Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (2024)

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Sweet Cashew Cream – A luscious cashew sweet cream made with blended cashews, vanilla and dates is perfect for fruit tarts, dolloped on pancakes and waffles, or use it as a dip for fresh berries!

Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (1)

Cashews are such an incredible and versatile ingredient in the vegan & raw vegan kitchen. They can be made into Cashew Ricotta Cheese, Vegan Cashew Sour Cream, dressings, sauces and raw cookies to name a few. And this cashew sweet cream is another wonderful way to blend up wholesome cashews!

Use this sweet cashew cream as a dip for fruits or as a center like this Raw Fruit Tart. You can top it on pies as a cool whip replacement, or use it as a frosting for cakes and cupcakes. Slathered it on carrot banana bread or classic banana bread, or drizzled on top of pancakes, waffles, or cinnamon swirl bread.

Cashew Sweet Cream is:

  • Quick and easy to make
  • Luscious and creamy
  • Refined sugar free
  • Versatile
  • dairy-free
  • minimal ingredients
  • & So delicious!

Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (2)

Ingredients You’ll Need

In this recipe, cashews are blended with dates and vanilla, creating simple and delightful sweet cream that’s versatile and delicious.

Here is everything you will need:

  • 1 cup of raw cashews – Soaking the cashews first will aid in digestion and will take anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the method of soaking (more on this in the recipe card).
  • 3 – 4 pitted medjool dates – Use the freshest you can find, as they are soft and supple.
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract – Adds an overall wonderful flavor!
  • pinch of mineral salt – Just a pinch will do to enhance the flavors.

Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (3)

How To Make Sweet Cashew Cream

(Note – The full printable recipe is at the bottom of this post)

Making cashew sweet cream is so easy to make, and you don’t need an expensive blender either. I love using my NutriBullet (affiliate link) for making cashew creams and sauces. It’s powerful, small and cleans up nicely!

  • Soak the cashews. Add the cashews to a bowl and cover with hot water, let soak for 10 minutes. Or cover with cool water and let soak for 1 – 3 hours. Feel free to skip this step if you don’t have nut sensitivities.
  • Blend. Once you’ve prepped the cashews, simply add them, along with the dates and water to the cup of your favorite blender and blend until creamy, stopping every so often to scrape down the sides as needed.
  • Chill. Use right away or let it chill in the refrigerator before using. Cream will thicken once chilled.

Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (4)

How To Store

  • Refrigerator: Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days in a covered container. Give a good stir before using.
  • Freezer: For longer storage, keep in the freezer for up to 2 – 3 months. Let thaw before using.

Serving Suggestions

The uses and flavor combinations are only as limited as our imagination and taste buds. With this one recipe you can create many wonderful creations!

Here a few of my favorite options:

  • Add a dollop on Waffles, Pancakes, or Chia Pudding.
  • Use it as a dip for your favorite fresh berries or fruit.
  • It’s a filling for this Raw Fruit Tart.
  • Serve it to the center of crepes along with some fresh fruit or warm fruit compote.
  • Top it on pies as a cool whip replacement, or as a frosting for cakes and cupcakes.
  • Slather it on Carrot Banana Bread or Classic Banana Bread.
  • For variation, add in a little cinnamon, vanilla bean seeds or other favorite dessert spices.

Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (5)

If you try this cashew sweet cream recipe, please let me know! Leave a comment and rate it below. I love to hear what you think, or any changes you make.



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Use this sweet cashew cream in fruit tarts, dolloped on pancakes and waffles, or as a dip for fresh berries!

  • Author: Julie | The Simple Veganista
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: Makes 1 1/2 cups 1x
  • Category: Condiment
  • Method: blender
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan



  • 1 cup raw cashews, preferably soaked 2 to 3 hours
  • 45 medjool dates
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3/41 + 1/4 cup water (185 – 310ml)



  • Combine all ingredients, start with only 3/4 cup water, and blend until creamy smooth, stopping every now and then to scrape down the sides.
  • Add additional water 1 or 2 tablespoons at a time until desired consistency. If you find you added too much water, add a few more cashews and blend.
  • Taste for flavor, adding an extra date or two for added sweetness if desired.

Store: Leftover cashew cream can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Sweet cream will thicken when chilled. Keep in the freezer for 2 – 3 months, let thaw before using.

Makes anywhere from 1 1/2 cups and up, depending on how much water you use.


Quick soak cashews: To soak your cashews quickly, cover them with hot water and let set for 5 – 10 minutes. Drain cashews and use accordingly.

Regular soak for cashews: Cover with an inch of cool water, let soak for 2 – 3 hours. Cashews don’t need any longer than 3 hours, but will be ok if soaked longer.

You may also like to use almonds without the skins. Soak your almonds at least eight hours or overnight.

Photos shown represent using 4 dates, 3/4 cup water, and cashews quick soaked for 10 minutes.

RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: I love myNutriBullet (affiliate link) for small jobs like this! It’s compact, easy to use and cleans up well.

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Sweet Cashew Cream (Quick + Easy Recipe) - The Simple Veganista (2024)


What is a vegan substitute for cashew cream? ›

Canned coconut milk is a lot thinner than cashew cream but it is a great alternative to cashew cream. If you're making a recipe that calls for a creamy sauce, try using canned coconut milk or coconut cream. Coconut milk is great in curries, soups, stews, and pasta sauces.

How long does cashew cream last in fridge? ›

For sweet cream, add maple syrup and vanilla. For coffee creamer, use the sweet version (maple syrup + vanilla) and add an additional 1/2 cup of water. Store cashew cream in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. You can also freeze cashew cream, simply re-blend or whisk well once it thaws.

Is cashew cream healthier than heavy cream? ›

Cashew Cream

“Cashews are a rich source of minerals, like magnesium, copper and zinc, plus plant-based protein and healthy fat, making them an excellent substitute for heavy cream from both a nutritional and culinary perspective,” she notes. Cashews are also linked to some health benefits.

What happens if I use roasted cashews instead of raw? ›


The number of nutrients and calories will only be altered if roasted cashews are seasoned with ingredients such as salt or honey. Some nutritionists argue that raw cashews are slightly better because they are unmodified and retain all their initial minerals and nutrients.

What can I use instead of cashew in cashew cream? ›

This easy to make Sunflower Seed Cream is a great inexpensive and nut-free replacement for cashew cream. Use it in salad dressings, soups, pasta sauces, and anywhere you need a rich and creamy liquid.

What do vegans use instead of cream? ›

The 5 Best Vegan Substitutes for Heavy Cream
SubstituteWhat We Add to ItHow We Like to Use It
Coconut Milk*no additional ingredients needed (details below)Sweet
Hemp MilkCornstarch or Silken TofuSavory
Oat MilkCornstarch or Vegan Butter or Tofu or Olive OilSweet/Savory
Soy MilkOlive Oil or Silken TofuSavory
1 more row
Nov 5, 2022

How healthy is cashew cream? ›

From a nutrition standpoint it is a high-calorie and high-fat food, just like dairy cream. But most of the fat in cashew cream is the heart-healthier unsaturated type, and dairy cream is a significant source of saturated fat.

Why is my cashew cream grainy? ›

Cashew milk in particular is loved for its thick and creamy texture, as well as how easily it can be made at home. If you have tried doing just that, however, and found that your cashew milk is clumpy or grainy instead of smooth and silky, it may be because you need a more powerful blender.

Why do cashews turn purple when soaked? ›

The soaking cashews will swell, especially the ones that sit overnight. However, if they have turned purple-ish it is a sign they have soaked too long and you should start over.

Is cashew cream high in cholesterol? ›

Cholesterol-Free. Rich in magnesium. Each tablespoon contains 1 gram of protein! Cashews are also high in copper, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats.

What is cashew cream a substitute for? ›

Cashew cream is a dairy-free alternative to heavy cream and coconut milk. It's made by soaking then blending raw cashews with water until smooth. It can be used to add creaminess to pastas and soups, make ganache for desserts, or as a thick and creamy base for salad dressings or overnight oats.

What is the healthiest cream to cook with? ›

Healthy Substitute for Heavy Cream | TikTok. Healthy substitute for heavy cream can be found in various dairy-free options such as coconut cream, almond milk, or cashew cream. These alternatives provide a lower calorie and fat content while still maintaining a creamy texture and flavor.

Can dogs eat cashews? ›

In small quantities, cashews are safe for dogs. Cashews are a type of tropical nut filled with nutrients, and they can be a healthy snack for your furry friend in moderation. (Though cashews are safe for dogs in small doses, this isn't too true for all nuts; macadamia nuts and black walnuts are toxic for dogs.)

Why shouldn't you bite a raw cashew? ›

Raw cashews are unsafe

Raw cashews with shells contain a chemical called urushiol, which is poisonous. This toxic substance can seep into the cashew as well. Removing the shells from raw cashews and roasting them destroys urushiol. So opt for roasted cashews when you're at the store since they are safer to eat.

Why can't you bite a raw cashew? ›

Raw cashews contain a toxin called urushiol. However, manufacturers typically roast cashews once or twice to make them safe to eat.

What is a good substitute for creamy cashew butter? ›

In fact, almond butter has been gaining popularity as a cashew butter substitute, and for good reason. With its creamy texture and slightly sweeter taste, almond butter adds a nutty depth to any dish. From smoothies to baked goods, almond butter makes a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Can you substitute cream for cashew cream? ›

This simple cashew cream is my favorite substitute for heavy cream in both sweet and savory recipes. For non-dairy whipped cream, I generally use full-fat coconut cream, but for every other time I need heavy cream in a recipe that I want to make dairy free, I use this cashew cream.

Can I substitute coconut cream for cashew cream? ›

You can substitute in cashew cream 1:1, and you really won't notice a difference in the result. Cashew cream is much more neutral in flavor than coconut cream (which you often will notice a coconut flavor too, especially if you're sensitive to it).


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