Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Tutorial
  • Intro
  • Base Foundation
  • Base Infrastructure
  • Mining and Chamber Setup
  • Activating the Chambers on Sylvia
  • Activating the Engine on Sylvia
  • Expanding the base (continued)
  • Endgame Shuttle Setup
  • Completing each Chamber and Engine

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Now we will begin the full walkthrough of the game, first and foremost I will be going over mechanics and gameplay that can be regarded as "spoiler", you have been warned.


When we start the game the first thing to note is that we can play a new file or a tutorial, select "tutorial" and use the opportunity to learn the controls first-hand. Eventually, you will reach a spaceship without a thruster, after that the game will require you to scan a research sample, earning you:

  • A Little Byte Goes a Long Way

    Scan a Research Sample of any type.

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Complete the rest of the tutorial to unlock:

  • EXO Dynamics Training Seal of Approval

    Complete the training missions.

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Now it is time for the real start to the game, this will go over all that should be unlocked in the first sections. I separate the guide into two sections as the first is largely focused on building a base whereas the second one involves completing every Chamber and powering every planet. We will unlock some Chambers in the first section but it is still a completely different reason as to why. Now, without further adieu.

PRELIMINARY NOTE PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING: After completing the tutorial we will start a fresh file, this will play a short cutscene of your pod entering the planet's atmosphere and touching down. The first thing to note are the large structures scattered on the planet surface when you are dropping take note as to the closest one, this will make the first planet much easier in the long run (if you need to set a marker of sorts noting its direction).

Later into the game, you will start gathering resources, if you ever see wreckage with a Small Battery on it, grab it regardless of your backpack room, these are the most important items early on and late in the game.

With all that out of the way, we can begin officially. All you will have at first is an empty backpack with a base and a landing pad, interact with the pad by pressing Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (14) and select the green button with Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (15) or by hovering the cursor over it and pressing Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (16), this will drop a platform, printer, and Oxygenator. Place the Oxygenator onto the open base Tier-2 slot, this will provide a flow of oxygen along the tether lines we will be using. Next, place the platform and printer near the base, close enough to extend one of the power lines into the platform so that the printer can be used. You can also gather useful equipment from wrecked objects around the planets, most important of which is the Small Battery as mentioned earlier. You can also find helpful power generation items such as Solar Panels and Wind Turbines to upgrade your base on many wrecks.

By now you should be seeing lots of rainbow-colored resources lying around, so start collecting lots of Resin and Compound (yellow and grey looking respectively); this will allow you to build Canisters for excess soil, platforms, and printers, not to mention a Research Center. Build a Research Center while trying to find larger research items, they are not instant-use like the ones in the tutorial but are instead required to be carried by hand using Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (17)+Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (18) to pick it up then press Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (19) to carry it. These are the best source of Bytes early on, you can also find small redeemable research items in the wild that respawn after a few minutes, or you can also use organic and later on, carbon, to scan for Bytes in the Research Chamber if you are out of larger samples.

Scanning something with the Research Center will net us:

  • Pursuit of Knowledge

    Research an item in the Research Chamber.

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I will now begin listing the recommended items to purchase early on with the newly acquired Bytes, these include:

  • Smelting Furnace (250) - These are essential for building any sophisticated item, as most recipes call for refined resources.
  • Soil Centrifuge (750) - A very helpful structure that can turn excess soil into raw materials, needed for any "passive" resource gathering where you just mine soil and chuck it into this.
  • Medium Wind Turbine (2,500) - I recommend this over the Solar Panels because you can create this out of Clay and Quartz, two resources the Centrifuge produces.
  • Large Platform B (500) - You will need a T3 platform at some point, this one is better than the others for its 2x T2 spaces on the sides for storage.
  • Medium Platform B (250) - Again, will need a T2 platform for building large objects, so might as well get the largest one, for the price it is no question.
  • Wide Mod (1,000) - Very helpful when traveling to the core of the planet, this allows for you to create pathways and mine nearly twice as much as once.
  • Boost Mod (1,000) - In a similar role as the Wide Mod, this exponentially increases the amount at which you mine.
  • Small Oxygen Tank (2,000) - Not as much of a requirement but it will double your oxygen supply, allowing for more range away from tethers.
  • Tractor (1,000) - The most basic of vehicles, this will be hardly used but does make the first planet much easier to navigate.
  • Solid-Fuel Thruster (500) - Needed to travel to other planets, should be self-explanatory.
  • Landing Pad (750) - These will set landing zones for shuttles, you should always have one at every permanent base you set up (the default base has one to start with).
  • Small Shuttle (1,500) - Necessary to travel to other planets, starts with a single T2 space, but we will upgrade our ship later on.
  • Oxygenator (1,800) - These allow oxygen (and power) to travel on tether lines, should always have one on permanent bases, and when mining for the core.
  • Packager (1,000) - A nifty device that will re-package created items, which is convenient for traveling between planets.

Total: 14,800 Bytes

All of these should be obtained by the time you leave the planet, we will cover each of these in the walkthrough, so do not worry about forgetting this list. They do not have to be obtained in the order listed, but this is what I suggest for getting on your feet as quickly as possible.

We can break down the first planet into more digestible chunks, each with their own sub-section.

Base Foundation:

Alright, now that we have a small base set up producing Bytes, we can start purchasing recipes that make the game much easier. Firstly we need to purchase the Smelting Furnace for 250 Bytes, this will allow us to refine our resources and use them for many more recipes. Now, use some of Resin and Compound to create the Smelting Furnace. After building this we will need to gather some Laterite, which can be found in the cave systems on every planet. Either tether out to an open entrance in the ground or proceed to dig down at an angle to reach the caves. Laterite is a resource that is pearlescent-colored with red and blue (it is multi-colored, ranging from red to blue to black depending on how you look at it) and is shaped like a stack of coins not lined up. This resource is one of the most valuable resources early on, it can be refined into Aluminum and is used in many mid-game recipes. You will need at least 8 Aluminum to make our suggested early-game items. Now, check into the catalog and purchase the Soil Centrifuge for 750 Bytes. You may need to gather more research samples or scan smaller samples if you do not have enough Bytes. Build the Centrifuge with one of those Aluminum and two Compound. You can throw excess soil into the Centrifuge to create Compound, Resin, Organic, Clay, Quartz, Graphite, or Ammonium. I cannot emphasize enough how helpful this is.

While you are in the cave find and destroy a hazard to earn:

  • Up By the Roots

    Dig up a hazard.

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Throw some soil into the centrifuge and pick a resource which will net you:

  • Dirt Don't Hurt

    Extract a resource using the Soil Centrifuge.

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Note that you can unlock Bytes by using the Research Center and putting any resource into it and powering it. You can also find Research Items lying around or unlock an Exo Dynamics (ED) Pod by using power or by inserting its requested resource The symbol on the outside of the pod correlates to the resource it requires. You can find a chart with these symbols in-game on the resource tab in the Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (34) menu. Later on, you will find that harder planets reward more and more per Research Item, including the respawnable smaller ones. ED Pods that require power will need a larger amount of it on harder planets as well. I suggest setting up a research base mid-game on a planet of your preference, I chose Glacio because it was very flat next to a fast travel point, and the Research Items were good for around 700 a pop, so I could run around and spot them easily. Large Research Items found in ED Pods give lots of Bytes, always worth it if you have the resources to spare.

Base Infrastructure

Now that the Centrifuge is up and running, we can either mine resources actively or passively using soil Canisters and the Centrifuge. Both are good options and it is up to you to do whichever you prefer. When you gather enough Bytes, purchase the Medium Wind Turbine for 2,500. You can create this with refined Clay and Quartz, which can both be created with the Centrifuge. This will provide your base with the power required to get things moving. The Large Platform B for 500 and the Medium Platform B for 250 come next so that we can expand our base with room to grow.

Mining and Chamber Setup

After setting up the base with plenty of power and room, now we can divert our attention to our character's mining tool. At this point it should seem clear that the mining tool is a bit slow, so let's speed it up with the Wide Mod for 1,000 and Boost Mod for 1,000. These are helpful for mining at twice the diameter and speed respectively. Mods can be applied to the mining tool by opening your backpack then opening your tool with Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (35) and moving the mods over to it. Keep in mind that mods do require power, so sufficient production is required to keep up with your mining. Let's also nab the Small Oxygen Tank for 2,000, this acts as it sounds, it extends your suit's oxygen capacity to increase your range without tethers. Next up for 1,000, is the Tractor-a small vehicle that will assist in transporting enough equipment to power the planet. Build the Tractor using two Aluminum and slap a Medium Storage on it; hopefully, we should have some Small Batteries and T1 power solutions scavenged from wrecks. If not, we will need to find at least 5 Small Batteries before we move onto the chambers. Lastly, purchase the Packager for 1,000, this will allow us to re-package up any placed items so traveling will be easier between planets.

Building the Tractor will bag us:

Quick Tractor Controls:

Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (40): Accelerate

Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (41): Brake/Reverse

Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (42): Enter/Exit/Flip over

Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (43): Camera control, also changes drilling angle

Activating the Chambers on Sylva

Only proceed onto this step if you have at least 5 Small Batteries or other forms of power generation (such as Small Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Generators, etc.). Put them all onto the Tractor's Medium Storage. You will need at least one power generating item to fill the batteries. Also, bring at least enough Packagers to use on every item not able to be attached to your backpack, we will need to transport all of this by-person later on. At this point we are good to go for unlocking our first Chamber; you should have marked the direction of one when you first landed on Slyva, so jump in the Tractor and proceed to drive in that direction. When you get close to the structure, you might need to build a ramp going up. Park the Tractor next to one of the small protruding power slots. When the Tractor and all of the batteries are fully charged, plug the rear of the Tractor into the power slot of the Chamber, this will slowly transfer power from the Tractor to the Chamber.

This will unlock:

  • Shapes and Other Shapes

    Find a Gateway Chamber.

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  • First Step Into a Larger World

    Solve a Gateway Chamber.

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After the Chamber is fully powered it will emit an Odd Stone, interact with it and prepare to be confused. The Stone will show six markers in a circle with one in the center, this represents the six Chambers on Sylva and the Engine in the center. Remember the marker orientation of the current Chamber, we will need to fast travel back here later. Now we should proceed to the next Chamber, but first, we need to find what direction it is, here is a quick guide as to how to read the Stone:

You can use this and find what direction to go by hovering your cursor over your character, this will show a compass. Note that the North and South poles of most planets have Chambers, so if you are completely lost you can find one of those. Be sure to go to your base and set up a tether line to it for later use. After you find a direction to go, head that way until you find another Chamber. They can be easily spotted by the beam of light coming from them. Power it up and move onto the next until you have powered every Chamber. You can now take the Packagers out and package the Tractor and storage. Put them all into your backpack and grab as many Batteries and power items you can. Interact with the Stone and activate the symbol for our first Chamber, this will teleport us back to it. From there you can run back to your base and drop off the items. Feel free to go back and retrieve what is left over if need be.

You should have unlocked:

  • Now You See Me...

    Utilize the Gateway Fast Travel Network.

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Activating the Engine on Sylva

Alright, we should be back at the base and ready to move onto the Gateway Engine. Gateway Engines are the cores of each planet at which you can insert a specific material to access the system-wide fast travel network. To reach the core, we will need to dig down . . . a lot, so load up on tethers and bring a few canisters along with two pieces of Quartz. This is what we will use to "complete" the first planet, everything else can be left at the base. You can start by finding the mine you were in earlier or by creating a new hole downward. Be sure to make it steep enough for ease of travel without being too steep and leading to a quick descent - I try to keep my tunnels at around a -60 degree incline, though that may be a bit steep for some out there. You will need to continuously mine for soil to build your tunnel downward as you will have to cross over many caves to get to the core. Once you get deep enough you should spot a glowing purple spire coming out of the ground. From there, you will need to dig over to one of the spires coming out the core and travel inward. Gravity here will get a bit wacky, but it is alright as long as you take it slow. When you get to the core, take a leap of faith and land in or on the core. If you are on the outside, find one of the open areas and jump into it, this will pull you in and plant you on the ground. Now we can take our Quartz and put it into the part of the core that has three receptacles. Insert both Quartz and take the Triptychs (purple triangle looking things) it emits. After grabbing the Triptychs, run up the wall and place one in the center of the floor on the opposite side from where you got it, this will show an Odd Stone. Pocket your second Triptych and fast travel to the surface where your base is.

All of this will unlock:

Barrier BusterUse a drill to deform a harder type of terrain.1 guide

  • Delve Greedily and Deep

    Travel to the Mantle depth of any planet.

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  • Encounter With the Infinite

    Find a Gateway Engine.

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  • Sylva Awakened

    Solve the Gateway Engine on Sylva.

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Expanding the base (continued)

Now that Sylva is completed, we should look to complete the other planets; but first, we have to get the rest of the important unlocks out of the way. Unlock the Small Shuttle for 1,500 and the Solid Fuel Thruster for 500 - these allow us to travel to other planets so we can gather other materials. Thrusters are good for two uses, we will need three for this full travel. After you build your Shuttle and three Thrusters place one Thruster on it and place your Oxygenator onto the T2 slot, we will use it to search other planets for materials. Grab that Triptych we stashed earlier and launch with Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (81) + Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (82) and escape the planet-view with the same buttons. Now select Calidor and choose a spot to land.

Just an FYI before you commence space travel:

Every planet and moon on this game has basic resources like compound, resin, organic, aluminum, ammonium, etc. on it. (a full list of all resources and where they can be found is on the Remaining Achievements Page). This means that if you ever get stranded somewhere without a thruster you can make one. The worst-case scenario is that you may have to make a few small generators and a printer. No need to panic, you got this! Stay Calm and Spacewalk On :)

This will net us:

  • It's A Dry Heat

    Visit Calidor.

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When you land, start tethering out and begin looking for Wolframite, which is golden in color and is shaped like a mish-mash of geometrical cubes shoved together. You can find Wolframite both above ground and below. Gather three of them and head back to the Shuttle. Blast off again and select Glacio this time.

Bleep bloop!:

  • Cool As Ice

    Visit Glacio.

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After landing, rip the Thruster off and place a new one on. Now let’s try to find some Hematite. Hematite is shaped like dark-red crystals (again found above and below) . Grab at least three of them. After finding Hematite, we will need to take a detour and head to the Mysterious Satellite in space. Select it. Once you land, grab the Triptych and place it on the pedestals nearest to the center of the Satellite. When it is glowing we can return to our base on Sylva.

It is finally time to expand our base and start to turn this into an end-game base, firstly we will need these key schematics:

Trade Platform (2,500) A very necessary structure that allows us to "gather" Wolframite and Hematite on any planet.

Large Scrapper (2,500) To go along with the Trade Platform, we need to create Scrap, so this allows us to turn T1 and T2 objects into Scrap.

Chemistry Lab (1,600) The last structure-item we will build, this allows us to make every end-game compound.

First, we need to smelt all of our Hematite and Wolframite into Iron and Tungsten respectively. Do so and build the Chemistry Lab for 1,600 and the Trade Platform for 2,500. Place some Tungsten and Carbon (refined Organic) into the Chem Lab to make Tungsten Carbide. And lastly, purchase the Large Shredder for 2,500. With these three structures, we can now produce everything in the game on any planet. We can convert soil into resources, throw those resources into whatever you want to build, and then dump that into the Shredder. I prefer to make Drill Mod 1 with 1x Ceramic which equates to .5 Scrap per, as it is one of the most cost-efficient soil to Scrap ratios you can farm. After you scrap enough items to get full nuggets of Scrap, you can throw them onto the Trade Platform. You can use the trading platform to trade scrap for any planet-specific resource like Lithium, Titanite, etc. This means you can obtain anything you might need without having to travel to each planet!

Be completing the above we should unlock:

  • Do Science To It

    Synthesize a component with the Chemistry Lab.

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  • Scrap For the Scrapper

    Scrap an object in a Shredder.

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  • Junk Trader

    Use the Trade Platform to exchange Scrap for another resource.

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There is a quick side-trip we will need to do before the next section - we will be jumping to two additional planets for some quality gasses. Before the trip, you will need to purchase the Atmospheric Condenser for 2,200. After building that you can fully empty your ship and place the Condenser onto it. We will be needing lots of gasses for the rest of the journey so bring a Storage item of your choosing and pack a couple of Thrusters for when we need to replace the current one. Our first stop will be on Vesania. Land wherever and press the start button on the Condenser to collect Argon. Let it run until you have at least 3 full canisters of Argon.

Into the WoodsVisit Vesania.1 guide

Condensers absorb ambient gasses in the atmosphere that we need for crafting late-game materials. Each planet has different compositions and different collection rates for each gas. The Condenser will create its own proprietary canisters of the gas selected provided it has enough power. Now place those canisters in your backpack or on the ship and travel to Atrox. Land anywhere on the surface and start collecting 3 full canisters of Methane, Sulfur, and Helium each. Then we can head back and prepare for the final portion of this shopping spree.

I Feel SickVisit Atrox.1 guide

When you also gather Hydrogen and Nitrogen from Sylva (which we will also need for these new purchases) you will obtain:

A Little GassyCollect a gas with the Atmospheric Condenser.1 guide

Gas GiantUse the Atmospheric Condenser to collect every single type of gas.1 guide

Endgame Shuttle Setup

Alright, so we will now assume that resources are plentiful because we have both a Centrifuge and Trade Platform up and running. These next unlocks are the last we need to begin powering every planet:

Drill Mod 3 (3,750) - Required to dig through rough terrain, only required when close to the cores of harder planets like Glacio and Atrox.

RTG (12,500) - The most important part of this whole list, this provides power constantly!

Drill Strength 2 (5,000) - Mountainous planets suck for Rovers, so just dig through any obstacle.

Large Rover (5,000) - The best rover for travel and transport, with 2x T3 slots and 1x T4 slot, this behemoth can double as a mobile base.

Medium Storage Silo (3,000) - A new addition with 24x T1 slots, making these into portable Battery storage silos.

Portable Oxygenator (10,000) - Converts power into O2 at a not great ratio, but it beats dying. Useful if you do not have the space or power to bring bunches of resin in your backpack and print filters.

Small Battery (2,000) To complete every planet we will need 30x Small Batteries.

Large Shuttle (5,000) - With 1x T2 and 2x T3 slots this can transport all of our supplies easily.

Hydrazine Thruster (3,750) - Instead of a round trip like the other Thruster this can be fueled for up to 24 uses, making travel much easier and more efficient.

Large Storage (2,000) - With 4x T2 slots, these can carry all of our Silos on the Rover. (edit: there is a new Large Silo that is 3x the usefulness of this, though one of the Large Storages does the job well enough)

*Winch (3,750) - Only required if you are doubtful of your Rover driving, or more likely when the game bugs out, these can pull a Rover out of a ravine with ease

*Extra Large Platform C (5,000) - Helpful for base building with the largest of structures without needing to build as many Platforms

*Extra Large Shredder (5,000) - Grinds all T3 items and below including that outdated Large Shredder (not including Platforms or Rovers)

*Not required but recommended

Now we will set up a Large Shuttle to haul our gear and start powering those gateways! Bellow is the items required for the final voyage(s):

Large Shuttle:

  • Hydrazine Thruster | You can get by with standard thrusters but this is almost required.
    • 3x Hydrazine | Fuel that goes onto the thruster
  • Large Rover | Packaged onto a T3 slot
  • Large Storage | For the other T3 slot
    • RTG
    • Rover Seat
    • 2x Medium Silos
      • 30x Small Batteries | Yes that is a lot, but it gets the job done flawlessly. (the harder the planet the more power needed to power the Chambers-Atrox needing the most)
      • 1x Drill Strength 2 | This is so we can go through the mountains rather than over, trust me this is essential.
      • 10+ Packagers | The more you have then the more wiggle room we have for botch jobs. Again, this can be a very temperamental game at times.

Other than those listed the rest of the space on the shuttle can be used however you see fit. Now onto your person, this is much simpler than the shuttle but arguably more important.

  • Portable Oxygenator | (shoulder slot) After getting the chambers up we will need to dig for the core, this makes it so we don't need any tethers
  • Small Generator | (shoulder slot) What good is an Oxygenator without power?
  • Drill Mod 3 | (terrain tool) Only useful for the later planets but this is a must to dig through them.
  • Boost Mod | (terrain tool) This one is optional, just a great addition for mining faster.
  • Canister | (terrain tool) We will need to dig/build bridges around the cores so this is a must.
  • 1+ Small Battery | For the O2 and Generators to be useful we will need a decent power buffer.
  • 1+ O2 Tank | Same reason as the battery, this gives us a bit more time before needing O2 charged.

Lastly, we will need to gather the materials needed for the Triptychs of each planet. Be sure to create two of each, one to power the planet and one for the satellite.

Desolo: Zinc (refined Sphalerite)

Calidor: Explosive Powder (2x Carbon [refined Organic] and 1x Sulfur in the Chem Lab)

Vesania: Graphene (1x Graphite and 1x Hydrazine [2x Ammonium and 1x Hydrogen] in the Chem Lab)

Novus: Silicone (Resin, Quartz, and Methane in the Chem Lab)

Glacio: Diamond (2x Graphene in the Chem Lab)

Atrox: Hydrogen (the full canister of it, not just 1/5th)

You do not have to bring it all at once, just bring enough to cover a few planets; you can always come back and grab the rest if you want to spend the fuel.

By doing all of this, you will most likely have these unlocked:

Lab RatUse the Chemistry Lab to synthesize every single composite material.1 guide

They Who Smelt ItUse the Smelter to craft every type of refined resource.1 guide

Completing each Chamber and Engine

Congrats on completing the hard stuff, now it is onto the actual planets. We will not cover every planet in minute detail as once this setup is complete then it is just a matter of duplicating the steps planet by planet. This will cover the first planet (or moon in this case) but each should be the same process with a change of scenery.

For our example, we will cover Desolo. Thankfully, this is a moon and therefore only has two Chambers whereas planets have six. Land within eyeshot of one of the Chambers and begin to bust out the Rover and Drill. After those are out you can place the Large Storage wherever you like on the Rover, I prefer mine on the back as it is out of the camera's view, plus it doesn't clip into the ground as you might expect. Now that those are ready you can activate and deactivate the drill with either *LB* or *RB* depending on which side the drill is on (you might have to move the drill or seat around to get them facing the right way). Begin to drive toward the Engine or dig through the mountainside to get there. The driving mechanics are where the tricky part is, as you adjust the drill with the orientation of the camera; so to drive/drill up you need to look up, and the same for going down. If you are beginning to lose traction or are moving vertically then turn off the drill and reevaluate your angle. When you get close enough to the engine, you might need to jump out and build a ramp up with the terrain tool Get the Rover near one of the interfaces and plug in the front or rear of your rover to it. If you have anything on those faces then they will pop off; be prepared to catch anything that pops off or preemptively move them so nothing falls into a ravine. Once this Engine is done, continue along to the next one. You can use your compass to help out. Since Desolo is a moon with only 2 Engines, you can just travel to the complete opposite side of the moon however you see fit.

Note that some Chambers are on the North or South poles and your compass reacts accordingly; it can get quite funky when standing on an Engine on one of the poles and trying to read the compass properly.

After powering up the second chamber proceed to the first chamber to stow your Rover back into the shuttle. You can find your shuttle with its built-in beacon, so keep driving until you see the floating blue icon for it., This gets easier with each planet. When you find the shuttle you can package up the Rover and the Drill, then make sure to grab the two Triptych materials for the planet, in this case, that would be Zinc, with those on your person and your Oxygenator and Generator on your back you can head on down below the surface at a steady and safe rate. Remember that there are massive gaps in the cores so have a canister or two prepared. If you are ever running low on O2 then activate your Oxygenator until you are full or run out of power, then activate the Generator to make up for the difference in power, there is a critical balance between the two so look around for Organic when you are running out for the Generator. Near the core you will have to bridge over similar to Sylva, so jump onto one of the supporting arms of the core and leap onto it then insert the Triptych materials to get the two Triptychs, use one to power the core and pocket the other. Now we can fast travel to the surface and head over to the nearby shuttle, hop in, and set course for the Satellite.

These remaining achievements will be obtained by completing each Chamber and Engine on every planet, you can use this as a checklist for the order of planets, though these can be unlocked in any order that works for you.

One Small StepVisit Desolo.2 guides

Desolo AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Desolo.1 guide

Calidor AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Calidor.1 guide

Glacio AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Glacio.1 guide

Vesania AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Vesania.1 guide

To the Forest MoonVisit Novus.1 guide

Novus AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Novus.1 guide

Atrox AwakenedSolve the Gateway Engine on Atrox.1 guide

Once you reach the satellite you can take your remaining Triptych from the previous planet/moon and insert it into its respective pedestal similar to how we did this with Sylva's Triptych. Repeat this process until you complete each Core and upon placing your last Triptych on its pedestal you will get a brief cutscene. After finishing or skipping the cutscene you will get your final achievement for the main walkthrough and can fast travel from any Engine or Gateway you have accessed previously. The remaining achievements can be found on the following pages as it would be easier now that we have a base and ship fully built up.

These remaining achievements will be obtained by completing each Chamber and Engine on every planet, and for filling the satellite with triptychs.

Secrets of the UniverseSolve all of the Gateway Chambers.4 guides

To Infinity...Solve all of the Gateway Engines.1 guide

...And BeyondPass through the Gateway Portal into the unknown.1 guide

4. Remaining Achievements2. General Hints and Tips

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Guide for Astroneer - Main Walkthrough (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.