Brussels Sprouts Sliders Recipe (2024)

By Tara Parker-Pope

Brussels Sprouts Sliders Recipe (1)

Total Time
1 hour 45 minutes
Prep Time
45 minutes
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A creative and fun way to enjoy a great fall and winter vegetable: crunchy “buns” of roasted brussels sprouts with a tasty middle -- a confit of caramelized onions, tangy mustard and savory tempeh -- that makes for “dreamy bites of pure umami goodness," said Marla Rose of Berwyn, Ill. who sent us this special recipe.

Featured in: Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Brussels Sprouts Sliders

Learn: How to Cook Brussels Sprouts

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Yield:Serves 8 - 10 appetizer portions

  • 6tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 2large sweet or yellow onions, sliced thin
  • Salt to taste
  • 20large brussels sprouts
  • 1tablespoon tamari
  • 2 to 3cloves garlic, pressed
  • a dash of liquid smoke (if desired)
  • ½teaspoon ground cumin
  • ¼teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 8ounces tempeh, cut into thin slices
  • 5teaspoons grainy mustard

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (10 servings)

145 calories; 11 grams fat; 2 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 7 grams monounsaturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 8 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams dietary fiber; 2 grams sugars; 7 grams protein; 223 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Brussels Sprouts Sliders Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil, heat for a minute, then add the onions and a sprinkling of salt. Stir frequently, making sure to stir from the bottom of the pan up, to dislodge any sticking onions. They will begin to yellow and shrink in volume, as they darken from yellow to more of a caramel color, lower the heat. Keep cooking until they are at the desired state. This usually takes between 25 and 35 minutes. Let cool.

  2. Step


    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

  3. Step


    Cut the brussels sprouts in half from top to bottom, keeping the two halves close together. If you don’t , you will have to search for a pair that fits well together after they have roasted. Mix together two tablespoons olive oil, tamari, pressed garlic, cumin, cayenne and liquid smoke in a bowl to make the marinade. Taking one complete brussels sprouts pair at a time, dip both halves in the marinade. Remove and let sit cut side down on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes, then turn the sprouts and bake 7 more minutes.

  4. Step


    Prepare a second parchment lined baking sheet. Pour the marinade into a baking pan and let the tempeh sit in it for 20 minutes, then turn all the pieces and let them marinade another 10 minutes. Remove the tempeh and set them up without touching on the baking sheet. If there is any reserved marinade, brush over the remaining pieces.

  5. Step


    Bake at 375 for 12 minutes, gently turn, and bake for 5 minutes more. Cool onions, brussels sprouts and tempeh for assembly.

  6. Step


    Take one half of a brussels sprout, smear with mustard, add a piece of tempeh cut to fit the size of the sprout, add some onions (I used a melon baller for this). Take the other half of the brussels sprout and position it so the two spouts are like the buns on a burger, with the cut sides facing each other, and secure with a toothpick.

  7. Step


    Warm on a baking pan in a 325 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes.



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Quite tasty but also fairly time-consuming. Also, I needed twice as much marinade as the recipe made.
I would make these again, maybe as an hors d'oeuvre for a small co*cktail party or dinner party, but I would make them in advance through step 5 or 6.


Made these for group of 6, which included 1 vegetarian - they all absolutely loved them.
- you need LOTS more marinade. We wound up tripling.
- agree with other comment to marinate tempeh first. if I was making this for a non-veg group, i might skip the tempeh and use a slice of bacon.
- ito make it easier, might be worth just dunking all the brussel sprouts in bowl of marinade and pulling them out to roast (or wok). You would have to find pieces that fit together, but still might be worth it.


We had the same experience as many others, needing to make twice the marinade for the brussels sprouts alone. Instead of tempeh, we stuffed with smoked salmon. Delish.


I doubled the marinade on the previous reviewer's recommendation and then I actually tripled it when I got to the tempeh, but then the tempeh was quite salty, which worked well for the sandwich but was too much to eat on its own. These were very tasty.
Some more recommendations - the tempeh marinates so long, I would put that together while you cook the onions and cook it with or before the brussels to make them the warmest part of the dish.


We made these again, they are officially a family favorite. this time I brushed the tempeh instead of dunking it, that way it isn't too salty and you only have to double the marinade.


This was a hit for a dinner party.-Following another cook's suggestion, brushed the marinade over the tempeh, allowing it to sit the recommended time.-Low sodium tamari was plenty salty.-Needed to add more olive oil and tamari to the marinade bowl to dip all of the brussels sprouts.-Ended up with way too much onion (delish in a quiche next day).-Time estimates are correct, about 35 sliders in 2 hours. I would make this again, but might recruit some support.


I made these on a whim, and they are actually really good, my 3 year old is gobbling them up!


Only need 1 large sweet onion, if that.


Why post in the middle of the process, and leave us all in suspense, why not wait and give us the whole story? How DID it turn out??


Regarding the tempeh: What does that mean, "set them up?" Like, so that they're...standing on their edges? And do you just pour the marinade onto the second baking pan that has the parchment? I am just so confused (obviously)?


-you need LOTS more marinade. We wound up tripling. -the tempeh marinates so long, I would put that together while you cook the onions and cook it with or before the brussels to make them the warmest part of the dish.- this time I brushed the tempeh instead of dunking it, that way it isn't too salty and you only have to double the marinade.


I made this, and very good, but I need three times the marinade. Also, I would use smaller brussels sprouts, mine were just too big, smaller is better for a bite size. Very yummy.


I agree with others that this is delicious! And a lot of effort! Also, Step 3 was too much time -- the brussel sprouts burned (and because I have a fast oven it was set to 350 -- I would set to 325 next time)But since I pulled the burned leaves off, and everyone loved them anyway.

Pamela Londono

These were super delicious, even my veggie and Brussels sprout hating Dad liked them (we didn’t tell him what it was). However they take a while to assemble, I would make these again but not for Thanksgiving. Maybe being able to get extra large sprouts would make a difference?


3 min in air fryer


Save yourself lots of time and buy smokey bacon flavored tempeh (already sliced and ready to go) that you can find at Whole Foods or other grocery stores that have a good tempeh selection. It's very tasty and great for vegan BLT's, too.


Are the Brussels sprouts supposed to be semi-raw? Only the tiniest ones cooked in the amount of time given.

Claire & Sandeep

We're inclined to agree that this might not be entirely worth the effort. However, if you need a yummy vegetarian appetizer that doesn't require plates and/or cutlery, this is a great option. Contrary to what another commenter suggested, we'd recommend slightly larger (or at least medium) Brussels sprouts so that assembly is a bit easier.


OK - this is delicious! But can be so much easier. Still some labor for assembly. Plan: 1) 2-3x marinade, split between 1 bowl and 1 rectangular baking dish. 2) put sliced tempeh in marinade in dish in single layer, flip around coating both sides, let sit; 3) slice up 1 onion thinly and start caramelizing in skillet4) prep sprouts, toss in bowl with marinade and put on baking sheet and in oven as described; tempeh goes in oven now tooContinue as described. Ketchup/hot sauce also good!


Good, not mind-blowing. Don't use both halves of the brussels sprout or else it'll be too sprouty. Just one half is enough.

Suzanne Westphal

Hi all-what could I substitute for the tempeh? Mozzarella cheese?

Claire Grace Armitage

For Sujatha92 - Shortcuts: I purchased roasted brussel sprouts with parmesan from my local deli. Marinated (doubling recipe) tempeh three hours ahead of time in 10" sq pan; Closer to dinner time, carmelized onions. Once carmelized, added sprouts, mustard, dash of soy, dashes of listed spices (already plenty of oil). Covered to warm sprouts; breaking up a bit w/ spoon. Cooked tempeh per instructions watching it carefully. Added it to sprouts and onion on stove. Served in bowls. Simpler & delish!


The flavor is NOT worth the effort.


Fun to make, easy. Will look to add some acidity somewhere. Served w pickled ginger which worked well.


Much easier and prettier/cuter to serve "open-faced" than to fiddle with toothpicks. I changed up the toppings but I really loved this idea and had fun with it!


All the flavors in these sound delicious (with either tempeh or the bacon that several suggested). However despite being a regular and fairly accomplished cook, I don’t think I have the patience for the assembly.For those who have made this recipe & given it some thought, any ideas on how to make a deconstructed version?


The marinade must be at least tripled in order to have enough for both the brussels sprouts and tempeh.


labor intensive, but delicious!


Delicious and creative! A wonderful appetizer for vegans. I also tripled the marinade by adding more soy sauce and olive oil to dip the brussels sprouts. No one at the party said it was too salty. I used Tofurky brand maple smoked tempeh that is pre-marinated to save time. All of my marinade went to the brussels sprouts. Also, I cooked the brussels sprouts longer to tenderize them. My carnivore finace liked them and I loved them.

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Brussels Sprouts Sliders Recipe (2024)


Why do you soak brussel sprouts before cooking? ›

Not only can soaking make the centers more malleable, but the water that's absorbed into them will create a steaming action, whether you choose to roast, saute, or make your Brussels sprouts in your air fryer. The steam can help to ensure the cooking is even throughout the Brussels sprout.

What not to plant with Brussels sprouts? ›

What Not To Plant With Vegetables
VegetableBad Companion Plants
Brussel SproutsMustards, nightshades
CarrotsDill, parsnip and radish
CauliflowerDill, parsnip and radishes
27 more rows

What takes the bitterness out of brussel sprouts? ›

A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts. Another key ingredient is fat, which helps Brussels sprouts to crisp up. This is why it's so popular to render bacon fat and cook Brussels sprouts in it, then add the bacon bits back in at the end.

How long should you soak Brussels sprouts in salt water? ›

It won't take a lot -- just add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 quart of water and toss in trimmed and halved Brussels sprouts. Soaking the sprouts in salt water doesn't take long --10 to 30 minutes is plenty long enough to soften up the centers.

Do I need to boil Brussels sprouts before roasting? ›

Unlike other vegetables, Brussels sprouts can be parboiled (even a day ahead) to reduce the roasting time without hurting their texture. That means the sprouts can be popped in the oven while the meat is resting before carving. Of course, if the main course is grilled or pan-cooked, the oven will be free for roasting.

When should you not eat brussel sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

What are the disadvantages of Brussels sprout? ›

Although a healthy vegetable, consuming too many Brussels sprouts can be unsuitable for people on anticoagulants since it contains vitamin K, which results in blood clotting. Another issue with consuming Brussels sprouts excessively is that it can lead to gas and bloating.

Why are brussel sprouts unpopular? ›

A 2011 study by Cornwall College found that sprouts contain a chemical, similar to phenylthiocarbamide, which only tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene. The research found that around 50 per cent of the world's population have a mutation on this gene.

What gives Brussels sprouts a better taste? ›

Over the last twenty years, farmers have mellowed the "unpleasant" flavor of brussels sprouts by breeding a vegetable that contains fewer bitter compounds or glucosinolates. So, brussels sprouts just taste better than they used to when we were kids. The rub is that glucosinolates help protect sprouts against pests.

Why do my Brussels sprouts taste weird? ›

If brussels sprouts taste bitter to you, you may have a gene that senses bitter compounds in brassicas. It is similar to the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap to the people who have it, and like a yummy herb to people who don't.

Why do my Brussel sprouts taste like mustard? ›

The presence of isothiocyanates explains the bitter, and often pungent, taste of vegetables such as bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, wasabi, horseradish, mustard, radish, Brussel sprouts and watercress (although less bitter-tasting Brussel sprouts are now swamping supermarkets, bred to contain fewer ...

Who made brussel sprouts taste better? ›

A Dutch scientist named Hans van Doorn, who worked at a seed and chemical company, figured out exactly which chemical compounds in Brussels sprouts made them bitter. The next step was to plant sprouts with the least amount of these chemicals and eventually cross-pollinate the chemicals out.

What meat is good with brussel sprouts? ›

When we think about which meats go with Brussels sprouts, bacon usually comes to mind first. Upgrade that to prosciutto, add poultry and fish to the list, and leave room on the menu for steak.

What is a good companion for brussel sprouts? ›

Onions and Garlic:

These pungent alliums are great companions for Brussels sprouts. Garlic and onions have strong scents are effective in deterring common pests like aphids and some beetles. Plus, they occupy a different space in the garden bed, ensuring efficient use of space.

Should sprouts be soaked? ›

However, the natural agents that protect them from early germination can wreak havoc in our digestive system. Soaking and sprouting replicates germination, which activates and multiplies nutrients (particularly Vitamins A, B, and C), neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, and promotes the growth of vital digestive enzymes.

Why won't my Brussels sprouts get crispy? ›

If you want your roasted Brussels sprouts to be seriously crispy, you need to crank up the heat. Roasting at a low temperature won't allow them to brown properly, so you want to get that oven nice and hot before tossing in your baking sheet. Follow this tip: Roast Brussels sprouts at a minimum of 400°F.


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