10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (2024)

After the long holiday period these 10 Easy Cleanse Recipes are a perfect way to start with a New Year Detox. Lots of amazing bowls with abundant freshness that help your body get started again. No need for a juice only master cleanse. Just enjoy good and healthy food that brings you back on track.

Breakfast Bowl [vegan, gluten free]

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (1)

Best is to start with an easy healthy breakfast. My Vegan Breakfast Bowl is full of fruits, nuts, and comes with gluten free oats. Both nourishing and also delicious. It boosts your energy for the whole day. To give this one extra punch I suggest you sprinkle your favorite nut butter over this bowl.

I created this bowl because I found it somewhat difficult to get my daily dose of fruits in. Integrating more into my breakfast seemed like a good and natural idea how to improve this. And many of these yummy fruits also help with your cleanse.

In my Breakfast Bowl I combine fruits and nuts. You have a bit of choice how to so this according to your tastes. My favorite combination is blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and almonds.

Cauliflower Rice Buddha Bowl

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (2)

This Cauliflower Rice Buddha Bowl is very much what you know from traditional Buddha bowls. This one has a low carb twist, though.

Making food in a bowl is an eye catcher. I just love to look at them, always feeding my eyes and not only feeding my body. So bowl food is an amazing way to go for me.

And this one is both vegan and gluten free. Most importantly, it is made from just 6 ingredients. It comes with great flavor of Tandoori chickpeas, combined with fresh vegetables, and my amazing Roasted Garlic Tahini Sauce.

Crunchy Walnut Detox Salad

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (3)

Salads cannot be missing on this list of 10 Easy Cleanse Recipes.They are some of my personal favorites because they are so straightforward to make and usually quick and easy.

Even more so, it’s super easy to add a bitof detox function. In a way thatdoes not come with loss of taste and enjoyment. To the opposite!

Stars in this salad are the walnuts. They are full of many powerful antioxidants and are therefore an immune booster, good for bone health. On top of that, there are omega 3s inside which brighten your mood every time.

Easy Paleo Detox Broccoli Salad

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (4)

Here is another salad that is a great dish for all paleo friends out there.

This dairy free sensation is super fresh, raw and the real deal. It’s made for everyone and when I say everyone I really mean it. And of course the result is absolutely delicious and easy.

No need to turn the oven or stove on for this. I find this is best when we need something quick and satisfying for lunch, dinner, or even a snack with an amazing crunch.

Everyday Detox Dipping Sauce

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (5)

My Everyday Detox Dipping Sauce you can make from just 4 simple ingredients anytime at home. Combines the green power of avocado and citrus.

For many people, when they think about a cleanse, it often doesn’t sound comfortable. We associate with it giving up on delicious favorites like pizza, pasta, sweets, and the like.

Not so with this dipping sauce. No giving up anything. Instead it’s an everyday tasty condiment which goes well with plain veggies, or your favorite tortillas. Possibilities are endless of course.

Thai Green Curry Detox Cauliflower Rice

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (6)

I have celebrated the start of New Year before with the Thai Green Curry Detox Cauliflower Rice. It’s healthy beyond belief. Aprefect way to reset your body to a healthy start.

And the best part is, you can do this with only 6 ingredients and in 2 easy steps.

This cauliflower rice is healthy and detoxifying thanks to pineapple. Easy, flavorful, fresh, green, your new to-go in every time of the season. Not just for the new year, delicious and the best way to turn your goals into reality.

Detox Broccoli Soup

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (7)

My Detox Broccoli Soup is full of flavor, good ingredients, and a lot of heart and soul. Can you believe that with only a few simple ingredients you can make a complex tasting and satisfying soup? One that is also good for your body?

Think of all the holidays during the year that involve lots of eating. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I believe that one needs to reset oneself once in a while too. Or think about times when life becomes hectic and stressful. We all tend to eat in a hurry. Not good in the long run, if it’s not the right kind of food.

You can enjoy a nourishing and healthy soup even in the most hectic times.This easy soup recipe is also a great way to eat more veggies and greens in your nutrition.

Easy Avocado Detox Soup

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (8)

This Easy Avocado Detox Soup is the perfect choice for you starting a cleanse or if you are just into a quick and easy healthy soup.

Whatever plans wehad not to overindulge during the holidays, they are very hard to stick to. Add to that that we probably don’t move as much as we should.

Making this soup just takes 3 simple steps. An amazing cilantro-cashew topping gives it the extra boost of green power boost we need in these times.

Everyday Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (9)

My easy Everyday Quinoa Breakfast Bowl is an awesome breakfast. It combines quinoa cooked in almond milk with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of nut butter. Charge your batteries to full with this breakfast quinoa.

This recipe gives another special twist to your breakfast options. Quinoa is one of the healthiest foods of the world. That means this easy recipe is full of benefits for you.

You can add your favorite fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blue berries, you name it. It also shows that quinoabreakfast recipes are basic but not boring at all.

Green Bowl with Gomasio

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (10)

Here we have finally a super-healthy Green Bowl with Gomasio. Gluten-free soba noodles, a hearty tahini sauce, and lots of fresh greens: the avocado and scallions, with some additional cilantro and cress – or whatever one is in the mood for.

Top all of this with the Gomasio and it should be a majestic quick and yummy lunch bowl.

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (11)

If you give these 10 Easy Cleanse Recipes a try, let me know. Give me a tag onInstagramorFacebookas always. Love seeing all your creations. See you soon and cheers, Florian.

10 Easy Cleanse Recipes for New Year Detox (2024)


How to detox your system quickly? ›

The most common ways to detox
  1. fasting.
  2. only drinking juices.
  3. using dietary supplements.
  4. using enemas or laxatives to cleanse the colon.
  5. using herbs.
  6. avoiding all allergenic foods, then slowly reintroducing them.
  7. using a sauna.

What can I drink to flush out my system? ›

What are the best ingredients to include in a detox drink?
  • Lemon / Lime. Lemons and limes have antioxidant properties and are an excellent source of key vitamins, nutrients, and soluble fiber. ...
  • Ginger. ...
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  • Mint. ...
  • Watermelon. ...
  • Cucumber. ...
  • Cranberry. ...
  • Grapefruit.
Jan 15, 2020

How can I flush toxins out of my body overnight? ›

While detox diets have a seductive appeal, your body is fully equipped to handle toxins and other unwanted substances.
  1. Limit alcohol. ...
  2. Focus on sleep. ...
  3. Drink more water. ...
  4. Reduce your intake of sugar and processed foods. ...
  5. Eat antioxidant-rich foods. ...
  6. Eat foods high in prebiotics. ...
  7. Decrease your salt intake. ...
  8. Stay active.

What foods remove toxins from your body? ›

Our Top 9 Detoxifying Foods
  • Onions. Layered with many health benefits, onions contain allicin, quercetin, and several other polyphenol antioxidants. ...
  • Crucifers. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Green Tea. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Flaxseeds. ...
  • Soy.
Aug 13, 2021

How to do a 3 day cleanse? ›

The basics

For the next three days, eliminate all sugars, alcohol, soda, processed food, grains, gluten, and animal products from your diet. In their place, enjoy green juices, smoothies, and plant-based meals.

How much apple cider vinegar do you drink to detox your body? ›

Once you've got the go-ahead, you might try a recipe similar to this one:
  1. 1-2 tbsp raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
  2. 8 oz drinking water.
  3. 1-2 tbsp organic honey or maple syrup.
  4. 2 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
  5. 1 tsp fresh ginger (optional)
  6. ¼ tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
  7. Dash of cayenne pepper (optional)

What is the best drink to flush your system overnight? ›

You can start cleansing while you sleep with an overnight detox home remedy. You can make a detox drink that hydrates and flushes toxins by mixing cucumber, lemon, and mint in water. You can also make a bedtime elixir with chamomile tea and apple cider vinegar to aid digestion and detox overnight.

What should I drink before bed to detox? ›

Here are some of the most popular drinks that you can take at night for detoxification and sleep.
  • Chamomile and Lemon Tea. ...
  • Turmeric-infused Golden Milk. ...
  • Berry and Hibiscus Infusion. ...
  • Lavender and Mint Tea. ...
  • Cinnamon and Vanilla With Warm Milk or As Tea. ...
  • Minty Pineapple Cooler. ...
  • Vanilla Chamomile Latte.
Dec 30, 2023

How do you know if your body is full of toxins? ›

Some signs that your body has a toxin buildup include:
  • Brain fog.
  • Hair loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Brittle toenails.
  • Bad breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight gain.

How to do a colon cleanse? ›

How can I clean my colon naturally?
  1. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. ...
  2. Saltwater flush. You can also try a salt water flush. ...
  3. High fiber diet. ...
  4. Juices and smoothies. ...
  5. Juice fast. ...
  6. More resistant starches. ...
  7. Probiotics. ...
  8. Herbal teas.

How to detox in one day? ›

10 ways to detox your body in 24 hours
  1. What is a detox? ...
  2. Start your day with lemon water. ...
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Clean up your diet. ...
  6. Enjoy a cup of tea. ...
  7. Try twisting to relieve tension — and aid digestion. ...
  8. Do some breathing exercises.
Dec 15, 2023

What is the difference between a cleanse and a detox? ›

If there is a subtle difference, though, it's this: Cleanses tend to focus more directly on your digestive system and literally “flushing” you out, while detoxes may take a broader approach that extends to your liver, kidneys and other organs.

Which fruit is best for detox? ›

Strawberries – Strawberries are lower in sugar content and full of cancer-fighting and detox properties due to high amounts of antioxidants (which give them that brilliant red color). How much do you know about fruit?

What foods to eat for a 3 day detox? ›

For the three days of the detox, you could eat just whole foods, grains, fruits, and vegetables, and ingest no stimulants in order to give your body a break, relax the liver, detox the kidneys and adrenals, and enhance digestion. If you eat meat, you might want to try a vegetarian or vegan diet for a few days.

How to flush your stomach? ›

Products to clean your stomach include enzymes, herbal teas, enemas, laxatives (including nonstimulant and stimulant types), and magnesium. As mentioned, you can also clean your stomach professionally with colon irrigation. This method is similar to an enema, but it involves more water.

How long does it take to detox your body fast? ›

A complete body detox would require from 1 to 10 days of water and smoothie fasting. Make smoothies from fresh vegetables, and replace meals with these drinks throughout the day. Drink water as usual in between to stay optimally hydrated.

What is the best drink to flush your liver? ›

Below, we explore 11 drinks that are often reported to support liver health — and tell you what the research says about each one.
  • Detox tea. Liver detox tea usually contains many different herbs and ingredients. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Turmeric tea. ...
  • Ginger tea. ...
  • Grapefruit juice. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar. ...
  • Lemon water. ...
  • Cranberry juice.
Mar 1, 2024

How long does it take to flush out your system with water? ›

Many people wonder how long it takes to pee after drinking water, but it depends on a variety of factors. Generally, it takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine. A properly hydrated person with an almost full bladder will need to urinate between five to fifteen minutes after drinking water.

How much should you drink to flush your system? ›

We encourage everyone to drink at least 8-10, 8-ounce glasses of water each day to maintain a healthy body system. Your body will maintain homeostasis, an equilibrium, in which you take in fluids and excrete waste fluids in the urine according to your body's needs. This occurs normally in the absence of kidney disease.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.