How To Do Calculations In A Smartsheet Report (2024)

Are you tired of spending hours manually calculating data in your Smartsheet reports? Look no further, as this article will show you simple and efficient ways to do calculations in your reports, saving you time and effort. Say goodbye to the frustration and hello to increased productivity with these tips.

What is Smartsheet?

What is Smartsheet? Smartsheet is a collaborative work management tool that centralizes team organization, tracking, and management. It offers a variety of features, including project management, task tracking, document sharing, and reporting. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, Smartsheet allows users to create dynamic reports with calculations, formulas, and data visualizations. This platform helps teams streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and increase productivity, whether working on a small project or a large-scale initiative. Smartsheet provides the necessary tools and functionality to effectively plan, execute, and track work.

How to Create a Report in Smartsheet

If you are looking to create a report in Smartsheet, you have come to the right place. In this section, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a report in Smartsheet. First, we will discuss how to select the data to include in your report. Then, we will guide you through choosing the type of report that best suits your needs. Finally, we will show you how to customize the report layout to ensure it displays the data in the most effective and visually appealing way. Let’s get started!

1. Select the Data to Include

When creating a report in Smartsheet, the first step is to select the necessary data to ensure that relevant information is presented concisely.

  1. Identify the specific data that is required for your report, such as project tasks, budget figures, or sales data.
  2. Access the Smartsheet interface and open the desired sheet or workspace that contains the data you want to include.
  3. Use the selection tools, such as the cursor or keyboard shortcuts, to highlight the cells, rows, or columns that contain the required data.
  4. Consider applying filters or sorting options to narrow down the data to specific criteria, if needed.
  5. Verify that the selected data accurately represents the information you want to include in your report before proceeding to the next steps.

2. Choose the Type of Report

When creating a report in Smartsheet, it is important to select the appropriate type of report to effectively convey your data. Here are the steps to choose the type of report:

  1. Consider the purpose of your report: Determine whether you need a summary report, a chart report, or a pivot table report.
  2. Analyze your data: Evaluate the nature and structure of your data to determine which report type will best present the information.
  3. Select the report type: Choose from options like Grid Report, Calendar Report, Gantt Chart Report, or Card View Report based on your specific needs.
  4. Customize the report: Adjust settings such as filters, sorting, and grouping to further refine the report according to your requirements.

Pro-tip: Experiment with different report types to find the most effective way to showcase your data and communicate insights.

3. Customize the Report Layout

To customize the layout of a report in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the report in Smartsheet.
  2. Click on the “Format” option in the toolbar.
  3. Choose from a variety of formatting options, such as font styles, cell padding, and borders.
  4. Adjust the column width and row height to fit your data.
  5. Add headers and footers to provide additional context and branding.
  6. Apply conditional formatting to highlight specific data or create visual cues.
  7. Use color schemes and themes to enhance the visual appeal of the report.
  8. Group and summarize data using the grouping and subtotal features.
  9. Arrange the order of columns and rows to present the data in a logical sequence.
  10. Save your customized layout for future use or sharing.

How to Perform Calculations in a Smartsheet Report

In order to effectively analyze and interpret data in a Smartsheet report, it is essential to know how to perform calculations. By utilizing various formulas and functions, you can easily manipulate and make sense of your data. In this section, we will discuss different methods for performing calculations in a Smartsheet report, including using formulas in cells, as well as the sum, count, average, max, and min functions. By the end of this section, you will have a solid understanding of how to use these tools to streamline your data analysis process.

1. Using Formulas in Cells

Using formulas in cells is one of the key features of Smartsheet that allows users to perform calculations and automate processes. Here are the steps to use formulas in cells:

  1. Start by selecting the cell where you want the formula to be.
  2. Begin the formula with an equal sign (=) followed by the desired calculation or function.
  3. Input the cell references and mathematical operators to create the formula.
  4. Use functions like SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN to perform specific calculations.
  5. Customize the formula by adding conditions, logical operators, and nested functions.
  6. Press Enter to apply the formula and see the result in the selected cell.

By following these steps, users can leverage the power of formulas to perform complex calculations and streamline their workflows in Smartsheet.

2. Using the Sum Function

  1. Open your Smartsheet report and navigate to the desired cell where you want the sum to appear.
  2. Select the cell where you want the sum to be calculated.
  3. Click on the “fx” button in the formula bar to open the function menu.
  4. In the function menu, choose the “SUM” function from the list.
  5. Select the range of cells that you want to include in the sum calculation.
  6. Click “OK” to apply the formula and display the sum in the selected cell.

3. Using the Count Function

To utilize the Count function in Smartsheet reports, simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired range of cells in your report where you want to count the values.
  2. Click on the “Insert Function” button in the toolbar.
  3. In the Function dialog box, choose “Count” from the list of available functions.
  4. In the “Range” field, enter the range of cells you selected in step 1.
  5. Click “OK” to apply the Count function to the selected range of cells.

4. Using the Average Function

To calculate averages in a Smartsheet report, follow these steps:

  1. Select the range of cells that contain the values you want to average.
  2. Click on the “Functions” button and choose “Average” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the formula bar, you will see the average function automatically inserted, along with the range of cells you selected.
  4. Press Enter to calculate the average.

Using the average function in Smartsheet allows you to quickly and accurately determine the average value of a set of numbers, helping you analyze and interpret data more effectively. Additionally, the Average Function is a powerful tool in Smartsheet that allows you to easily calculate the average value of a set of numbers.

5. Using the Max and Min Functions

Using the Max and Min functions in Smartsheet reports can greatly enhance your ability to analyze data effectively. Here are the simple steps to utilize these functions:

  1. Select the column or range of cells where you want to find the maximum or minimum value.
  2. In the formula bar, type “=MAX(” followed by the range of cells or column name. For example, “=MAX(A1:A10)”
  3. To find the minimum value, replace “MAX” with “MIN” in the formula.
  4. Press Enter to calculate and display the maximum or minimum value in the designated cell.
  5. You can also incorporate the Max and Min functions with other functions and formulas to perform advanced calculations.

By using the Max and Min functions in Smartsheet reports, you can easily pinpoint the highest and lowest values in your data, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

How to Add Charts and Graphs to a Smartsheet Report

A well-designed chart or graph can visually enhance a Smartsheet report and provide valuable insights into your data. In this section, we’ll discuss how to add charts and graphs to your Smartsheet report. We’ll cover the steps to selecting the data to include in your chart, choosing the type of chart that best represents your data, and customizing the chart layout to fit your needs. So, let’s dive into the world of data visualization with Smartsheet.

1. Select the Data to Include in the Chart

To choose the data to include in a chart in Smartsheet, simply follow these steps:

  1. Identify the specific data range or table that you want to use for the chart.
  2. Highlight the cells containing the data by clicking and dragging over the desired range.
  3. Go to the “Insert” tab in the Smartsheet toolbar and click on the “Chart” option.
  4. In the chart creation window, select the type of chart that best represents your data, such as a bar chart or line graph.
  5. Customize the chart layout by adjusting settings like colors, labels, and axis titles.

By following these steps, you can easily select the data you want to include in your chart within Smartsheet.

2. Choose the Type of Chart

To select the type of chart in Smartsheet, simply follow these steps:

  1. Consider the data: Analyze the type of data you have and determine the best way to visually represent it.
  2. Select the data: Identify the specific data range or columns that you want to include in the chart.
  3. Choose the chart type: Smartsheet offers a variety of chart types, such as bar, line, pie, and scatter plots. Select the one that best suits your data and the story you want to convey.
  4. Customize the chart: Adjust the chart settings, including labels, titles, colors, and formatting, to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of the chart.

By following these steps, you can effectively choose the appropriate chart type to visualize your data in Smartsheet.

3. Customize the Chart Layout

Customizing the layout of a chart in a Smartsheet report is an effective way to visually represent data and give it more significance. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select the relevant data to be included in the chart.
  2. Choose the most suitable chart type for the data, such as bar, line, or pie chart.
  3. Adjust elements like colors, labels, and axis titles to customize the chart layout.
  4. Modify the chart styles to align with your brand or personal preferences.

By following these steps, you can create visually appealing and informative charts that effectively convey your data in a Smartsheet report.

Tips for Creating Effective Smartsheet Reports

A well-designed Smartsheet report can provide valuable insights and easily communicate important data. To help you create effective reports, let’s discuss some useful tips. First, simplicity is key – a cluttered report can be overwhelming and difficult to interpret. Next, using formatting features can draw attention to key data points. Additionally, take advantage of filters and sorting options to easily organize and analyze your data. And finally, don’t forget to regularly update and review your report to ensure it remains relevant and accurate.

1. Keep it Simple

When creating Smartsheet reports, it is important to keep it simple in order to ensure clarity and usability. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Identify the key information that should be included in the report.
  2. Organize the data in a straightforward manner.
  3. Use clear and concise headings and labels.
  4. Avoid excessive formatting and unnecessary elements.
  5. Test the report’s usability and make any necessary adjustments.

Fact: Reports that are simple and easy to understand are more likely to effectively communicate information to stakeholders.

2. Use Formatting to Highlight Important Data

To bring attention to important data in a Smartsheet report, follow these steps:

  1. Select a font color or style that stands out, such as bold or italics.
  2. Apply conditional formatting to automatically highlight specific values or conditions.
  3. Utilize cell borders or cell shading to visually differentiate important data from the rest of the report.
  4. Add icons or symbols, such as arrows or exclamation marks, to draw attention to key information.
  5. Utilize font size or alignment to emphasize significant data points.

In a real-life scenario, Jane, a project manager, utilized formatting in her Smartsheet report to highlight overdue tasks. By applying a red font color and bold formatting to the task names and due dates, she was able to quickly identify and address the critical tasks, ensuring the project stayed on track.

3. Utilize Filters and Sorting Options

Utilizing filters and sorting options in Smartsheet can greatly assist in organizing and analyzing data efficiently. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Apply Filters: Identify the specific criteria you wish to filter by, such as a particular date range or status. By applying filters, you can display only the relevant data.
  2. Sort Data: Arrange the data in a desired order by selecting a column and choosing either ascending or descending order. This can help prioritize tasks or group similar data together.
  3. Create Views: Save filtered and sorted data as separate views for easy access. This allows for switching between different perspectives without altering the original sheet.

Fact: Utilizing filters and sorting options can save time and provide a clear view of data, enabling better decision-making.

4. Regularly Update and Review the Report

Regularly updating and reviewing your Smartsheet report is crucial to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Establish a schedule: Set a regular timeframe, such as weekly or monthly, to update and review the report.
  2. Include new data: Gather any new data that needs to be included in the report since the last update.
  3. Verify formulas: Double-check that all formulas and calculations are still accurate and reflecting the latest data.
  4. Check data quality: Look for any errors or inconsistencies in the data and correct them if necessary.
  5. Analyze trends: Examine the patterns and trends in the data to identify insights and make informed decisions.

Remember to communicate the report’s findings to relevant stakeholders and make any necessary adjustments based on feedback. By regularly updating and reviewing your Smartsheet report, you can ensure that it remains up-to-date and useful for your business needs.

How To Do Calculations In A Smartsheet Report (2024)


How To Do Calculations In A Smartsheet Report? ›

Unfortunately, you're correct, it's not possible now to add formulas to a Report, but it's an excellent idea! Please submit this as a Product Feedback or Idea (If it hasn't been added already) when you have a moment. I hope that helps!

Can you create a formula in a Smartsheet report? ›

Unfortunately, you're correct, it's not possible now to add formulas to a Report, but it's an excellent idea! Please submit this as a Product Feedback or Idea (If it hasn't been added already) when you have a moment. I hope that helps!

Can Smartsheet do calculations? ›

Formulas can include functions, such as SUM, AVG, or IF. Smartsheet Functions performs calculations or manipulate data in sheets.

How to make a report in Smartsheet? ›

Create your sheet summary report

On the left Menu bar, select Create (plus icon). Select Create new > Report. Type a name for your report and select Sheet Summary Report. Select OK.

How to calculate complete in Smartsheet? ›

Put in a formula in your child rows to get the % complete based on how many days are remaining of the action item. Then do =AVG(CHILDREN()) to get an overall average of the %complete of the child rows.

How do you use formulas in a report? ›

Creating a report formula
  1. Create or edit a report.
  2. In the Report Builder, under Report formulas, select Add a report formula. ...
  3. Select the formula type from the drop-down.
  4. Write the formula. ...
  5. If you want to create an additional report formula, select Add another report formula. ...
  6. Save the report.

Can you automate a report in Smartsheet? ›

@Rishea Johnson You can create a report and then create an automation in both of the sheets. In that automation, you would include a link to the report, and you can adjust the settings to not include a link to the sheet in the alert.

Can you use Smartsheet like Excel? ›

Think of Smartsheet as a high-powered tool belt, not just a hammer like Excel. While Excel is great for basic tasks, Smartsheet is like having a whole set of tools that work together. It's built for teams who need to keep track of projects with lots of moving parts.

Can you do calculations in sheets? ›

You can use functions and formulas to automate calculations in Google Sheets. Tip: If you're already familiar with functions and formulas and just need to know which ones are available, go to Google Sheets function reference.

How can I use spreadsheet functions to make calculations? ›

Enter a formula that contains a built-in function
  1. Select an empty cell.
  2. Type an equal sign = and then type a function. For example, =SUM for getting the total sales.
  3. Type an opening parenthesis (.
  4. Select the range of cells, and then type a closing parenthesis).
  5. Press Enter to get the result.

What is the difference between a sheet and report in Smartsheet? ›

Note that because it doesn't store any information, reports only display information stored in sheets. That's why reports don't count against the sheet limit for your plan. Your report can source data from a maximum of 30,000 sheets.

Can you chart a report in Smartsheet? ›

You can add a chart to any dashboard using a chart widget, powered by live data from your sheets and reports. With multiple different chart types available, charts provide flexibility to display your data the way you want. Follow the step-by-step instructions to create a chart.

How many rows can a Smartsheet report handle? ›

Up to 1 million rows on a sheet (up from 20k) Up to 1,000 columns on a sheet (up from 400)

How to do formula in Smartsheet? ›

To place a formula in a cell:
  1. Select the desired cell.
  2. Type an equal sign in the cell, and then type the calculation.
  3. After you've typed in your formula, press Enter. You can now see the result in the cell containing the formula.

How to calculate percentages in Smartsheet? ›

Use the formula: (Value / Total Value) * 100. Input the values and formula into the appropriate cells. Format the cell as a percentage by selecting the cell and changing the number format to “Percentage” or by multiplying the result by 100 and adding a percentage symbol.

What is the formula for calculating complete? ›

The % complete has the following formula % complete=(Actual Duration/Duration)*100.

Can you do conditional formatting in Smartsheet report? ›

Answers. You have to do it at the sheet level. If you put your Report on a Dashboard, then you can decide if you want that Conditional Formatting to remain on or off.

How do I write a Countif formula in Smartsheet? ›

COUNTIF Function
  1. For criterion, acceptable operators include: = (equal to) <> (not equal to) > (greater than) < (less than) ...
  2. Blank cells aren't counted when using <> (not equal to). For example, the formula =COUNTIF(Item:Item, <> "Shirt") won't count any blank cells that exist in the Item column.

How do you display formulas instead of formula results in a worksheet? ›

Click on Formulas and then click on Show Formulas to switch between displaying formulas and results.


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