, as it seemed to have withered away, and disappeared from view.*

Colress, shaking his head, distressed at Gengreigon’s failure: No…this can’t be possible. Regardless…I still have his Metagrados…! Come on out…and use…use…

*In spite of Colress’ best efforts, his body had managed to freeze entirely solid, before managing to call out another Pokemon.*

Zinzolin, looking pleased with Colress’ fate, despite his own skin having grown devoid of color, from the sheer lack of warmth in the area: White Kyurem…you may stop the Glaciation…and turn your attention to warming up our guest here…forever. Take down Colress…with the power of your Fusion Flare!!!

*White Kyurem cloaks itself in a sphere of fire, before slamming itself straight towards Colress, utterly annihilating the infamous Scientist, and bringing some much-needed warmth to the bitterly-cold cavern.*

Zinzolin, closing his eyes, looking quite satisfied with the deed: Well done, Kyurem. You have done well…and Triad…I know you’re still down here too. How is Akira holding up?

Kenzo, appearing before the Sage’s eyes, along with Takaaki: He’s still healing from that little incident on the Frigate…but he should be well again in due time.

Takaaki, nodding: Indeed. More on the point, however…you have my thanks, for dealing with that pathetic Scientist. I haven’t the slightest clue how he convinced Ghetsis to make him such a high-ranking member of Team Plasma…but I commend you, for taking the action that we could not.

Zinzolin, chuckling: Please, it was all I could do, in avenging Lord Ghetsis’ name. But to bring glory to his name, one final time…I do believe that Colress may have had a decent idea at the end there!

Takaaki, in a slightly unamused tone: …Which was…?

Zinzolin: Bringing a permanent winter to Driftveil City, of course! After all, it was originally going to be Ghetsis’ first act, in his plan to freeze over Unova. Why don’t we see his plan through to fruition…just like he’d originally had planned?

Kenzo, nodding in acceptance: I’m sure Lord Ghetsis would be eager to see the plan through to the end, if he were still with us. Allow me to speak on behalf of the Triad…in saying that you have our full support.

Zinzolin, looking delightedly evil, in expression: Excellent. Soon, Unova will be beneath our feet…even if Ghetsis is no longer at the helm.


*At a small cafe that same evening, in Aspertia City, Gorm takes a seat with Bronius, waiting for the waitresses to serve them, before beginning their conversation in earnest, in a hushed tone.*

Gorm, frowning: So, Zinzolin couldn’t be bothered to talk to his fellow brothers of Plasma, huh?

Bronius, shaking his head: You know Zinzolin. Always focusing on the goal, rather than the people working to get there.

Gorm, taking a bite of his food, relenting: Well, at least one thing hasn’t changed, at least. Regardless, however…is it true that Zinzolin’s managed to find…you know…

Bronius, nodding slowly, as he continues to eat: …It appears so. From what little I’ve overheard from Colress earlier today, we may still be able to carry out Ghetsis’ original plan after all.

Gorm, focusing on his food, to blend in with the rest of the restaurant’s customers: At this point…I care not how feasible such a plan is. I’m more elated to know it’s feasible, so that our Lord Ghetsis will be able to witness our victory from above the heavens!

Bronius, with a slow nod: Indeed. Word has it that Colress was planning to meet with him tonight, upon realizing that it was likely Zinzolin who managed to steal…you know…

Gorm, as his eyes widen: Zinzolin stole… the Dragon…?!

Bronius, in a low voice: Sounds like it. Honestly, I thought he would have been much more angry about the fact that he stole…you know… the dragon from him…but maybe he shares that same goal of Zinzolin’s…the goal of freezing the very city that Ghetsis tried to freeze over before?

???: Magne, magne mag mite!

Gorm, scowling at a Magnemite that suddenly whirs out from above the nearby ceiling fan above them: What in blazes?!

Bronius, looking alarmed: That Pokemon’s called a Magnemite. They were rare in Unova for ages, but lately, more and more of them have been found in Virbank. But the only reason one would be here, of all places…means we’re being spied on.

Gorm, looking shocked: But…I took us all the way out to Aspertia City, to avoid such threats…!

Bronius, shaking his head: Team Plasma has enemies everywhere, Gorm. Ninetales, blast that thing out of the air, with some Embers!

*Ninetales comes out, and breathes out a small set of Embers towards the Magnemite, in hopes of not attracting any more attention to themselves than necessary. Magnemite, apparently having the exact opposite idea to him, however, flies up into Ninetales’ face, and Explodes. This obviously causes everyone in the restaurant to turn their heads in terror, towards the loud bang of sound.*

Bronius, looking annoyed, as he calls his fainted Ninetales back into the Poke Ball: Damnit…someone was definitely listening to us, that’s for sure. No Magnemite would just…go and Explode like that for no reason! We need to go, and warn Zinzolin about this.

Gorm, looking sorry: R-right…I thought this place would be safe to catch up in, for a bit…after everything that’s happened lately, but-

Bronius, closing his eyes: There’s no point in regretting past decisions. All that’s important now is warning Zinzolin of what’s occurred…but we obviously can’t do that here, can we?

Gorm, nodding: Allow me to right my wrong, then. Octimie, beam us up in a Teleport, and read my mind. Take us both to Zinzolin’s location!

*The strange-looking hybrid Pokemon blows a bright beam at the pair of them, before warping away itself, leaving no one in the restaurant able to make heads or tails of what had ultimately caused the sound of the large Explosion from moments before.*


*Somewhere else in Unova, soon after, Hugh gets a call on his Xtransiever, from Cheren. He quickly answers it, upon recognizing the number.*

Cheren, from the other end: Hugh, I’m afraid I have some bad news to tell you.

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Is it just me, or has everything been bad news lately?

Cheren, frowning: This is serious, Hugh. I’ve just learned that Team Plasma…seems keen to revive an old plan of theirs’, even in spite of Ghetsis’ recent death.

Hugh, shaking his head: Don’t tell me…they aren’t planning to freeze Unova still, are they? Didn’t Iris deal with that Kyurem thing, or whatever?

Cheren, looking troubled: I can’t say for sure…but it definitely sounded like it, at least. I eavesdropped on a pair of Sages with the help of a Magnemite I recently caught, and tinkered around with. Regardless…around two years ago or so, Hilbert once met Kyurem, in the Giant Chasm of Unova. If another one’s been spotted…I believe that’s where we should be focusing our attention, as well. Will you accompany me there, Hugh? You strike me as the dependable type.

Hugh, nodding: Well, I was about to turn in for the night…but making sure Team Plasma is stopped is way more important. But…why turn to me? Aren’t you close friends with people like Bianca…and Hilbert, too?

Cheren, closing his eyes: I can’t in good conscience have Bianca accompany me to a mission this potentially dangerous. And as for Hilbert…we haven’t been exactly on the best of terms for a couple years now. Regardless…this leaves my best option for backup…as you.

Hugh, chuckling: Heh, sounds like quite the predicament…but you can rely on my team’s strength. We’re gonna win this year’s Unova League Conference, after all!

Cheren, nodding: That’s the spirit I like to hear. Well, meet me there ASAP. I fear we don’t have much time before Team Plasma…does whatever it is they’re trying to do…

*Hugh nods and hangs up, before calling out Swellow, and piloting her out towards the Giant Chasm of legend.*


*That night, with no one around to stop them, thanks to Cheren and Hugh being at the wrong end of Unova, and Hilbert and Nate both being around the Humilau City area, Zinzolin - now being accompanied by Gorm and Bronius, as well - manage to Glaciate Driftveil City to no resistance that night.*

Gorm, looking around at the glazed-up city around them: Well, would you look at that. I’d wager the city’s never looked better, if you ask me!

Bronius, nodding: Indeed…since the last time we froze the city over, at least. However, I’m afraid we may have to wait on freezing over Nimbasa City next, as we’d planned originally. The Driftveil Drawbridge appears to be parted, at the moment.

Zinzolin, grinning: No matter, then. Have you three already forgotten that we have the Shadow Triad on our side? Come, Triad, and take us to Nimbasa City next!

Kenzo, as he and Takaaki appear before Zinzolin: Sage Zinzolin…with respect to Team Plasma’s next-in-line leader…do realize that White Kyurem is quite worn out, from freezing over an entire city. Perhaps it would be best to wait for it to recharge, and-

Zinzolin, shaking his head: Be that the case or not, we cannot allow ourselves to be caught at the scene of our crime, I’m sure you can realize. However…with all the possible places we could hide, in Nimbasa City…perhaps it’s best that we bide our time for now. Take us to the most secure location in the city then, Triad!

*The pair of Triad members relent, as the Sages, along with themselves, and White Kyurem…all manage to disappear in the blink of an eye.*

Chapter 33: Hugh's Tenuous Temper

Chapter Text

*The next morning, news of Driftveil City having frozen over once again begins making the rounds, prompting many in Unova to wonder how this could manage to happen a second time, in just a few short weeks. Hugh, that next morning, was particularly beating himself up over the fact that they had spent the night patrolling…well…a Giant Chasm, which no one had even shown up to.*

Hugh, sounding quite annoyed, as he scrolls through the social feed of his Xtransiever: DAMNIT!! How the hell did we end up patrolling this barren-ass place, instead of the city they actually froze over?! And what’s with Team Plasma’s obsession over Driftveil City, in particular?

Cheren, shaking his head: Aside from being the town that Clay resides in, and being the first city they froze before…I haven’t a clue. It’s not like it’s the capital of Unova, or anything. It’s just your bog-standard mining town, that’s only slightly more well-off than most other places in Unova, solely because of being just south of Clay Tunnel, and in turn…Twist Mountain. Sure, Unova’s GDP could take a hit…but the real heart of Unova was just a bit to the east of there - Nimbasa City. If their intention was to sow chaos…then you’d think that they’d have struck there, instead. Perhaps they wanted to leave a different sort of message.

Hugh, scoffing: Like what? That they think ‘coal miners suck ass’, or some environmentalist sh*t like that?

Cheren, shaking his head: No, I doubt their intentions had even a hint of righteousness attached to it. No, I believe it must have been to send a message…to either Clay, or his son Nate, potentially…to get them to stay out of their way.

Hugh, looking surprised: What, that kid? The hell does he have that I don’t? I know he doesn’t have as many Badges as I do. I earned my eighth just the other day, after all!

Cheren, frowning: I doubt it’s his Badge count that worries them. It’s likely the fact that he owns a certain Pokemon they may wish to have for themselves…Celebi.

Hugh, looking aghast: W-what the hell?! When did that kid go and capture a mythical creature like that?!

Cheren, shrugging: I’m unsure, but Clay called me to tell me that much. I guess he seems to consider me as the successor to Iris’ position of Champion, or something.

Hugh, shrugging: Well, you did become a certified Unova Region Champion, didn’t you?

Cheren, shrugging: For all of a few minutes, I suppose. But as of now, I’m perfectly happy with remaining Gym Leader, as of now. I see no point in competing in the Unova Region Conference for a second time, however. I have my title…and that’s all I really care to have, honestly.

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Talk about complacency…I thought it was the goal of every Pokemon Trainer to eventually become this…legendary, unbeatable leader, who can rise to any occasion, and never lose to anyone?

Cheren, chuckling: Not everyone’s name will end up being synonymous with victory, you know. For every Red out there, there’s people like Hilbert, who…honestly, I’m kind of surprised won the Champion’s title even once.

Hugh, nodding in agreement: Right?! I don’t get why Nate seems so obsessed with the guy…he isn’t that great of a Trainer, and he’s even less of a people person, from what I can see…

Cheren, trying to hold back a laugh: Well, you wouldn’t be too far off the mark on either account. Hilbert really hasn’t been the same, ever since his sister died in that Team Plasma strike a few years back. Ever since then, he’s been so focused on finding Celebi again…he’s become a completely different person, essentially.

Hugh, looking shocked: Hold on…Hilbert’s looking…for the exact same Pokemon that Nate owns?! What are even the odds of that?

Cheren, shaking his head: I…don’t even want to begin crunching those numbers. Let’s just say…I doubt that such a cruel irony is lost on Nate, of all people. And yes, his father’s already warned him against letting Hilbert know that he owns said Pokemon. And I completely agree with his decision on the matter, too…as meeting Celebi that one fateful day…didn’t exactly change Hilbert’s life for the better. Ever since then…his primary focus in life has been finding Celebi again…by any means necessary.

Hugh, looking pretty intrigued: Freaky, man. To think you used to hang out with him all the time too, back in the day…

Cheren, sighing: Indeed…part of me misses that time from two years ago…but looking back on my life today, being a certified Gym Leader, and having a loving girlfriend…I really can’t ask for too much else, can I?

Hugh, scratching the back of his head: Well, when you put it like that…it certainly does sound pretty nice, to have such a simple life, I guess. But as for me…I want my name to be spoken of as a true Pokemon Master…someone who was able to beat each and every Pokemon League, around the entire damn globe! But even more than that…I want to see Team Plasma be dealt a crushing blow…to the point where their names will be no more than mere memories.

Cheren, nodding: I can definitely get behind a goal like that. Team Plasma has caused me a great deal of strife too, as I’m sure you’ve heard about in numerous interviews. But the point stands…we need to figure out where Team Plasma plans to freeze over next.

Hugh, shrugging: Well, isn’t the Driftveil Drawbridge suspended at night, to keep out unwanted traffic? It’s morning now, so…wouldn’t it make the most sense to strike there, once they’re able to make the trek?

Cheren, closing his eyes, and pondering the situation: Perhaps…but their last freeze-over didn’t make sense from a strategic point of view. If they were to go after another hometown of other thorns in their sides…perhaps they would go with Nuvema Town next. But of course…neither I, Bianca, or Hilbert reside there anymore. Perhaps, then…it’s Aspertia City that’s in danger now? Bianca and I are pretty popular figures throughout Unova these days, after all…

Hugh, nodding in agreement: Damn…that place is my hometown too! No way am I gonna let those freaks freeze Aspertia over!

Cheren, nodding: It’s settled, then. For now, we’ll head back to Aspertia City, and keep our ears out for anything we can hear.

Hugh, as he calls out for Swellow once again: Yeah. Be safe out there, Cheren. If those guys have enough power on ‘em to freeze an entire city solid again…we’re gonna need to have a leg up on them, after all.

Cheren, nodding, as he calls out his Unfezant: You’re telling me. Contact me the moment you find out anything. Unfezant, it’s time for us to patrol the skies of Aspertia City…until we manage to stop these fools.


*The pair of Cheren and Hugh spend the rest of the day Flying back to Aspertia City, where they both decide to stop at Cheren and Bianca’s apartment, to recharge their Xtransiever’s, before heading back into the skies. Upon entering the apartment, however, he was shocked to see that Bianca…seemed to be comforting another girl, on their bed?*

Cheren, looking confused at the sight: Bianca…who is-

Hugh, as his eyes widen: Hold up, is that…Rosa?! You never told me you knew you were so close to Professor Sycamore’s head assistant…!

Bianca, nodding to Cheren: Yeah, I tried to contact you on your Xtransiever, but you never ended up answering, so…

Cheren, frowning: Well, being in the air, or wasting around in a deserted Chasm will put the drain on any rechargeable device, admittedly.

Bianca, nodding: So…I take it that means you guys haven’t heard…you know… the news, then?

Hugh, shaking his head: Nope. Neither Cheren nor I have been able to browse the internet for several hours now…

Bianca, holding up her own Xtransiever’s screen to their eyes: Well…take a look for yourselves, then…

*The pair read the headline emblazoned on the homepage of the UNN site - Nimbasa City was the next city in Unova to acquire a Glaciated landscape.*

Rosa, sobbing, but managing to speak, upon seeing that Bianca had shown the news to Cheren and Hugh: M-miss Elesa…she…she was there, and now…if the city stays frozen like that…then she’ll…she’ll…

Hugh, shaking his head: Hey, calm down…maybe…maybe she went out of town that day! Do you know for sure she was in Nimbasa-

*Rosa only begins to bawl harder now, as Cheren shoots Hugh a disappointed look.*

Cheren, lowly to Hugh: You’re not helping.

Hugh, looking annoyed: Well, what the hell am I supposed to tell her? That her idol is slowly freezing alive right now, like everyone else in the city?!

*Rosa only begins to bawl even more intensely, upon hearing those words come from Hugh’s mouth.*

Bianca, getting angry now too: Cheren, who the heck even is this kid?

Cheren, closing his eyes: I thought he was a strong Trainer, when he helped me get away from Team Plasma a few days back. But as it turns out, only his Pokemon are stong. The kid himself is just an overheated hothead.

Hugh, looking insulted: You wanna say that to my face, asshole?!

Bianca, snapping: Well, whoever he is, he’s NOT welcome in here! Do us a favor and escort him out of here, Cheren!

Cheren, nodding: Gladly. Come on, kid.

Hugh, looking resistant still: Wait…I’m not goin’ anywhere! Rosa’s a friend of mine, so I- HEY!!

*Cheren grabs Hugh by the shoulders, and physically pushes him out of the room, and slams the door in his face, prompting Hugh to spit on the floor.*

Hugh, pounding on the door: ROSA!! Tell those guys that we’re…we’re…oh, who the hell am I kidding?

Hugh, thinking to himself, as he wanders through the halls of the apartment complex, on his way back to the entrance: Urgh…I really lost my temper back there again, huh? Who can blame me though, when it comes to Team Plasma? Stealing people’s Pokemon, and acting like they’re in the right for it?! Even Team Rocket never had the nerve to be so self-righteous about their exploits. Clearly, someone needs to put them out of business once and for all…and if no one else is going to lead the charge…maybe it’s time I put this matter into my own hands.*

*Upon exiting the apartment building, Hugh takes flight aboard Swellow once more, heading to what was most likely the next big city Team Plasma had on their sights - Castelia City, just to the south.*

Chapter 34: Hilbert's Folly

Chapter Text

*Arriving at Castelia City a few hours later, Hugh is shocked to see that, not only were people out and about in the massive city…but there seemed to be more people on the streets than ever, it seemed! Piloting Swellow closer to the ground, he notices that there seemed to be a parade going on, celebrating Castelia City’s founding.*

Hugh, thinking to himself, as he guides Swellow down to the ground, before calling it back: What the hell…? Don’t these people realize what happened to Nimbasa City just yesterday?! Why would you even want to-

*While Hugh was busy monologuing with himself, he happens to run into someone, while he wasn’t focused on his surroundings.*

Hugh, feeling irritated: Hey, watch where you’re- oh, it’s you.

Nate, looking confused: Yeah, it’s me. What’s with you, acting all defensive all the time?

Hugh, glaring at the ground beside him: Nothing…just life pissing me off, I guess.

Nate, chuckling: So, another average day in your life, I suppose.

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Shut up. It’s bad enough Cheren went and gaslit me in front of his girlfriend, but upon arriving here at Castelia City, instead of finding everyone fleeing from what should be the next city Team Plasma tries to freeze…I see a damn parade! What the hell even is this stupidity?!

Local man in front of them, overhearing their conversation: Son, today’s the day of the 147th annual Castelia City Founder’s Day parade! If it wasn’t for the pivotal role Castelia City played in being a founding part of the region that later came to be known as Unova, New York state may not even exist, as it does today! And we’ll be damned if we let terrorists mess with our celebrations!

Hugh, looking even more angered than before: Do you even listen to yourself talk, man?! Wouldn’t a celebration like this be more of a personal invitation to terrorists like Team Plasma to attack today, than ever??!

Man, rolling his eyes, as he gently pushes his wife and children away from Hugh and Nate: Do you really think Team Plasma would be stupid enough to pull anything here, of all places, where there are armed security personnel at every street corner? Come on, honey…let’s get away from this guy.

Nate, frowning, as he puts his hand on Hugh’s shoulder: Hugh…he has a point. I agree we should keep an eye out for any strangely-robed old men, but would Team Plasma really be willing to strike at such a public venue like this?

Hugh, suddenly grabbing at Nate’s shoulders, as his skin turns pale white, about half-way through Hugh’s rant: So, you’re going to be an idiot about this too, huh? Well, think about it like this. Those damned terrorists in the middle east always strike on important holidays, when they wanna prove a point, right? Well, since Team Plasma are terrorists too, and it’s incredibly likely they’ll come here to freeze up Unova’s next most populated city, surely it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together, right?!?

Nate, upon catching someone familiar in his eyes, during Hugh’s tirade: Uh…yeah. I…think you may have had a point in there somewhere, Hugh.

Hugh, taking his hands off of Nate, and crossing his arms: Only one point? Really…?

Nate, shaking his head: Dude, get over yourself! And don’t get all crazy, but…I could have sworn I just saw one of those three remaining Sages on the other corner of the street, rounding his way out of sight behind that building there!

Hugh, sounding surprised: Wait…how do you know there are only three of them left?

Nate, shaking his head: Long story, but I’m not just gonna let him get away! Promise me you won’t try and interfere, alright?

Hugh, looking somewhat insulted: What? I have more Badges than you, last I checked. If anything, you should be the one backing me up!

Nate, sighing: Fine! You can follow, just don’t escalate things if you don’t need to.

Hugh, picking Nate up, by the collar of his jacket: And since when do I ever escalate things?!? …Ugh, fine. Lead the way, I guess.

*Hugh quickly unhands Nate, as they begin to head down the road that Nate saw the man walking behind. Before they reach the street corner there, from the other side of the road, they notice several large feet of ice piling up, from just behind the road where the parade was beginning from!*

Nate, sounding flabbergasted: WHAT?! I know I saw the old man round this corner…were they really attacking from the rear of the parade instead?!

Hugh, shaking his head: Doesn’t matter! You find your old man…and I’ll focus on taking the freaks in the back down. Sound good?

Nate, nodding: Yeah. Good luck, Hugh.

*The pair quickly begin heading their opposite ways through the sidewalk, as Hugh quickly calls out Swellow, to Fly him over to the suddenly-freezing road. Upon Flying overhead, however, it’s not White Kyurem he ends up discovering, but instead, a lumbering Abomasnow?*

Hugh, looking confused: What the hell…? Whatever that Pokemon is, it’s definitely NOT a Kyurem of some kind. Swellow, melt it, with a Heat Wave!!

*Swellow begins rapidly flapping its wings with such ferocity, it manages to create enough friction in the air, to be able to sent out as a blast of heat towards Abomasnow, as it quickly faints from the attack.*

Bronius, frowning at the development, as he picks up a walkie-talkie he had attached to his waist: This isn’t good, Zinzolin. Some Trainer kid has already spotted me, from atop his Swellow! What do we do now?!

Zinzolin, in a cold tone, from the other end: Keep the Trainer busy for a bit. I’ll make sure to head your way soon enough.

Hugh, leaping off of Swellow, to talk face-to-face with the old man: So, clearly, you're one of the last three Sages that Nate told me about, huh? How would you feel if I reduced that number to 2?

Bronius, frowning with displeasure: Hmmmph…it would seem as though Gorm was too merciful, for our own good. I knew we should have had the Shadow Triad finish him, while we had the chance!

Hugh, shrugging: Look man, I don’t know what the hell I missed between whatever happened between you and Nate…but frankly, I don’t care. Emboar, smash this fool with your Heat Crash!!

Bronius, scowling: Over my dead body! Darmanitan, trip him up with an Earthquake!!

*Emboar charges towards Darmanitan, but upon the latter pounding the road with his massive arms, rocks jut out from beneath Emboar, causing him to faint with little issue.*

Hugh, scoffing: Since when do old men like you have time to train up decent Pokemon, while being ruthlessly evil?! Swellow, swoop in, and give Darmanitan one of your Sky Drops!

*Swellow, who was previously Flying overhead, swoops down with its talons, and scoops up Darmanitan, Flying it high into the air.*

Bronius, looking disgusted: And people call us the Pokemon thieves…Magmortar, get out here, and blast ‘em out of the sky…with a Fire Blast!!

Hugh, also looking outraged: What?! Since when do you have the right to make this a double battle?! Forget it…Starmie, blast it, with a Hydro Pump!!

*Starmie appears, and fires a massive blast of water right into Magmortar, while he had been aiming his Fire Blast into the air. Although he manages to launch the massive fireball, it ends up going off-course, thanks to Starmie’s intervention. Swellow proceeds to free Darmanitan from his talons, then…Dropping him right into Magmortar’s massive, misfired Fire Blast. In the end, both Darmanitan AND Magmortar go down in the scuffle.*

Bronius, looking distraught: Ninetales, get out here, and put Starmie to sleep, with your Hypnosis! And Camerupt, send out a Rock Slide towards Swellow!

Hugh, shaking his head: Don’t look into that Ninetales’ eyes, Starmie, and Pump it full of more water! Swellow, now’s the time. Unleash your Hidden Power!!

*Starmie, thanks to seemingly not having any eyes from which to look at Ninetales with, easily manages to avoid its Hypnosis, and simply blasts Ninetales away, with a few solid Pumps of water, knocking it out. Swellow, meanwhile, quickly surrounds its body with several small, blue-colored spheres, which swirl all around its body, before colliding with Camerupt’s rocky body, before it can manage to shoot any Rocks out, as well, causing it to faint as well, leaving Bronius without anymore conscious Pokemon.*

Hugh, looking sinisterly at the old man, as he calls out his other Pokemon to his side: Heh…looks like your time’s up, old man. So…which of my Pokemon would you like me to bring about your end with?

Bronius, looking nearly speechlessly, at the Pokemon behind Hugh, that seemed in tune with what he was thinking: I…uh…I-

Zinzolin, from a few hundred feet above them: Now, White Kyurem! GLACIATION!!

Hugh, shielding his face from the sudden harsh blizzard that now filled the air: What?! Damnit…I must not have been battling the right old guy…! I fell right into their trap…but it isn’t too late…!

Hugh, jumping onto Swellow’s back: Forget that old man, Swellow…it’s THAT one we have to deal with right now! Everyone else…see who can finish him off first, before I get back! Fly me up there, Swellow…we have one more old geezer to deal with!

Zinzolin, as he watches Hugh approaching him, atop his Swellow: The nerve of kids these days…White Kyurem, focus the Glaciation on those two!

*White Kyurem tracks Hugh’s location, before breathing lethally cold air into the duo, causing Swellow - and in turn, Hugh - to come crashing down onto the nearby sidewalk, as Swellow quickly faints. White Kyurem follows up by landing just in front of Hugh, as Zinzolin slowly climbs off the beast.*

Hugh, scoffing: Bold move, to face me at my angriest like this! Starmie, I choose- no…damnit!! I…I left Starmie and the others to deal with the other old guy-

Zinzolin, cutting off Hugh’s befuddlement: Save yourself the effort, kid. Soon, you will join everyone else in this city, being frozen alive…helpless to avoid starvation. White Kyurem, Icicle Spears! End his-

*Before Zinzolin could finish his sentence, a dive-bombing Braviary slams straight into White Kyurem, causing it to momentarily stumble back, as if in mild pain. Suddenly, Hilbert now stood between Hugh and Zinzolin.*

Hugh, stumbling over his words: Hilbert…you…you-

Hilbert, not even looking behind, to whoever was talking to him: Get yourself to safety, kid. This guy’s armed and dangerous. I came here when I realized that this must be where Team Plasma was bound to strike next…and it doesn’t look like that Pokemon of yours can protect you now.

Hugh, glancing down at Swellow’s fainted body, before withdrawing it into the Poke Ball: Yeah…guess you’ve got a point there. Just make sure you finish this guy, alright? Apparently he’s one of the last three remaining Sages of Team Plasma, after all.

Hilbert, nodding: Yeah, I know. Nate must have told you about that, huh?

Hugh, nodding: Mhmm. You met the kid, I take it?

Hilbert, nodding: Yep. I battled alongside him a couple days ago. Seems like a pretty strong Trainer, if you ask me.

Zinzolin, loudly laughing his way into the conversation: You fools count that kid as a strong Trainer? Why, he couldn’t do a thing against White Kyurem, when I went to battle him! What makes you think you’ll fare any better?!

Hilbert, looking enraged: Did you already forget that I’m a Unova League Champion, old man?! Or is the dementia really kicking in today?

Zinzolin, chuckling: Challenge me if you dare…as not only will White Kyurem freeze you solid, boy…but I have all of that kid’s precious Pokemon on me, as well!

Hugh, gasping: What?! How the hell did you get Nate’s Pokemon, you cretin?

Zinzolin, stroking his long, white beard: Quite easily, in fact. It turns out, stealing Poke Balls from a frozen corpse isn’t much effort at all…especially when you're aided by Unova’s Dragon of Truth!

Hilbert, shaking his head, with disdain: What you’ve done to such a creature…it sickens me to no end! I will put an end to your fusing of innocent Pokemon…along with Team Plasma as a whole!

Zinzolin, chuckling: I’d certainly love to see you try…Unova’s weakest Champion! White Kyurem, Glaciation!!

Hilbert, shielding his face from the chilling winds: This isn’t good…none of my Pokemon could last long in these conditions…not even Simipour. That is…unless I can manage to get that beast under my control, with Hypno…

Hilbert, reaching for a Poke Ball, in spite of his own joints beginning to freeze up: Hypno…I don’t know how well Hypnotizing this beast would go, with your pendulum not being able to keep up a consistent rhythm…so instead…toss the thing right into White Kyurem’s eye, instead! Seismic Toss!!

*Hypno appears, and winds up its arm as well as it can, before hurling the small pendulum straight into White Kyurem’s right eye, in spite of the seemingly-overpowering winds. White Kyurem momentarily stops Glaciating, to let out a harrowing roar.*

Zinzolin, looking genuinely confused at what had just happened: White Kyurem, settle down! What…on Earth did that kid’s Pokemon even do…?

Hilbert, snapping his fingers: There we go! Now, Hypno! Use Psychic to control the pendulum from afar, to carry out the Hypnosis with!

*Hypno focuses all of his thoughts into telekinetically gaining control of his pendulum, which now lies on top of the massive Dragon’s bottom eyelid. He then begins to sway it to and fro, right in front of White Kyurem’s eye. The beast manages to stand straight back up again, but doesn’t seem immediately inclined to attack, despite that development.*

Hilbert, looking quite satisfied: Yes…yes!! That beast is under our control now! Which means…your time is up, old man.

Zinzolin, scoffing: Please…the only reason White Kyurem hasn’t attacked you yet is because I haven’t given it an order yet! White Kyurem, carry on with the Glaciation, and freeze this foolish Trainer solid!!

Hilbert, grinning with ill intent: I believe you're mistaken. Hypno here is a master hypnotist. Hypno’s orders here supersede anyone else’s! Make him a believer, Hypno…and have it Glaciate this geezer of his!

*Zinzolin stares up in disbelief, as his massive Dragon suddenly turns around, to face him instead…before freezing the old-timer solid, in one massive blast of Glaciation.*

Hugh, after a solid minute of silence, watching that feat go down: What on Earth…how did you…cause that thing to…disobey its own Trainer?!

Hilbert, smiling: Let’s just say…I’ve been training Hypno hard, ever since I learned about its powers of Hypnosis, and how the state it puts Pokemon into is FAR more potent than how any other species of Pokemon handle the move. But enough about Hypno…if I can grab White Kyurem’s Poke Ball, I bet that it’ll be able to unfreeze everyone just as easily as it froze everyone…considering that Reshiram’s in that body, after all.

Hugh, nodding, as he sprays Swellow down with a bottle of Max Potion: Uhhh…right. Swellow, you able to fire off another Heat Wave? Not to totally unfreeze the guy…but just enough so we can grab his Poke Balls off of him.

Swellow, nodding: Swe! Swellow swe…Swelloooooo!!

*Swellow begins rapidly flapping its wings again, before firing off another Heat Wave, just strong enough to melt the ice immediately around Zinzolin. Hilbert then begins to dig through Zinzolin’s many coats, not only finding White Kyurem’s Poke Ball, but many more, as well - likely belonging to a good many other Trainers, including Nate. One by one, Hilbert begins to click each Poke Ball open, to see what Pokemon were contained in each of them.*

Hugh, looking confused: Hey…Hilbert? Why are you just…calling out all these Pokemon like this?

Hilbert, as he takes out a pen, jotting down the species of each Pokemon on their respective Poke Ball: Well, if we’re going to be bringing these Pokemon back to their rightful owners, we’ll need to know what Pokemon specifically are in them after all, right?

Hugh, nodding: I guess you got a point there, heh…

Hugh, thinking to himself, not sounding nearly as calm: Yeah, what’s he’s saying is all fine and dandy…but if he manages to find Nate’s Celebi…if he’s still as crazy as Cheren said he was, then-

Hilbert, gasping in disbelief, as he ends up randomly calling out Ceecee from within one of Nate’s Poke Balls: C-celebi?!? In the flesh?!?

Hugh, as his muscles tense up, not only from the cold, but upon realizing what Hilbert could have it do, with Hypno’s powerful Hypnotic techniques: Swellow…we can’t let him do a thing with that Celebi! Knock it out of the air, with a Brave Bird attack!

Hilbert, shaking his head in confusion: What the hell, man? Why do you want to attack this Celebi so bad?! Wait, Cheren…damnit, of course he must have blabbed his mouth! Hypno, there’s not a moment to spare! Hypnotize Celebi, now!!!

*Hypno lumbers towards Celebi, swinging its pendulum suggestively at him, which Ceecee, unaware of the current situation, ends up looking into. The dive-bombing Swellow ends up slamming himself straight into Ceecee, knocking the mythical Pokemon out of the prone state it nearly found itself in, and out of the air.*

Hilbert, quickly running in, and picking up Ceecee’s injured body in his arms: Celebi, before that thing attacks you again, take me back into the timestream! I’ll right the wrongs of this world…I promise!

Hugh, shaking his head: Hilbert…it didn’t work last time, according to Cheren, and it likely won’t work again! Get up Swellow, and go for a Brave Bird…towards both of them, if you have to! And Ceecee…I know you’re not my Pokemon, but…you need to get out of here, now!!

Hilbert, sounding distraught: You’d seriously have your Pokemon attack a human? An unarmed one, at that?! Hypno, forget about Celebi for now…and Hypnotize that Swellow, instead!!

*Swellow flies back into the air, ready to try and dive bomb Ceecee again...along with Hilbert, if he continued holding onto Ceecee’s body. The time-traveling Pokemon quickly returns back to her senses however, as she darts out of Hilbert’s cradling arms, and in turn, causes Swellow to collide straight into Hilbert’s body, instead. Hugh nods to Ceecee, who in return nods back, before Teleporting away.*

Hugh, walking calmly towards Hilbert, as he offers his hand to him: Of course I’d be willing to have my Pokemon attack a human…if said human was hellbent on rewriting the history of the entire world…no matter how futile he knows such an effort would be.

Hilbert, glaring up at Hugh in sheer rage: You…you bastard!! I’ll make sure…I’ll make sure the Pokemon League hears about this, you know!

Hugh, chuckling: You know…it’d be a lot simpler for me just to kill you right here and now, and say that Zinzolin got to you before I swooped in, to save the day. By the time I found you…there was nothing I could do…to put your body back together. And with everyone else frozen…who would even think any different?

Hilbert, suddenly realizing the situation he was in, as he found himself battered by Swellow’s attack, and hardly able to move his body: You…you son of a bitch! But…Celebi’s Poke Ball…I still have it! If I just call her back, and then call her out again…I can still fix everything! Come on back, Celebi!! …Celebi?! CELEBI?!? WHERE THE HELL DID IT GO?!?

*Hugh chuckles, before eventually straight up laughing at Hilbert’s meak attempts at hoisting Ceecee’s Poke Ball into the air, and pressing the main button over and over, as he repeatedly tries to call her back into the Ball…despite Ceecee never appearing.*

Hugh, shaking his head at Hilbert’s pathetic sight: Celebi went right to the man I was thinking about just now…and that’s all you need to know. Face it, Hilbert - you’ve lost. You were dealt a bad hand, and you did everything in your power to draw yourself out of it. But in the end…the choices you made… really didn’t justify the reward.

*Hugh quickly takes all of the loose Poke Balls that Hilbert had relieved from Zinzolin, and adds them to his own bag…except for White Kyurem, who he keeps called out.*

Hugh, grinning with delight: White Kyurem, let’s warm some things up around here. Unleash a Heat Wave into this cold, cold city! But…make sure those old men stay Glaciated, would ya? Wouldn’t want any of them going free, right?

*White Kyurem seemingly gives Hugh a nod, before enveloping the entire city in a sudden Heat Wave of sorts, melting away most of the ice that Kyurem itself had frozen over the city with. As everyone else starts to come back to their senses, however, Hilbert was struggling just to get back on his knees.*

Hugh, chuckling at Hilbert’s weakened stature: Heh, don’t think you’re off the hook either, after what you tried to pull. White Kyurem…Glaciate this guy too, and then you can take a rest.

Hilbert, looking up at Hugh, with rage filling his eyes: You dare to treat me…like those old men?! I’ll make SURE you pay, when I…I…

*Before Hilbert can finish his thought, he ends up becoming Glaciated, in the very same block that Bronius and Zinzolin had been frozen as well. It was then that Cheren, Bianca, and Rosa had all spotted Hugh, as they ran towards the hot-headed Trainer, upon realizing that it was him who was now in control of White Kyurem.*

Cheren: Hugh…we came as fast as we could, after Ceecee told us that you saved her!

Rosa, looking up in awe, at the sight that was White Kyurem: Wow…how on Earth did you manage to get your hands on…that thing?I thought it was under Team Plasma’s control!

Hugh, shrugging: I have Hilbert to thank for that…but he was going dangerously out-of-line, when he tried to have Ceecee take him back in time again. I managed to stop him from doing that…but barely.

Cheren, looking in disappointment, at Hilbert’s Glaciated body, on the ground: I see. Truly…a shame to see the low’s you’ve stooped to, Hilbert…to think that I once called you my rival…and your friend.

Bianca, noticing that Bronius and Zinzolin’s bodies had been Glaciated too: Hey, I know those old men! Were they…the last members of the Seven Sages?

Hugh, shrugging: Probably. I went after Bronius there, when Nate and I split up. Zinzolin ended up tracking me down later, but…as you can see, things didn’t work out so great for him, either. It was Nate who ended up going after Gorm…but if what Zinzolin told me was true…he managed to beat Nate in a battle…which was why Zinzolin had Celebi on-hand in the first place.

Rosa, sounding worried: Wait…so is Nate okay?!

Hugh, shaking his head: Should be. White Kyurem’s Heat Wave should have thawed everyone out by now, right?

Nate’s voice, from across the street: Hey…who the heck is controlling White Kyurem right now?!

Rosa, chuckling: Nate!! You’re okay!!

Nate, upon making it to the re-assembled group of Trainers: Well, yeah! Of course I am, after that sudden Heat Wave that just blew through the city! Was it Hugh who took control of White Kyurem?

Hugh, shrugging, with a smile on his face: Guilty as charged, I suppose. Although I did have a little help from the ‘chosen one’, if you can believe it…

Nate, gasping at the sight of Hilbert’s Glaciated body being outstretched on the pavement: W-what the heck happened to him?!

Hugh, sighing: Ugh, I hate re-explaining things. Look, the gist of it is…he tried to go back in time, when he went and grabbed your Celebi’s Poke Ball earlier. I stopped him, of course…but to be extra safe, I decided it was probably best for him to share the same fate as these two geezers. The cops can thaw ‘em out, and do whatever they need to from there.

Hilbert, as his eyes widened: Seriously?! Wow…am I glad I ran into you earlier, then! I can’t imagine what could have happened if Hilbert had his way, and rewrote history…

Bianca, shaking her head: Oh…I don’t want to even think about that either! But…Nate…if you got frozen…does that mean that Gorm…ended up getting away?

Nate, nodding: Yeah…I’m afraid so. Unfortunately, his fused Pokemon easily had the upper hand against mine. Even Celebi wasn’t able to help all that much!

Cheren, frowning: Figures…that the one old Sage who was using fused Pokemon gets away…

Rosa, shrugging: Honestly…I’m just glad everyone here managed to make it out safe and sound, after Team Plasma’s surprise attack today! But what we really need to do…is to thaw out Ms. Elesa, and the rest of Nimbasa City, ASAP!!

Nate, gasping: Oh yeah…they ARE still frozen up there, aren’t they?

Cheren, nodding: Indeed…regrettably, that fact had slipped my mind, as well. Hugh, tell me, do you have experience in guiding a Pokemon through the skies? I’d imagine White Kyurem there could easily take flight, with that thruster of a tail it has…

Hugh, nodding: Yeah, I should be good. Come on, White Kyurem. Let’s thaw out Nimbasa City next!

*White Kyurem nods, before allowing Hugh to climb onto the massive creature’s back. In just a few minute’s time, both Hugh and Kyurem were no longer visible, upon reaching the evening’s clouded skies.*

Hilbert, still hardly believing his eyes: Wow…so Hugh was the one to end up with White Kyurem in the end, huh? Taking him on in the Pokemon League is going to be a challenge for sure…

Cheren, chuckling: Just because someone commands great Pokemon, doesn’t automatically make the Trainer great as well, Nate. After all…just look at Hilbert.

Nate, frowning, as he looks down at Hilbert’s Glaciated body again: Yeah…to think I idolized him so bad, even just a few days before now…sure goes to show that some people aren’t all they’re cracked up to be…

Chapter 35: White Kyurem No More - The Battle of Fate!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*After taking the frozen bodies of Hilbert, Bronius, and Zinzolin to the nearest police station, the group reunites with Hugh at the newly-unfrozen Nimbasa City afterwards.*

Hugh, noticing that only Cheren and Nate had arrived to greet him, as they rode in on Cheren’s Unfezant: About time you two showed up. What happened to the girls?

Cheren, hopping back onto the ground, along with Nate, as he calls Unfezant back into his Poke Ball: Rosa wanted to make sure that Elesa was okay, and Bianca…wanted to make sure Rosa was okay. More importantly…looks like this city is back to normal already, thanks to White Kyurem, no doubt…

Hugh, nodding: You betcha. White Kyurem really can make miracles happen alright…it’s no wonder why Team Plasma was trying so hard to keep it for themselves.

Cheren, nodding: Indeed…and that’s what I’ve come here to talk to you about. You see…Team Plasma’s already tried every trick in the book, when it comes to stealing Pokemon. And if White Kyurem ever ended up in Team Plasma’s possession again…I’d imagine we’d have to deal with this very same crisis. That’s why…I propose a…split-up, of sorts.

Hugh, tilting his head: A…split-up? What do you mean, Cheren?

Cheren, taking a DNA Splicer out of his pocket: You see…it was actually Nate who came up with the idea, see. Hugh…possessing White Kyurem automatically makes you Team Plasma’s #1 target, yes?

Hugh, nodding: Well, yeah, I’d imagine so. But I’ve taken them on before, you know! With White Kyurem by my side though, we’ll be unstoppable!

Nate, frowning: Will you be, though? Need I remind you that Team Plasma has literal ninjas on their side? Even now, they’re probably waiting for their best chance to swipe White Kyurem’s Poke Ball from you, at the most opportune moment!

Hugh, shrugging: Well…yeah, duh? What else is new?

Nate, shaking his head: What’s new…is that I have a plan…that would make it ever so slightly harder for Team Plasma to get their hands on White Kyurem, if you were ever to lose its Poke Ball! And the best solution in my books…is to unfuse Kyurem, and have one of us keep hold of one half of the fusion! So, one of us will get to hold onto Reshiram, and the other would keep Kyurem!

Hugh, rubbing his chin: Huh…yeah, that does make a lot of sense, admittedly. But seeing as I have more Gym Badges than you…I think I should be allowed to keep Reshiram…seeing as it IS one of the founding Dragons of Unova.

Nate, chuckling: You think you’ll get to keep him that easily?! Think again…because I’m challenging you to a Pokemon battle! Whoever wins…will get to keep Reshiram. The loser…will have to settle for Kyurem.

Hugh, chuckling: Nate, the only reason you’d come up with something so contrived…is that even if you lose, you’ll get to add another Legendary Pokemon to your team, huh?

Cheren, shaking his head: On the contrary, actually. I’ve seen you both battle…and I’m convinced that one of you will be able to win the Unova Conference this year. As such, it was my idea to have the pair of you battle, to determine who gets to keep which Dragon. After all, who better to guard such powerful Dragon-types from Team Plasma…then two of the region’s strongest Trainers?

Hugh, shrugging: Well, I can’t argue with that logic…but Nate, I hope you realize you’ll be fighting an uphill battle…seeing as I have White Kyurem on my side! On that note…White Kyurem, start off this battle…with some Glaciation!!

Nate, grinning: Just because you have the greatest Pokemon…doesn’t make you the greatest Trainer, Hugh! I call forth…Tyranitar!! Let loose a Stone Edge, and sever those Splicer cables on its back!

*White Kyurem focuses on freezing the air around them, but Tyranitar seems undeterred, and uses his hands to grab the fused Pokemon’s arms, before stomping one of his feet harshly into the ground. This causes a set of stalacctites to rise up from beneath the ground, which sever the tubes on White Kyurem’s back; causing them to spew fire out from everywhere, while Kyurem roars out in pain.*

Hugh, trying to shield himself from the out-of-control fire hazards: White Kyurem, make the best of this situation, and Overheat yourself!!

Nate, chuckling: If you’re gonna make it hot, we’ll make it even hotter! Tyranitar, show Hugh your Raging Fury!!

*The two gigantic Pokemon both heat up their bodies, as they charge in towards each other again. White Kyurem, being at a serious disadvantage, as an Ice-type, however…ends up feeling the fatigue pretty quickly. After around 30 seconds of trading blows between the two, White Kyurem ends up collapsing, and fainting from the heat.*

Hugh, trying to hide his disappointment: Hah…looks like you’ve been training up that Tyranitar of yours pretty well. But no Tyranitar can hold up too well to old-fashioned Close Combat. Simisage, get in here, and show him what I mean!!

Nate, grinning: Tyranitar, get back. Let’s let Ceecee handle this instead. Unleash your Psychic powers, and blast Simisage away!

*Simisage tries to throw hands at Ceecee, but the Celebi merely giggles, before enveloping Simisage in a pink aura, and tossing him to the side, without issue…causing him to faint.*

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Well, I wasn’t expecting that Celebi of yours to go down without issue. After all, she was one of N’s Pokemon, right? Volcarona, if anyone can take that thing out, its you! Unleash your Fire Spin, and keep her from switching out!

Nate, rolling his eyes: As if that attack would prevent me from just calling out Tyranitar again and- wait…what the heck?! Why isn’t Ceecee’s Poke Ball responding?!

Cheren, nodding, as he watches Ceecee struggle to free herself from the fiery whirlwind: I believe I can answer that, Nate. You see, the flames surrounding Ceecee right now are blocking the electromagnetic beam that a Poke Ball uses, for switching out Pokemon. As such, unless you can figure out a way to get Ceecee out of this bind, Poke Balls won’t do any good here.

Nate, rubbing his chin: Wait a sec…Celebi can Teleport, right? Try doing that, Celebi! Teleport out of the vortex, and I’ll switch you out afterwards!

*Ceecee nods, as if she had just throught of the idea as well. Teleporting a few feet to the left, and no longer being surrounded by a fiery vortex anymore, Nate switches in his Tyranitar again.*

Nate, grinning: That’s what I’m talking about! Now, take out that overgrown Bug, with another of your Stone Edges!

Hugh, shaking his head: Volcarona, avoid the attack by doing a Quiver Dance!!

*Volcarona begins flitting around all over the immediate area, as Tyranitar stomps another Stone Edge out from the ground. Although it didn’t manage to hit Volcarona the first time, Tyranitar scoops the stalactite out of the ground, and throws it straight at Volcarona, like a Spear. The inventive use of the move ends up making quick work of Volcarona, as it faints.*

Hugh: Starmie, get out here next, and blast it with a Hydro Pump!!

Nate: Tyranitar, go into your Raging Fury, and shrug off those water blasts, as you get in closer!

*Tyranitar heats himself up once again, as his skin turns a pale red once more. This helps to severely reduce the amount of damage Tyranitar took from each Hydro Pump blast, until Tyranitar had gotten up close, like Nate had wanted.*

Nate, looking thrilled: Now’s your chance, Tyranitar! Crunch it up, in those jaws of yours!

Hugh, looking equally thrilled: Yes…this is your chance too, Starmie! Just before Tyranitar takes a Crunch outta you, fire a Hydro Pump straight into its mouth!!

*Tyranitar proceeds to pick up Starmie with both of his hands, but just before Crunching at it, Starmiie blasts Tyranitar with a mighty Pump of water, freeing itself from Tyranitar’s grasp. Tyranitar ends up toppling over from the force of the Pump, and faints shortly afterwards.*

Nate, nodding: Well played, Hugh…but Ceecee won’t let such a feat go unpunished! Ready your Leaf Blade, Ceecee!!

Hugh, chuckling: Yeah…that’s right! I was hoping you’d call out Celebi again! Now, blast her with an Ice Beam, Starmie!!

*Starmie ends up shooting out a massive Ice Beam straight towards Ceecee, who was just barely being able to block the assault with her Leaf Blade. Soon, however, the Ice proves too overwhelming for the tiny Grass-type, as she faints from exhaustion.*

Hugh, getting a good laugh from how easily Ceecee had gone down: Huh…I guess N’s Pokemon weren’t quite as strong as I thought they were, huh?

Nate, shaking his head: You’re wrong, Hugh…because you haven’t battled all of N’s Pokemon yet! Get out here, Galvantula, and fire out an Electroweb, and entangle Starmie in it!

Hugh, shaking his head: As if we’d allow ourselves to get trapped like that. Starmie, tear it to pieces, with your Rapid Spin!

*Starmie twirls itself up with blinding speed, as it quickly slices through Galvantula’s Electrowebbing nearly as fast as Galvantula could produce it. Making use of its current momentum, Slarmie slams itself into Galvantula afterwards, causing it a fair number of sharp wounds in the process.*

Nate, looking troubled: On second thought, Galvantula…let’s skip the webbing, and go straight into the part that does hurt Water-types! Unleash a Discharge of electricity, Galvantula!!

Hugh, rolling his eyes: Good luck with that, if your Bug ends up getting swept away in the waves before it can do anything! Surf that Bug-type outta here, Starmie!

*Starmie suddenly summons a vast tidal wave of water, but the incoming wave of Surf, instead of being a detriment to Galvantula, ends up being a blessing in disguise. Once both Starmie and Galvantula were underneath the sudden tidal wave, Galvantula lets loose a Discharge that easily spreads all across the watery arena they now found themselves in, as they both get shocked silly from the charges. Once the waves had died down, Nate realized that Galvantual had fainted from the attack…but so had Starmie, leaving Hugh left with only two more Pokemon.*

Hugh, smiling a bit: Hah…I didn’t even know N trained one of those things. But I’m sure you’re quite familiar with my next Pokemon by now, right? Get out here, Emboar, and charge in with a Heat Crash!!

Nate, shrugging: N trained all kinds of Pokemon, that people didn’t really get to see him use, apparently. Like this one, for instance! Get out here, Krookodile…and unleash one of your Earthquakes, to trip Emboar up!

*Hugh’s Emboar charges forth towards Krookodile, but the crafty Pokemon slams its tail into the ground, causing an Earthquake of sorts. The rocks from beneath the ground end up piercing Emboar’s hide, as he quickly ends up fainting from the pain.*

Hugh, looking troubled: Well, looks like Swellow’s my last option here, huh? Show them your Hidden Power, Swellow! Do it!!

Nate, pointing to where Swellow was flying: Quick, while it’s summoning the orbs! Hit it with a Stone Edge!!

*Swellow surrounds herself with several water-y blue orbs, which encircle Swellow’s body, before shooting outwards. By the time they had been sent flying, however, Krookodile had enough time to slam his tail to the ground again, causing the rocks beneath Swellow to pierce Swellow from below. Meanwhile, Krookodile had been hit hard by the Hidden Power orbs. In the end, both Pokemon end up fainting…but Nate, with two Pokemon on his side of the field, ends up winning the battle.*

Hugh, sighing, as he hands White Kyurem’s Poke Ball to Cheren: Well, what do ya know? Looks like I’ll have some competition at the Pokemon League after all, huh? Cheren, do whatever…one does with those Splicer things, and unfuse White Kyurem. I’ll train up Kyurem itself…and Nate can take Reshiram.

Cheren, nodding, as he sprays the Poke Ball down with a Max Potion he had in his bag: Right. Now, I’ve obviously never used one of these devices before, so hopefully, things don't go too awry…

*Cheren calls out White Kyurem, and aims the DNA Splicer right towards its head. White Kyurem displays a blinding light, as its body slowly turns back into two Pokemon.*

Cheren, withdrawing Kyurem back into the Poke Ball, and handing it back to Hugh: Well, that seemed painless enough. Perhaps this fusion mechanic is less painful than I imagined it would be…

Hugh, shrugging: Painless or not, such a process isn’t natural…and I shudder to think what the consequences Team Plasma having access to this technology could bring, down the road.

Nate, nodding, as he stares up at Reshiram, who in turn, looks down upon him back: Uh…yeah. So…looks like I’ll have to catch this guy on my own, huh?

Cheren, nodding: That seems to be the case. Make sure to pick a nice Poke Ball for it! …Huh, I’m really starting to sound more like Bianca lately, aren’t I?

Nate, looking into his Bag: Well…nothing says ‘confidence’ like having a Legendary Pokemon in your average, everyday Poke Ball, right? That’s why…I think I’ll keep things simple this time! Welcome to the team, Reshiram!!

*Nate absorbs Reshiram into the Ball, as Reshiram puts up no resistance to being captured. Nate glees happily, at the feat of catching such a powerful Pokemon.*

Nate, smiling widely: Wow…who would have expected that one of Unova’s very own founders…would eventually become my Pokemon?!

Cheren, smiling: Congrats, Nate. For besting Hugh in battle…I think you deserve this, as well.

Nate, hardly believing his eyes: Cheren…your Basic Badge?! But…I didn’t even get to battle you!

Cheren, shrugging: With Reshiram on your side now, I can’t imagine my team would stand a chance against you…even if we did go all-out. Just promise me that you’ll take good care of Reshiram…and that’s good enough for me.

Nate, as he shakes Cheren’s hand: You bet I will, Cheren…thank you!!

Hugh, slowly walking up to Nate: So…does that make eight Badges for you yet?

Nate, shaking his head: Not quite. I still don’t have Roxie’s Badge actually…but after that, I should have enough to enter the Unova Conference!

Hugh, nodding: I see. Well, Roxie should be a pushover for you now, I’d imagine…along with most other Trainers in general. Which means…I have lots of my own training to do, before the Conference. So…seeya.

Nate, sounding disappointed that Hugh was leaving so abruptly: W-wait! You’re just going to leave like that?!

Hugh, shrugging, as he continues walking: I don’t have any reason to be hanging around here, do I? See you at the Conference, Nate.

Nate, frowning, as he mumbles to himself: Well, I guess he has a point, but…

Cheren, shaking his head: Don’t worry about him, Nate. Regardless, the Conference is in only a month’s time. You should take the time to toughen up your team as well, I feel.

Nate, nodding: I know. Still…I kinda want to make sure Rosa’s doing okay, though. You said she went back to Elesa’s Gym, right?

Cheren, nodding: Correct. It’s not too far from here, so allow me to escort you. Bianca’s probably worried about me too, after all, seeing as I said I was only going to check up on Hugh for a minute.

Nate, smiling: Yeah, wouldn’t want to keep her waiting after all, right?


Nate's Team for most of the chapter:
Ceecee (Celebi) (Flash, Leaf Blade, Psychic, Teleport)
Zorua (Disguise) (Incinerate, U-Turn, Grass Knot)
Herdier (Sand Rush) (Rock Climb, Retaliate, Ice Fang, Fire Fang)
Tyranitar (Earthquake, Crunch, Raging Fury, Stone Edge)
Galvantula (Electroweb, Discharge)
Krookodile (Earthquake, Stone Edge)
Purrloin (Scratch, Captivate, Attract, Foul Play)
Servine (Vine Whip, Reversal, Leaf Tornado, Dragon Breath)
Pignite (Flame Burst, Retaliate, Flame Charge, Body Slam)
Croconaw (Brick Break, Aqua Jet, Crunch, Ice Fang)

Hugh's Current Team:
Emboar (Smog, Heat Crash, Flare Blitz)
Simisage (Fury Swipes, Leaf Blade)
Swellow (Brave Bird, Sky Drop, Hidden Power (Water))
Starmie (Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Rapid Spin, Surf)
Volcarona (Fire Spin, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance)
White Kyurem (Shiny) (Glaciate, Overheat, Icicle Spear, Heat Wave)

Chapter 36: Hilbert the Hostage!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hilbert’s voice, as he slowly comes to his senses, upon being unfrozen by…someone: H-huh? W-where am I? And why…is this place so dark…?

*Turning his head to the side, he can see he’d been chained up onto a crumbled slate of some sort. He saw Zinzolin, along with two of the other Sages, quarreling with a pair of the Shadow Triad. From what he could make out from his surroundings, he soon figured out he must be inside the ruins of Team Plasma’s castle, deep underground.*

Zinzolin, sighing in annoyance: See?! The boy has awoken already. How much do you think he’s heard?

Kenzo, shaking his head: Relax. I can confirm he was unconscious until now.

Bronius, frowning: And you two did make sure to relieve him of his Poke Balls this time, did you not?

Takaaki, shaking his head: Do you take us for fools, Bronius? We made sure he was unarmed hours ago.

Hilbert, gasping, upon looking down at his belt, and seeing that his Pokemon had indeed been taken: Wait…w-what the hell?! Give me back my Pokemon, you thieves!!

Kenzo, walking up to the chained-up boy: I don’t believe you’re in any position to be ordering us around, young man.

Takaaki, turning to Hilbert: Indeed. Need I remind you that you’d be under police custody had we not intervened?

Hilbert, trying to recall his last memories: Police custody…? The last thing I remember…was Hugh using White Kyurem…to freeze me solid! So…the police were involved, were they?

Kenzo, nodding: Yes. The three Sages, too, had been frozen by White Kyurem’s power. Being solid blocks of ice, the police had no trouble in apprehending you all. Normally, we’d have no issues cooperating with the police, when we have a shared enemy. However, it was on Takaaki’s behest…that we went to the trouble of freeing you, as well.

Hilbert, shaking his head in disbelief: You guys…the Shadow Triad…helped me?! The guy who helped knock this very castle into the ground in the first place? Surely there has to be a catch here, right?

Takaaki, looking back at the Sages, who still looked quite unpleased, before looking back at Hilbert: Correct. You see, as ninjas, we’d have no issues in taking you right back to the police, if you don’t cooperate. However, I figured that the chosen one…may still be of use to us after all.

Hilbert, sounding resistant already: I’m not this special…chosen one that N thought I was, guys. Zekrom abandoned me far before you guys started popping up again…

Takaaki, pulling the Black Stone out of a nearby container: We’re aware. Even now, when Reshiram has awoken once more, Zekrom seems to appear content enough to stay in Stone form, after all.

Hilbert, looking at the ninja with rage: So…you guys did end up getting it, huh? So much for my plan of leaving it with Benga…

Takaaki, putting the Stone away again: Nothing escapes from Team Plasma’s hands. That is…except for societal support these days. The public…seems to no longer be on our side anymore. And that…is a problem.

Hilbert, rolling his eyes: Well, no sh*t! You guys froze multiple cities solid, in an attempt to take over Unova, after all! What kind of self-respecting person would support goons like you guys?

Takaaki, nodding: Indeed, it’s…regrettable, how things have turned out, as of late. If we still had the guidance of our leader…I doubt things would have taken such a…dire turn.

Kenzo, closing his eyes: Indeed. For some time now, Team Plasma has lacked a coherent vision. Now, as a group that’s now largely been reduced to us six…we believe now may be the time to start changing course. Hence…why I ended up agreeing with Takaaki, in his desire to save you.

Hilbert, frowning: What the hell do I have to do with any of this?

Takaaki, shrugging: It’s simple, honestly. You see…we have a plan to bring Ghetsis back. But to do so…the public needs to be distracted. We need the public to forget about our recent plans, and get back to what Ghetsis did best - convincing people to let go of their Pokemon.

Hilbert, yawning: Seriously?! That only worked the first time because you had N. And unless you plan on bringing him back too…I don’t get where you’re going with this.

Kenzo, glaring up at Hilbert: N is unessential to this plan. The public was fooled by him once, but it would never work a second time. Ghetsis, however…would likely be able to find a way out of this predicament…no matter how hopeless things may seem right now. With his guidance…Team Plasma may yet be a force to be reckoned with.

Takaaki, nodding: Agreed. And that’s why we need the public to be distracted. We want you to put on a show, of sorts, Hilbert. We want you…to take part in this year’s Unova League Conference.

Hilbert, sounding annoyed: Yeah, well…I can’t exactly do that without my Pokemon, you know?

Takaaki, pulling out a set of Poke Balls from the container from earlier: Do not worry, we know exactly where your Pokemon are. And we intend to give them back to you shortly…under one condition, that is.

Hilbert, gritting his teeth: Whatever it is, you can forget it! Even if I wasn’t tied up in these chains, my body’s still aching from that Brave Bird attack that Hugh’s Swellow left me with. I wouldn’t be any use to you guys in this state…let alone myself.

Gorm, pulling a potion of some sort out of his robes: Worry not about the state of your body, young man! Not many people know this about me, but I’m sort of a wiz with Potions. Be it Pokemon or human, the people who drink them heal up in seconds! If you agree to help us, this potion will be all yours to drink!

Hilbert, still remaining defiant: I am still pretty sore…and most of my body still aches in pain. Even still though…I won’t sully my name by helping the likes of Team Plasma, of all people!

Takaaki, as he begins walking over to an open pit nearby: Is that so? Even when your own Pokemon are on the line?

*Takaaki dangles the handful of Poke Balls over the nearby pit, as he watches Hilbert become uneasy.*

Hilbert, starting to lose his cool: What the hell, you freaks?! You guys know how strong my Pokemon are, right?! Why would you just…throw them away like that?!?

Kenzo, looking Hilbert in the eyes: We won’t. …If you cooperate, that is.

Hilbert, sounding annoyed: Well…what is it you guys even want me to do, anyway?

Kenzo, holding up a DNA Splicer: Simple. Take part in the Unova League Conference. Use the Pokemon you’ve always trained…but not in their current forms. Instead…we wish for you to fuse them.

Hilbert, sounding disgusted: What?! Absolutely not!! Out of the question entirely!!

Zinzolin, frowning: Did I not tell you the boy wouldn’t comply? You two are wasting your time on him.

Kenzo, closing his eyes: Perhaps you are right. Takaaki, drop the Poke Balls.

Hilbert, yelling out, not even a second later: WAIT!!! I mean…first off…why…would you want me to do such a thing, regardless? Don’t you guys…hate my guts, and all that?

Kenzo, nodding: Although the Sages and I disagree on a number of things, I think we can all agree that your persistence has always proved annoying, to put it mildly. But alas…your name is still known and revered throughout Unova, all the same. You may not be Zekrom’s chosen one…but you are the people’s chosen one. As such, what you do would help to shape the minds of many.

Takaaki, walking away from the pit in the ground: Precisely. And, for our plan to revive Ghetsis…we’re going to need money…and lots of it. Unfortunately, that accursed scientist already burned through most of our reserves. As such, there’s but one option left on the table, in terms of raising funds - the sale…of DNA Splicers.

Hilbert, sounding disgusted: You guys want me to battle with fused Pokemon at the Unova League…just to advertise your sh*tty DNA Splicing technology?! No Pokemon deserves to be subjected to such a fate…and definitely not mine!!

Takaaki, walking over towards the pit again: So…you’d rather they be forgotten about instead, for the rest of time?

Kenzo, glaring at Hilbert once again: While you’re left to wallow in jail for your own crimes? It sure would be a shame if someone disguised as your sister came forward, and accused you of being her murderer, after all…

Hilbert, seething with anger: You…you sickening bastards!! You’ve gone WAY too far this time!!

Bronius, nodding slightly: Indeed, if you had hoped to get him on your side, I don’t believe such a heavy-handed approach would be ideal…

Takaaki, rolling his eyes: If he refuses, one of us will just impersonate his own likeness instead! If not him, then perhaps someone else of even greater renown, like N, perhaps.

Kenzo, angrily eyeing Hilbert: That’s right. Even if you refuse to help us, our plans will remain the same, ultimately. The only difference being, that if you refuse…you’ll likely just be in prison…or worse.

Hilbert, still sounding defiant: You guys realize that if I decide to help you…the police would still come after me for escaping police custody, right? And even if you guys somehow got me out of that… people would still have a more negative opinion of me than before, right? No matter what you guys decide to do with me…I still lose!!

Gorm, shrugging: The boy makes a good point, Shadows. Even you’d have to admit that much…

Takaaki, rolling his eyes: One of us will disguise ourselves as the police commissioner, and publicly tell the world it was all a misunderstanding. Would that satisfy you?

Hilbert, after closing his eyes, and thinking on things for a bit: …Fine. I’ll fuse my Pokemon. I’ll be your little puppet…but only for the safety of my Pokemon. After this Conference…I unfuse my Pokemon, and we go back to being enemies again. Deal?

Takaaki, nodding, as he walks over to Hilbert’s slate of rock: Deal. Kenzo, free him.

*Kenzo nods, before undoing the locks constraining his wrists and ankles, as he falls straight down to the ground, head first.*

Hilbert, still feeling incredibly weak: You bastards…if I could move my body, I’d…I’d-

Gorm, shoving a potion bottle in front of his face: Drink it up, prick. Before I regret this decision of mine.

*Hilbert glares at the old man, before then looking at the potion, which didn’t seem to be tainted with too many clouded chemicals. Relenting, Hilbert swipes the bottle out of his hand, and drinks it up. Moments later, he was back on his feet.*

Takaaki, shoving his Poke Balls into one of his hands, and six DNA Splicers in the other: Here. Before we let you leave, choose, amongst your Pokemon, who shall fuse. Upon completing your end of the deal, we will provide you six more Splicers, for unfusing your Pokemon.

Hilbert, sounding disgusted: Gee, how generous. I don’t suppose you have anything else you want to force me to do? Like wearing those stupid robes of yours when I go onto the arena, or some sh*t like that?!

Gorm, looking offended: Does this boy have no decency?! Triad, teach the boy a lesson, before I give him one myself!

Kenzo, sighing, as he steps between the two: Cool it, both of you. All we wish for the boy to do…is to take part in the Unova League Conference using fused Pokemon. He needn’t win, of course. Just allowing the general public to see the former Champion use such Pokemon should be enough…enough for there to be a real demand for our DNA Splicer technology.

Gorm, rolling his eyes: Nonsense. If he doesn’t win, then the general populace will infer that fused Pokemon are inferior to their unfused counterparts. If we are to secure the funds we need for the Genesis Project, winning should be essential, should it not?

Kenzo, after a pause: You do make a compelling point, Sage. Hilbert…perhaps you should consider…upgrading your team, in some form.

Hilbert, shaking his head: No way, not happening. I know Serperior, Emboar, Simipour, Braviary, Scolipede, and Hypno far better than any of my other Pokemon! Any other Pokemon likely wouldn’t cut it for me. …Except Zekrom, I guess…but you guys know just as well as I do how stubborn he can be, when he decides to be a rock…

Kenzo, nodding to Takaaki: Indeed…although Zekrom can prove to be quite unreliable, at some points, the accursed scientist did bring one possibility to our attention. An Electrode, Takaaki?

*Takaaki disappears, then re-appears around 25 seconds later, with an Electrode in his arms. He places it on the ground, and takes the Black Stone out of its container again. Aiming one end at the Black Stone, and the other end at Electrode, in a flash of light, both Pokemon had combined to form…a Zekrode, of sorts.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (20)

Hilbert, gasping: You guys…made a Pokemon out of the Black Stone?!

Kenzo, nodding: Indeed. Thanks to Electrode and the Black Stone being relatively equal in size, the fusion was quick and painless. For other combinations, I can’t imagine such a transformation would be nearly as simple. But this fusion…is not our end goal. Observe.

*Kenzo picks up the Zekrode on his arms, and throws it towards a wall, like he’d watched Ghetsis naively do before. Zekrode lets out a draconic cry, before shifting into a Zekrom properly, as the psyche and DNA of Electrode gets overwritten by Zekrom’s overpowering Teravolts of energy, as it changes form.*

Takaaki, calling out a Genesect from one of his Poke Balls, as Hilbert panics, upon seeing it: Now, Kenzo. Initiate the fusion!

Kenzo, nodding, as he takes one of the DNA Splicers from Hilbert’s hand, and aims both ends towards the nearest respective Legendary Pokemon: Right. Zekrom, Genesect…fuse, to form Generom!!

*Both ends of the Splicer shoot out electrified wires at both Zekrom and Genesect, causing the pair to soon transform into a monstrosity of a mechanized beast…as even the Sages look on in horror, as it roars.*

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (21)

Takaaki, nodding, as he observes the beast, as he aims the Poke Ball at the creature once more: Good. Now that the fusion has succeeded, return to your Poke Ball for now, Generom.

*Just before Takaaki had been able to fire out the Ball’s capture beam, however, Generom snipes the capsule with its hand-mounted laser, and blasts it to pieces. Although Takaaki would never admit it…he was quite terrified of this development…along with the fact that he could have easily lost his hand, if the Dragon’s aim was even slightly off.*

Zinzolin, pointing towards the pair of ninjas: You fools!! Did you not even consider that some fusions may be far too dangerous to control?! Even Colress never made a mistake so grave!

Hilbert, shaking his head, as he rushes in front of the mechanized Dragon creature: Stay back! Hypno and I should be able to handle this monstrosity! Hypnosis, Hypno!! Make the Zekrom I know come back to his senses!!

*Hypno stares into Generom’s eyes, and swings his pendulum with ease. Generom seems to care little for Hypno’s ploy, and Wild Charges into the Psychic-type regardless, knocking him out easily.*

Kenzo, looking prepared, even as Hypno keels over: Stand back, all of you! I still have Ghetsis’ Metagrados…and I have confidence it’ll be what we need, to get this job done. Unleash a Meteor Mash into that monster’s face, Metagrados!!

*Metagrados rushes towards Generom, in a head-first assault…which Generom easily avoids, by gliding into the air. It quickly swoops down, and catches the metallic serpent with its claws, before filling its body with a violent Discharge of electrical energy. Being a Steel-Flying-type, Metagrado’s body can’t seem to take the power, as it ends up imploding from the energy altogether.*

Takaaki, tossing out a Poke Ball too: If anyone can save us now…surely it would be Ghetsis’ final fused Pokemon! Cofa*grisharp, slice it apart, with your Night Slashes!!

*Cofa*grisharp sends out a black wave of energy, but Generom easily blasts right through it, by covering itself in electricity, and slamming the fused Pokemon with a Fusion Bolt attack, causing it to crumple down to its knees, before fainting.*

Kenzo, shaking his head in disbelief: Impossible. Even Ghetsis’ last remaining fused Pokemon…failed?

*Generom then lets out a terrifying roar, before Discharging the entire area in electricity, before then flying out of the ruins, and up to Unova proper.*

Takaaki, wincing in distress: This isn’t good. The public won’t want to have anything to do with fused Pokemon, if that thing starts going on a rampage!

*Suddenly, another figure enters the scene, as the group began to panic. The Two Shadows nod with acceptance, upon seeing that Akira had recovered.*

Kenzo, with his eyes closed: Akira…are you aware of our current predicament?

Akira, nodding: Fusion experiment gone wrong, right? Fortunately, I think the Pokemon I relieved from Colress awhile back will be able to take it down…along with one of the new ones, that is. Go forth, Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus! Attack that fiend, and bring it out of the skies!!

*Akira tosses the three Poke Balls into the air, as the three Genie-like Pokemon take to the skies. The trio surround Generom, but the beast Discharges a violent surge of electricity into the air around them, causing both Tornadus and Thundurus to cry out in pain, before dropping to the land below them. Landorus, however, due to being a Ground-type, doesn’t mind the electrical surges at all, and flies straight for Generom, grabbing its arms. Generom responds by summoning a barrage of Draco Meteors to come raining down from the sky. In the ruins of Team Plasma’s castle, everyone notices the dire situation heading for their area.*

Kenzo, looking to the skies: Draco Meteors. Everyone, take cover!

*As the Triad disappear, and the Sages take refuge under the more rocky caverns of the ruins, Hilbert realizes this was the chance he needed for an escape.*

Hilbert, thinking to himself: Well, I probably won’t have a better chance of getting out of this situation then now! And since the Triad gave me back my Pokemon…

*Hilbert calls out Braviary, who quickly Flys him out of the Meteor-ravaged battleground, as Landorus and Generom continue their brawl nearby. Generom tries to free itself from Landorus’ grip to no avail, as its tail ends up bashing Generom from below, where it proceeds to land several more blows into Generom, with each strike hitting the fused Dragon with the power of an Earthquake. Eventually, one final swing of Landorus’ tail was all it took to send Generom plummeting to the ground below, where it quickly faints. The Meteors stop raining down from the skies…but the Triad didn’t sound too happy about the development, when they soon re-appear in the ruins.*

Kenzo, with his eyes closed: The boy…has escaped.

Takaaki, trying to hide his own anger: Yes…he must have taken advantage of the chaos, to make his escape. Akira…you must realize it’s your job now, to track down the boy, and eliminate him, yes?

Akira, bowing to his brothers: Yes…please, consider this as my first formal mission, upon recovering from my injuries. I will bring the boy back…no matter what methods I may require to subdue him.


*As Hilbert continues to Fly away on the back of Braviary, the pair notice the sudden lack of Draco Meteors raining down.*

Hilbert, thinking to himself: Well, looks like Generom was neutralized. But if that’s the case…that means Team Plasma will likely claim Zekrom for themselves again! I can’t let this happen again…even if I’m not the chosen one anymore.

Braviary, feeling confused as Hilbert tugs back on its wings: Bravier?!

Hilbert, nodding with reassurance: I know what you’re thinking, Braviary…but we can’t just leave Zekrom behind…no matter what he ended up getting fused to. We’re going back for him, before Team Plasma can get him.

Braviary, as he changes course, although still sounding hesitant: Bravii…ary vary brav…

*A short U-Turn later, Hilbert quickly finds the crater that Generom had landed in. The pair Fly into the depths of the crater, where Hilbert takes a second to look at Generom’s smashed-up body.*

Hilbert, sounding worried: Those wounds look pretty serious. I wonder if a Pokemon Center will even be able to-

Landorus, from nearby: LANDO!!! Lando landro lanado!!!

*Hilbert looks to the skies above the crater, and gasps in horror at the silhouette of one of the Triad’s Genie Pokemon above him.*

Hilbert, scrambling to take one of the DNA Splicers out of his Bag: Ugh, Team Plasma’s really not giving me much time to work with, are they? Still…they said these things can unfuse Pokemon just as well as fusing them, right? If that’s the case…

*Hilbert aims the DNA Splicer straight at Generom’s body, before a set of electrified wires shoot out of it, towards Generom…as the fused Pokemon’s bodies become forcefully seperated. Meanwhile, Landorus had summoned a Rock Slide, intending on filling up the crater, as a burial of sorts for Generom.*

Hilbert, panicking: sh*t, I don’t have enough time! Braviary won’t be able to dodge all those Rocks…but if I can use this Max Revive on Zekrom…then maybe, I can-

*After Hilbert pulls out the Max Revive from his bag, but before he can finish his thought, the Rock Slide ends up burying Hilbert, Genesect, and Zekrom inside the crater. No sooner than this happened, does Akira manage to rendezvous with Landorus.*

Akira, looking confused: Landorus, there you are! I imagined you’d be with your fallen comrades…but instead, you’re near this rock-filled pit? What happened?

Landorus, using his arms to demonstrate various scenes, as he spoke: Landorus lando ralando rusland!! Landorus andoru land land!!

Akira, looking to the rock-covered pit behind them: So…this crater is where Generom landed, huh? But…why did you fill it up with Rocks afterwards? Generom could have been revived to serve Team Plasma now that it was weakened…probably?

*Before Landorus could reply about what he’d seen, the Rocks in the crater begin to rattle, as Akira feels a sort of localized Earthquake of sorts, from right nearby. Indeed…coming out of the Rock-filled crater, Zekrom ends up carrying Hilbert away in a hurry…and looking quite healthy now, to boot!*

Akira, sighing, at the sight of the suddenly-revived Dragon-type, as it blasts far into the distant skies above them: Well, if that’s not a perfect demonstration of how lousy my luck’s been lately…I don’t know what is. Landorus…follow that cloud trail. Hilbert must be re-secured…for Team Plasma’s future depends on it!


Hilbert's Current Team:
Emboar (Wild Charge, Superpower, Flare Blitz, Facade)
Scolipede (Rollout)
Serperior (Contrary) (Hidden Power (Dragon), Dragon Tail, Hyper Beam, Leaf Storm)
Braviary (Fly, Crush Claw, U-Turn, Brave Bird)
Simipour (Ice Beam, Surf, Dive, Grass Knot)
Hypno (Hypnosis, Seismic Toss, Psychic)
Zekrom (Thunderbolt, Bolt Strike, Discharge, Fly)
Gurdurr (Smack Down)

Chapter 37: The Triad's Trap


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*The day having turned to night, Hilbert ponders over where to settle, in his hopes of hiding from Team Plasma.*

Hilbert, as he passes over Unova’s countryside, on the back of Zekrom: Well, I don’t know if there’s any place in Unova that’s more inconsequential than Lacunosa Town. Add in the fact that there’s a natural curfew to this place anyway, Team Plasma will never think of checking a place like that. Hey, Zekrom…take me down there, would ya? I think that’ll be the best chance we have of losing them for a while.

*Zekrom nods, as he Flies down Hilbert to the Town, dropping him off at the Pokemon Center on the outskirts. He tries to enter, but upon closer inspection, he sees a sign that reads that the Center closed at 10 PM.*

Hilbert, frowning, as he looks over to Zekrom: Damn, just missed the closing bells, huh? I know Lacunosa Town has a strict curfew, but what kind of Pokemon Center closes that early? Maybe if we book it, we can make it to Undella Town next, before-

*Before Hilbert can finish his sentence, a barrage of Earth Power volleys get launched from nearby, and connect with Zekrom, from above. As the dust settles, Hilbert stares in horror at the fact that the Landorus from before…had followed him.*

Hilbert, gasping: Landorus?! Could it really have kept up with Zekrom’s speed? I made sure we weren’t being trailed, but…ugh, Zekrom, return! Switch out with-


*Just as Landorus had begun charging straight for Hilbert once more, a mysterious Pokemon clad in blue armor rushes in, and seems to protect Hilbert, before he can even call out a Pokemon!*

Hilbert, hardly being able to murmur out a coherent sentence: Woah…are…are you-

*Cobalion merely shoots Hilbert a gaze that tells him he should escape while he can, while holding back the Genie. Thankfully, Hilbert seems to understand the nonverbal message, as he hurries underneath the town’s signature bridge, in the center of town. He quickly doubles back, however, upon seeing Tornadus wandering out from underneath its shadows.*

Hilbert, shaking his head in disbelief: Great…did all of Akira’s Pokemon make it out here before I did?! Simipour, I choose-


*Suddenly, a Virizion charges onto the scene, to defend Hilbert as well. Although Tornadus soon ravages the Legendary Pokemon with savage winds, Virizion, too, seems to motion towards Hilbert to make his escape while he can. Hilbert nods in acceptance, before running off to the most remote corner of the town, in hopes of finding some respite.*

Hilbert, thinking to himself: First Landorus, then Tornadus…there’s no question that the Triad must already be here. If that’s the case, it probably won’t be long until I come across-

Thundurus, interrupting Hilbert’s thought: THUNDER!!

*Hilbert narrowly jumps out of the way of a Thunder blast that Thundurus aims straight towards him. Luckily, a bulky Pokemon seems to leap down from several streets nearby, landing with a thud, right between Hilbert and Thundurus.*

???: TERRA!!! KI KION!!

Hilbert, laughing nervously: Uh…yeah, I get the picture by now. I think it’s safe to say I should just get out of town at this point, huh? Hahaha…

*As Hilbert takes advantage of the dueling Legendary Pokemon all throughout the previously-quiet town, he runs down a remote alleyway, only to end up running headfirst into a lone, cloaked figure.*

Akira, without even turning his body around: Hilbert. You didn’t truly think you could outrun the Triad, did you?

Hilbert, taking several steps back, in fear: Not exactly…but I did think I had a solid chance of hiding…for a little bit, at least…

Akira: Hiding might have provided you a respite…had you not escaped on the back of Zekrom, that is. Thanks to the clouds that Zekrom’s tail generated…tracking you down was child’s play. Just as easy…as finishing you off should prove to be.

Hilbert, chuckling with false bravado: You…really think so, huh? Those Genies of yours seem to be pretty preoccupied as of now, don’t you think?

Akira, finally turning around, to face his opponent: Perhaps…for the moment, that is. Do you take me for a fool, that I’d only carry three Pokemon on me, however? Let it be known, however…that you still have no idea what the power of fusion can truly do! Bisharp, Bisharp, and Bisharp! Let loose your Guillotine maneuvers!!

Hilbert, gasping, as he scrambles for his Poke Balls: What the hell?! Emboar, smash them with a Heat Crash! Serperior, send one away with your Dragon Tail! And Zekrom, blow past them all, with your Fusion Bolt!!

*As the Bisharp charge in, Emboar leaps with full-force into one of the Bisharp, easily taking it out, just as Zekrom is able to do. Serperior doesn’t manage to knock out his foe, but the Bisharp does get slammed back over to Akira’s side of the field.*

Akira, not seeming to be bothered by the result at all: Hmmph…think you’ve got us cornered, do you? Well, think again! Behold…an invention that even Colress had never unveiled! These Super Splicers…allow fusion between three different Pokemon! Now, watch, as Bisharp here fuses…with his fainted brethren!!

*Hilbert gasps in horror, as the Bisharp that had weathered Serperior’s Dragon Tail gets the Super Splicer attached to his back, which then has wires that extend out from both sides, and connect to the fainted Bisharp bodies from nearby.The trio of Bisharp to form a different, shogun-like Pokemon instead, who looked even more fearsome!*

Akira, pointing to Hilbert: Behold…the power of Kingambit! Show your power to Hilbert…by striking him down, with your Kowtow Cleaves!!

Hilbert, looking alarmed: What kind of moves is that?! Doesn’t matter…Zekrom, bash it with your Fusion Bolt! Emboar, Heat Crash into it! And Serperior, knock it away, with your Dragon Tail, if it…gets past…those two?

*Hilbert stares in horror, as Kingambit easily slices his way past both Emboar and Zekrom, before staring down Serperior afterwards. Serperior flings his Tail at Kingambit to ward it off, but the Cleaves make quick work of Serperior, too, to Hilbert’s disbelief.*

Hilbert, shaking his head: This is impossible…how could one Pokemon…have such insane power?!

Akira, relishing in Hilbert’s despair: Are you not aware of Kingambit’s ability, Supreme Overlord? For every Pokemon on my team that faints, Kingambit gets a 10% boost in power! And with the two Bisharp you knocked out earlier, Kingambit’s attack has surged! Now, finish him off, with more Kowtow Cleaves!!

Hilbert, pulling out his three remaining Poke Balls: Even still…I find it hard to believe that any Pokemon can get so powerful that quickly. Simpour, freeze it in its tracks, with an Ice Beam! Braviary, dive bomb it, with your Brave Bird maneuver! And Hypno, worse comes to worse? Put it to sleep, with your Hypnosis!!

*Kingambit, with just a precious few strokes of his head blade, easily Cleaves his way past Simipour’s Ice Beam, before cleaving through her, as well. Next, Kingambit rams the blade straight through Braviary’s body, courtesy of Braviary’s own momentum. Hypno’s pendulum is the next object to become sliced apart by Kingambit’s blades, before Hypno himself then meets the same fate. Humbled and terrified, Hilbert now finds himself at Kingambit’s mercy, as he slowly backs away from the menacing, barely-moving Pokemon.*

Hilbert, shaking his head in disbelief: This is unreal…there’s no way a single Pokemon should have been able to take care of my whole team that easily. That is…unless…the Genies…must have fainted too?!

Akira, nodding slowly: You’re getting the picture now, Hilbert. The Genie Three weren’t here merely to corner you…but to become chump change to power up Kingambit with…using the other Legendary Pokemon we’ve already captured.

*Kenzo and Takaaki appear by Akira’s side, as they call forth Terrakion and Virizion respectively. For Akira’s part, he reaches into his cloak, pulling out a seventh Poke Ball, revealing Cobalion.*

Hilbert, sounding terrified: No way…you three…had captured those other three Legendary Pokemon…this whole time?!

Akira, pointing to Hilbert: Your last mistake…was to underestimate the Shadow Triad. Kingambit…do the honors, would you?

*A blood-curdling scream travels all throughout the sleepy town of Lacunosa, that night. Although the residents of the city had largely grown accustomed to turning their lights out early, the shriek of a bystander was enough for a few brave people to break tradition, at least.*

Man, walking out of a house near the alleyway: That scream…it had to have happened from nearby! Honey do you- oh…oh no…

Woman, on the other side of the alleyway, just moments later: Oh my…isn’t that…Hilbert?! What..happened to the poor boy?!

Other man, from nearby: Hilbert? You don’t mean…Unova’s former Pokemon Champion, do you?

Woman, trying to shoo the man away from the alley: W-wait! You don’t want to look in there…it’s horrible!! I…I can’t…

*Word soon passed all throughout Unova, in the coming hour, and by midnight, the news had reached the entirety of Unova that Hilbert had been targeted in a mysterious homicide…just like his sister before him.*


*Bianca gasps at the news, as she happens to read an article on her Xtransiever, in Cheren’s room that night.*

Cheren, rolling his eyes: Don’t tell me…you aren’t going to suggest we adopt a Plusle again, are you? Those things are abhorrently weak.

Bianca, shaking her head: It’s…not about Plusle, Cheren…and who cares if they’re weak, when they’re so gosh darn cute? But…I don’t think you want to hear this, Cheren. I…I don’t even know…if I can say it to you, Cheren…but…I still think you should read it.

Cheren, taking hold of Bianca’s Xtransciever she offers to him: What are you talking ab- oh…oh. Oh my…Hilbert…?!

Bianca, trying to avoid letting her tears be shown: Is it…finally happening, Cheren? Do you think…we’re next on Team Plasma’s list?

Cheren, quickly reading through the rest of the article: …found dead by the time locals spotted him…no witnesses, but a horrible scream filled the air. Was dismembered…into several sections…with no attempt to hide the body?! His Pokemon…were nowhere to be found, either. …Yep, that has Team Plasma written all over it. That much is certain, at least…

Bianca, trying to hold herself together: No…Hilbert…! I know we haven’t really talked for awhile, but…but…unlike you, Cheren…I still considered him my friend…!!

Cheren, turning around, to hug and comfort his girlfriend, who had now began to openly sob: There there, Bianca. It may not look like it, but…I, too…am saddened by this development.

Bianca, in between her sobs: Y-you are?! But…you…you’re not even crying…!

Cheren, with his eyes closed: Forgive me, but…my father…and my mother, for that matter…heavily discouraged me from showing my emotions…even during my most vulnerable moments. I…I suppose…you could say I’ve run out of tears, in my own childhood. But…alas…this moment isn’t about me, is it? …Hilbert…I swear…I will make those fools in Team Plasma pay…no matter what it takes.


*In the ruins of Team Plasma’s castle, the Triad return, to meet with the three Sages.*

Zinzolin, as the three ninja re-appear in the ruined lobby of the main floor: Reckless! I knew trying to recruit that boy to our cause would be a fruitless effort!

Akira, shaking his tongue: Hold your tongue, Sage. We’ve tracked down Hilbert, and eliminated him, before he could cause us further issue. And for our efforts…we have regained and reawoken Zekrom, as it were.

Gorm, as his eyes light up: Truly? If that’s the case, Team Plasma is once again on the map, are we not?

Kenzo, closing his eyes: Far from it, in fact. The Blache-Winda siblings may have been neutralized, but their friends remain. Cheren, Bianca, and the three younger Trainers who have recently acquired all eight of Unova’s Gym Badges…they have all trifled with Team Plasma in the past. If we are to re-establish ourselves, we should set our sights on them, before anyone else.

Bronius, closing his eyes: Let it be a mission for another day then, Triad. You three have done your job well, and you deserve as much rest as us, after that fusion scare with Generom.

Takaaki, bowing to Bronius: Wise Sage, we accept your offer. Do not hesitate to summon us, however, if things change. We will meet with you three once again, in the morning.

*The three ninjas teleport out of sight once again, as Zinzolin scoffs at the kindness of his compatriot.*

Zinzolin: You fool…those children are likely crying over their friend’s passing as we speak. We could end this frivolous struggle of theirs easily, if we struck while they were all grieving! Why would you dismiss those three when our revenge could be over so quickly?

Bronius, shaking his head: Patience, Zinzolin. If we end up exhausting the efforts of our resident ninjas too quickly, nothing will end up getting done efficiently. Let us be thankful we even have such capable men among our ranks still. Unless you, of course, decide to dedicate yourself to the ways of the ninja…

Zinzolin, relenting, and turning away from Bronius: You’ve made your point, Sage…as I have made mine, as well. Let us hope this moment of rest does not give our enemies a second wind…or this struggle of our’s shall continue for even longer than it already has.


Hilbert's Team for most of the chapter:
Emboar (Wild Charge, Superpower, Heat Crash, Facade)
Serperior (Contrary) (Hidden Power (Dragon), Dragon Tail, Hyper Beam, Leaf Storm)
Braviary (Fly, Crush Claw, U-Turn, Brave Bird)
Simipour (Ice Beam, Surf, Dive, Grass Knot)
Hypno (Hypnosis, Seismic Toss, Psychic)
Zekrom (Thunderbolt, Fusion Bolt, Discharge, Fly)
Gurdurr (Smack Down)
Scolipede (Rollout)

Chapter 38: The Absolute Expirations

Chapter Text

*The following day, Cheren makes an Xtransiever call to Nate, Rosa, and Hugh, telling them to meet him and Bianca at their apartment in Aspertia City.*

Hugh, in the group call: As if! I don’t have time to waste, when I could be using that time to make my Pokemon stronger! The Unova League Conference is right around the corner, after all!

Cheren, not looking happy with Hugh’s answer: Have you seen the news today, Hugh? Team Plasma went and killed Hilbert. Is it really that hard to believe that they won’t come after you, and the rest of us next?

Hugh, scoffing: Hilbert was their main target for over two years now, right? Is it any wonder they finally caught up to the kid?

Rosa, sounding personally offended: Hugh, how could you?! Even if I didn’t really know Hilbert that well, no one deserves that kind of fate!

Hilbert, nodding: Yeah, exactly! He may not have been the best guy out there, admittedly…but even if he wanted to single-handedly change history…he certainly didn’t deserve to die over it!

Hugh, sighing: I’m not saying he deserved it…just that he had it coming, being the ‘Chosen One’ and all…like…of course Team Plasma wasn’t going to let him out of their sights after everything he did! And sure, we all may have meddled with Team Plasma once or twice…but we never tried to claim superiority by calling forth a Dragon of Legend to our sides, right?

Nate, shaking his head, with a frown: Hugh…you literally have a Legendary Dragon on your team. As do I, for that matter. The very same one that chose N, as a matter of fact. Even Rosa is implicit in our group now, even if she doesn’t own a Legendary Dragon herself.

Rosa, chuckling: Well…about that…I can’t exactly say I’m too different from you guys now, at this point!

Hugh, shaking his head: No way…you’ve gotta be kidding. Even you have a Legendary Dragon now?!

Rosa, giggling: Yep! You see, it happened right after I earned my last Gym Badge, from Marlon! I don’t know what it was about our battle…but Latios was apparently watching me, through the windows of the Gym! He wanted to join my team after that, so of course I let him!

Hugh, sounding flabbergasted: Wait a sec…how the heck did you get your hands on one of those things? And how did it unfuse?! Last I heard of one of those things, it was fused to a Reshiram, which Ghetsis piloted straight into the walls of a hospital, before blowing himself up, or whatever!

Nate, chuckling: So you do watch the news, Hugh?

Hugh, rolling his eyes: I didn’t have to watch the news to hear about that incident, idiot! Everyone and their mom was talking about how awful Ghetsis was, after that stunt!

Nate, shrugging: Point taken. But that still doesn’t explain how Latios got unfused.

Rosa, shrugging: Well, you have Reshiram now, don’t you? Clearly, those two got unfused at some point. What else do we need to know?

Cheren, replying: Well, the only thing I want to know is that we’re all safe, if Team Plasma’s back on another killing spree. There’s strength in numbers, and all of us are powerful Trainers in our own right. That’s why I wanted to suggest we join forces, and try to keep close in a sort of…partnership of sorts, for all of our sakes.

Hugh, shaking his head: Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe once the Unova League Conference is over, I’ll reconsider, but my team and I have more important things to do than watch over everyone else’s asses.

Nate, sounding annoyed: Come on, Hugh…just because we’re sticking together doesn’t mean we can’t train our Pokemon, too! Heck, I’m sure all of our Pokemon would get a ton of experience from battling each other’s Pokemon!

Hugh, scoffing: Why would I want to let you guys in on my team’s strategies, so close to the Conference?! It’s bad enough I had to battle you yesterday, Nate…but Cheren had to go and watch us too! Hell…I might even have to raise up a couple Pokemon you’ve never even seen, to keep you guessing during the main event!

Rosa, pouting: Hugh, why do you have to be so serious all of the time? Is winning more important than your own safety right now?

Hugh, rolling his eyes: With my Pokemon at my side, I’m as protected as any guy can hope to be, right? I don’t need anyone else cramping our style! But if you need us, we’ll be training in Victory Road. So don’t go bothering me until the Conference, alright?

*Hugh hangs up from the call, as both Nate and Rosa look incredibly annoyed.*

Nate, sighing: Seriously?! Who just ends a conversation like that?!

Cheren, relenting: It’s no use trying to reason with him, Nate. Still…I’m worried that he could become Team Plasma’s next target…seeing as they likely realize how often he’s alone, compared to the rest of us. What would you two say to an impromptu training expedition, in Victory Road as well?

Nate, nodding: I’ll never turn down a good excuse to get some training in!

Rosa, in agreement: Yeah, me too! Is Bianca coming with you, Cheren?

Cheren, nodding in confirmation: Yep, that’s the plan. Bianca seemed pretty excited about the prospect of battling in the Conference this year, if we do it as a couple. And I can’t say it doesn’t sound fun, at least.

Rosa, looking delighted: Hehe…I’d love to see what you and Bianca could do in a Double Battle, Cheren! I hope I get to battle you two in the finals!

Cheren, blushing somewhat: Well, I’ll have to see if the Pokemon League would even let us be a Doubles team to begin with…but if we can be…I imagine that could be quite fun, yes. But regardless…I say we should all head north, to the Victory Road. Are you guys in, then?

Nate, nodding: Yep! Be there in five minutes tops!

Rosa: Yeah, it shouldn’t take me very long either. See you guys there!

*The four Trainers eventually meet at the base of the mountain, where the four agree to split up, to try and find out where Hugh was, to keep an eye on him. Eventually, it’s Nate who ends up stumbling across a heavily-injured Starmie, who seems quite surprised upon sensing Nate.*

Nate, stopping in his tracks: Wait a second…I think I recognize that Starmie! You’re the one I battled just yesterday, right? The one on Hugh’s team?

*The Starmie nods, then Psybeams a stream of thoughts into Nate’s mind. Nate’s mind becomes one with Starmie’s mind, as he’s forced to watch through Starmie’s last memories.*

Hugh, looking quite distraught, as he faces down a cloaked figure, along with their odd-looking Bisharp: Starmie…it’s pretty clear by now…that we aren’t winning this. That’s why…I need you to Teleport your way outta here, and go find someone…ANYONE, and tell them what happened to me! With any luck…this news will reach Nate’s ears. And, since he has Ceecee, well…let’s just say, it sucks having to rely on others, but-

*The odd-looking Bisharp charges straight towards Starmie upon being commanded to use Megahorn, so Starmie obeys, and Teleports away, to a distant tunnel. The blood-curdling cry of Hugh could still be heard from where Starmie ended up, however…as it shuttered. With that, Starmie ended its Psybeam.*

Nate, sounding troubled: So…even though Cheren had the right idea in us following him…we were still too late?! I mean, I guess it’s never too late with Ceecee by my side, but-

Akira, teleporting in from nearby: So, this is where you ended up running off to, eh Starmie? Convenient of you…to bring us the other meddling pest as well. Kingambit, finish them both off, with your Megahorn!!

Nate, gasping, as he reaches for Ceecee’s Poke Ball: Not a chance! Ceecee, take us back in time…to when I had just beaten Hugh in that last battle of our’s! He may wanna go it alone, but we can’t let him!! Do your thing, Ceecee!!

*Ceecee nods, then places her hands on Nate’s shoulders, causing them to both blin out of the current time stream, as Starmie is left to weather the blow of Kingambit’s attack on its own, as it then faints. Traveling back to the events of the previous day, Nate watches as he sees himself accept Cheren’s Basic Badge, after his battle with Hugh.*

Nate, pointing the moment out to Ceecee: There, Ceecee! That’s when I’ll talk to my past self…just like I did before! …I think?

Hugh, slowly walking up to Nate, in the not-too-distant past: So…does that make eight Badges for you yet?

Nate, shaking his head: Not quite. I still don’t have Roxie’s Badge actually…but after that, I should have enough to enter the Unova Conference!

Hugh, nodding: I see. Well, Roxie should be a pushover for you now, I’d imagine…along with most other Trainers in general. Which means…I have lots of my own training to do, before the Conference. So…seeya.

Nate, sounding disappointed that Hugh was leaving so abruptly: W-wait! You’re just going to leave like that?!

*Suddenly, time stops all around Nate, as he finds himself staring back his future self, from about half-a-day farther into the future.*

Past Nate, gasping: Woah…is this really happening again?!

Future Nate, nodding, with Ceecee by his side: Yeah, I’m afraid so. Look, I don’t want to make you any more worried that you’re seeing me…well…you, like this again, but…Hugh…needs you to be his bodyguard, Nate. You…I mean, me…we can’t let him out of our sights. Team Plasma still has him on their radar, after all.

Past Nate, frowning: Figures, but…if you’re here, something tells me you came for a reason, huh? Am I…in danger too?

Future Nate, shrugging: Probably, I’d imagine. I mean, first they killed Hilbert, and then Hugh was next on their list. They found me next, so I’d imagine they-

Past Nate, interrupting his future self: Wait…Hilbert dies too?! We can’t just let him be killed off too, right?

Future Nate, scratching the back of his head: Well…yeah, I guess not. But I don’t know if it’s even possible to save both of them from Team Plasma’s rage…especially not over the span of like 18 hours.

Past Nate, shaking his head: Well, me…you did the right thing, letting me know all this in advance! I’m gonna do whatever it takes…to save them both!

Future Nate, nodding, as his body begins to disappear: Well, whatever your plan is, it seems I will soon no longer exist. Which can only be a good thing…I hope. Take care, me…and whatever you do…stick close to your friends…especially Hugh. He needs you way more than you think.

*Past Nate nods, before shaking hands with his future self, as he once again disappears before his very eyes, as Ceecee smiles sweetly…before fading away like him. Suddenly, time starts flowing forward again, like normal.*

Hugh, shrugging, as he continues walking away: I don’t have any reason to be hanging around here, do I? See you at the Conference, Nate.

Nate, shaking his head: W-wait, Hugh! You’re not going anywhere…without me being by your side!

*Hugh’s face reddens with embarrassment at Nate’s declaration…as his face turns red too, in response.*

Cheren, quickly breaking up the awkward silence: Well, whatever plans you two are making…perhaps Nate makes a good point. By training with each other, your Pokemon will only get all the more powerful together, right? Besides, I can’t imagine Team Plasma is too happy right about now either, with us leaving their last three Sages frozen over in police custody. Perhaps having a bodyguard of sorts wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Nate, chuckling awkwardly: Yeah…a bodyguard, that’s it! What do you say, Hugh?

Hugh scoffing, as he walks away regardless: Hard pass. I’ll be fine on my own. My Pokemon and I have gotten this far on our own, right? Last thing I need is someone slowing me down.

Nate, shaking his head: Hugh…you realize you just lost to me, right? If anyone should be slowing anyone down, wouldn’t it be you that’s slowing down me? Hahaha…

Hugh, sighing, as he finally relents: So, this is what I’ve brought upon myself, huh? Fine…you can tag along, I guess…but don’t get in my way, alright?

Nate, breathing a sigh of relief in his head: Yeah…haha, you know it!

Nate, thinking to himself afterwards: But wait…my future self told me that Hilbert dies first, didn’t he? Too bad I didn’t get around to saying where he died…or for where Hugh did, for that matter…

Hugh, wondering what was going on with Nate’s sudden silence, as he walks next to him: Hey…Nate? You feeling alright?

Nate, trying to brush away his own worry: Oh…well, yeah, of course I am! With Reshiram by my side, after all…we can do anything!

Hugh, rolling his eyes: If that’s the case…what are you still hanging around me for? Is there something you’re not telling me here?

Nate, thinking to himself: Well, I can’t just lie to him now, can I? Still, I don’t want him to freak about dying or anything, so…I think I’ll do the next best thing…and tell him about what I know about Hilbert.

Nate, turning to face Hugh: Hugh…it’s Hilbert. I…traveled back in time…to warm myself that he’s in danger. We…need to keep an eye on him, Hugh…to make sure he’s safe.

Hugh, sounding surprised: Wait…Hilbert…dies?! But…didn’t we return him to the police station, along with the three Sage guys? Who killed him?

Nate, shaking his head: I don’t know who, or where it happens, Hugh…all I know is that he’s in danger. Which means…we need to get back to that police station in Castelia…and fast.

Hugh, frowning: Well, if it’s speed we need…our best bet in getting there would probably be on your Reshiram, right? That thing can probably take laps around both Swellow and Kyurem…

Nate, nodding, as he calls out Reshiram: Yeah…you’re probably right. Well, Reshiram? Wanna take us right back to Castelia City, then?

*Reshiram nods, as the pair of boys climb onto its back, as they Fly back to Castelia in just a few minutes’ time. Upon making it back to the station, the pair quickly inquire as to where Hilbert was now.*

Officer Jenny, frowning: Oh, you two again? I know this will likely sound pretty strange, but…our precinct was attacked by ninjas! They didn’t harm any of us, but they did take the frozen bodies of those men you brought here. What exactly is going on with those guys?

Nate, looking horrified: No…were we already too late?!

Hugh, shaking his head: This isn’t good, Nate…Hilbert’s just going to die again at this rate, isn’t he?

Nate, looking defiant: No…not on my watch, he isn’t! Where do you think Team Plasma took them?

Hugh, shrugging: How would I know? If anything, we should split up, to be able to cover more ground. I was gonna head to Victory Road anyway, to prepare for the Tournament coming up, so…I could search the northern end of Unova, and you could maybe search the southern end?

Officer Jenny, looking befuddled as to what was going on: What on Earth are you two going on about? If you two want to file a missing persons report-

Nate, sounding frustrated: But…my future self told me…ah, forget it! We can’t afford to be squabbling over the specifics! Fine…you can investigate in that area. I’ll head to…Nuvema Town, to make sure the Triad doesn’t try to target Hilbert’s home town again.

Hugh, nodding: Well, that sounds like a plan to me. Good luck, Nate.

*The pair shake hands, before both running out of the station, heading to opposite corners of Unova, to search for Hilbert. Nate, upon arriving at Nuvema Town a few hours later that night, sees…nothing out of the ordinary happening, upon landing Reshiram in the area.*

Nate, sighing, as he thinks to himself: Well, looks like Team Plasma didn’t beat me here, at least. Better check up on how things are going with Hugh, at least. Just gotta open up my Xtransiever, and call him…

*Nate tries to call Hugh, but doesn’t receive an answer back.*

Nate, looking quite concerned: Well…maybe Hugh already turned in for the night! It IS pretty late, after all…maybe I should head north to Accumula Town to book a room for the night, and- hold up…no!! Hilbert…was killed already?!?

*Nate stares in horror, at the online article posted about the shocking, sudden death of Hilbert, in Lacunosa Town.*

Nate, thinking to himself: Well, we know where it happened now, at least! Ceecee should be able to help me set things right now, at least!

*Nate calls out Ceecee, who looks towards him, tilting her head.*

Nate, looking quite serious: Ceecee…I hate to have to use your powers again so soon…but I know where Team Plasma plans to kill Hilbert now! We need to go back in time a few hours…to warn myself about where Hilbert’s going to die!

Ceecee, nodding: Right. One moment…and I’ll allow you to speak with your past self once more. Keep yourself steady, now…

*The Celebi places her hands on Nate’s shoulders once more, and they go back into the timestream, where he sees himself and Hugh splitting up to search more ground.*

Nate, pointing to that moment: There! That’s when I’ll tell myself to just head straight for Lacunosa Town!

*Ceecee nods, and suddenly, Past Nate is alarmed to see his Future Self appear beside him, also riding atop his Reshiram’s back.*

Past Nate, looking quite startled: Hey…it’s me again! Don’t tell me…did you find out where Hilbert ends up dying?

Future Nate, nodding: Yeah, I did. Forget about Nuvema Town…it’s Lacunosa Town you need to get to, instead! With Reshiram by your side, you should be more than able…to get there before…Team Plasma…

Past Nate, looking alarmed: Wait…is that it? Why are you disappearing already? Don’t you usually get to stay with us longer usually?

Future Nate, looking at his already mostly-translucent body: Yeah…that is kinda strange huh? I mean, that’s all I really had to sa-

*As his future self fades away completely, he and Ceecee give each other a concerned expression.*

Nate, shrugging, after a few moments: Well, we got the info we needed this time, right? Reshiram, take us over to Lacunosa Town, on the double!

*Reshiram nods, as Nate returns Ceecee to her Poke Ball. A few hours later, they arrive at Lacunosa Town…which, like Nuvema Town before it…didn’t seem to be under any sort of immediate threat.*

Nate, sighing, as he thinks to himself: Well, looks like Team Plasma didn’t beat me here, at least. Better check up on how things are going with Hugh, at least. Just gotta open up my Xtransiever, and call him…

*Nate tries to call Hugh, but doesn’t receive an answer back.*

Nate, looking quite concerned: Well…maybe Hugh already turned in for the night! It IS pretty late, after all…maybe I should head to the Pokemon Center nearby and-

Akira’s voice, interrupting Nate’s own thoughts: That Pokemon. Reshiram…are you aware that it is still property of Team Plasma?

Nate, gasping, at the sight of the ninja, staring him down: Well…this isn’t good! Ceecee, get out here, and take me back in time again! We need to think of another plan…and quick!

*Ceecee, upon being called out…merely stares blankly into one direction…as Akira calls out Cobalion, in preparation for clearing out any more threats, before he can put his plans of eliminating Hilbert into action.*

Akira, sounding quite amused about the scene of Ceecee staring into the void: What’s wrong, kid? Can’t control your Pokemon? Allow me to relieve you…of all of them. Cobalion, Sacred Sword!!

*Just as Cobalion had begun to charge towards the pair, Ceecee stops time once again, to talk with Nate once again.*

Nate, gasping at the sight of Cobalion, having been frozen in place: Ceecee, what’s wrong? You can handle a Pokemon like that, right?

Ceecee, shaking her head: It’s not my own safety I’m worried about, Nate. It’s your future…you and Hugh’s! I…don’t know how it took me so long to realize this, but…you, Hilbert, and even Hugh…your deaths…are absolute points. Meaning…although we can delay each of them slightly…the Shadow Triad…always find a way to kill both of you, over the course of the next 24 hours or so. No matter what timeline I search…these events always seem to happen.

Nate, sounding terrified: What?! Then that means…Hugh! Did he-

Ceecee, sounding quite sad: Be it alone, or even teaming up with you, in the few timelines that he agreed to such an arrangement…you both still end up dying. Hilbert, too, will die as well, no matter how much you try and interfere. I’m sorry, Nate…but changing around the future at this point would be futile, in trying to save yourselves. Just as it also proved futile for Hilbert, as he tried in vain to save his sister.

Nate, shaking his head: But…this can’t be the end…can it?! Team Plasma…we can’t afford to let them win!

Ceecee, looking genuinely upset: There may still be a way to stop them…but it is not you, who will put them in their place. I’m sorry, Nate…but you must release me…so I can lend someone else my strength, instead.

Nate, struggling to cope with the information that Ceecee had told him: No…no!! This…this is the kind of situation that Hilbert found himself in with you before, wasn’t it?! You…you stopped letting him use your powers…when he realized he couldn’t save his sister!

Ceecee, nodding: Yes…that is correct. I wish things didn’t have to come to this, Nate. Truly…but had you not called out for me back at Victory Road originally…you would have died there, along with Hugh. The Shadow Triad is a force to be reckoned with, Nate…as you no doubt have figured out by now. They’ll stop at nothing, until they can bring back their leader. As such…I must ask that you release me…so someone else can take your place instead.

Nate, looking defiant: What?! No way…not happening! I’m not just gonna keel over and die without a fight! You’re gonna help me defeat this ninja freak, whether you like it or not!

Celebi, closing her eyes, and frowning: This isn’t up for discussion, Nate. If you won’t willingly comply…as a Pokemon who can travel through time…I have my own ways of preparing for situations like these. Like this.

*Before Nate can notice anything, he sees that Ceecee had grabbed her Poke Ball off of Nate’s belt, and had overloaded it with Psychic energy, causing it to break apart, as Nate’s eyes widen in horror.*

Nate, shaking his head, as Ceecee begins to disappear from view: Ceecee…you can’t just abandon me like this! We…were a team, weren’t we?

Ceecee, nodding: We were, Nate…just as I had lent my strength to N, and Hilbert, for times as well. I regret that I did not foresee this absolute point sooner…but it is beyond even my abilities to change such pivotal, unchanging moments in history. Goodbye, Nate…

*As Celebi Teleports away, time quickly unfreezes, and Nate finds himself getting brutally struck by Cobalion’s Sacred Sword maneuver…due to having no Pokemon out to defend himself, upon being hit.*

Akira, teleporting over to Nate’s side, and grabbing all five of Nate’s Poke Balls: …Strange. Don’t most Trainers carry six Pokemon on them? Well, regardless…these ones should prove more than sufficient in showing that I’m still worthy of the Triad title. But of course…the only good witness to a crime…is a dead witness. Nothing personal, kid…

Nate, staring up in horror, as the nina draws his dagger: W-wait…don’t…I could…join you-

Akira, shaking his head: Don’t waste your last breaths in compromising your ideals. You struggled against us just as much as Hilbert did, in his peak. If you want my personal thoughts on the matter…you were probably a better Trainer than he was, even at his peak. But alas…all resistance to Team Plasma’s ambitions…must be quelled. Good night…Chosen One.

*Before Nate can say anything else, Akira sends his dagger straight into Nate’s throat, leaving Nate’s own eyes staring up at Akira…as his own heart begins to race.*

Akira, thinking to himself: This kid…was it really necessary to eliminate him?! Sure, he rode up on Reshiram, of all Pokemon…but he didn’t really seem like nearly as much of a serious threat as Hilbert is. No…now’s not the time for regrets, Akira. You need to prove to your brothers that the time I spent recovering hasn’t dulled my senses. Lord Ghetsis still needs us, after all…and if there’s any way to bring back our leader…we will stop at nothing to bring him back. And Hilbert…is the last real threat to us, before we can begin our plans in earnest. Now’s not the time to time to ease up, Akira…not yet.


*Ceecee, now left without a Trainer once more, Teleports herself over to Rosa’s room, at Elesa’s fashion studio, in Nimbasa City. Rosa, who had just gotten ready to turn in for the night, looks in shock, at the sudden Pokemon intruder, who had appeared just as she was slipping on her pajamas.*

Rosa, quickly trying to cover herself: Eep! Wait…I recognize you! You’re Nate’s Celebi, right?

Ceecee, nodding, as she speaks via mind Telepathy: Yes, I am. Or at least, I was. I don’t know how else to break this news to you, Rosa, but…I’m afraid that Nate and Hugh…have perished. And no matter how I could decide to proceed from here…I would not be able to change such an outcome.

Rosa, covering her mouth with her hands: What?! Celebi…that’s…that’s terrible!!! Was it…Team Plasma…?

Ceecee, solemnly nodding: Yes…it was. It seems the Shadow Triad is actively working to stomp out all of their biggest threats tonight…as they put their next plan into action. Fortunately for you, however…they don’t seem to count you as one of their more important threats. For now, at least…

Rosa, shaking her head, with her mouth still covered: I…I’m safe? But…I was there when we first encountered Team Plasma in the Castelia Sewers! That is…until they…oh, enough about that! I was also there when I accompanied Nate, on the rescue mission to save Hugh!

Ceecee, frowning: Yeah…you were there, but you never directly battled with Team Plasma at all. The Shadow Triad likely don’t even know what Pokemon you battle with…despite the fact you’ve acquired eight Badges. You just…aren’t that important to them, honestly…which is a good thing! Especially now!

Rosa, looking quite sad: Well, I guess you have a point there…but I can’t just let Team Plasma get away with this! Someone…someone needs to tell the police what happened, and-

Ceecee, shaking her head, and interrupting Rosa: The Jenny Force isn’t going to get anything done, Rosa. Team Plasma’s way above their paygrade. If anyone’s going to stop them now…the job likely falls to you. And that’s why…I’m here to lend you my strength.

Rosa, still looking quite distraught: Celebi…I…I don’t know what I can do to help, Celebi! I know I’ve earned eight Badges now…but…I’m nowhere near as brave as people like Nate and Hugh were!

Ceecee, shaking her head: You know that’s not true, Rosa. You faced even more humiliating setbacks in your journey than either Nate or Hugh had to endure…and yet, you kept going, even in spite of those experiences! You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for, Rosa…

Rosa, frowning, as she takes an empty Luxury Ball out from her Bag: I certainly won’t argue against adding another Legendary Pokemon to my team, if you insist…but Celebi…please…I don’t want involved with Team Plasma anymore. I know they’re really bad people, but…look at what they’ve done to Nate…Hugh…and Hilbert! I…I don’t want to die too, Celebi…

Ceecee, flying towards the Luxury Ball that Rosa had brought out: Rosa…trust me, I’ll do everything in my power…to make sure you don’t end up suffering the same fate as they did. Perhaps there’s a way we can stop Team Plasma…from the sidelines. But right now…the future remains unclear. Perhaps it’s due to me going back in time so frequently lately, but…I can at least assure you…that I’ll do everything in my power…to keep you safe, at least.

Rosa, smiling after several moments: Well…that’s the best thing anyone’s promised me, lately! Welcome to the team, Celebi.

*Rosa taps her Luxury Ball onto Ceecee’s forehead, as the time-traveling Pokemon quickly ends up getting absorbed inside. Putting up no resistance, the Ball quickly stops shaking, as Rosa adds the newest member of her team to her belt…before drifting off to sleep soon afterwards.*

Chapter 39: A New Future, and a New Fate


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

*The next day, Rosa awakens to the sound of her Xtransiever going off. Answering the call, she sees Cheren and Bianca, on the other end.*

Cheren, sounding relieved: Well, at least one of you actually managed to answer my calls. I’ve been trying to contact both Nate and Hugh since last night too, with no success. Have you heard from them at all lately, Rosa?

Rosa, frowning, as she tries to keep her eyes open: Cheren…I don’t know how to say this…but-

*Before Rosa can say anything more, Ceecee, perhaps sensing what was going on, calls herself out of Rosa’s Luxury Ball, as Cheren gasps at the sight of the Mythical Pokemon…that now seemed to be by Rosa’s side, rather than Nate’s.*

Cheren, with his eyes quite widened: That can’t be…Ceecee, can it?

Rosa, frowning, with a nod: Oh…yeah, I guess I should have called you about that last night, huh? Well…Ceecee told me that Nate…along with Hugh…died last night. And due to their deaths being absolute points in the timeline, nothing Ceecee could have done would have saved them…

Cheren, closing his eyes, upon absorbing the information: I…see. I take it…the Shadow Triad was involved?

*Ceecee nods, as Bianca gasps in the background.*

Cheren, frowning: So…it’s exactly as I feared after all. The Shadow Triad must be going after anyone they deem as a threat to Team Plasma’s current plans. The fact that you’re still safe, Rosa…must mean that they don’t consider you to be a real threat…along with myself and Bianca, it would seem.

Rosa, looking disheartened: I know…Ceecee pretty much said the same thing to me. I don’t know if I should feel lucky…or insulted about that, honestly…

Cheren, sighing: Well, if I were you, I’d consider yourself more lucky, than anything. Especially seeing as your chances of winning the Unova League Conference just got significantly improved…if you decide to enter, that is.

Rosa, sounding surprised: I am?! But…surely I can’t be the only person in Unova to have eight Gym Badges, am I?

Cheren, shaking his head: You aren’t. Bianca and I have both collected eight as well, but you…have the power of two Legendary Pokemon on your side. Something I doubt many other competitors will be able to claim. I’d imagine you may just be able to win it all this year…if you’re still feeling up to it, that is.

Rosa, looking to her feet, as she finally makes her way out of bed: Well…I did begin my journey with the hopes of promoting my fashion line…but with everything that’s happened over this past year…I kinda lost sight of that particular part of my journey. Becoming Champion would definitely put me in the spotlight again though, so…I think I’ll probably enter. When’s the cutoff for signing up again, Cheren?

Cheren: A week from now. If you want to get some last minute training in, now’s definitely the time for that. Wherever you decide to go for that training, however…I’d steer far away from Team Plasma, if I were you…considering recent events.

Rosa, nodding in agreement: Yeah…you don’t have to tell me twice. If Nate, Hugh…or Hilbert couldn’t put an end to them, I know I have no business trying to do so either. Still…let me know if you learn anything, Cheren.

Cheren, nodding: Same goes to you, Rosa. I fear Team Plasma’s preparing for something new entirely now…but I’m at a loss on what their aims are now, considering most of their leadership has bit the dust. Stay safe out there regardless, Rosa.

Rosa, looking somewhat more positive now: I will! Thank you, Cheren.

*Rosa ends the Xtransiever call, and walks out of the Pokemon Center, before calling out Latios, and flying off to Victory Road, to get in some last-minute training with her team.*


*Meanwhile, in the depths of Team Plasma’s ruined castle, the Triad bestow the gift of a pair of DNA Splicers each, to the remaining three Sages.*

Zinzolin, upon opening his box, and seeing the set of Splicers: My word…DNA Splicers…? I thought those things had all been used up, from the few that Colress had developed…

Takaaki, nodding: We analyzed every piece of Colress’ invention, and we replicated them as best we could. From our tests we’ve done, they should function exactly as Colress’ own have done before.

Bronius, nodding: While that is quite the miracle…what do you intend to have us do with these? Pokemon fusion has been…quite a dangerous proposition, as of late. Surely you three would agree, yes?

Kenzo, shaking his head: On the contrary. We believe Generom only went crazy because of Genesect’s inherent coding. For a normal Pokemon, we believe they should behave as any normal Pokemon would, upon being fused. Every Pokemon is different, of course, so results will likely fluctuate. But we wish for you three to be our…beta testers…of sorts, before we sell these contraptions to the general public.

Gorm, sounding displeased with Kenzo’s phrasing: “Beta testers”?! What happened to the days where we were all equal, under the rule of Ghetsis himself?

Takaaki, leering at the old man: Are you not aware that we are all after the same future? Once Ghetsis has been revived, his ideas will surely lead Team Plasma to victory once again. But with Team Plasma being a mere shell of its former self at this point, we need money for the technology that’s required to bring back our former leader. And the sales of DNA Splicers should be what we need for doing it. …Especially seeing as we can’t rely on the foolish scientist anymore.

Zinzolin, frowning: It would be a fool’s errand to think that the general public would be okay with these devices…that genetically modify what are essentially their pets!

Akira, nodding: Trust us, we’ve thought about that. That’s why, when the Unova League Conference happens later this week…we’re going to force the two finalists into fusing their Pokemon together. So the public will be FORCED to see the potential of what our technology can do!

Bronius, shaking his head: Seeing it, and condoning it…those are two very different things, Triad…

Kenzo, nodding: You are correct, Sage Bronius…but we hope that their minds will be eased, when seeing Unova’s greatest battling it out, with their fused Pokemon. And with the curiosity in place…that’s when we’ll begin selling Splicers in every part of the country, and throughout the rest of the world. Team Plasma will once again reach the heights of two years ago…and eventually, the world will be our’s for the taking.

Zinzolin, still looking unconvinced: So…if that’s the case…why bother giving us these Splicers? You don’t expect us to go and qualify for the Unova League Conference, do you? We’re criminals to the majority of the region, you know!

Takaaki, nodding: Correct. That’s why we want you to test out the devices on your Pokemon first. If there’s anything we need to fix before next week, it’s paramount that we fix those bugs before the devices make their real debut this week. As for what we want you to do with these fused Pokemon of yours…

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*Takaaki calls a Mismask out of one of his Poke Balls, whose crimson gem reveals an image of Rosa training her Pokemon, inside Victory Road.*

Gorm, pointing to Mismask’s gem: That girl…I recognize her! Wasn’t she one of those kids that Colress tried to freeze alive, back on the Frigate?

Akira, nodding: Yes. She may not look like it, but she’s a bigger threat to Team Plasma than you’d think. She’s collected eight of Unova’s Gym Badges, and she’s likely planning to take on the Unova League next week. Of course, of the few times we’ve taken notice of her, she’s always been accompanied by Nate and/or Hugh…both of whom I’ve dealt with, since then. With her out of the picture, we’ll have stomped out Unova’s newest generation of up-and-coming, elite-level Trainers…who have all proven to be annoyances for Team Plasma thus far.

Zinzolin, looking unamused: So, you want us to do the dirty work this time? What’s the catch?

Kenzo, shaking his head: There is none. We simply wish to observe how well fused Pokemon can obey their Trainers. With our own Pokemon, they seem to obey us as well as they always have. But alas…a sample group of three is hardly to be trusted. That’s why…we wish to see how the Pokemon that you three have trained…react to being fused as well.

Bronius, shrugging, as he calls out all his Pokemon, and starts fusing them: Well, if it’s the three of us against her…I’d imagine victory should come easy enough. What say you, my brothers?

Gorm, shrugging: Although I can’t say I’m entirely comfortable with an assignment this…grisly…I do understand the Triad’s concerns. So…count me in, for this little experiment of theirs. Even though I still have the fused Pokemon from that undersea mission I briefly overtook, a couple months back.

Zinzolin, eyeing the Triad wearily, even as he fuses his own Pokemon: I’ll take on this experiment of yours, Triad…but if any of us end up getting hurt in the process…all three of you will have some answering to do, afterwards!

Takaaki, looking unphased: Fused Pokemon should be more powerful than an ordinary Pokemon, in most circ*mstances. As such, you three should have no difficulties in taking her out. Now…good luck, you three. Mismask, Teleport them all over to where Rosa is training.

Mismask, sounding delighted, as they begin waving their arms: Mask!! Mis….mask!!!

*Suddenly, the old men find themselves facing Rosa, as she gasps at the sight of their sudden appearance.*

Rosa, shaking her head, as she covers her mouth: No…aren’t you guys…Sages of Team Plasma?! How…how did you three find me?!

Zinzolin, looking the most ready-for-battle, of the three old men: Never doubt the capabilities of Team Plasma, young one. Prepare to atone for the crimes…of keeping your Pokemon bound to your possessions. Glalass, fire off your Icicle Spears!!

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Rosa, being stunned by the appearance of such an unusual Pokemon: Eeep!! What did you do to that poor Froslass?! Espeon, fire off your Mystical Fire attack!!

*Glalass fires off a barrage of black Icicle Spears from her own body, but the Mystical Flame that generates in front of Espeon’s head gem blazes straight through them all, before nailing Glaslass hard, right where it hurt, and KOs her.*

Zinzolin, looking somewhat embarrassed: Well…perhaps that was a miscalculation, on my part. Cloyvile, fire off your Icicle Spears instead!

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Rosa, still looking somewhat grossed out: What’s going on…with your Weavile…? Espeon, Mystical Fire, again!!

*Espeon fires off another Mystical Flame, but Cloyvile responds by closing the sides of its head in, while firing out a volley of Icicle Spears from within the make-shift helmet. They nail Espeon hard, just as Rosa was expecting the Mystical Flame to do, as well. Regardless…the Mystical Flame leaves a few burn marks on the Cloyvile's hemet, but didn’t seem especially effective.*

Rosa, sounding worried: What? I thought that attack would totally do more than that…!

Zinzolin, chuckling: Perhaps it would have…if Cloyvile wasn’t an Ice and Water-type Pokemon! Couldn’t you tell? Cloyvile, show her just how powerful your Water-type moves can be! Waterfall maneuver!!

Rosa, sounding unsure: Eep! Espeon, erect a Reflect barrier, and keep it at bay!

*Espeon does so, causing the helmeted fusion to run straight into it, stumbling backwards from the impact.*

Zinzolin, sounding annoyed: Break down that barrier, Cloyvile. Brick Break!!

Rosa, nodding: Now’s your chance, Espeon! Give it a taste of your Psychic powers!!

*Cloyvile Breaks through the Reflect barrier with its protected head, but that same head soon tumbles to the ground, upon getting assaulted by a barrage of Psychic energy, as Cloyvile quickly ends up fainting afterwards.*

Bronius, frowning at Zinzolin’s failure: Perhaps if you had fused your Pokemon the other way around, you’d have been able to utilize Weavile’s Dark attributes! But alas…this is no time for regrets. Magmortales, Overheat yourself, and ram yourself into Espeon’s tiny frame!

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Rosa, still sounding nervous: Your Ninetales…it looks so…weird! Espeon, take control of it, with your Psychic energy!!

*A pink aura appears around Magmortales’ body, as Espeon sends it flying into the air, where its body ends up getting pierced by the stalactites above them…KOing Bronius’ first fused Pokemon.*

Bronius, crossing his arms: Perhaps it was unwise…to fuse two of my mono Fire-typed Pokemon. But, for my next Pokemon, such an issue shouldn’t be encountered! In fact, you may already be somewhat familiar with this next Pokemon, Rosa! Latiakiss, summon forth a Draco Meteor, and quash her little feline!!

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Rosa, gasping: No…that can’t be…Iris’ Togekiss and Latias?! How…how DARE you three!! Espeon, blast it with your Shadow Ball!!

*Espeon charges up a Shadow Ball, but alas, the Draco Meteor summoned by Latiakiss ends up crashing through the ceiling of Victory Road, before Espeon finishes charging the Ball up…leading to the Meteor crashing down upon her, and getting KOed in the process.*

Rosa, sounding saddened: No…Espeon!! Simipour, get out here next, and down that thing with an Ice Beam!!

Bronius, shrugging, as he observes Latiakiss’ worn-out body: Fine by me…Latiakiss wore herself out, after that attack anyway. Try to get a Tailwind going before Simipour blasts you, if you can, at least.

*Latiakiss nods, and summons forth a small breeze…which isn’t nearly enough to stop Simipour’s Ice Beam, which makes quick work of the Dragon and Flying-type Pokemon.*

Bronius, nodding to Gorm:I will let your Pokemon do the honors then, Gorm…seeing as you have the most experience with fused Pokemon, than the rest of us!

Gorm, nodding: Of course. Lantine, use the headwinds provided by Latiakiss to propel forth your Thunder!!

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Rosa, beginning to panic: No…is that thing a Flying-type, Water-type, Electric-type…or what?! Simipour, blast it with an Ice Beam, to try and find out!!

*The pair of Beams collide for a moment, but the Thunder blast quickly ends up overtaking the Ice Beam, shocking Simipour silly, upon the attack’s impact…which quickly ends up KOing her.*

Rosa, after a moment of indecision: Um…Luxray, you’re up next! Charge into that thing, with your Wild Charge technique!!

Gorm, pointing right at Luxray: Use your Water Pulse technique to try and confuse that beast…otherwise you’re finished, Lantine!!

*Lantine tries to keep Luxray at bay with a Water Pulse, but the electricity flowing through Luxray’s fur gives him the protection he needs, before slamming into the fused Pokemon, and KOing it.*

Gorm, shaking his head: An expected outcome…but Blastnite should be able to capitalize on the situation. Show it your Outrage, Blastnite!!

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Rosa, gasping: So…that one has to be a fusion between Blastoise and Dragonite, right? Well, it definitely has to be weak to Electricity, if anything! Wildly Charge yourself up, Luxray!!

*Blastnite homes in on Luxray, ready to pummel the beast silly…only to end up regretting the decision, each time one of his fists landed in the electrified Pokemon’s fur. The Charge eventually brings Blastnite to its knees, and KOs it.*

Gorm, frowning: Perhaps a special attacker would be better, in this situation. Octimie, unleash a Psychic blast of energy towards Luxray!

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Rosa, sounding alarmed: No…Luxray, get in quick, with your Wild Charge!!

*Luxray tries to get in close towards Octimie, but the unsettling starfish-like creature stops Luxray in his tracks, surrounding it in a pink aura…before swinging it suddenly into the air…before sending it crashing to the ground next, which ends up KOing him.*

Rosa, sounding worried: So that thing’s a Psychic-type, is it? Latios, get out here, and fire a Shadow Ball at it!

Gorm, chuckling: Good luck landing an attack like that…if Latios can’t even see! Octimie, unleash an Octozooka - right at Latios’ eyes!

*The unnerving fused Pokemon blasts a wad of blinding ink straight towards Latios’ eyes…but fortunately for Rosa, Latios was a Psychic-type Pokemon, meaning he had many more ways to sense his opponent than just with his eyes. Using his Psychic abilities, Latios guides the Shadow Ball straight into its target, and KOs it.*

Gorm suddenly not looking quite as confident: This…might not be as simple of a task as we had thought. Seakedo, unleash your Horn Drill against Latios!

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Rosa, shaking her head: Latios, Zap it away with a Thunderbolt!!

*Latios electrifies his body, and sends sparks flying towards Seakedo…but the gruesome fish’s horn ends up absorbing the blast, thanks to Seakedo’s Lightning Rod ability. Now, with its horn glistening in a glistening, electrical charge, Seakedo leaps right towards Latios, and manages to Drill its Horn right into the Latios neck…which ends up being enough to down the Legendary Pokemon.*

Rosa, sounding worried: No…I don’t have many options left now, do I? Jynx, get out here, and slam that creepy fish into the stalactites above us, with your Psychic abilities!

Gorm, grinning deviously: Foolish girl…have you not realized that Seakedo is a Dark-type? Your Psychic attacks will do nothing! Now, watch as Seakedo has herself a meal…with some Crunches!!

*Rosa gasps, as she watches the freakish fish leap towards Jynx, as it proceeds to bite and gnash away at her physique, while Jynx continues to wonder how it was immune to her powers. Upon being bitten up enough, Jynx quickly faints too.*

Rosa, frowning, as she calls out her last Pokemon: Celebi…look, you said you’d do whatever it took to protect me, right?

Ceecee, looking back at Rosa, with a nod, a few moments later: Well…yes…but within reason, of course. What did I miss?

*Ceecee looks into Rosa’s mind, and catches up on how the battles have been going.*

Ceecee, sounding alarmed: Wait… I’m your last Pokemon?! And Team Plasma…how did they find you? I thought you said you wouldn’t get involved with them, Rosa!!

Rosa, shaking her head in desperation: They found me, Celebi! Trust me, I didn’t ask for…this!!

Gorm, tilting his head in confusion, at Rosa seemingly arguing with her Celebi, of which the Sages couldn’t understand, due to Ceecee not allowing her Telepathy to affect them: Why…is she arguing with that little- wait…it couldn’t be! Is that…Lord N’s Celebi?! Seakedo, quickly…down it with your Horn Drill, immediately!!

Rosa, still pleading with Ceecee: Celebi, please…! What if you…went and took all three of those old guys back in time, and put them into the UFO thing that Ghetsis drove into the Plasma Frigate? That way… all of the Sages would be dead, and everyone would be better off…right?!

Celebi, just barely being able to hold off the Seakedo’s Horn Drill with her Leaf Blade: Although it’s a nice thought…I don’t think…doing that would end up changing as much as you think. Nate…Hugh…and looking into your future…yourself…your deaths are all absolute points. Whether you die by the Triad’s hands…the Sages…or Colress himself, I lack the ability…to change any of your fates, Rosa…!

Rosa, almost screaming towards Ceecee in despair: I don’t care, Celebi!! I don’t care what it takes anymore! Just get rid of these guys! Surely one mad scientist would be far less of people to worry about, than these crummy old men! Please…you have to take them into the past, Celebi!! I mean…you said it yourself! It wouldn’t change my fate anyway, would it?!

Ceecee, frowning, as she finally manages to knock Seakedo away with her Blade: No…I suppose it wouldn’t change much in the long run, I suppose. Ghetsis would likely still die, after all.

Rosa, nodding: Right?! So, please…Celebi…do me that one favor right now, could you?

Celebi, turning to Rosa, slowly nodding: I can…but I sense an evil presence approaching…three of them, in fact. If I can’t defend you, then-

Rosa, shaking her head, as tears begin filling her eyes: You already said my fate was sealed…didn’t you Celebi? Then please…don’t give me false hope. Bring those old guys into the UFO…and let me face my fate…if not even you can change it!!

Ceecee, trying to hide her own tears from Rosa: Rosa…I’m sorry…that I couldn’t protect you. But I swear, I’ll always remember you. You…Hugh…Nate…and even N. I’ve failed all of you…and for that fact…I’m so very sorry. Forgive me…

*Ceecee suddenly then Teleports away, and reappears near the trio of Sages. Celebi lights up her eyes to a harsh, blinding shade of light green, as she encapsulates the trio in a force field, before Teleporting them all back in time…to the day where Colress’ Cascoon-shaped UFO had run into the Plasma Frigate.*

Bronius, looking flabbergasted at what had just happened: What on Earth…?

Gorm, narrowing his eyes at Ceecee: It was N’s Celebi, up there. SHE did this!!

Zinzolin, looking angrier than both of them combined: Ugh…I knew it. I KNEW the Triad were up to something this whole time! They planned for us to be eliminated…by any means necessary!!

Gorm, pointing to the sticks of dynamite all around them: No…this can’t be! Celebi took us back in time…to when Colress’ UFO exploded into the Frigate?!

Zinzolin, shaking his head: This…this seems too cruel…even for the Triad. You don’t think…it was the girl who ordered that thing to bring us here instead, do you?

Ceecee, finally letting the trio understand her Telepathy: This was Rosa’s idea, for your information. Not that it’ll matter, past the next sixty seconds. With the last of the Sages - you three - having been dealt with, Team Plasma is as good as dead.

Zinzolin, scowling at the Mythical Pokemon: You could say that again…because if all of us Sages die…the only ones who will still be around are the Triad…and Colress! And thanks to the oath they swore to Ghetsis, those lackey ninjas of his are gonna be serving Colress, as their new de facto leader! You’re gonna wish you’d kept us alive in the long run, you little celery-colored freak!

Ceecee, pausing in place for a moment: Perhaps…you have a point. But I did this…for my friend. And in honor of her memory…I wish you all the best…in the fiery depths of Hell.

*Ceecee then Teleports away at the last possible second, before the Plasma Frigate ends up colliding with Colress’ UFO…setting up the event that would soon lead to Ghetsis own death, by the hands of Colress’ Genesect swarm.*


Rosa's Team for most of the chapter:
Ceecee (Celebi) (Flash, Leaf Blade, Psychic, Teleport)
Jynx (Powder Snow, Confusion, Psychic)
Espeon (Psychic, Shadow Ball, Mystical Fire, Reflect)
Latios (Luster Purge, Draco Meteor, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt)
Simipour (Scald, Ice Beam, Grass Knot)
Luxray (Guts) (Wild Charge), Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang)
Garbodor (Aftermath) (Smack Down, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, Explosion)
Serperior (Reflect, Dragon Breath, Leaf Storm, Wrap)
Riolu (Telepathy) (Vacuum Wave, Bite, Force Palm)

Chapter 40: A Triad No More?


Yep, this chapter didn't exist before...nor the ones likely to come after this, and before the final chapter, either! You see, if you've read the final chapter before, you likely noted that I REALLY rushed through with an ending, near the end, glossing over a LOT of details, in the new version of history. Although the chapter will likely remain largely canon in the end, I do want to expand on everything I glossed over before. Hence...these new chapters. Enjoy!

Chapter Text

*In this new version of history, where all of the Seven Sages died in the pivotal UFO-crashing, history largely plays out more or less the same, until a certain point. Nate manages to win his father’s Gym Badge in Driftveil City, before stopping the rampage of Colress’ Mecha Tyranitar, in Twist Mountain. Skyla ends up taking Nate and Hilbert to Humilau City like before…but what was Rosa doing during this time? And what was Colress up to, now that Kyurem had obviously not been stolen from him, by Zinzolin? Only time will tell, in the new timeline’s events…*

*The scene cuts to Colress, now busy in his lab, applying some sort of black-coated upgrade to his base MT unit.*

Takaaki, teleporting to the busy scientist’s side: Colress…surely there must be something more important to be doing, than upgrading this toy of yours.

Colress, not even turning to Takaaki, as he continues to toil with MT’s internals: For your information, MT is getting a well-needed upgrade! If he couldn’t stand up to a cookie-cutter old Tyranitar, then what’s the point in not training the real one? No…my intentions are to build a Pokemon that can surpass the real one…no matter how much effort it takes!

Kenzo, teleporting to his brother’s side, not looking pleased: And what of Team Plasma then, scientist?

Colress, after a pause, as he then continues to weld new components into his mechanized Pokemon: I…don’t know! You two probably know far more about running an evil team than I do, after all! Go…do some murdering, or whatever it is that ninjas like you do! I’ll keep working on MT, in the meantime!

*Takaaki and Kenzo exchange glances, before teleporting into their injured brother’s room, who continues to be bed-ridden.*

Akira, upon noticing his brothers’ return: So…what’s Colress up to now?

Kenzo, sighing loudly: Fiddling with that frivolous toy of his…the damned Mecha Tyranitar again.

Akira, sounding confused: But…why?! How’s that thing going to help Team Plasma, in the long run?

Takaaki, closing his eyes: I haven’t the slightest clue what could be going on, in that scientist’s head. That toy of his lost to a real Tyranitar, however…and I can only assume that must have been quite the blow to his enormous ego, if I had to guess. As such, he probably plans to keep upgrading it, until it can win this grudge match of his.

Akira, sounding distraught, as he closes his eyes: Man…this weirdo scientist is really off his rocker now. Couldn’t we just…you know…kill the guy, and begin proceeding with the Genesis Project ourselves?

Kenzo, sighing: As much as I’d personally love to do that…Colress is really the only figurehead of Team Plasma that’s left, after all the other Sages got killed off in that UFO collision of his.

Akira, sounding quite sad in tone: Man…I don’t know how even Colress managed to round-up all of the original Sages, into that big explosion of his…but he definitely went way too far. Killing off even the Sages that were loyal to him…do you think… we’re next?

Takaaki, shaking his head: Unlikely. Even a fool like Colress is smart enough to know that having three personal ninjas to cater to his whims is something he can’t take for granted. Besides…if he really wanted us dead, he’d at least have struck you down by now, Akira…seeing as you’ve essentially been a sitting Ducklett as of late.

Akira, sighing: Yeah…I suppose you have a point, brother…but…did he give you guys orders, at least, in the meantime here?

Kenzo, in a cold tone: No. He said we were free to do whatever, until he summons for us again, essentially.

Akira, sounding hopeful: Wait…if that’s the case…then perhaps we could begin our preparations for the Genesis Project, then!

Takaaki, shaking his head: As much as I wish that were to be the case, Team Plasma needs far more money than it has now, before we can begin putting that plan into action.

Akira, after a short pause: Well…what about the treasure underneath of the Abyssal Ruins, in the depths of Undella Town’s waters? Surely we could make a fortune from those relics under the sea, right?

Kenzo, after another short pause: He makes a good point, Takaaki. With this free time we have, we very well could raid the seas, to start our plan proper…

Takaaki, with a slow nod: Perhaps the scientist…truly has enabled his downfall to begin. Kenzo, accompany me…in our plunder of the depths.

*The pair of ninjas then teleport away, to Undella Town’s coast, as the pair of ninjas exchange some thoughts, before their dive.*

Takaaki, glancing into the sea before them: So…we’re really going to have to dive deep under the sea, huh…?

Kenzo, sounding unimpressed with his brother's hesitation: Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten your underwater training, Takaaki. Although it’s been years since our last underwater mission, a ninja does good to never forget his training.

Takaaki, nodding: Of course…I remember it just fine. I just…hate the water, is all. And having to dive these garbs? The feel of it just gets to me sometimes, you know?

Kenzo, sighing: Would you rather be identified and persecuted for all the crimes we’ve committed? A ninja’s anonymity is his greatest asset, after all.

Takaaki, relenting: Yeah, I know. I’m ready…even if I won’t like it.

*Kenzo nods to Takaaki, as he dives into the sea below, just as Takaaki soon follows him. Thanks to the conversation they had shared briefly, while on the coast of the sea, an imposing, blonde Trainer, dressed in beachwear, who was also in the area, caught a glimpse of the pair, before their descent. Her Milotic, who had been slithering next to her Trainer, looks up at her in confusion, at the odd sight.*

Cynthia, frowning: How odd…those men certainly didn’t look like normal beach-goers at all. Just who are those people…and what are they after? Maybe…I should keep an eye on those two…just to be safe. Milotic, Dive me down into the depths…and follow those two…at a distance, of course.

*Milotic nods, as Cynthia grabs onto her, while Milotic Dives them both into the depths. The pair of ninjas, for their part, take note of the ruined underwater castle below them.*

Kenzo, speaking more quickly than an untrained human likely could, as to avoid letting much oxygen escape his body: The target’s just below. Follow.

Takaaki, also speaking just as fast, for the same reason: Hold on, Kenzo. There’s a Pokemon over there…and I think it’s carrying one of the gems!

Kenzo, looking behind at Takaaki, who had swam off the main path: Irrelevant. There’s likely far more treasure near the seafloor.

Takaaki, continuing to swim closer to the Pokemon, who he was unaware was a Starmie: With all due respect, Kenzo…the more treasure I can grab that’s closer to the surface, the less time I have to spend under here…which is all for the better in my books! I just gotta relieve that Pokemon of its gem, and- AAUGH!!

*As Takaaki goes to grab the ‘gem’ from Starmie’s chest, it responds quite violently, by paralyzing Takaaki with a Thunder Wave. Kenzo, aware of the danger he was now in, swims towards his brother.*

Kenzo, sounding concerned, yet also annoyed at his brother’s lack of focus: Takaaki, need I remind you of the mission?! Besides, that jewel is part of Starmie’s body…it’s not an actual gem…!

Takaaki, sort of just drifting in place now, in the water’s currents: Now you tell me…

*As Kenzo approaches his brother, he tries to hook his arms up to his brother’s, in an attempt to swim him to the surface. This kicks up a lot of bubbles in the process, however. The sight of two humans in such close, sudden proximity to the Starmie…causes it to spin its appendages around in fright, before unleashing a Thunderbolt, which ends up traveling between both ninjas’ bodies rapidly, violently shocking both of them to their cores.*

Takaaki, fully opening his mouth, in pain, and speaking in a normal pace now: AAAAUGH….KENZO, HELP!!! I CAN’T…I CAN’T FEEL MY BODY!!!

Kenzo, gritting his teeth, as he tries in vain to swim upwards, in the meantime: Keep calm, Takaaki…stop panicking, or we’re both going to drown!!

Cynthia, thinking to herself, several hundred feet away, as she noticed that the ninjas seemed to be in danger: That doesn’t look good…did they get attacked by a Pokemon, perhaps?

*Cynthia points Milotic towards the commotion, as Milotic quickly carries Cynthia to where the pair were, at a much quicker pace than before. By the time Cynthia and Milotic had arrived, both ninjas had seemingly lost consciousness. With the help of Milotic’s long, slender body, she helps surface the pair, as Cynthia then follows them out of the depths, helping to escort them to Undella Town’s nearest hospital.*


*That night, Takaaki awakens, as his eyes widen, upon his realization of where he ended up.*

Takaaki, as his minds’ thoughts race: Where am I…a hospital?! No…this is absurd…outrageous, even! If my brothers hear of my fate…I dare wonder if I’ll even be allowed in the Triad anymore, if my identities been-

Cynthia’s voice, interrupting his rampant thoughts: Oh, you’ve awakened, have you? I was worried, you know. Starmie can provide quite deadly Thunderbolts, especially underwater, you know. And unlike Pokemon, humans aren’t exactly conditioned to handling attacks like that…

Takaaki, after a momentary pause, sounding genuinely confused, and panicking, as he realizes he could barely move his neck: You…who are you? Are you…the one who brought me here…?

Cynthia, smiling, as she walks into view of the man: Relax…you’re safe now. I took you to the hospital as fast I could…along with your partner in crime over there.

Takaaki, sounding alarmed: Him too…?! Is he…safe?

Cynthia, chuckling, as she turns her face towards his hospital bed: Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him. He seemed to awaken far quicker than you did, after all. Unlike you, however…he’s barely even opened his lips. A man of few words, if I’ve ever met one, huh?

Takaaki, after another moment of pause: Yeah…sounds like him, alright. But…tell me, what’s the Champion of the Sinnoh Region doing, in a place like Unova…?

Cynthia, smiling, as she gazes into the injured man’s eyes: Heard of me, have you? Well, being Champion for so long, sometimes I like to head abroad, and experience life outside of Japan sometimes, you know? That’s why I bought a beachfront property, all the way out here in Undella Town. I’ve seen and met all sorts of fascinating Trainers, while I’ve been out here…but none have intrigued me more, than you two, honestly…

Takaaki, sounding confused, and unsure: W-what do you mean by that…?

Cynthia, shrugging: What do you think I mean? When I rescued you both, neither of you seemed to have any form of identification on you, and when the doctors tried to pull up any info of you they could find…they all came up with anything. Not to mention those ninja-like garbs you adorn…I think it’s pretty obvious why you both live off-the-grid, right? You two…are actual ninjas, of some kind.

Takaaki, as his eyes widen: You…I…we’ve…been found out…!

Cynthia, chuckling, as she kneels down to his bedside: Please, there’s no reason to freak out. You and I are a lot alike, after all. I mean, most people don’t know this, but…I’m a member of the international police agency…or Interpol, for short.

Takaaki, sounding confused: Why…would you go and tell me that?

Cynthia, shrugging: Is it that difficult to grasp? Clearly, people like you…ninjas, as they were…are never meant to directly interact with people of the outside world, without a real reason. I won’t begin to try and understand how you ended up in Undella Bay, of all places…but the life of a ninja…it intrigues me, I’ll admit. And I’d love to get to know the man…under that mask…

*Takaaki’s eyes widen again, just as several doctors enter the room.*

Doctor, upon noticing Cynthia was still in the room: Oh, Miss Cynthia. You’re still with the men in here? My apologies, but it’s time for their operations. Ninjas or not, they’ll never be able to move again, without these injections.

Cynthia, getting up, with a nod: Of course. Well, ninja boy…whenever you come to again…I hope we’ll be able to meet again soon.

*Takaaki and Kenzo get wheeled into another room, inside of their hospital beds, as Cynthia, too, leaves the room. The operation begins, as both ninjas are again placed under anesthesia, in the meantime. It wasn’t until another few hours, where both ninjas regained consciousness again. Kenzo, sensing that his brother had just awoken again, speaks to his brother, from his own bed.*

Kenzo: Takaaki…that woman…she knows too much…even if what she knows…is very little. You know what must be done…when we get out of here.

Takaaki, slowly remembering the words that he had shared with Cynthia, in the previous hours: Kenzo…I can’t do that. I can’t… and I won’t allow you to do so, either. She saved our lives, Kenzo…and surely we can’t just…end her, when she doesn’t even know our names yet…!

Kenzo, in a low tone: The path of a ninja is not to be taken lightly, Takaaki. In our line of life…lives are a commodity…while our own lives are not. The fact that she’s seen our faces…along with the rest of these doctors…you know what must be done, the second that we recover.

Takaaki, sounding annoyed: Even now…even now you’re still taking this ninja business so seriously?! Look at who our master is now, Kenzo! He’s a spoiled, flamboyant scientist, who’s obsessed with revenge, and nothing more! Team Plasma exists in name only, and we’re the last ones even carrying the group’s ‘ideals’...if you even want to call them that! Face it…I miss Ghetsis as much as you and Akira…but without him, the rest of the sages, nor King N…Team Plasma may as well not exist…and by extension, those ideals of theirs shouldn’t exist either, right? Team Plasma is finished…whether you want to admit that fact or not, Kenzo!! …Kenzo…?

Kenzo, after a long moment of pause, after Takaaki’s tirade: A ninja’s duty…is to serve their master, even after their death, Takaaki. That…is the basis of our Genesis Project, after all. Not even the barrier of death…should be enough, to separate us from the ninja way.

Takaaki, sounding weary: But Kenzo…think about it. If we’re the last bastions of Team Plasma…is it even worth putting the Project into fruition, if we aren’t all 100% committed to its completion…? Even you have some reservations over the plan, don’t you, Kenzo?

Kenzo, barely managing to nod, in his condition: You are correct, Takaaki…but it is not my, nor your, position…to argue as to the semantics of the plan. If there’s even a chance for a ninja to save their master, even beyond their grave…that is what must be done.

Takaaki, sounding distraught, after another long pause in their conversation: You…you aren’t the same brother I used to know, Kenzo…

*Just then, the doctors re-enter the pair’s room, and wheel their beds into a larger, more communal room, with the other medical patients, who also had been operated on, being merely separated by drapery that was dragged around via rails on the ceiling. Late that night, Kenzo speaks telekinetically to his brother, via their linked minds.*

Kenzo, as his voice echoes into Takaaki’s mind: Takaaki…my strength…has sufficiently returned…as I can sense that yours has, too. It is time…for us to eliminate all who have seen us, tonight…along with the woman, from before.

Takaaki, answering back, within Kenzo’s mind: I can’t…and I won’t, Kenzo. If you want to hurt these people…you’ll have to go through me, first. Because laying a finger on them…would be like laying a finger on Akira…who, too, is bed-ridden, and unaware of what’s going on in here.

Kenzo, who’s voice echoes forth once more, in Takaaki’s mind, after another long pause: Then it has come to this, then. I had sorely hoped I would never have to face either of my brothers, in pure combat…but you leave me with no choice, Takaaki. Prepare yourself…and be ready.

*Takaaki quickly and forcibly removes every piece of hospital contraption that had been hooked up to his body, no doubt alerting the hospital’s staff to an issue, nearly imminently. Of course, he figured that Kenzo had likely ended up doing the exact same.*

Takaaki, thinking to himself, as he launches himself onto the ceiling of the room, amongst the curtain rails: One minute. It’ll take one minute for the overnight hospital staff to rush in, and realize that we’re both gone. One of us is going to need to find the other…and end this as quickly and decisively as possible.

Kenzo, meditating in his bed, and quickly picking up on Takaaki’s position, as he thinks to himself: Leaving yourself open, before I even make a single movement…as undeliberate as ever, Takaaki…

*Kenzo proceeds to unhook himself from all his hospital contraptions as well, and instantly phases into Takaaki’s corner of the room, where he leaps up to the ceiling, where Takaaki had clung to, and covers the latter’s position, by pulling out a kunai knife while right on top of him…or, below him, in this instance.*

Takaaki, panicking, and transmitting his thoughts into Kenzo’s mind, without even moving his mouth: Kenzo…how did you-

Kenzo, interrupting the thoughts of his brother, within their linked minds: You fool…a ninja of your skill should have easily seen this coming. I conditioned you into taking the initiative, and revealing your location to me, via your movements. After all, you know what they say? The first to act, among ninjas…is the first to die.

*Kenzo sinks his knife straight into Takaaki’s heart, as he then allows Takaaki to drop to the floor afterwards, upon the blow being made.*

Kenzo, thinking to himself, as he stares down at his brother’s body, which bled out onto the white-paneled floor below him: Forgive me brother…but you have strayed from the path. And as such…we both know what must now follow.

*What follows is a bloodbath, of every doctor, patient, and bystander in the building. Not a single person was spared from Kenzo’s wave of death. Needing a scapegoat all the same, of course, Kenzo grabs a gun that he had found, amongst his slaughter, and keeps hold of it, as he teleports over to Cynthia’s villa.*

Kenzo, thinking to himself, as he stares at Cynthia, asleep in her villa: So…this is the woman who nearly broke Takaaki. A convenient scapegoat she will end up being, at the very least.


*The next morning, the entirety of Unova, along with Sinnoh, and the rest of the world at large, is shocked to learn of the shocking story from the night before. Cynthia, gun-in hand, had apparently massacred the entire hospital’s population, before finishing herself off, with a self-inflicted gunshot afterwards.*

Nate, upon seeing the news on TV, in the Humilau City Pokemon Center the next morning: No way…that couldn’t have been her…could it have been…?

Hilbert, who was also in the lobby with him, having spent the prior night there as well: People can surprise you, Nate. Heck, even I’ve had friends I previously thought dear to me…before realizing that they don’t have my best interests in mind.

Nate, looking to the ground, in a softened voice: I mean…he didn’t seem to be that bad of a guy, when I battled him before…

Hilbert, raising his voice a bit: Anyone who intends to get between me, and that Celebi…isn’t a friend of mine, to put it lightly. I will make history right, Nate…no matter what it takes.

Nate, scratching the back of his neck, in anxiousness: Uh…right. Anyway, with seven Badges now, thanks to our victories against Marlon yesterday…I should probably be heading back to Aspertia City, to get Cheren’s Gym Badge next. Especially seeing as my Pokemon should more than be able to handle his Pokemon now.

Hilbert, sounding surprised: Wait…his is the last Gym Badge you need, to enter the Unova League? Isn’t his Gym the first in the recommended order, though?

Nate, shrugging: Yeah…weird, isn’t it? Let’s just say, I’ve taken a…unique path with my team, so far. But seeing as Cheren’s your enemy these days, I take it our ways will probably part here, right?

Hilbert, closing his eyes for a moment: Actually…I think I’ll accompany you there, Nate. I have some things to grab from over there anyway, after all.

Nate, thinking to himself: He’s really insistent on following me around lately, isn’t he? I wonder if he’s gotten suspicious of me? No…he’s had plenty of time to steal Celebi for himself last night, if that were the case…seeing as he was in the room right across from mine all night. Still…I can’t just leave my guard down, either. I’ve just gotta keep things cool…and maybe tell Cheren about what’s been going on, if Hilbert doesn’t follow me into the Gym, or anything.

Nate, after a moment of pause had passed: Okay. Well, I’ll be headed out here, once I grab my things, so I hope you’re ready too!

Hilbert, seeming convinced by Nate’s act: Sounds great, already packed up here, so I’ll wait here before we take-off too!

*After Nate grabs a few things from his room, and the pair ride their Pokemon over to the other end of Unova, in this end of Unova, however, Kenzo suddenly approaches Colress, as he catches the scientist walking back into his lab*

Colress, looking a bit startled: Oh, Kenso! Akima and Takiimi not with you today, apparently?

Kenzo, with his eyes closed, despite the tension between the two being almost palpable: As of today, Takaaki will no longer be with us. Be assured, however…the Triad will remain a Triad, all the same. Another ninja will be brought in…to fill the shoes he once wore. That is all.

Colress, actually looking quite serious for once: Wait…one of your brothers…died? This seems to be quite the important piece of news, to not be sharing with your master, you know…

*Without another word, Kenzo simplay Teleports away from Colress, leaving the scientist quite confused…and concerned.*

Colress, thinking to himself: Well, that’s certainly not the kind of news I wanted to wake up to. If those ninja were so loyal to Ghetsis…perhaps I’m their next target now? Perhaps…I should look into… alternative bodyguards…and sooner, rather than later.

Chapter 41: The End of an Era...and the Beginning of Another


I have since changed my tone on the ending of this story, due to adding in new chapters before this. These will likely be chapters that end up retconning the first portion of this chapter...or they may not! Whatever the case, this chapter will likely remain a spoiler as to how I end these new chapters all the same, this chapter at your own risk, I suppose!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

*A few months after the aerial collision had taken place, Colress summons the Shadow Triad into his lab.*

Colress, smiling nonchalantly: Status report, boys?

Akira, nodding: Nate, Hugh, and now…even Rosa…have all been terminated, as per your requests. No one will dare to question Team Plasma’s power at this point, Commander.

Colress, nodding slowly: Most excellent. Once again, dear Triad, I remain in awe, of how quickly you three can get the jobs done. Now, all that’s left, to expand Team Plasma’s influence even further…is to begin the wide disbursem*nt…of our patented DNA Splicers! Tell me, dear Triad…is everyone set to be using our little devices for this year’s Unova League Conference?

Kenzo, nodding: Of course. We’ve already supplied each of this year’s competitors with six DNA Splicers each. Each match of the Conference will be fought using only fused Pokemon…and anyone who objects…will get to meet Lord Arceus in the flesh.

Colress, smiling widely: Most excellent. I can hardly wait until tomorrow then, boys…for this Unova League Conference…will be the start of an entirely new era of Pokemon battling! I can feel it already! And with all the money from Splicer Sales…the Colress Corporation will be the richest conglomerate on the globe! So, put your feet up for the rest of the night with me, boys! You earned it!

Kenzo, pausing for a moment: Unfortunately, my brothers and I…have other plans to attend to tonight, we’re afraid. Our apologies, Commander Colress.

*The Triad teleports away, leaving Colress to sigh, being alone again in his lab.*

Colress, calling out his Metagross, to speak with it: Oh, those ninjas…quite the fickle ones, aren’t they? But all of this money, all of this fame…I truly don’t care for any of these extras. It’s for the love of science that we do what we do, isn’t it Metagross?

Metagross, nodding enthusiastically: Meh ta!!

Colress, grinning: Yes…I suppose these gold-lined walls are quite appealing though, are they not? Almost like icing on an already-delicious cake, if you will…


*In Cheren’s apartment, the pair of himself and Bianca turn their television set to the channel broadcasting the Unova League Conference, from the comfort of their own place.*

Bianca, smiling: Wow, looks like a lot of the old guard have come back to take their places among Unova’s Greatest, eh?

Cheren, frowning: Isn’t that obvious? With Hilbert, Nate, Hugh, and Rosa all being gone, Unova’s sort of stripped of real stand-out Trainers, at the moment…with Iris’ reign of being Champion having been cut tragically short, and with Clay having taken a leave of absence, too, following Nate’s…you know…

Bianca, frowning: Yeah…I know. I’m just saying…it’s sorta nostalgic again to see the line-up of Unova’s old guard again, you know? Getting to see Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, and Caitlin again…it just sorta warms my heart after such a rough year, you know? Getting to see them and their Pokemon in action again is going to be a delightful throwback at least, right?

Cheren, sounding unamused, upon seeing the first Pokemon being called onto the field: Well, don’t look now, then…because it looks like they’re all battling with fused Pokemon this year.

Bianca, hardly believing her eyes, and taking a few moments to process what she was seeing: …WHAT?! Seriously? Even…the Elite Four of Unova’s old guard…are using fused Pokemon?!? Surely…they can’t endorse those accursed Splicer things…can they?!

Cheren, sighing: Any person’s moral compass can be altered, if you throw enough money at them, I guess. I don’t even want to think what Colress must have paid them all, to get them all to shill for his new Splicers…

Bianca, shaking her head in disappointment: This…this isn’t right, Cheren! The science…the technology behind those things…it hasn’t been tested enough! And the Pokemon…who knows what the long-term effects of such a procedure could cause?

Cheren, frowning: Indeed…let’s just hope Professor Juniper does the right thing, at least, and bans those things from being sold in Unova, when the Colress Corporation inevitably ends up mass-producing the things.

Bianca, frowning: Wait…didn’t I tell you, Cheren? Professor Juniper…is thinking of retiring, come next year.

Cheren, as his eyes widen: Seriously?! Ugh…of course Colress is planning to advertise those Splicers right now…because if Professor Juniper’s retiring, the new Professor will probably end up being swayed far more easily than she would be…

Bianca, giggling: Oh…I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Cheree baby!

Cheren, raising his eyebrow: Oh? And why’s that, then?

Bianca, trying her best to contain her excitement: Well…I’m not really supposed to tell anyone this for another few weeks yet, but…you’re good at keeping secrets, aren’t you?

Cheren, as his eyes widen: Bianca…don’t tell me that-

Bianca, nodding excitedly: Yep!! Starting next year, I’ll be the Professor of the Unova Region, going forward!

Cheren, smiling: No kidding, huh? Congrats, babe…I know you were really working hard for that position…

Bianca, winking in agreement: You bet I was! All those hours of field work finally paid off, huh? Not to mention that Aurea’s since…forgiven us for that…er…Fossil incident, from a year ago. Hahaha…

Cheren, smiling: Well, all’s well that ends well, right?

Bianca, nodding with a smile: Yeah…but most importantly, me being Professor means that Colress won’t be able to try and stock the shelves of Unova’s Poke Marts with DNA Splicers…in Unova, at least.

Cheren, frowning, as he looks back at the TV screen: Well, that’s good for us, I guess…but I shudder to think about what’s going to happen to Pokemon in the rest of the world, at this point…

Bianca, finally sounding saddened: Yeah…I’ll do what I can to discourage the devices in other regions, but I’ll definitely lack any real authority on the matter, in places like Hoenn, or the Indigo Plateau. Maybe I can try and do my best to become a part of the International Pokemon League Association…but even that’s probably a pipe dream…even for us.

Cheren, shrugging, as he continues watching the battles between the teams of fused Pokemon: Well…crazier things have happened, right? If you truly believe in your ideals…you shouldn’t let anything stop you, in your pursuit of the truth.

Bianca, hugging herself close to her boyfriend: Cheren…I love it when you get deep like that.

Cheren, chuckling: Please…it really wasn’t that deep. I can always go far deeper, as I’m sure you’re well-aware…

Bianca, winking: Well, Cheree baby…prove it to me! Show me…just how deep you can get!

*Cheren takes the opportunity to tackle Bianca into his bed, where they proceed to make the bed sheets nasty…as they end up forgetting all about the Unova League Conference, which had still been playing in the background. As the pair end up going as deep as they can, a new Champion of Unova is crowned…which ends up changing the world of Pokemon as they knew it, throughout the rest of the world.*


I guess I just missed Valentine's Day, for publishing this last chapter, eh? Regardless, look forward to the next story in this series...which will obviously be focused on Pokemon Infinite Fusion...AKA, the first PC Pokemon fangame I'll be covering in story form! Look forward to that one starting very soon! ^^

Unova's New Generation! Black and White Part 2! - EmmaTheOnly - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.